
Cosmology and Creationism etc.

With more time available for reading than earning, I have ventured farther into some of those fields of interest to virtually anybody, but restricted to those with practical opportunities for research.

Here are a few ideas about some of the contents of the articles and reports I noticed.

1) On the notion that 3-foot tall homo erectus creatures living on some remote Indonesian isle until just 18,000 years ago (discovered skeletal remains in a cave last year); it seems credible to me. Those creatures with brain cases of 400 cubic centimeters compared to homo sapiens sapiens 1500 cc (I hope I got that right and didn’t down size the volume signs a lot) must have been utterly fearful of the brute, killer homo sapiens and have been motivated to hide out as far as possible from the encroaching people. With the fundamental intelligence of sort-of-humans they survived 30,000 years after the sapiens sapiens began arriving on the island. The Homo erectus would have been a sort of mini-Sasquatch species not finally exterminated until fairly recently. It’s interesting to note that mankind’s human nature hasn’t changed much.

2) On the still indecipherable Indus ‘Language script’ (Science 17 Dec 2004 page 2026). I will provide by own interpretation of what the symbols mean (of course I could be wrong having only read the article for background and using just the few pictured examples as a data base). The Indus civilization symbols are an early effort at symbolic logic. I am not surprised that later Indians invented the zero. It is basically a math-group recognition pattern given by the royal authority (or cluster authority) to various tribes or groups. On page 2028 the symbol for three is pictured in five or six different configurations if I recollect the article accurately. The inventive beauty of one of the three’s results in a Venn diagram verisimilitude the center oval being smaller than the larger two. I would guess that the location above a bull for instance, would represent alliance or time priority. Notably, since all of the script is found in dumps evidently, its use was pragmatic and probably utilized in trade. The structure of the civilization seems to support a clustering of free enterprisers with a business rather than a literary or spiritual orientation such as might develop a language.

3) This one is about the 7 billion number significant in Cosmology and perhaps significant in theoretical creationism too. Reading Brian Greene’s book ‘The Fabric of the Cosmos’ partially, I’ve encountered a description of a theory regarding the origin of the Universe in what might be called a post-standard big bang model theory, or a revised standard version of the big bang perhaps.

The Big Bang was postulated the last third of the 20th century to have been a physics explanation of the origin of the Universe. People tended to believe that a large clump of matter blew up tremendously, long ago flinging particles all over empty space that later were drawn together by gravity into stars galaxies etc.

Now the better theories are that the Big Bang wasn’t the beginning, and that instead of vast concentration of mass being blown apart initially into empty space, a small amount of material-perhaps 20 pounds of it, initially in a very, very small size scale, experienced some sort of quantum probability phase transition that made a Higgs Field (read B. Greene’s book) hyperinflate creating space-time and matter eventually.

Yet to utilize brevity, onto the 7 billion number. The inflaton happened at the 10-35 time period (that’s ten to the minus Thirty-fifth). It had a Higgs Field that produced repulsive gravity that had inflated the Universe. Yet after the initial expansion gravity resumed its usual dominance and the particles did clump into galaxies etc, the expansion of space-time slowed. Yet after seven billion years a cosmological constant, or residual Higgs Field reaccelerated the Universe. It is now increasing expansion based on observations and theory.

Scientists haven’t got an accurate enough idea of what existed before the big bang or inflaton, perhaps it occurred from a fringe of pre-existing space some theorize.

Genesis in the Bible posits the Word as existing and stirring the waters, the word is given to let there be light…etc. and the Universe is finished in seven days.

Considering only event parameters, I compare those of cosmology and Genesis creation similar in a logical sort of way…an original prime mover, a work of creation/inflaton, completion of project in seven time periods. If the Petrine value of a day to God equals one thousand years is used for Usher’s genealogy from Genesis literally one arrives at the time of the creation of the earth at about the moment science postulates.

The 7 days of creation are just representative symbols for the comprehension of primitive mankind I might guess. With special relativity demonstrating that space-time is a fact of individuality, to God a billion years might be nominally represented by a day.

From creation elements to final destiny being flung outward into higher entropy states its interesting that cosmology and interpretation of ancient documents in reflection of increased archeological and anthropological investigations have permitted a harmonization of meaning elements in Christianity and Cosmology. I never was much of a schismatist between science and Christianity since I have confidence that God's word is true, and it would not deceive, and that especially the natural history of the Universe would not be in conflict with the word of God.

The trouble with scientific cosmologies is that they are always incomplete and impartial, seeing through a glass darkly, as it were. One cannot rely upon scientific theories to explain the few paragraphs of Creation data in the book of Genesis.

7 is an important number in other Biblical areas besides Creation, the Temple was destroyed in 70 ad forming a nice parallel between the ending of the old order of the world's way of temple worship and the ending of the Universe's way of gravitational subjugation since the inflation or big bang to one that features a resumptive Higgs Field outward repulsive gravitational force. Jesus prophesied the destruction of the Temple. Its all quite interesting. The indeterminacy of translation affects many areas of ancient scholarship and comparative studies I'd venture to guess. There are many other instances of 7 being used in the Bible.

Perhaps I should mention, for the benefit of some of those familiar with Babylonian creation 'myths', that are more rightly understood as primitive efforts at scientific or existential cosmologies, that right through Enlil and Tilman to Gilgamesh, that Genesis is remarkably without error, embellishment and so forth when one uses time paradigms that were appropriate for the comprehension of those of that era.

To many of the peoples of the ancient world, the concept 'entire world' meant as far as they could walk in three days, or everything in the region. Some ancient peoples and even moderns as recently as the 20th century had no time concepts for the past at all...that may be a difficult thing for moderns to understand. If God was explaining what 7 billion years of creation to primitives, wouldn't seven 'days' do well enough to get the point across, that he was powerful and laid down the Universe in a right and proper order, resting on the seventh and letting the Higgs Field cosmological constant do the rest?

I believe it is only after the entry of Abraham that the Bible has nearly entire literal meaning though it still has deep prophetic and representational values. Adam or adamas (brown dirt) might have referred to a genre of individuals, the four Cherubim guarding the gates of Eden might have meant the four space-time dimensions of existence for pre-scientific, primitive mankind. The flood of the entire world of Noah might well have been that of the tale of Gilgamesh retold in that language somewhat differently of course. Ancient storms and rains with a higher sea level might well have drown a primitive civilization entirely...a horrific fate that a faithful shipbuilder with a will to do what God said could have escaped being blow up to the mountains of Urartu (the Jews transliterate that Kingdom's name into Ararat from which later mountains in Turkey were named) somewhat northeast of the Euphrates/Tigris lowlands.

The Jewish exodus was perhaps eased by the withdrawal of the Red Sea for their passage returned as a tsunami upon pursuing Egyptian military forces in a possible explanation for the parting of the waters described in the Old Testament.

The subject of scientific cosmology and Biblical Creation is one that can provide many opportunities for learning.


An Anecdotal Cold Weather Commentary

Perhaps it’s the time of year to write about cold weather, having lived in a 3 foot high tent in the 48 contiguous states for about 8 of the last ten years, and before that maybe 15 years in Alaska (not in a tent all the time), the subject of maintaining adequate internal body temperature out of doors is familiar.

This will be a brief sketch of some elemental experiences instead of a definitive portrayal of cold weather effects as perhaps one might find in a U.S. Army survival manual. Army rangers in training have actually experienced hypothermia in Florida while training. It is possible to develop hypothermic body cooling in any combination of conditions that lower the skin and eventually body temperature.

Cold encroaches from the extremities such as the feet and head in many instances. There is, incidentally, probably nothing worse than starving and freezing at the same time. The prisoners of the Gulag Archipelago really had it rough.

Water is 300 times thicker than air and will remove body heat 300 times faster. If one’s sleeping bag and clothing becomes wet, in some case, especially if the temperature subsequently drops to near or below freezing, it may be difficult to avoid hypothermia.

Most Americans have indoor lifestyles complemented by mechanized luxury wheelchairs to flit about the continent, and are essentially clueless or even disdainful of notion about how to conserve body temperature relying upon one’s own resources. Karl Castle of NPR News today spun such a trim-splice onto a report about the plains snowstorms not realize that it is better in tenting to have dry snow over one’s tent than near freezing rain saturating everything including one’s clothing. All those people living indoors anywhere in the north perhaps spend less time depending on their own warmth resources in a lifetime than homeless people may encounter in a year.

There are many ways of experiencing cold weather injuries. Once in Alaska I traveled through streams and deep wet snow before becoming lost, praying, and finding my way to a trail leading to a road. Yet packing one’s feet in water slush for a day caused them two or three days later to swell perhaps double the girth. I purchased some larger, wide tennis sneaker to wear temporarily.

Of course regular frostbite, a different injury though similar perhaps in causing sensation and circulation in the feet and an increased susceptibility to cold weather injury, is simply a consequence of direct dry cold most often with the extremities simply freezing thoroughly. A rogue Soviet Colonel used to freeze dry the arms of captives for interrogation upon the roof of a five story building in Mongolia by outstretching a bare arm and pouring water on it. Then the Colonel, if dissatisfied with captive responses, would just snap off the arm.

The nose is most easily frozen, especially the tip. One should have a fur lined underwear if male in extremely cold weather. If one does not cover the ears, they will freeze very easily, if it’s not too serious the thawing out experience is something like having a firecracker blow up in one’s hand. In Fairbanks I bounced off the walls of a building lobby in which I was looking to rent an apartment when my ears suddenly began thawing out.

Of course staying away from water, and remaining healthy is important in cold weather. Water is fundamentally, death. Regardless of it being the 32 degree waters of a stream through which one may plunge through the ice or offshore in the ocean. Bailing water is cold weather is especially hazardous. Colds, flu and other illnesses may give one chills and ill-feeling is good weather, in cold wet weather it becomes a worse experience.

Something people forget is that starting warm from the indoors, putting on warm clothing and shoes does not remove any body heat initially when outdoors. Putting on freezing boots and clothing, or cold wet boots and clothing, requires the body heat be used for drying out the garments as best they can; a energy investment the body cannot in some circumstances afford.

There were once two hitchhikers just outside the city limits sign of Rock Springs Wyoming that were overcome by a whiteout/blizzard that suddenly blew up. Being unable to find their right sense of direction and return to town they froze to death, the story goes. Many modern clothing articles that have better waterproofing that isn’t harmed by folding and emplacement in a rucksack have been produced in recent years and occasionally make their way to thrift shops and the homeless. The iron filing air combustible personal heat warmers are available at two for 88 cents at Big Lots Stores. They are invaluable in dry cold in burning for more than 7 hours in and inside shirt pocket.

Hands on bicycle grips become a notable difficulty in cold weather. Gloves are very useless, unless they are arctic gloves perhaps as I would guess were worn by a student at U.A.F. once in riding to college all winter (I walked). Mittens are much better, especially gore-tex mittens that resist water a bit. Abandon cotten socks firstly if travelling to a continuous sub-freezing environment, or one that is cold and wet conducive to hypothermia. Repairing flats is much more difficult in cold or wet conditions, imagine the heat indoors at some distant Federal Studio and do the best you can.

The fundamental problem with poverty camping in the U.S.A. is that for safety and other considerations it must be entirely cold camping in which one cannot improve one’s tactical situation at all- no fires, no lean to’s over the tent, no mud brick manufacture to construct arched and vaulted ceiling in the desert. The indoor people have a world and social reality of their own that provides a definite context to the outdoors individual.


The Fabric of the Universe by Brian Greene

I’d like to give a partial review of Brian Greene’s 2004 book on physics and cosmology named ‘Fabric of the Cosmos’. If this one doesn’t win a Pulitzer Prize I can’t imagine what will-it won’t be my book of poems ‘A Place for Faith I am sure.

The entire history of the cosmos is reviewed, as are the special and general theories of relativity, Higgs Fields, hyperinflation, quantum entanglement, the cosmic constant, the scale and size of the Universe and so forth. While the Elegant Universe was a brilliant book on popular physics that narrowly missed the Pulitzer Prize, this one probably goes over the top.

I developed some science fiction ideas after reading 300 of the 494 pages. One could have gluon drive perhaps that would remember the quantum elements of the spaceship while converting it to a massless form. I believe the special theory of relativity principle would classify photons and massless particles as not experiencing time when at light speed. Yet for science fiction speculators, I believe that actual aliens would travel by quantum wave probability superposition and remote entanglement if possible instead of through clunky material spaceships. Of course quantum wavefields may be subject to interdiction by God I should think, whom could observe all of the probability waves, know there position and velocity and not interfere with so. It’s hard to say.

Yet Brian Greene’s book of course hasn’t much science fiction although it’s rather wittily put together. This is the best primer for cosmology available I would think.

Some Southwest Times

I cannot believe how hostile some of the Hispanics are in New Mexico, purely upon a racial basis. Evidently they will use any excuse possible to publicly harass and threaten any time they feel the time is opportune. I’d like to say it’s rare, yet it is very common.

Their expanding numbers blimp their self-opinions so far as to train them to be very aggressive in specialized circumstance. Of course the aloof Bush administration wouldn’t have a clue about that. They have grown in privilege and ignorance.

I feel the trend of Hispanics toward intersocial terrorism (not of the Al Qa’eda sort-it isn’t necessary) will continue as the absence of intelligent political authority drives the United States increasing under British management authority as an aspect of global Corporations. The British and Global Corporatists need an increasing working population malleable politically for transnational corporate expansion. The Hispanics of course abuse poor whites, deriding bikes as ‘trikes’ while they, with their idiotic educations dedicated to pure fossil fuel autos and producing children, will do their best to frame up a white guy for legal trimming. They should find out how nice a bike is compared to walking. The state of Texas and the post office could not even deliver an ID card for me in 5 months last year and this. It is quite malodorous…and that is in the coldest and wettest, darkest days of winter, while one is enduring colds and tenting. Their hate training does effectively increase their feelings of power, what can one do politically?

I remember in the late 60’s and early 70’s the British had more products, they were more productive industrially than today it seems for the export market. After the conclusive loss of their empire they seem to have restructured migrating into international financial and corporate markets to replace their former colonial revenue producing investments. If one compares Japan’s material productivity to Japan’s, the Britain’s unfavorable balance is especially remarkable. I believe Britain makes a lot of money through manipulating, or perhaps that’s too strong a word, through investing in American companies and transnational companies as they have historically. Britain makes money on the capital market.

With the paucity of competent U.S. political leadership these days the nation is suffering a number of financial reverses with no end in sight until 2008 perhaps. With 3 million Hispanics annually migrating to the U.S.A. jobs can be created and filled, wages drop, while the deficits increase satisfying Global Corporate much more than U.S. interests. George Bush is a lackey of Global Corporations and the Brits in particular my theory goes, yet we did help the Brits out in world war one and two, after they’d burned the capital in 1812 in reaction to our burning some provincial capital in Canada perhaps, so understandably we owe them quite a lot.

It must be a convenient thing to for Global Corporate to have a U.S. President that will support Global interests more so than U.S. domestic interests. He will seek to plunder ANWR and make the nation forever dependent upon foreign and frequently OPEC oil when it is quickly tapped out. I find it amusing that anyone believes the oil companies would not in some future time tighten the drilling screws again to penetrate every remaining area on the North Slope when the price is right. The public is so malleable and gullible, or more accurately indifferent too much.

The administration will support every wrong, backward and inefficient industry possible while corrupting the environment to help the Global Corporate velocity of money increase. Since it doesn’t go to me specifically, I have little motivation in supporting the outsourcing of my own capital acquisition opportunities to just anybody else the administration feels is acceptable to the elitist clique’s designs.

Well, the inauguration of the goons will occur once again, so the nation can rest assured that sunrise industries, green and U.S. energy independent industries will be buried under a pile of coal and crude oil designs.

Cold fusion was shown to have remarkable practical chances more than a decade ago, and I don’t mean the Pons/Flashman phenomenon that gave it all an aura of speciousness. What happened to that for electric power lines in highways applications?

There are even some safer conventional nuclear reactors now that can’t melt down, yet with a federal choice to increasingly indirectly support alternative energy startups the nation could work its way out of the international power drain sometime sooner rather than later.

Without border security the federal government’s work is a farce. Any Al Qa’eda infiltrators with gps routes can bury bio or tech weapons for use anytime, including of course explosives. Later an Al Qa’eda commando can follow gps coordinates to a car and again a map route to select explosives and drive directly to a target…Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles etc. Any prime economic target could be affected. The economic terrorism the administration is accomplishing on poor Americans is itself remarkable.

Broadcast media corruption...

The pervasively corrupting role of the broadcast media and its relation to the state and state authority can be considered from a point of view that would include the analysis of broadcast commercial ‘Christian’ programs and their political affiliation. The bible noted that Satan is a spirit of the air; quite possibly it was a reference apropos for waveform broadcasters and their extreme direct social power to influence public opinion.

Commercial Christian program content of course does vary from sect to sect and location of production. Probably some do have a true faith and retain a desire not simply to talk about tithing or enhance their financial social and political standing, but to convey the word of God as well.

The word of God however is a fairly basic and non-troublesome message to communicate to the masses. If one must venture into the satanic realm of broadcast power in order to increase the range of one’s ego fulfillment simple readings from the gospel can be sufficient for themselves. I believe that many broadcast Christians have been consumed by the worldly rave spirit of evil and may allow it to permeate their messages and corrupt their role as enablers of a true message to be heard.

Are the commercial Christian broadcasters sometimes wolves in sheep’s clothing as the gospel pointed out? Is it possible that sycophantic emulation of popular conservative political spin even to the extent of particularizing attacks against individuals regardless of their Christianity in one instance at least is a prevalent mode of broadcast method?

Such implicit corruption of the Christian message is as a barium test to the targeted souls. That is, they know that the message is wicked and unsound biblical doctrine. Christians do not publicly attack other Christians particularly, nor do they inhibit the writing or financial efforts of individual American citizens. Christians have a certain meekness that is fundamental tolerance of the right of others to go freely about their lives/ Christian broadcasters would seek to disassociate themselves from worldly terrorist practices common in the broadcast media for the last 14 years.

An old soldier once told me ‘don’t try to make anyone else’s life difficult, each has their own battle to fight. Christians too, in the U.S.A., may experience vicissitudes and challenges at variegated and personal rates. It is importunate for political motivated Christian broadcasters to seek to assert a direct political power in the United States through corrupt public influence that would be more appropriate for 16 the century Spain than the United States of America.

The late Senator Moynihan noted that of the nations existing in 1914, only eight has not suffered a violent change of government. Democracies are not common and the broadcast media is not necessarily a beneficial influence on the establishment or perpetuation of a democracy. Individual rights are of paramount importance in a democratic context. Iterations of public abuse or derision with that inestimable power of which every citizen outside of the microphone wielding broadcasters is dumb simple perpetuate gang-banging industry standards of cowardice and evil that is too common now.

The prospects for a democracy in Iraq taking hold are improbable perhaps, yet it’s worth a try for some time. The AP would not seem like a terrorist agency to people beset by people blowing themselves up occasionally. The broadcast media in the U.S.A. has taken a radical lead in shaping the course of real political developments the nation experiences simply by the fact of their pervasive and domineering power. They can outsource the practical political sovereignty of the people sufficient to render the nation a little more suitable for Global Corporate profits. It is, conversely, practical and appropriate for a nation to keep sound borders and for individuals to seek their own financial advantage before those of Global Corporations.

About an Internet photo morgue for victim identification

In case no one else has suggested this yet, it would be a good policy in the event of large scale natural disasters or other agents of mass human loss of life to have municipalities photograph the face of every casualty before burial and post it on a central global internet web page to help expedite the identitification of the victims. I know that Polaroid seems to have a brilliant new camera that uploads digital photos via telephone line-so a pc isn’t necessary. It would be a fine thing if someone could provide those cameras in quantity to susceptible locales.



Some ideas about neocorporatism and experience

Because this is a blog and time for reflection upon the past year perhaps, I'll add a few non-biographical entries about the social situation in the United States in 2004.

What I will write will not be as remarkable as a report that quantum probability waves really don't exist for quantum and instead the course and destiny of a quantum particle is grounded in a field of micro dimensions that enable an appearance of quantum uncertainty to appear in the standard dimensions...that is the 'uncertainty' is the gaps in the standard four dimensions created by the extra dimensional support for quantum particle strings. I haven't the technical ability to make such a remarkable report though the idea did occur to me in reading a popular book on physics.

The pervasive effects of the broadcast media and corrupt government are simpler to realize yet not to control. The corruption of each is far beyond legal remedies which need to be actualized by law abiding government officials that have been incompetent at least since Al Gore's famous 'in the absence of legal authority' statement while Vice President of the United States. The corruption I refer to is not a categorical description of either as corrupt; instead it refers to the role of each in repressing civil rights of some American writers to enjoy an untracked, unhindered, unbiased social life with free economic opportunities.

The Constitution of the United States was in its inception not nearly as technical as the periodic table of the elements explaining how each social element might reasonably combine, or a programming language with specific rules of syntax and logic that could not be altered. The Constitution was written without exact logical structures for society given, for several reasons...

If the Constitution had been so specific it would have also been inflexible and unable to change as society changed. The Constitution was after all a document written to encode the guidelines for liberation of mankind from oppressive social and government forces, it was written to recognize basic structures required to prevent the tyranny of any group of people over individuals. Yet it did have some specific paradigms necessary to describe what social and government structures of conduct would be required to protect the rights of individuals. The Constitution is essentially a document written to protect the rights of individuals from corrupt powers.

The Broadcast media has virtually unlimited powers of corruption through disinformation and mass malinfluence unforeseen by the founders. Taking the premise of free speech in print media to a virtually irreproachable extreme with pure technological power, they have become a perennial political party for themselves. In the last election Michael Moore and Hollywood celebrities were a huge part of the Democratic intafadah since the 2000 election. Such commercial powers negated a rational development of numerous solid political issues from developing into a coherent party platform. It is not the overt and obvious aspects of mass broadcast media and consolidated political power that I am concerned about in this blog post however, it is the power of a corrupt broadcast elite, commercial advertising producers, actors and corrupt government broadcasters and apathetic government officials to use mass communication technology to devastate the livelihood of targeted individual writers outside the regular establishment channels of promotion.

The corruption of the mass broadcast media and government willing to invade the privacy of individual and vulnerable Americans to make rave chattel sport of publicly persecuting and denying equal social opportunity is a natural outgrowth of the vast and restricted technological power of the broadcast industry, the protection of a first amendment designed in an era when print media opinions were actually accountable, and the networking of ad hoc powers. The persecution of a Christian writer of the prose poem 'Footprints in the Sand' for decades in the United States is not much different from a Soviet era persecution of an involuntary dissident by the KGB. The Soviets would of course simply have taken the writer away with a knock on the door in the dark, while the U.S. Government and broadcast industry simply kill with a million small cuts never ending, collaterally brainwashing the public speech patterns into rave lexical forms that are puppeteered into serving the exploitation policy of the broadcast and government powers.

The technical progress that allows ad hoc racketeering by the broadcast media is served by the non-locality of broadcasters that cross borders and boundaries with electron waves. It is abetted by ad hoc racketeering coalitions that willing ape the speech forms of the broadcast 'elite' that outlast any political candidate. It is amplified in power by serialized domestic 'terror' tools found in broadcast stations in every state. It is helped by the vast wealth and power that finances the 'cool' exploitation, the bunk and disinformation 'filler' placed onto regular information communiqués. It can be assembled in a thousand deniable pieces permutating of time that present more difficulty as targets for legal remedies or litigation than stealth fighters do to radar operators. They also have the vast established power of simply declaring any targets to be delusional, with a psychiatric industry probably willing to make some profit off another body if it has the opportunity. You gotta eat-I gotta eat.

The trend to rave, disinformation, lies, and social terrorism on some few specific targets coincides with a consolidating world economic networking of Corporations. Some economists have written that neo-corporatism, which is a diluted form of the Corporatism that the Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini conceptualized in which a fascist state and corporate union would rule society, would require a power by government or media to control the right of free speech of individuals to politically express dissent.

Mass communications, mass consumerism and production, owned and guided by a centralized power may find intellectuals and dissidents inconvenient rivals to their absolute authority. Hence neo-Corporatism in the upward stages to Corporatism would practice targeting individual American writers, poets, Christians or whoever had expressed themselves as a sort of social barium test of control capability. In the neo-Corporatist state, which can be an ad hoc phenomenon in the developmental stage without a central 'new world order' planner, a gradual co-opting of any non-conformist political or economic challenge would occur incidentally. In the persecution of the writer of 'Footprints' since the end of the cold war era in the mass broadcast media, and before in some popular songs since the 1980's, the broadcast business has served to intimidate many alternate economic scenarios from developing I should imagine, and minimally have served to putsch through a social zeitgeist that is compliant with a neo-Corporatist and Globalist agenda.

Individuals that are not paid to be celebrities cannot afford publicity good or bad. The entire nature of business exchanges occur with privacy and proprietary interests as implicit, necessary components. In fact many people are afraid of publicity and the potential to be targeted by the public, shunned, victimized etc in a million unforeseen ways. While the broadcast media is always in comfort with heating, automobiles waiting, paychecks and so forth, their targets are not. While the broadcast media is raising families and glorifying themselves for doing so, their targets may be broke, isolated financially for years, unable to afford to date.

Litigation against thousands of broadcast criminals each supplying just a few deniable pieces of the persecution or terrorism paradigm present a virtually Teflon coated criminal phenomenon beyond legal review. The Government has a limited budget, and cannot invest law enforcement dollars to obtain evidence of such a vast and skillfully administered criminal phenomena that has only one or a few targets, in fact the government broadcasters are themselves full accomplices in the criminal activity.

A constitution and laws can't be forced upon people; they must individually be willing to comply with laws for them to be practical. A super-wealthy broadcast industry that is so dishonorable, cowardly and plain damn evil as to persecute one broke American writer, was perhaps unforeseen by the nation's founders. The broadcast media have such a tremendous financial supremacy upon the poor struggling to just earn enough to get the things needed to live in the U.S.A., and to earn more, that they should rightly not hide behind subterfuge and slight-of-mouth techniques apropos for crooks and con artists. As newspaper editors of the electronic era did, they should say what they have to say in the public sector forthrightly and stand behind it as honorable super-rich Corporate types, and allow the courts to decide when and were they have transgressed the law.

The evil side of humanity is pervasive, yet it is a bad thing to experience such a quantity of it for-oneself.

Quantum wave probabilities would not help an individual author to know when or why corrupt and coordinated elite will choose to strike and victimize some individual going about his writing business. Yet there are of course some qualities of an individual that might differentiate one citizen from another as a prime target of opportunity for corporate terror in the United States.

The individual should first of all have some sort of intellectual production in the public sector. He or she should be a writer of something that some elite might oppose in principal politically and deem worthy of exploiting. The individual should have few relations and not be integrated well in any academic and peer setting that could provide a basis of support and recognition of persecution by the Corporation racketeers. The individual should have some class characteristics that would make him or her a marketable commodity by anti-class politically antagonistic groups. The individual should have intellectual products or qualities that could enhance corporate profits and prospects, and perhaps serve as a markworthy class enemy.

To a certain extent Corporate and Government broadcast terror can simply produce lies about the individual and market them as factual, the shear quantity of broadcast power will push through a public onion or pattern recognition that will vastly overpower the efforts of the individual to improve his or her own economic and social circumstance.

Individuals without intellectual activities or publication will not attract the attention of broadcasters, their simply isn't sufficient quantity to exploit. Instead the non-writing citizen earning an average wage just going along with the flow of neo-Corporatist management is an ideal subject.

I should write something about the political environment in the individual citizen-victim may encounter in the neo-Corporatist or neo-authoritarian state. Like Saddam Hussein, the government and broadcast media may falsely associate a target with a political enemy of the people. The enemy may be real or imagined. Saddam Hussein had public trials for Jews as spies, and Hitler had a crystalnacht, while Stalin had anyone he felt like deleting killed, exiled or imprisoned.

A neoCorporatist development will tolerate some dissent, co-opt some, and yet try to finesse all economic development subtly into its own snare. Outright authoritarian governments will simply liquidate opposition. The neo-Corporatist phenomenon will enshroud its corporate activities with patriotic colors, and suggests that rival free enterprise efforts sympathize with the enemy.

An example might be the auto and oil lobby national loss-leaders that produce annual trade deficit operating losses specifically. Alternative energy and transportation start-ups that could replace the reliance on obsolete industries are derided and set back in a variety of ways, with some even suggesting that support for such would necessarily be socialist or fascist.

False political labels on competitive yet comparatively disadvantaged rivals to specific industries are a way that the broadcast propagandists have of deleting competition and consolidating power. In the United States it is difficult to say that there is a rival political party to the Corporatist state. A rival party would support free enterprise and advantage for the nation, would conserve the ecosystem and national forests instead of plundering them, would demand a national industrial and social infrastructure that operates efficiently as a maintenance base at a low cost, would protect the nation's borders, would promote the values of individual citizenship and so forth in fact.

A Democratic Party that wanted bring about a rectification of political goals might select Rep Gephardt as its leader of the DNC. It might strive to generate a social security plan of its own that is coordinated with the other main social service financial elements a citizen might need in a stable society including unemployment insurance and medical coverage. It should invest some of a citizen's individual account in mutual funds, indexed with the market, in order to reduce the long-term tax burden and free-up money for private investments.

A Democratic party seeking a solid and comprehensive free-enterprise economic platform would not seek to impose extreme changes on traditional social moors and folkways forcibly upon the public as a price of representation. Instead it would recognize that the real economic interest of the middle class and the poor of the United States is in creating new and newer sunrise industries that will lead America and the world in clean and renewable energy and environmental resources, and promote national deficit reduction and federal and states policies that attempt to place the interests of Americans first. It would adroitly sweep aside specious arguments for or charges of isolationism and simply comply with international trade agreements while indirectly pursuing the creation of free enterprises in the nation that would economically advantage the citizens.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...