
After the binge of turkey and tryptophan

Well, one could especially consider thanksgiving as an end and a beginning at which time people eat stuffed turkeys and become somulent because of the tryptophan in the meat of the bird that brings on drowsiness.

Like those turkeys people are somewhat stuffed with a lot of meat that perishes with age and things seem to go wrong by stages, and then one realizes that even the bones aren't that durable or eternal and perish, and thus Solomon noted that all is vanity and people perish like blades of grass. So, since that is the way it is one needs to write aesthetic poems about beautiful sunsets and clear, bright sunrises and ocean waves curling and breaking with millions of beautiful refracted sounds and such as infinite reflections of light in the waters that strike the eyes and realize that time is temporal (that's really redundant) and is physical particles or phenomena running from less disorder to more including complex disorder.

Time is evidently a dimension like space that goes in a particular direction, and its good for people that they change through aging as the dimension moves on or they would be stranded in time apart from it and the things it has for live ones that God reiterates a billion times better in the post-time eternity of all that very strange concatenation of everything possible all at once and infinitely too without limits of space or time.


Bright L.ED. lights, solar and wind power generators

L.E.D. lights including screw in Edison sockets in one watt and five watts..



led components






Solar power and wind generator websites

http://www.siliconsolar.com/Concentrator-Solar-Panels-108W-SSPV108BF-p-16341.html smaller power systems

http://www.sunpowercorp.com/For-Homes.aspx big power systems

http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/07/26/india.solar/index.html primitive villagers electrify with solar panels and save money getting off non-existing grid (ha ha)


http://allsolarpanels.us/ index to some solar and wind power suppliers

http://www.bergey.com/ wind turbines

http://www.windenergy.com/air_x.htm #1 selling small wind turbine

http://www.bitterrootsolar.com/wind/lakota/lakota.htm best buy on a 900 watt to 1300 watt wind generator


Macro-economic drifts toward transnational oligharchy

Are we certain that a pure capitalism and free market applies in practice? Von Mises speculated that even if capitalism consolidated into one global corporation it would break up and become competitive I think. Competition is the nature of business some believe but is the consolidation of market elements by globalists in effect purchasing the global economy with accumulated capital advantage not a process of more than theory at work but instead a vicious historical phase of elimination of competition and movement toward global oligarchy and authoritarianism? Corporatist collectivism is an actual possible way of structuring a non-individual work base mass social business structure where promotion is upon attributes regarded as exploitable by others rather than through promotion of one-self by oneself for -oneself through work and initiative. A mass attribute based social structure is a less than optimal social development and instead created as phased array repressive society crushing intelligence and individual rights without concern as the market axiology is based on the value structures of individualism and individual civil rights.

Some of the terminology of macro-economic models that of macro-physics conventionally and needlessly perhaps, for one scientific lexicon of what comprises analogies may be as good as another. 'Force' is a prevalent term from physics used to account for essential observable causative or associated phenonemalities empirically. If force is a concept used in physics it must be good for economics explanations too then? Consumers have imperfect knowledge of course of material needs except for those most pressingly in need of relief such as a glass of pure, cool water, a warm blanket, freedom from tyranny and so forth-the destruction or mal-wearization of environmental abuse agents of biospheric corruption may also supply the material remedies to extreme individual material privations in some instances and 'market forces' might be better applied to 'political forces' to bring social compliance from targeted groups. Can it be fairly said alternatively that if some social environments provide consumers equivalently situated as to be like flowers awaiting pollination that they are being 'forced' by the market, or that they are 'marketing' at all? Individual actualization in a society would need a political economy that meets individual needs and leaves the remainder of time for individual constructions of projects and inventions as well as family interests-a macro-economic structure that is totalitarian would deny the political shaping of the economic production and allocation technology to such a direction that would liberate the individual to pursue free enterprise in the most optimal ways and instead subjugate 'consumers' to a cycle of work, debt and servitude for the benefit of oppressor classes of 'force'. It might also be said that the macro-economic flow models are of an anational basis such as one in biology might observe the dissemination of a virus globally without preference for individual interests. That implicit economic betrayal is a fundamental corruption of Adam Smith's cognition about economics serving a polity rather than a polity inducted into a detached, existential economic control by powerful, mysterious 'forces' known best by macro-economic astrologers.

Market forces in a totalitarian global environment are not free but are co-opted into selections of products that must be made as one has not got the option of moving to the frontier and leaving the economic territory when the frontier exists only with the total control of trans-national corporations and communes controlling local governments. Market forces are dictated in effect by the established owning class that decrees the inertial continuity of its own class interests in owning everything-one would find an even worse actualization of that phenomena in the communist party 'ownership' of the factories and government in the former Soviet Union. Unfortunately the cold war generated a stagnation in the development of western economic theory such that corporations were elevated to an undeserved theoretical prominence and held as the sole alternative to communist collectivism; thus corporations developed in the global communications era into a corporate collectivism that hasn't run its course yet with the board members as the communist elite and the workers as the proletariat supporting an ad hoc non-commissioned officer shareholder class.

There is still a lot of contingent free market enterprise in the world today but the inertia of established infrastructure prevents mass social changes or sales of products that would change mass systemic structures in America for example. An effective electric vehicle platform for 100 dollars with solar panels and thin film quick recharge batteries would put millions out of work and undermine profits of corporations. Not even Wal-mart will sell low cost wind power generators or solar panels for home use because the corporate trick is to keep everyone dependent on oil and global power supply as long as possible. Electric no-water use toilets would conserve water but undermine municipal waste structures and treatment investments.

Capitalism is supposed to function on a positive basis by creating product development investments, but in a totalitarian geographical social environment capital may be gained by the corrupt too much repressing individual enterprise, privacy and depressing the quality of life in order to prevent competition. In a totalitarian political territory the ideals of free competition in a capitalist economic structure do not have a matching political structure. Business takes over politics. In America a Mitt Romney with his Harvard MBA may follow President Bush with his to enrich a different group of globalist investors while national interests comparatively decline. Adam Smith believed that capitalism should augment a democracy not replace it yet corporatists are too willing to do that today unaware that democracy must be protected for-itself as well as a nation and quality of life for citizens.

Historically the issues aren't new. Isolation isn't the remedy but a M.I.T.I. like analysis of how to invent new businesses that will reduce trade deficits and liberate the people from personal debt is a way to move government. I will provide some philosophical background on the most general analysis of state structures by considering Socrates and Plato.

Socrates was given the hemlock to drink and put to death by the Athenian State-not Plato. Plato is said by some to be the greatest philosopher ever, yet he isn't known to have written anything about himself at all...he wrote the Republic, The Meno and all the other books with Socrates as the philosopher credited with saying all the philosophically leading content. It was Plato that established the Academy that instructed in philosophy (alethia) and carried on the tradition.

Socrates believed in God and Plato did as well by inference. The God they believed in was the One that the neo Platonist Plotinus wrote about six or seven hundred years later. Plato developed the complex idea of the realm of forms, and other people writing that I have read have pointed out that Parmenides is credited with starting the thought paradigms that Plato later developed as the metaphysical aspects of the realm of forms that was again more fully developed by Plotinus. Parmenides was a pre-Socratic philosopher worth checking out with a google search.

Socrates was accused of corrupting youth by instructing them in philosophical method and critical thinking about politics and everything else regarding opinion, or theory of knowledge (epistemology). He had the option to leave Athens and live in exile but choose not to but instead to perish saying that the state had nurtured him and he would accept their judgment. The Athenian state compared to the modern state in America was a very simple democracy. There had been an oligarchy that did not trust the demos or populus. Today in the U.S.A. tran-national corporate interests and over influence nationally by a globally owned broadcast media have corrupted and obfuscated the democracy in the United States and brought it close to the corporate collectivism envisioned by Mussolini, helped in by Henry Ford and Adolph Hitler, admired as a fulfillment of Marxist worldly economic dialects and an ephemeral, stagnating uncreative entity that morphs too easily into decline and fall, war, chaos and autocratic rule even by a special central committee.

Plato and Socrates had it easy comparatively in contemplating the ideal state. Today Americans must decide for themselves if a nation is worth having, if capitalism is pure or corrupted by mob control, if capitalism is the highest possible progress in economic actualization for individual interests or if new economic systems supported by federal policy could be invented and so forth. The founders were for national interests before transnational interests, and even Plato wrote about the Republic as one state-the Romans did well with that until they became a trans-national empire too diverse for coherence as subverted by a plethora of problems and pleasures.

Clinton-Giuliani and the Golden Tablets of New York Candidates in 2008

The United States Ought to Restore Diplomatic Relations and Barbeque With Iran
The new U.S. Embassy in Iraq is a self-contained, costly to build yet defensible neo-fortress. It should be instructive for how to build a new embassy in Iran that would cost less than five billion dollars-make it a suicide embassy that will self-destruct if captured and have embassy evacuation rockets built into special embassy upward mobility silos to get embassy personnel out if Ahmadinejad decides on a second helping of hostages. Automatic robotic machine guns should supplement marine embassy guards to hose down bad guys and let marines evac too on a special marine personnel intermediate range personnel rocket promoter. There would also need to be pop-up ghetto blaster anti pirate air to ground mines built into the embassy to clear the way for the evacuation rockets creating clear spaces without opposition force personnel apt to fire earth to sky shoulder fired rockets at evacuation rockets. Well that was simple. Let's establish cordial relations with Iran right away since the main hostage taker is President and clearly regrets the embassy 'episode' from 1979.

The next President elected in 2008 will probably have a peace offensive like Ronald Regan's tough guy posture to advance right and proper relations with Iran. A special propflit has divulged the existence of golden tablets brought to him in the state of New York indicating that destiny will elect a New Yorker President in 2008. The demiurge Moronsknee vouchsafed the tablets with political plans were near either the Clinton's or Giuliani's homes. Mitt Transmit Read-only-memory knee- a Presidential special business interest candidate from Massachusetts has provided a sign that a politician from the State of the Golden Tablets will inevitably be elected. he tablets may contain secret extra-terrestrial information that Giuliani or Hillary is the special choice of the special extra-terrestrial committee on international relations and diplomacy able to become President and establish cordial relations with Iran in this space-time continuaa that isn't the best of all possible universes. Transmit R.O.M.-knee broadcasts peace and pleasure for all trans-nationalists and higher corporate quarterly propflits. Romknee himself has a quarter billion dollars or whatever himself scored being a business consultant, and he will assure that trans-nationalism under the guidance of golden tablet qualified New Yorkers will bring harmony to Iran, Iraq and other troubled regions of the trans-nation

The true way of moron-knee lies in moving President Ahmadinejad through subtle diplomatic skill toward electrification of the Persian royal road with advanced solar electron channeling materials able to move electric flying carpet platforms with mag-lev to and from Tehran embassies and restaurants without secret police surveillance-The improbable has occurred before.


Problems with utilitarianism today

Harold Camping has predicted the second coming of Jesus Christ for October 20th, 2011, and others vomit at the concept that anyone can know the mind of God or accurately predict the day. Well, there are bioethical and utilitarian ethical issues to examine today. Every day for the unsaved is a day of doom that can be changed only when they get into a right and saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I will write a little following about the criterion of utilitarianism and it's effects on how society is being influenced in its ethical decision making generally on issues from abortion to transhumanism, transnationalism and pharmaceutical product development. Many of these things 'doom' society toward an end of a healthy and prosperous, secure United States as greed gets the best of reason, philosophy and faith too much...

Value theory or axiology would entail utilitarianist approaches toward structuralisms of any ethical paradigm, template or 'principles' for determining right and wrong, permissibility and so on for applications purposes. Unfortunately value theory in-the-world today would largely be inertially determined in accordance with other macro-social facticities such as social organization-utilitarianism then would become a sycophantic ethical kiss up device for consumerism and corporatism. The greatest good for the greatest number would be transformed into the greatest profit for the most powerful shareholders.

There are a number of factors and actors that corrupt capitalism today, and in the corruption of capitalism whereby a pure individualistic free enterprise marketplace does not exist because of established collectivist and power oriented corruptions of the principles of capitalism the purchase of expert ethical opinions for wealthy and flim flam biomedical corporations along with tort deform to release transnational corporations from large civil damages for creating mass social negative alterity is a fact.

Because people define morality and ethics themselves unless they can find a natural law or a divine command theory, they may egress ethical values farther and farther toward the edge of social dissolution in pursuit of the profits gained by selling cures to individual problems that compile destruction for the human race as a whole. The value principle of exploiting the most unrepresented or least able to defend elements of society such as unborn children in the womb is also a time proven principle.

The principle of exploiting the weak or politically underrepresented works for the powerful. It applies even in environmental extraction industry exploitation for profits of transnational corporations at the cost of national and global interests. The value theory contents that provide the criterion in which ethical theories and principles are selected and applied is subject to the global control of corruption in high places determined inertially to exert it's own proprietary interests and that does not include undominated or unsubdued change socially.

In the United States the 2008 Presidential race is a facade of candidates without a nationalist amongst them except for Ron Paul maybe but probably not. As a Texas congressman he must be sold out right and left to transnational oil and environmental exploitation. The Unite States in pursuit of trans-national oil profits is selling out its national independence instead of transitioning with a purpose right away to independent electrical production at home for the power of electric cars. Electric cars are the sole practical way presently to liberate the nation from the self-destructive binge of fossil fuel consumption that transfers American wealth to the Muslim world. Yet not even Wal-mart has the ability to sell 1000 watt wind power generators for 300 dollars because of the corporatist value principle loyalty to oil and American dependence on trans-national power suppliers. Bioethics also tend to follow the will of the profit seekers except where two heads are grown where only one is wanted and so forth-the most extreme cases. Bioethics are found today within the value theory of corporatism or atheist collectivism rather than in utilitarianism. Utilitarianism has several problems a significant one being the meaningful paradigm for determination of what the good is.



If one chooses the morally right courses in life one is traveling the right path; if one is making morally wrong choices in life then one is traveling the wrong path. To be indifferent about morality and if things are good or bad, right or wrong and so forth is to live the unexamined life such as Socrates thought was of little value for a human being.

William James (the guy that wrote pragmatist philosophy from Charles Sanders Pierce's pragmaticist philosophy) wrote about forced options as being a situation when one cannot avoid making a choice, and to not make a choice results in certain consequences that happen because one did not make a choice. If a baby is lying in the street and a truck is driving toward it in the dark, and will probably crush it when it arrives in a minute and there is adequate time to safely remove it but you don't-you have made a choice even if it is non-action. Some would say a morally wrong choice was made it not walking out into the street and removing the toddler from the crush of the semi tires (18 wheels) while others would say that morality is superfluous and that nothing matters.

Sin literally means to miss the mark or target as in archery...one is sinning by not traveling the right path in life. In the largest sense the right path is renormalizing unto God, unto The One, from which all things have issued. Wickedness and worldliness want to obscure the light in the darkness-Jesus Christ-who is issued directly from The One, and dominate the world, society and universe for itself.

God is good, and there is a natural law, a natural calling that draws mankind to the right-or as the Buddha said to right speech, right though, right actions-and look what happened to that-it became left-handed Tantric Buddhism as written in the Tibetan book of the dead. Mankind will always find a way to mess things up because none are perfect, none are deserving and all fall short of perfection or as Augustine said the nature of mankind is totally depraved. In a sense Augustine was a neoCalvinist before Calvin in that he relied totally upon the grace of God for salvation from the human condition.

It isn't just that certain authorities have a proper franchise on the right way and the right things for there is corruption in high places the Apostle Paul wrote-evil wickedness and corruption are socially transcendent things and establishments on Earth normally become corrupted over time. The kingdom of Jesus is not of this world-it is a battle of powers and principalities and the interesting thing is that in the cosmogyny of the neo Platonist philosopher Plotinus from the over-lapping second and third centuries the emanation from The One goes through a series of stages and reductions to materialize as this Universe. It is a long way from the Source in a sense.

The wrong way will consistently over value the Universe yet simultaneously under-value the goodness of right moral choices...on making those one must develop a moral conscience and think for oneself reading what one can of aretaic ethics, learning about society and how it functions and understanding the social structures and spirit of each individual too in that it should be actualized and developed toward fulfillment in the morally good so far as possible. Worldly security isn't antipathetic to virtue in pursuit of the good, sublime and beautiful ad knowledge of God, instead it is as element in the compresence of life that presents one with moral choices in social guise.

In the modern world some people would transcend the reality of the phenomenal universe if they could through getting so far into it as possible that it becomes an absurdity for them. Choosing the wrong way in life intentionally is stupid basically-it is stupid like walking in front of a truck just to see if it hurts to get hit by steel moving at 70 m.p.h. One should make the inference from comparable phenomena that the right thing to do is to avoid the maladroit choice a priori. The consequences for making morally wrong choices may not be immediately present yet they do exist and so it is worth doing what is right. If one must pay a price for doing what is right that is better than to simply forfeit any chance of moral correctness by choosing what is wrong and wicked, or evil. There are times when the authorities themselves perpetrate the morally wrong as did the court that convicted Jesus Christ starting a death sentence rolling.

Jesus Christ overcame death and was resurrected-take that as a matter of faith with evidence existing too. Jesus was here to renormalize the lost humanity onto The One. If you happen to read 'The Essential Plotinus' a book with the best of the 54 tractates of Plotinus on The One named 'The Enneads' you can get a rough sketch of where Jesus came from and what this universe is although Plotinus was not a Christian. The One is absolute Spirit yet absolutely perfect-the material world is a sort of phenomenal crust of the Creator that exists with a variegated concatenation of complete and incomplete broken forms-sin and the wrong way are of the process of getting mired into broken forms and a remote universe cut off from God without faith.



With the higher oil prices the Alaska State Government is experiencing regret that it doesn't charge a higher price to oil companies for it's oil, so it's seeking ways to increase taxes on oil per barrel. Increasing taxes on state owned oil that oil companies remove to sell wherever is reasonable enough from some points of view, while others believe its unfair to the people to let the transnational oil corporations have the oil at all instead of saving it for future generations to make plastic with. The state government seeks to remedy the wrath of transnational oil by appeasing trans-national mining; the state wants to build a road maybe 50 miles along the Lynn Canal-America largest remaining unspoilt fiord as a Kennisington mine service road, and also as a first stage of a road to connect to Haines and Skagway Alaska to let a hundred people drive several hundred miles each year through Alaska and the Yukon Territory to visit the state capitol at Juneau instead of flying. AL Qa'eda will love having easy land access to the state capitol when it sneaks its agents ashore in Canada just bypassing the customs barrier on the White Pass as intrepid soldiers are apt to do. From Juneau Al Qa'eda can readily catch a direct aircraft or boat to Washington State without a passport required.

Fiords are America's last refuges for wild health and shoreline roads destroy the habitat. Especially in a era of global warming and national decadence regarding national energy independence (alternative fuels and power producing technology should be accentuated positively)it is the pinnacle of irresponsibility to build a 3 million dollar per mile service road to the Kennsington Mine when easy barge marine access is already existent. The state legislature hopes to sneak the road through before a responsible federal administration takes office in 2008 that might halt the wonton rampage of biospheric doom increase, yet the Alaska legislators need have no fear of federal responsibility developing anytime soon. The federal government is irresponsible and fashionably late on disaster response and border enforcement, disingenuous on the costs of outsourcing, environmental damage, global warming and illegal alien worker immigration and its adverse impacts upon the economic and environmental interests of Americans. Transnational corporations like the federal executive branch lackeys because of their mindless servility, and the Alaska State legislature is equally as deficient in creative and responsible conservation and economic thinking.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...