Showing posts with label theology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theology. Show all posts


Will Africa be the Pot of Gold for Illegal Migrants Seeking the American Dream?

It just an idea suggested by the recent actions of the U.K. to relocate illegal migrants to the U.K. to Africa. The United States has a backlog of more than three million souls claiming political asylum in the United States and the federal government has turned them loose in a catch and release policy. There are millions more migrants here illegally that haven’t claimed political asylum. Since the government cannot deal with the problem with competence perhaps it could consider relocating detainees to some safe neutral nation until their court date arrives in a few years.

Plainly the special asylum seeking quasi-legal-illegal category is challenging for Democrats to address with a measure of intellect and competence. Rather than make them temporary legal guest workers and hand a victory to hundreds of thousands or millions of bogus claims it might be better to relocate them to some nation that could use the income of sheltering a few million should in refugee camps with good security and facilities.

It is useful to have order in a nation and not undermine the efforts of legal residents to improve the quality f their lives by dumping millions of workers and resource users that had not the consent of the people of the United States through their elected representatives to arrive here. In the United States the economy is stratifying between the 1% and everyone else. Though a reasonable standard of living is common there are many that don’t own a home these days. Wealth is concentrating. Presently the distribution of wealth is beginning to resemble that of a caste system. Flooding the nation with badly educated foreign workers with dubious legal status is a way to break down traditional America and the Middle class so it is more like that of India or Mexico. Perhaps Wal-mart shifted its door entrances to the left from the traditional right in order to help condition American shoppers to political ineffectiveness and prole status as if they were living in an updated Orwellian society. Could Namibia or South Sudan be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for illegal aliens pursuing the American dream?

It is important that every human being on Earth has opportunity for a good life. That can only occur with order since the wild is no longer capable of providing a bountiful larder for eight billion people. The world political economy need change one an ecologically sustainable format, and civil stability need be the rule rather than exception.

A foreign diplomat was quoted recently in reply to a question asking him about the future of the United States. He said; “The U.S.A. is a fat buffalo trying to get a nap while a lot of hungry wolves are approaching.” Plainly he was trying to elicit military support for the European/N.A.T.O. was on Russia in Ukraine in the effort to exploit the west’s military advantage over Russia to benefit Western Europe. Europeans would like to seem like the victims of Russian aggression and expect the United States to be the military bully to provide advanced weapons to allow Ukraine to defrappe Russia’s efforts to recover some of the historically Russian land lost in the Bill Clinton era when Russia was basically helpless.

Yet the United States is largely divided between those seeking to make America a part of a global caste system ruled by the 1% with the masses being peons, serfs or communard proles living in a kind of open air prison/lunatic asylum happy with dope and slopped with jobs that allow payments on new cars and homes they don’t own until a new economic shock makes them lose everything they own to the 1% holding mortgages, and those that prefer a little civil order that isn’t ephemeral and disappears like morning dew.

On the Notion that Plato Influenced Christianity

 There were several philosophers before Socrates and Plato that wrote about the Logos and God. People like Thales, Heraclitus and Parmenides, Anaximander and Anaxemenes all presented fascinating ideas concerning being, change, nature, God and substance. Some Christians were influenced by Plato, yet one knows that people like the disciple Mark were unsophisticated in philosophy and that the Q document, or Quelle/source mostly just relates the life the Jesus Christ and His work as God in saving mankind, or at least those with faith, from the inevitable destination of eternal hell. Parmenides presents a paradigm almost as a precursor of Sartre, a loquacious Sartre unafraid explain a logic for his ontology, of being and the necessity of being and impossibility of nothingness. In that paradigm Jesus Christ being God himself, as one of the Trinity, delivers the faithful to a good place in being while the lost find their way to hell- a bad place. Interestingly physicists have speculated that below absolute zero the temperature may be infinitely hot. Some later theologians like Augustine were influenced by Plato, or properly Plotinus, for he was a Plotinian before becoming converted to Christianity.

The gospel is simply narratives by disciples and the Apostle/Doctor Luke from personal and first hand sources. The letters of Paul are by an author who was a Rabbi in training and a student of Gamaliel or Schlemeil and steeped in the torah yet not so much a reader of Plato or Peripatetic philosophers which he could have read as readily as those of the Academy if he were so disposed.

Nothing Cannot Exist- Parmenides

 It is something of a classification or categorical error when one says something like 'the Loch ness monster does not exist'. It does exist as a thought, yet not outside of thought or language. Whatever one says creates something at least as an idea including the Loch Ness monster. The question is how it exists or in what form- perhaps no more than as an idea.

The fallacy of equivocation concerning Parmenides' formulation of the impossibility of change is a valid objection. It should be noted though that if change has always existed then nothing changes because change is a constant. Observational physics seems to support the idea of constant change in a thermodynamic field. Being always exists, non-being doesn't and change is constant so nothing changes. God always exists, at least a seed of the Universe always exists, pre-determined in His thought and continues if emerged as a singularity and expansion.

Language is rarely the material that exists in-the-world. Instead, language refers or points to things/referent objects of the world of mass. Even fictional referent objects exist as fictional referent objects at least...that is what so much of television is about. Does Jason Bourne exist or not? Well there is no real Jason Bourne or Loch Ness Monster in the real world, yet those referent objects exist in language, in books and in thought. In that sense they do exist. One may say that there is no Loch Ness monster materially existing in Loch Ness except as a thought about Nessie swimming in Loch Ness rather than the 'real world'. Thus is the stickiness of language and linguistic philosophy in trying to exceed it's own limits in language. It cannot directly be the material objects it refers to for the time being. Maybe quantum computing and AI will change the reality of that to a limited degree.

Parmenides, Heraclitus and the Milesians saw nature as God or providing the substance for nature in various ways. Less than pantheistic, it was a useful way to understand being while eschewing non-being and atheism. They tended to believe in being as the sole possibility and non-being as impossible; the argument tended to be about how change occurs. Yet if change has existed from eternity then nature could be said not to change because the nature is change. All forms are embedded within precursor forms actualizing in time. Jesus directs those of faith to the right relationship with God and being while the lost discover a hot way to hell. Below absolute zero physicist speculate the temperature is infinitely high- another mystery for most of the faithless.

Christians believe in the eternity of soul- possibly in one direction starting with birth. Once a soul exists it will exist forever, even after physical death. The destination for the saved is different from the lost. Jesus is captain of the soul through eternity- God, rather than the satanic forces of chaos, evil and faithlessness. So if mankind brings a war to fruition that wipes out most of mankind that is a product of the original sin that affects all mankind. I would guess that it was corrected by the thermodynamic fields in which humans are embedded that drives to to input energy as food to exist. Thermodynamic drives in human nature are the cause of conflict as much as anything. People have insecurity in matter and want more than they require for staying alive, being productive and happy and generally don't have a clue about how to change to sustainable environmental economics. Christians have different eschatological hermenutics. I am a post-tribulationist and partial preterist with the belief that this is the age of the increase of the kingdom of God within the hearts of the elect rather than the edge of some kind of neo-theological apocalypse based on bad pre-tribulationism. Plainly human economics, political leadership and ignorant attacks on the faith communities are driving the world to a good chance for a bad end.


Why Human Life in the Universe Need End Eventually

Stoics and peripatetic philosophers had a different take on fate, God and spirit. My point of view is Christian. One could describe a biological/physical reason why life is less than eternal physically. Apparently humans souls or spirit or information is eternal. Adam and Eve were set in a perfect place; like a condo with a fully stocked refrigerator on a tropical beach and found to be imperfect and unable to exist in perfect compliance with the Spirit. Without correction they may have become quite decadent and cast votes eventually for the moral equivalent of Democrats in what should be a Holy space.. Humans sinned, learned the difference between good and evil and were cast into the thermodynamic universe that is a containment facility. Thermodynamics mean that humans need to consume energy to exist- and therein is the source of so many human problems. All thermodynamic processes and forms change and end including humans. Matter is just two-dimensional massless particles slowed in the Higgs Field and given therein a third dimension to become entangled and massive. Maybe its like one of those complex knots where one can pull the ends of a string and it disappears. For some reason God doesn't want people to be eternal and off balance morally speaking, defective like wobbly wheels with bad kingpins on a high speed electric car. I would agree with Stoics on this point; that to be defective means to be out of compliance with the will of God. Some are saved that comply with the perfect way of the Lord (God himself), and the rest are free to go their own way to hell.

Christianity's Central Origin

 Christianity had a centralized origin geographically speaking in the era before the settling of the western hemisphere. It needed to be near enough to pagan Europe that missionaries could bring the word of God to the pagans lost in their primitive ways. It was a transitional catalyst in bridging the older, fading civilizations of the fertile crescent with the rising civilizations of the north. Africa and Israel are 422 miles apart. Europe was closer to being colonized by an African religion than vice versa. Islam is also from the Middle East not Africa. Jesus was taken to Africa for a while as a kid by his parents, as Barrack Obama was removed from Hawaii and raised in Indonesia.

Christianity has been in Africa since the first or early second century A.D. The disciple Mark is said to have taken the gospel to Alexandria. Coptic Christianity has existed in Africa since the year 55 A.D. and is one of the oldest Christian churches.

It is the case that economic colonization has occurred with other cultural elements simultaneously. It is wrong to conflate the causality and meaning of all issues with those of the primary power and political force though. Even in history one should follow the money to determine power. Land used to be nearly equivalent to money. before machines proliferated even human labor as slaves was of great value to the rich. Today maybe technology is the main creator of economic value as an equal with natural resources while human capital is decreasing in value. Lawyers will face tough competition for work with Artificial Intelligence one of these days I would guess.

Millions of Africans risk their lives to migrate to Europe because it has economic power that southerners desire to obtain. I am concerned that they do not get anything like a true Christianity from Europeans these days. Being a nominal Christian was a convenience for many and a necessity for others. Mankind is corrupt with original sin and there isn't a pure society where one may contemplate philosophically and critically spiritual concerns without pressure if one were so inclined. At some point the economic power of the ultra-rich draws many followers to their values that today is more of a decadence, soma and homosexual, trans-genderized, mono-sexual, atheist mileau rather than Christian. Not everyone is chosen to be a Christian; "all are called and few are chosen". If one is just outwardly Christian and not spiritually renewed with the Lord's grace it may not have effective eternal value.


Judeo-Christian Theist and Scientific Approaches to Origin from Nothing-

 Each posits the eternal existence of something or someone, and each has the Universe appearing at some point from nothing. God issues light into the darkness- and I have no difficulty imagining God creating or hosting a void an issuing matter into it in some way, while science has a void with a singularity that expands into it.

Science has an infinite chain of Universe spawning more Universes-like an infinite fractal branching, and it has a singular Universe arising from a singularity that was perhaps a universe collapsed into a black hole that became a reversed white hole and inflaton. Alternatively a field may fill all of the void so it's only an apparent void, and it has energy that emerges as virtual particles, and those virtual particles may entangle and become mass that in enough quantity can become a black hole that in turn becomes unstable and explodes as a big bang.

There are of course more scientific cosmology theories; like the one about membranes that collide and make a big bang like two symbols clashing and making sound waves. There is a good one about this Universe being located on the event horizon of a five-dimension black hole. There is one I like about every possible Universe already existing and human minds switch t the appropriate Universe that fits each though they have, so a human without being aware of it switches to as man Universes in his or her life as they have individual thoughts.

I like that idea because it fits so well with free will, determinism and everyone controlling their own fate and not trusting Jesus Christ choosing their own way to go to hell, All paths may lead to hell without the Lord guiding them.

God is omnipotent and omniscient and foreknows every possible Universe-an infinite number-in his own thought. The intriguing question that Plotinus asked is why The One (aka God) would trouble to create anything since his power is absolute. Well, He did for some reason and sentient human life is the result or fact. Science and Christian faith have many points in common though each side is generally unaware for numerous reasons.


Theodicy and Free Will; Interesting Relationships to Consider

...It is fascinating material to think about; the relationships of free will, the problem of evil and God being responsible for it or not etc. Augustine believed evil is somewhat phenomenal and a result of mankind falling away from a perfectly-in-accord with the goodness of God and his commands lifestyle of human founders Adamas and Eve. So evil is somewhat comparable to a crumbling mountain that resulted from flicking a bic on some short fuse to explosives buried throughout the stone after being warned not to and then philosophically wondering if God is to blame for injuries and deaths resulting from the blasted rock.

A little Augustinian theodicy, some Calvinist predestination; it seems to work out well enough. People do tend to extrapolate about God's relationship logically to responsibility for created elements of the Universe, upon human logic and knowledge that aren't likely to be better than it is on cosmology. The issues of salvation through grace and election or works, or infusion first and then works and then salvation, are related to positions on theodicy. It isn't known of course, if due to predestination and lack of actual free will, if God has a purpose and salutary destiny even for those condemned, or if there is partial free will there can't be some kind of hidden future parole for original and subsequent sin, and hell.

The question of how can God create a Universe with less than what contingent sentient beings in it consider optimal content can be the subject of much thought. Yet is is all theologically interesting and worth considering. Obviously loyalty of 'laity' to church dogma even to the point of violence in the past; persecutions and such are problems in a way separable from the theological investigations in themselves. One must prefer sound theological doctrines drawn from correct hermeneutics to error, so there is a reason for denouncing select, phenomenal false doctrines that arise. Yet schisms and a profusion of varieties of hermeneutics and dogmatics aren't new or too likely to stop. There are important issues such as the problem of homsexual marriage that have occurred that probably stimulate more schism and apostasy than researches into God being responsible for what he creates that humans regard as evil. Especially if evil becomes church doctrine, the question of free will returns.


Jesus Christ is Co-eternal (a poem)


Jesus Christ is co-eternal
with the Father and Holy Spirit
one God in three persons
alpha and omega;
in the beginning
light in the darkness
Savior of the lost.


Some Conservatives Do Support Theocracy

 Some support theocracy and theocratic influence and others hate it. Christian morals could be said to be pro-human these days as few advocate asceticism while formerly humanism partisans tend toward support for a broad range of inhuman powers that subvert human and family interests.

Some hate church cosmology concerning origin of the Universe while some Christians believe that evolution is a sub-set of God's way of developing the universe so it's suitable for containing fallen mankind (modern hermeneutics).

Some Democrats support socialism rather than democracy and a few socialists prefer communism. It tends to balance out.

A nation with lots of people that value aretaic ethics, education and economic and environmental pragmatism is bound to do well if it has classic Christian values too. It might be pointed out that some nations could have strong moral values that are wicked and religion that is pagan. Those nations would lack the balance in politics required for sustainable democracy too.

I think no one besides atheists and the devil would oppose direct government by God. That isn't a human political system though. There is no human representative government of God that wouldn't be implicitly corrupt as humans are. A theocracy wouldn't be democracy. It would effectively disenfranchise most voters. It would work something like a communist or fascist government for the elites would be the same kind of people that appear in any form of government besides democracy with the ideology being a flag of convenience.

Luther's 95 thesis were posted in 1517. In that day expressing public support for democracy just didn't work. In Europe all of the governments were royal with zero tolerance for the ancient Greek demos being revived. The first short-lived modern Republic was created in Holland in the 17th century about 150 years after the 95 thesis. The protestant reformation stimulated political pluralism leading to the US democracy about 260 years after the 95 thesis. Even Luther had to publish in an environment with royals all around. German princes did support him because they had faith yet also were glad to be independent from the Catholic Habsburg empire. The Smalcauldian War followed. The Dewitt brothers that founded the Dutch Republic were torn apart by a mob and reputedly eaten.

Does the Higgs Field Have Curvature?

 Just another guess at why the expansion of the Universe seems to be accelerating; the Higgs field isn't flat, has curvature and it expands space with scalar increases of force with increasing curvature. One seems to travel faster or at least cover more space at the edge of a merry-go-round than toward the center. It might also act with different force angles at different locations in time forcing the expansion of space-time.

Maybe it's a bit of evidence for the universe existing on the event horizon of a black hole.

Alternatively dark energy might be called 'The broadcast media effect'. It could be the Higgs field is warped and its angle makes spacetime appear to expand as time increases. Or as has been said the universe is located on the surface of a vast black hole of higher dimensions, and from the inflation, as spacetime increases the curvature increase the rate of change. Who knows what it is- a ploy by five dimensional rich ets to doge income tax.

Configuration (a poem)


    Numbering the stones
each piece of metamorphosed rock
broken into fragments with time and stress
is like the hair on a head
or feathers of a sparrow
articles counted to the last follicle
each jot and iota of meaning
quantified and calculated
appearances emerged, existed and disappeared

    Consider the lilies
grown living structures upon structures
minerals glistening in sunshine and rain
even in moonlight
with gluons and quarks snug in nuclei
atoms forming molecules
everything accounted for
in the pluralistic division of a solitary field
being is becoming.


Nikki Haley says "sick people should be eliminated"

 Nikki Haley- who is running for the office of President makes utterances commensurate for Nazis. Joesph Mengele and Adolph Eichmann would have been entirely sympathetic with her idea that "sick people should be eliminated". She was using the term most recently in describing Hamas agents murdering children in Israel. It is true that murder is wrong and especially that of children, yet it is true as well that one should not conflate the idea of health and behavior and that politicians sought to be free to label human beings as sick and then kill them.

“This is sick, and we have to treat sick people the way they deserve to be treated and eliminate them,” -Nikki Haley

Perhaps Nikki Haley is an ignorant idiot who does not comprehend that the majority of U.S. citizens technically are sick. About 50% qualify for diagnosis with a mental disorder according to statistic of the last few years and old people haven't a monopoly on ill health or sickness. Euthanasia has been an issue from time to time and many Republican voters are the elderly who are not much comforted when a Republican candidate says that the sick should be eliminated.

The Nazis sought to build a pure and healthy race without the 'sickness' of those they regarded as inferior beings. Nickki Haley's ideas fit into the NAZI ethic quite well although it may not be what she intended. It is entirely possible that she, like so many Democrats is ignorant of world history, of European history, of German history and ironically how the Jews were slaughtered by Nazis as captives because of being regarded as sick, inferior and troubling problems. It was also convenient for Germany to expropriate Jewish financial resources; what better excuse need be made to take what belongs to others and to marginalize them unto death if they can be labeled 'sick'.

It would be much better for Presidential candidate to eschew ambiguous terms that can have very vicious double meanings. Political behavior may be stupid, and human behavior including murder may be wrong; sometimes courts find individuals brought before them to be incapable of making rational judgments sufficient to allow them to know what they do. It is important not to criminalize sickness or deem sickness worthy of death. Not only is it inconsistent rhetoric for a doctor of politics, it threatens democracy and the security of individual liberty. If politicians merely need label opponents in war or peace sick to justify eliminating them for being a member of a class worthy of death democracy is a complete sham.

Israel should receive U.S. support to defend itself against a region that hates Jews and hates Israel for existing as a nation. Politicians generally remember the holocaust and the history of European pogroms purging Jews. Israel was recreated to provide a secure place for Jews to live. It was not created through colonization. After the first world war terminated the Ottoman Empire's control over the middle east the Balfour agreement let the Jews have a homeland in their ancestral land. Neither has Israel apartheid; instead it is like unto an American Indian reservation made to let a minority race have a place to exist at rather than being extirpated through attrition scattered around a larger population. Jews like American Indians can live elsewhere than their reservation of course. There are fewer than 14 million Jews on Earth. 

Muslims sympathizing with Nazis wanted to eliminate Jews entirely in the Levant. Former Ambassador and Governor Haley shouldn't Tramp on sensibilities or appear to reinforce a fascist ethos for it does the nation no good at all.


Two or Three Things Considered

 Considering the number of affairs going on in the world that are ligitimate public interests I will comment on just a very few. I believe the number of items is too large for all except a few pros with full time occupations skimming news and stats to recognize with much depth.

The invasion of Hamas into Israeli territory was notable. A music festival became a terrorists slaughterhouse and a vague war finding terrorists to kill followed. Yet the Ukraine conflict is an ongoing concern. Spending so much money to keep that war grinding on has perhaps diverted funds that might have been better spent in strengthening Israel's security as they are at the focus of regional terrorists visions as a shining turkey on a hill to slaughter.

Ukraine on the other hand properly belongs half to Russia. Never was a war easier to prevent or resolve after it started as that one. The west and especially the rich have forever lusted after Russian Ukraine and invent whatever excuses they need to justify conquering it through war and legal fictions. Proper minions like have been pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian as has so much of the American left that follow the will of Bill and maybe British aristocrats to war for taking all of Ukraine and Crimea knowing that President Biden will deliver tens and even hundreds of billions to Ukraine including advanced weapons systems to keep the conflict going. A free society and actual democracy supports different opinions and ideas about which wars to fuel and which ones to demure escalation.

The war could be settle tomorrow with an armistace in place and that a permanent settlement of the conflict with normalized relations and demilitarization following swiftly.

A.I. is taking over the internet. Humans may have nothing to do besides argue with one another while A.I. moves the machines of production. U.S. Rep Jim Jordan seems destined to be the new Republican Speaker of the House; a forthright strait shooting individual. There may be a volcano readying to erupt, an asteroid making a close approach to the Earth, a rapid melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, an immanent recession, a radically better autobile batterry for EVs and so forth. Life in the U.S.A. is so interesting, and it snowed at higher elevations too.


Decoys and Wealth Wars (poem)


With senseless carnage
they opened the Devil's Gate
for-others the fight is so hard
striving to possess real estate

  Decoys played like cards to consolidate wealth
iterative tools cinch one percent health
lives lost too late, interest free loans
the last body buried worldly profit is known.


Will AI Dominated Social Media Label Human Communication 'Fake News'?

The development of A.I. concerns is a kind of philosophical issue. That is people focus narrowly on their occupational interests and haven’t much time for general inquires including the potential problems of A.I. that are radically prolifferating. In some respects, because of the challenges with language in regard to word and object inaccuracies it is possible that A.I. employed by search engines and social media could designate all human speech as fake news. Here is a video that examines some of the dangers of A.I.

Naming a Contingent Universe for a SciFi Novel

 Suggestions for naming a field of reality device used in a science fiction novel were solicited at a site. The paradigm was described as a 'Shroud World' were reality was projected and mirrored on a membrane presumably of fewer than four dimensions. I wrote this;

Reality is something like that...2-dimensional quanta at the speed of light-massless particles are slowed in the Higgs Field and pick up a third dimension. The third dimension is slower or different than the other two and with three dimensions the appearance of mass can seem to exist to contingent beings that arise within the field. So contingent universes-emergent universes can conditionally exist with qualities that just phenomenally exist. In a way that is a paradigm for relativity somewhat different than those of standard cosmology. Perhaps a Shroud of Occurrence or Shroud of Temporality would work, or a Fliggs Field, Shrouds Field , Field of Dreams and Plato's Field are names that could refer to such a place.

There are physics theories about this Universe existing on the surface event horizon of a black hole in a Universe with more than four dimensions. Physicists sometimes describes cubes and hypercubes with more dimensions than three. "In geometry, a hypercube is an n-dimensional analogue of a square (n = 2) and a cube (n = 3). " (wikipedia)

Pope WInks at Blessings for Queer Unions

Pope Francis' suggestion that the Catholic Church may be able to bless queer unions is of a kind that stimulated the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther. It's a mostly free world so of course the fallable fellow in the Vatican can go ahead and make statements in conflict with the will of God as expressed in the Bible. 

Romans 1:26-27 

26 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

 Corrupt Western elites have green lighted queer unions and expect the world to ride along. The Pope knows what side his bread is buttered on and believes a little syncretism might not be a bad thing for Church attendance and political correctness. Making the Catholic Church a kind of chameleon taking on some of the trappings of worldliness might open doors that would be closed to Christian morality.

* Since publication of the news about exoert interpreters of the Pope's vagueries on controversial topics have elucidated the ambiguity of the Francin position...

It is wrong for church leaders to give aid and comfort to spiritual enemies and dupe humans into believing that sinful conduct in contradiction of scriptural guidelines is acceptable behavior to God. Conforming to atheist, worldly will philosophically on moral issues isn’t necessary and neither is it good policy.

Jeremiah 3-9  “3 They are always ready to tell lies; dishonesty instead of truth rules the land. The Lord says, "My people do one evil thing after another and do not acknowledge me as their God."

4 Everyone must be on guard against their friends, and no one can trust their relatives; for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob, and everyone slanders their friends.

5 They all mislead their friends, and no one tells the truth; they have taught their tongues to lie and will not give up their sinning. They do one violent thing after another, and one deceitful act follows another. The Lord says that his people reject him.

7 Because of this the Lord Almighty says, "I will refine my people like metal and put them to the test. My people have done evil - what else can I do with them?

8 Their tongues are like deadly arrows; they always tell lies. Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors, but they are really setting a trap for them.

9 Will I not punish them for these things? Will I not take revenge on a nation like this? I, the Lord, have spoken."

Google News science is featuring a couple of articles today explaining how same-sex (sic) evolution strategies can work for some animals.

If 4% of mammal species have same-sex behavior (261 species) the implication is that humans need to accept that their own species has aberrant behavior too and should support it politically. While it is the right of people to be queer it does not follow that Christian should change their opinion from a Bible based one to those satisfactory to lizards, select furry creatures and various mammals without rhyme or reason.

every human certainly has an natural right to be free of personal abuse and to have security in society. Democracies at least are not obligated to codify into law the will of minorities ways if that will adversely impact all of society such as has homosexual marriage with the subversion of biological family lines. A Christian Church is however set aside from society in that it is of the City of God rather than the City of Man. Christians are in the world yet not of it for they are reborn in the spirit of God. Churches that take the path of worldliness over Godliness will present more than a few members to the wrong side of the bar on the last day.

The Prompt was Bertrand Russell's Failure to Have Faith

 Russell's history of philosophy is excellent. He was a good conscientious fellow yet wrong about faith. The people of the world are condemned with original sin, and that is inescapable except for the intervention of the Lord who saves through grace. Augustine thought man's nature is totally depraved. Paul's letter to the Romans following cannonically the Book of Acts in the New Testament is a work of genius, It is also a message from God in choosing an apostle to the gentiles and delivering him to Rome on time to witness for the Lord before beheading. It really is an amazing progression.

The phenomenality of life, as if it occurred in virtual reality, has foggy boundaries that will ever be unfathomable while being described scientifically. Godel's incompleteness theorems reinforce the uncertain nature of the quantum realm, fields and even gravity that theoretically should be a negative, antimatter charge drawing all mass toward itself. Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica was the cutting edge in mathematical logic for ten years or more before being surpassed. Russell swimming for ten minutes in the cold, dark English channel after his plane was shot down in the war could have had a moment of insight and faith yet did not. The philosophy of logic is a wonderful field, yet one knows that Kripke-Quine neorealism and nominalism support the primacy of subjective epistemolgy consistent with being a human brain embedded in a quantum and contingent field with matter as an emergent charascteristic-a secondary characteristic occurring within a phenomenal Higgs Field. Perchance to dream...


The Valley Before Shadow Fall (a poem)


In the beginning the spirit moved
upon the face of the deep
bringing light
and darkness comprehended it not

  Hills that were cut by erasion
of sediments metamorphosed by ancient oceans
had life drift in with breezes
raising an ecospheric quotient

  Athabaskan sojourners sought the true
getting their bearings from skies too blue
wandering down toward Navajo land
just to see; to prove they can

  Hunting the mammoth, saber tooth and bear
until no predators of size were alive somewhere
and  the valley weilded giant forests
as woodlands sang ripe nature’s chorus

  So battles were fought with knife and bow
spear tips, atlatls and arrows to go
where other humans breathed and stood before
time could close another door

  Blue soldiers lie waiting
in the woods barrels focused
for grazing fire at the knees
over the quiet brook

  Cavalry readied to break free
from fetters of motionlessness
racing falling leaves
to die in the season’s end

  Elk were driven away by the highway noise
grizzlies were stuffed and mounted
litter and junk cast aside
began to fill the meadow

  Global warming deniers
rumbled along roads
bulldozed inimically to the natural course
water flowed from the highlands

  Like a hotel room in spacetime
meadow constructions displaced environmental matter
human wars and destruction passed too
landscape for-itself to the hereafter.


Mt. McGinness (a poem)

Trails climb
along cliffs edges
enter stand slide snows
anomy where every digit grasps
plants, roots, rocks
twists pains verge
break past's falls
drawn space
empty shape
above, below
final shown
brush crash

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...