
Environmentalism/Economics, The Kennsington and S.E. Alaska

Whales of the oceans should be protected; it's the human thing to do, and SEACC perhaps leads the support locally in S.E. Alaska for Whale conservation. SEACDC should sell bumper stickers with their logo on the side of a whale cavorting in the fiords of S.E. Alaska.The Kennsington attack radio ad on the SEAC South East Alaska Conservation Thursday morning blaming them for Kennsington's inability to persuade the 9th circuit court if appeals that it is right to dump mine tailing into a pristine mountain lake and thus affectign the region's economy deleteriously was an unfortunate example of the power of corporatism to use the broadcast spectrum of corporatism as a bludgeoning tool of repressment of democratic dissent.

The Kennsington ad voices a belief that mining, and by direct inference polluting environmentally destructive mining regarding the recent environmental comnservation litigation, is necessary for sustainable economic development. It seemed to descry tourism as an industry to rely upon, yet tourism can become the core of sustainable diversification if the capitol moves one day because of the short-sitedness of the Mat-Su borough populace or because of a wise move to Fairbanks for fair government in the geographic center of the state where warm-weather oilmen here for lobbying junkets would find it a little more challenging.People wonder of the relationships of economics and environmental; they are complex and more than I can write about presently. yet I will touch upon a few points regarding facts about general economics and conservation issues. It is worth remembering that the Kennsington and other mines operate as large corporations quite often globally manipulating and exploiting local polities in order to take their profits and leave a mess.

Their lobbyists may convince Alaskans to invest a half a billion dollars or more with ongoing costs in a largely Canadian natural gas line perhaps as some sort of back door globalist reliance. Yet the Canadians have Arboreal forest issues of their own; NATURE reports that Canadian arboreal forest sequester 180 billion tons of carbon and is home for 3 billion migratory birds. The new gas pipeline would cut through the heart of millions of kilometers of wilderness and create pollution and despoiling issues in the long run some of which could also be subject to litigation with the Alaska Government becoming a target.The approach to modification of existing deleterious environmental practices is a political variable for-itself contingent upon the actual state of the political environment in which the empirical environment exists.

Changes in the United States or Brazil depend upon the actual political powers and the ability of educators and rationalists to reach the public in order to influence opinion. In most of the world today actual democracy is a non-factor and corporatism, socialism or some other form of authoritarianist government prevails. I will write something about the political difficulties that beset the United States and Alaska presently negating much of the effects of political action by ordinary citizens.

Corporatists in the oil business are very influential in Alaska and the world today...even in the catastrophically mal-planned post 2003 Iraq war rebuilding effort largely by the United States a few corporations friendly to the administration's economic interests such as KBR, Halliburton and Bechtel got the lion's share of dumped ineffective, billions spent for reconstruction leaving the Iraqi's generally as bystanders. in fact until four months after the war only 1.7 billion was budgeted, and Paul Wolfowitz believed Iraqi oil would pay for the reconstruction itself providing a 100 billion for reconstruction right away annually.Corporatism and socialism each are repressive forms of government in absolute terms limiting the fundamental rights of individuals to exist in-the-world for-themselves.

Corporatism and socialism each are collective forms of social organization with the former taking over government from the outside in and the latter taking it over from the inside out. The United States today has slipped into the darkness of both socialism and corporatism with the corporatist broadcast media the essential agency of propaganda and mass social control. Instead of 300 million individual keyed broadcast citizen stations there re just a few uttering the opinions of rich corporatists and occasionally of socialists.Particularists, local control of politics in a democratic context is a necessary step toward liberation from the sociopathic socialist or corporatist cold-bloodedness prevalent in present political structures of the west.The strength of a democracy is in individual free expression, individual creativity, individual genius to solve social problems and in the vast diverse opinion and ideas generated by intelligent and diverse, liberated people defending their own borders and governance within a nation. Global collectivism in the guise of corporatism and socialism both seek to enslave Americans as degraded, indebted, ignorant service workers mocked and ruled by an international class of mafia 'businessmen or businesswomen' enforcing the allocation of resources for their own maximal profit in a 'disposable world'; after all, it is presumed that enslaved intellectuals and inventors will produce a new gadget or two needed to solve any real emergent environmental crisis that may arise when necessary. The global business mafia class known in Russia as 'the roof' will break down America's border security with tens of millions of illegal aliens if it can with the objective being the further subversion of the concept and reality of the U.S.A. as a nation with secure borders under God instead of global mammon.In communications meaning is far more important than form.

Comprehensibility of meaning is the basic goal of meaningful communication. In the U.S.A. Today form is viewed as of far more value than meaning. In novels form is the primary requisite with some form of content placing a close second. Readers want their action explosive, or their lust big and music sweet. Music is the primary form of communication in which meaning is of virtually no value and form is everything. Perhaps that reversal is good for musicians that wreak havoc upon reason when they venture to place political content in their music lyrics generally leaving a train wreck behind though with too much music in a society form becomes all-important pervasively while political reason and meaning is deleted as tiresome 'lecturing' even in the written word.Modern globalist atheists view humanity as mouths that want nourishment or biological entities of equal non-value occasionally credited with meaningless thoughts and ideas of an illusory nature. How many 'holes' can be packed into the Albert Hall or onto the Earth is a phenomenal question of interest possibly for statisticians in a metaphysical treatise on the quantification of meaningless demography.

Demographics and its realty as manifest living people in actual places is reduced to an examination of methods to process the 'fish' for control and profit; a dehumanized humanity is necessarily a 'bowl of cherries' for advantaged globalists to pluck accompanied by the chords of pathos, poverty and redemption by the rich propagandized as the proles transfer their allegiance unto the anti-Christ of the era.Corporatism and socialism are mass forms of deactualizing individual intelligence and phenomenal geophysical existence as meaningful facts in-themselves. An Aristotelian particularized approach to solving common empirical issues that keeps individual existence and right to life as necessary components of politics is a better way to deal with the many global environmental political and sectarian issues that present themselves today as common problems.

The debate isn't empirically between a solipsistic individualism ignorant of common issues and pure dehumanized collectivism, but of finding a golden mean in politics to respect individual rights personally and empirically and the reality of democratic government able to contain the economic brilliance of capitalism.Inheritance taxes are one such issue. In the United States death taxes on estates of more than 3 million dollars should be set at 50% in order to prevent formation of a non-working royal mafia over the generations. Fifty% of 50 billion dollars is still a lot of money, and if the people work with it perhaps they can surpass the wealth passed on, or alternatively lose it over the generations until they are just ordinary poor citizens.Global corporations in the United States pay not net taxes presently, and border security issues on the Mexican frontier are rigged to forfeit to Mexico because no environmentally acceptable border control zone is planned by anyone except perhaps myself even in a hypothetical criterion...several ditches and elevated patrol roads with berms would be effective as would variously configured saltwater recreation barriers.

Perhaps the nations' politicians really are incompetent and the national intelligence not so high, and expectations must be lowered regarding the future of the United States-I hope not.Writing some additional lines to provide examples of the problems that broadcasting under the control of a globally owned corporatism creates I will use the state of Alaska and it's capital city of Juneau.This Alaskan city of 29,000 citizens expands its population each day seasonally by as many as 15,000 people including crew and passengers of cruise ships. Many of the stores in the scenic old town area open seasonally too and close their doors as the cold winds and snows of fall approach to open again a couple of weeks before the paying visitors arrive. The state legislature usually has adjourned before the first cruise ships arrive in early May and have returned to their enclaves as tools of corporatist oil corporations not unusually. Alaska hasn't conflict of interest laws and some of the legislators are direct employees of oil corporations that demand concessions from the people of Alaska. Some have argued that the state capital should be relocated to the geographical center in Fairbanks of course, but the current Alaskans say that it is cold in Fairbanks, and someplace with quicker international fights to the globe such as Anchorage or Wasilla would be warmer for the corporatists.

If the capital moved to Fairbanks Juneau would have hundreds of new living spaces go on the market for conversion to tourist time-shares and condo conversion including the descrepit state capitol building. The talk of building a Lynn Canal wilderness destroying road would stop. It would be far easier for the 1000 S.E. Alaskans to travel to Fairbanks in the winter for the legislative session than for the unreasonable reverse situation to continue. Driving to Anchorage from Juneau is just too far for safety and vice versa in the dead of winter-yet the Fairbanks-Juneau drive is quite good with only 50 miles of deep coastal snow portions to traverse in those front wheel drive vehicles (and 4 wheel drive for the less adventuresome).

The stimulating presence of hundreds or thousands of intelligent new residents of Juneau would perhaps stimulate a better private business economic development situation, and the state workers would love Fairbanks. I spent three winters in Fairbanks walking to the college sometimes and enjoyed that more than when driving an old Honda civic with a broken heater blower ans a large hole in the floor on the driver's side. The turning of the wildlife colors to white is quite an aesthetic accompaniment to the northern lights and quiet snowfall.With just two AM radio stations and several FM the city of Juneau has innumerable frequencies available for some sort of reformed non-corporatist broadcasting and of course the legislature is incapable of imagining any such sort of progress for the people that would support a more democratic allocation of physical communication resources. Nationally the United States has given its broadcasting liberty to a few rich global corporations and the opinions on any given political issues are formed and expressed largely through the selective treatment of the exclusive corporatist media. Democracy such as the founders envisioned with a free press are quashed for the few modern 'Torrie's' able to win the FCC and communications financial competition.

As in the American revolutionary era free access communications are an indispensable aspect of the formation of revolutionary, democratic political opinions. Neither the Alaska State legislature nor the federal are democratic enough to innovate new methods of electromagnetic communications wavelength reformation in support of renewed democratic politics.The public could maximize wavelength use and coordinate it with Internet audio on citizen's websites. Locally each citizen could share a slice of the available radio spectrum for his own broadcast use.

Locally each citizen could have his web-page verified as that of a citizen living in the city and state in person and have a few minutes or a few hours a day to have his own political opinions and ideas broadcast to the masses. Juneau might have as many as 5,000 citizens that would take advantage of the opportunity to broadcast via their Internet site. The public would privatize the broadcasts for-themselves but publicly pay for the transmit technology much as they currently pay for physical highway construction and maintenance. Nationally this process could be replicated until the democratization of broadcast political opinion is achieved.

Diversity of opinion is the strength of the democracy. In Venezuela recently President Chavez closed down the last privately owned radio station while in the United States a few corporations own the use of wavelengths with the costs beyond that of mere mortal citizen individually. A rectification of broadcast allocation in the United States would let 300 million points of broadcast 'light' shine in the darkness of the present global authoritarianization of mass broadcast communications.Who ordered the oil field services corporation VECO C.E.O. to corrupt the Alaska State Legislature and buy votes that would cut state tax revenues by the billions from a tentative vast virgin wilderness destroying natural gas pipeline in Alaska? Were the usual global oil corporation suspects behind the move to subvert democracy in the state of Alaska?

Would Exxon-Mobil, Conoco and BP the three corporations primarily interested in operating the new pipeline themselves in order to skim extra profits from untracked gas flows possibly (its been done before) be part of a vast right wing oil corporate conspiracy to defraud and corrupt Alaska Democracy?Saudi Arabia's royal collective of 30,000 princes and princesses nationalized oil fields in the 1970's following Khaddafi's insight, Dubai probably did the same along with the other middle eastern royal oil companies, Hugo Chavez recently nationalized Venezuela's oil fields, and in Alaska global oil companies seek to lape the public resources that are non renewable that are fossil fuels building up over the 4 billion year planetary history in the wink of an eye like crankheads discovering a diamond encrusted watch that was a gift to Mother Teresa she planned to use to convert one of Saddam Hussein's palaces into an orphanage for the lost children of Iraq made homeless by violence over ownership of Iraq's 200 billion barrels of untapped reserves in the desert.

What can a democracy do to conserve it's public resources from the unscrupulous? What ca a democracy do to not squander it's non-renewable resources and become hapless destitute in the broken trail of deflated, spent dreams of civilization?Cut out the middleman was the corporate mantra through the 1970's. The global oil corporations represent stockholder collectives that put no work at all into the state of Alaska. These non-Alaskans reap the oil and gas of the frontier corrupting the American dream of a plentiful wilderness that provides for the local homesteaders. The state of Alaska should respect its existing oil and gas leases as a democracy unlike the communist and aristocratic collectives, yet the state should develop its own oil and gas fields in the future purchasing its own fossil fuel exploration company (I worked for Western Geophysical long ago before Halliburton bought it) for less than a billion dollars and occasionally hire a small drilling company to punch in a few wells.

The State would keep 100% of the oil sales price that would go at Valdez to private distributor spot purchasers. The gas and oil would be sold for 50% of the market value and a requisite for it's sale would be that it be marketed in the United States. This tactic by the state of Alaska would require only a fraction as much oil and gas to be sold in order to receive the present level of tax revenue and would also tend to lower the global gas prices driven up by royal collectives, socialist collectives and middle man field plunderers that could teach a thing or to to Blackbeard and Johnny Depp.A Liquid Natural Gas plant could be built at Valdez by a contractor and a gas pipeline alongside the existing oil pipeline spaced suitably to forestall 'sympathetic' accidental detonation from sabotage.

If Alaskans pay the cost of living on the cold frontier they ought to have some sort of natural plentiful offset recompense. State revenues could fund the best schools in America or be distributed to global soup kitchens when times are plentiful enough after infrastructure needs are met. Most jobs created by another pipeline would be filled by transient workers from the south of Texas and elsewhere who would have their jobs filled in their absence by illegal aliens. Most Alaskans are already employed and any jobs would be temporary. Most long range jobs would be perhaps in environmental clean up and other inspection and remediation costs.

The existing oil pipeline on the north slope to Valdez employs very, very few Alaskans. In theory a democracy can sell its crude oil itself directly to retailers and skip the Exxon-Mobil middleman that hasn't yet even paid it's claims judgment from about 20 years ago at the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, there isn't anything socialist about it.Revised scientific analysis shows the polar cap melting at 7.8% per decade. Within 43 years the north pole may have no ice annually in summer. Human greenhouse gassing is probably accountable for the accelerating pace of meltdown due to atmospheric warming.


Humanity of course has existed with civilizations only for 9,000 years while the world is 4 billion years old. Human responsibility for environmental changes are largely denied by commercial talk radio apologists for global corporatist quick trick profits now powers that exploit perhaps inadvertently, and innumerable straw man arguments are applied liberally to smear empirical analysts, even a religion card is used to defend the right of cheap corporate profits through environmental plundering that leave ecological externalities for the public to pay for.Some of the familiar straw men are 'socialists and reds are attacking us and out right to profit' (it makes no difference to the damaged environment what the political philosophy is of the perpetrators that violate it), the Bible says it's o.k. cause God will make a new Earth (don't count on being excused from supporting catastrophe and Armageddon build up for yourself-further on this Christian theory tangent../how would Jesus have explained to the people of his day the post Planck time at 10 to the minus 43rd power the faster-than-light inflation of the universe from a fraction of a quark size to the size of a grapefruit by 10 to the minus 35th second and the consequent 'big bang' expansion of space time?

Could he have said in the Aramaic language of the time, the Universe started from a tittle OR a jot size to a tittle times a tittle to the jot's power, or alternately might he have said the Universe grew from a mustard seed to larger than what you see know like a pregnant woman's belly of vast size? Wouldn't people have then believed in some sort of pregnant uterine cosmology with some sort of delivery in the future? instead Jesus said the universe or kingdom of God is like a tree growing with room for all kinds of life...good enough cosmology for the era wasn't it?).

Democracy is a responsibility thing with corporations of no more value than any other voter before law. Not Exxon-Mobil nor Freida Freeling have a right to pollute or warm up the atmosphere until the oceans boil away and the annual Earth temperature is 800 degrees farhenheightennugen.An incredible global broadcast propaganda engine supports fossil fuel economic hegemony over the north. From Qaanaaq to Unakleet pollutants from distant smokestacks and other pollution sources drop deposited by atmospheric currents warming with greenhouse effects. Local macro-economic and energy change is more difficult in northern places with the annual requirement for reliable energy for harsh winter survival.

Deep pocketed global corporations rather easily purchase influence and control of localities and concatenate that to state and national control. Fossil fuel development just rolls on decade after decade even as alternate, cleaner, better ,cheaper, safer complete energy systems are neglected. Most politicians even at the federal level disregard meaningful macro-economic-energy-import/export corporate ownership analysis in order to develop knowledge enough to enable meaningful interpolated revisions to dysfunction local, state and federal energy policies. The reason for that is the inertia of influence and dependence upon a formerly constructive and presently retarding fossil fuel industry.

Alaskan oil field developments continue to penetrate and proliferate broadly as an ineffective clique of fossil fuel reliant dullards in the state legislature vote approval of a resolution to descry possible listing of the polar bear as an endangered species due to habitat loss. The state is tied to oil developer's royalty tithing of the state financially and will not significantly invest in diversified energy production from ample wind, geothermal, solar and other plentiful seasonal supplies of alternate fuels.

In Russia the government has played into the oil set's hands and transitioned the state and nation into reliance upon fossil fuels and nuclear power for energy and income making it another sycophant of polluting macro-economic phenomenalities that also allocate profits in a hierarchical way implicitly corrupting democracy's necessary egalitarianism. The same phenomena exists in Iraq with the central legislature and prime minister failing to adopt a distribution of oil field ownership plan to the citizens in order to avoid the usual clique of oil predators running government.In the world today ten of the twelve most profitable corporations are fossil fuel companies or internal combustion engine auto producers. In Alaska a host of global corporations decree state political development de facto, most recent entrant is the Italian Corporation Eni' that has purchased the Nikaitchuq oil field for 900 million dollars. These 80 wells and 32 offshore islands in the high arctic add more waste in the land, sea and sky disturbing the natural thermal and chemical context of the environment.

Thousands of wells exist or are being built or in the planning stages all over Alaska and Russia maladroitly altering the security of the northern ecology and directly that natural healthy environment of humanity. Global corporatism around the world with it's concentration of well and systems control of national macro-economics makes significant national political transition to non-polluting industrial and transport-energy infrastructure development difficult.

The most significant aspect of the corporatist-socialist macro-organizational hegemony and obstruction of the deleterious ecological business interface is the Toynbean fall of civilization context parameter usually limited to just one civilization's inability to change. Because the civilization is now a global civilization the inability to move away from multifarious fossil fuel exploitation of the environment and repression of healthier technologies and political change may doom the world's ecology.The trans-Arctic eco-region is the dump for a variety of pollutants as part of the chemical war on Earth by humanity. A build up of toxic chemicals adversely affects the health of a myriad of wildlife species as well as human health. Global warming and radical environmental alterity aren't the only malefaction's and pervasive changes in continuing alterity to the Arctic environment.The Amazonian forest debatably is being exploited for farming and industrial development by President Lula DeSilva; political leadership with socialist traits may be as irresponsible as the most predatory corporatists in some cases perhaps; certainly the Soviet Union was one of the greatest offenders upon the health of the Arctic and in all likelihood was number one.
http://www.nrdc.org/globalwarming/qthinice.asphttp://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1002-03.ht m polar bear sex changeshttp://www.allthingsarctic.com/environment/polluti on.aspxhttp://content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?i d=4608

An article by Susanne Rust of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about biphenyl-A illustrates the wide distribution of water contamination and other sources with serious health risks for humanity and wildlife. The biphenyl-A isn't as glamorous as pcbs of course yet is pervasive in industrialized nations and may help cause prostate cancer as it acts like estrogen. The chemical is used in plastics and many food containers and is likely to be effective at low levels. The waterways of the nation and world have pollution from a number of sources, and many of them are zero-point pollutants that can affect locales as remote as northern Canada and Alaska:

http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/facts/ zero point pollution

Trans-Arctic peoples are also assaulted by mining runoff into water supplies. The greatest active water polluter in Alaska reportedly is the Red Dog Mine. Many Northern peoples are hooked by the dire need for a job to withstand the harsh Arctic winter.

Especially for aboriginal peoples the loss of natural environmentally supported healthy lifestyles because of pollution compels a search for a job in a polluting, environmentally destructive extraction industry. These extraction industries often are trans-national front companies to be dumped in case legal liability for pollution arises. Some other companies of extraction industries such as Exxon have litigated one single instance of pollution for nearly twenty years destroying comparative advantage opportunities for employment adjustment by victims of the pollution.Leadville; a book about mining in Colorado and the toxic waste problem that required superfund sites for remediation, is an excellent book.

A number of mining issues arise in S.E. Alaska and in the rest of the state, and the time delays on production of good analytical written materials in book for are substantial. There isn't much recent writing on the subject of mining, mining history, present mine activities and the concatenated effects of chemical pollution from mine tailings and so forth that kill the ecological health of watersheds.Mining isn't the only point source of dispersed source of killing levels of toxic wastes and habitat destruction for fish of course.

The state of Washington lost its salmon fisheries' health through a number of causes including over fishing, destruction of stream health, dams and so forth. For Alaska to keep its wild fisheries healthy, the next administration will need to get off its complaisance and actively investigate and control mine pollution runoff of acid and heavy metals in Alaska.

Some good writer could serve public interests by developing a book proposal at least to consolidate accurately mining issues quantitatively and qualitatively in Alaska and British Columbia....the Canadians presently are going through permitting of a vast open pit mine with a tailing's pond on a tributary of the Stikine River that debauches into S.E. Alaska, another mine proposal is up the Taku River-these rivers are two of the primary historical sources of large salmon in S.E. Alaska. With the piecemeal and inadequate public knowledge of the damage mining runoff causes to the health of waterways controlling these mining sprees is difficult, yet the polluting effects may go on for centuries after the mining shell corporation has gone out of business.A number of mines have issues; Green's Creek owned by three global mining corporations with records of meaningful pollution including Rio Tonto, Kennecott and Hecla.

A number of mines have been developed and abandoned over the years, concise analytical surveys of concatenated water pollution effects ongoing never make it to a public webpage or books-each should receive attention.The Tulsequah area mines of British Columbia up the Taku, the Kensington, A.J. Treadwell, Klag Bay and Pebble mines join Alaskan history as mines that compile to attack the environment in some way large or small. The Red Dog mine of western Alaska recently made the news as one of the nation's largest emitters of heavy metals yet where is the follow up substantive analysis on the present and long range actual effects for the public.Mining in Alaska will over time contribute its share to the destruction of fisheries directly and indirectly in order to bring Alaska up to the speed of Washington and Oregon with impounded fishing fleets and hundreds of millions of ongoing publicly paid efforts to restore fishing runs.

The public monitoring of adverse mining activity in Alaska will need to select meaningful a priori control of pollution and non-loss of fishing habitat as part of permitting if government is to be other than crooked as usual regarding extraction industries.One book 'Predicting Water Quality Problems at Hardrock Mines (A failure of science, oversight and good practice)' was published in 2006. The author Alan Septoff contributed a useful work that could be a reference source for the anticipated book on 'The History of Mining Pollution in S.E. Alaska and British Columbia Past & Present'.Alaskans want good jobs, but right thinking Alaskans want good jobs with companies that can be proud of their environmental conservation.The problems of global pollution affecting waters and people that live on wildlife from the waters are substantively under-studied by the federal administration evidently.

Consider a particular region's advanced post-industrial pollution construction challenges...The administration does not take to heart health issues created for Alaskans living on natural foods from the Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Sea. A recent study of Arviat, Nunavut by Martina Tyrrell in 'Arctic' Vol. 59 considered the high levels of toxicity drawn from seals, beluga Whales, polar bear and in some cases Arctic Char exhibiting deformities.


Amidst the three general pollutant categories Tyrell mention was that anti-chauvinistically titled POP's, or persistent organic pollutants (this doesn't refer to male insemination of a lesbian drifting female population). POPS such as 'PCB's, DDT, toxaphene, endosulfane, brominated fire retardants' where amongst those Tyrell reported. They arrive by wind and sea, rivers and perhaps some pollution is deposited by garbage and snow machines left by northern as well as from plants causing pollution in the 48 states.


are used in marine hull coatings, lubricants, making plastics, in pesticides and other sources Tyrell noted. Alaskans should be concerned about administration traits to flood the region with oil industry pollutants in the long range, while dispersal of pollutant takes longer than human lifetimes in many instances. The possibility of additional offshore bio corruption by pen reared fish, and of extra oil and gas pipelines to fund a corrupt global oil corporatism retarding U.S. national alternate energy independence even if companies such as Halliburton moving its headquarters to Dubai do provide employment for former cabinet officers of the United States sometimes and receive vast federal contracts now and then should be considered at least by the Congress as reason enough to look for alternate, clean methods of living in a stable environmental configuration.It is notable that the NOAA concerns about pollution in the Arctic differ from those of Tyrell.
The mood of NOAA seems more unconcerned:




Corporatist Boradcast Wavelengths

The approach to modification of existing deleterious environmental practices is a political variable for-itself contingent upon the actual state of the political environment in which the empirical environment exists. Changes in the United States or Brazil depend upon the actual political powers and the ability of educators and rationalists to reach the public in order to influence opinion. In most of the world today actual democracy is a non-factor and corporatism, socialism or some other form of authoritarianist government prevails. I will write something about the political difficulties that beset the United States and Alaska presently negating much of the effects of political action by ordinary citizens. Corporatists in the oil business are very influential in Alaska and the world today...even in the catastrophically mal-planned post 2003 Iraq war rebuilding effort largely by the United States a few corporations friendly to the administration's economic interests such as KBR, Halliburton and Bechtel got the lion's share of dumped ineffective, billions spent for reconstruction leaving the Iraqi's generally as bystanders. in fact until four months after the war only 1.7 billion was budgeted, and Paul Wolfowitz believed Iraqi oil would pay for the reconstruction itself providing a 100 billion for reconstruction right away annually.

Corporatism and socialism each are repressive forms of government in absolute terms limiting the fundamental rights of individuals to exist in-the-world for-themselves. Corporatism and socialism each are collective forms of social organization with the former taking over government from the outside in and the latter taking it over from the inside out. The United States today has slipped into the darkness of both socialism and corporatism with the corporatist broadcast media the essential agency of propaganda and mass social control. Instead of 300 million individual keyed broadcast citizen stations there re just a few uttering the opinions of rich corporatists and occasionally of socialists.

Particularists, local control of politics in a democratic context is a necessary step toward liberation from the sociopathic socialist or corporatist cold-bloodedness prevelant in present political structures of the west.

The strength of a democracy is in individual free expression, individual creativity, individual genius to solve social problems and in the vast diverse opinion and ideas generated by intelligent and diverse, liberated people defending their own borders and governance within a nation. Global collectivism in the guise of corporatism and socialism both seek to enslave Americans as degraded, indebted, ignorant service workers mocked and ruled by an international class of mafia 'businessmen or businesswomen' enforcing the allocation of resources for their own maximal profit in a 'disposable world'; after all, it is presumed that enslaved intellectuals and inventors will produce a new gadget or two needed to solve any real emergent environmental crisis that may arise when necessary. The global business mafia class known in Russia as 'the roof' will break down America's border security with tens of millions of illegal aliens if it can with the objective being the further subversion of the concept and reality of the U.S.A. as a nation with secure borders under God instead of global mammon.

In communications meaning is far more important than form. Comprehensibility of meaning is the basic goal of meaningful communication. In the U.S.A. Today form is viewed as of far more value than meaning. In novels form is the primary requisite with some form of content placing a close second. Readers want their action explosive, or their lust big and music sweet. Music is the primary form of communication in which meaning is of virtually no value and form is everything. Perhaps that reversal is good for musicians that wreak havoc upon reason when they venture to place political content in their music lyrics generally leaving a train wreck behind though with too much music in a society form becomes all-important pervasively while political reason and meaning is deleted as tiresome 'lecturing' even in the written word.

Modern globalist atheists view humanity as mouths that want nourishment or biological entities of equal non-value occasionally credited with meaningless thoughts and ideas of an illusory nature. How many 'holes' can be packed into the Albert Hall or onto the Earth is a phenomenal question of interest possibly for statisticians in a metaphysical treatise on the quantification of meaningless demography. Demographics and its realty as manifest living people in actual places is reduced to an examination of methods to process the 'fish' for control and profit; a dehumanized humanity is necessarily a 'bowl of cherries' for advantaged globalists to pluck accompanied by the chords of pathos, poverty and redemption by the rich propagandized as the proles transfer their allegiance unto the anti-Christ of the era.

Corporatism and socialism are mass forms of deactualizing individual intelligence and phenomenal geophysical existence as meaningful facts in-themselves. An Aristotelian particularized approach to solving common empirical issues that keeps individual existence and right to life as necessary components of politics is a better way to deal with the many global environmental political and sectarian issues that present themselves today as common problems. The debate isn't empirically between a solipsistic individualism ignorant of common issues and pure dehumanized collectivism, but of finding a golden mean in politics to respect individual rights personally and empirically and the reality of democratic government able to contain the economic brilliance of capitalism.

Inheritance taxes are one such issue. In the United States death taxes on estates of more than 3 million dollars should be set at 50% in order to prevent formation of a non-working royal mafia over the generations. Fifty% of 50 billion dollars is still a lot of money, and if the people work with it perhaps they can surpass the wealth passed on, or alternatively lose it over the generations until they are just ordinary poor citizens.

Global corporations in the United States pay not net taxes presently, and border security issues on the Mexican frontier are rigged to forfeit to Mexico because no environmentally acceptable border control zone is planned by anyone except perhaps myself even in a hypothetical criterion...several ditches and elevated patrol roads with berms would be effective as would variously configured saltwater recreation barriers.

Perhaps the nations' politicians really are incompetent and the national intelligence not so high, and expectations must be lowered regarding the future of the United States-I hope not.
Writing some additional lines to provide examples of the problems that broadcasting under the control of a globally owned corporatism creates I will use the state of Alaska and it's capital city of Juneau.

This Alaskan city of 29,000 citizens expands its population each day seasonally by as many as 15,000 people including crew and passengers of cruise ships. Many of the stores in the scenic old town area open seasonally too and close their doors as the cold winds and snows of fall approach to open again a couple of weeks before the paying visitors arrive. The state legislature usually has adjourned before the first cruise ships arrive in early May and have returned to their enclaves as tools of corporatist oil corporations not unusually. Alaska hasn't conflict of interest laws and some of the legislators are direct employees of oil corporations that demand concessions from the people of Alaska. Some have argued that the state capital should be relocated to the geographical center in Fairbanks of course, but the current Alaskans say that it is cold in Fairbanks, and someplace with quicker international fights to the globe such as Anchorage or Wasilla would be warmer for the corporatists.

With just two AM radio stations and several FM the city of Juneau has innumerable frequencies available for some sort of reformed non-corporatist broadcasting and of course the legislature is incapable of imagining any such sort of progress for the people that would support a more democratic allocation of physical communication resources. Nationally the United States has given its broadcasting liberty to a few rich global corporations and the opinions on any given political issues are formed and expressed largely through the selective treatment of the exclusive corporatist media. Democracy such as the founders envisioned with a free press are quashed for the few modern 'Torrie's' able to win the FCC and communications financial competition. As in the American revolutionary era free access communications are an indispensable aspect of the formation of revolutionary, democratic political opinions. Neither the Alaska State legislature nor the federal are democratic enough to innovate new methods of electromagnetic communications wavelength reformation in support of renewed democratic politics.

The public could maximize wavelength use and coordinate it with Internet audio on citizen's websites. Locally each citizen could share a slice of the available radio spectrum for his own broadcast use. Locally each citizen could have his web-page verified as that of a citizen living in the city and state in person and have a few minutes or a few hours a day to have his own political opinions and ideas broadcast to the masses. Juneau might have as many as 5,000 citizens that would take advantage of the opportunity to broadcast via their Internet site. The public would privatize the broadcasts for-themselves but publicly pay for the transmit technology much as they currently pay for physical highway construction and maintenance. Nationally this process could be replicated until the democratization of broadcast political opinion is achieved. Diversity of opinion is the strength of the democracy. In Venezuela recently President Chavez closed down the last privately owned radio station while in the United States a few corporations own the use of wavelengths with the costs beyond that of mere mortal citizen individually. A rectification of broadcast allocation in the United States would let 300 million points of broadcast 'light' shine in the darkness of the present global authoritarianization of mass broadcast communications.


Senator Reed's Retreatism & The Zarqawi Letter

The Zarqawi letter explaining Al-Qa'eda strategy in Iraq of winter 2003-2004 written to Oz bin Ladin has thus far worked it's bloody goals purposefully upon the Democratic Party of the U.S. Congress as it seeks to flee a 'civil war'. Zarqawi sought to foment a Sunni-Shi'a civil war with indiscriminate attacks on Shi'a prompting reprisals upon Iraqi Sunni's compelling Americans to withdraw from "an untenable position" (page 234 'The Occupation of Iraq' by Ali Allawi-ref. chapter named 'The Fires of Sectarian Hatreds'). The Democratic isn't contributing much intellectually to the victory of winning a peace for Iraq, and effort is necessary in the presence of a determined opponent.

The Bush administration is fighting a financially asymmetric war in Iraq against terrorists perhaps not readily extinguishable by conventional military power by an Army of occupation. Without long-range residence goals the odds of outlasting regional terrorists by American forces aren't good. The administration spends nearly a billion dollars per day in Iraq to oppose a terrorist force that hasn't comparative combat financial criteria perhaps able to conduct a 'subsistence war' with leftover and concealed munitions, donations from outsiders and support by commercially financed terrorist mercenaries. The 'blowback' consequence of the asymmetric financial conflict is ongoing defeat for the domestic U.S. economy and pragmatic opportunity costs. A protracted financial thumping of the U.S. Government by Al Qa'eda in Iraq and other clandestine terrorists including possible the government of Iran does significant present damage to an already challenged congress co-opted by global corporatist subversion of democracy. Corporatism is a parasite on democracy that eventually kills the host through such means as an amnesty bill for 20 million illegal aliens with a right to bring 150 million relatives into the U.S.A., exclusive control of mass media by corporatist non-democratic collectives, and compulsory national dependence on foreign cars and fossil fuels to tithe Mecca and Dubai at the pump.

The financial defeat in Iraq is deepened by the corporatist co-opted federal government of the United States quest for more fossil fuel profits from the 200 barrels of untapped new oil fields in the deserts of Iraq. Iraq may hold the world's largest untapped reserves of crude oil and decades of profits for administration oil corporations and oilfield services corporations. Oil as a primary transport fuel for the U.S.A. guarantees decades of future U.S. debt both public and private.

The United States might well have had a better military tactic for Iraq in 2003 if the public had known how defective the administration's post conflict planning was. Some people believed in error that the administration was competent at post conflict follow-up, but the administration was co-opted by the pursuit of corporatist agenda and unable to work toward an actual democracy in Iraq of high efficiency.

An alternate military tactic would have been to simply let the Air Force take out the Baath Government resources and let the Shi'a and other parties revolt to establish their own 'peace' with American forces limited to support for Kurdistan on the ground. The 1991 Shi'a revolt against Saddam Hussein might have succeeded had Bush 41 provided air support in a 'no fly zone'. The Shi'a thereafter developed a distrust for the United States and the Bush administration perhaps being aware of their ties to Sunni oil producing royalty of the Persian Gulf States. The Da'awa Party and the Sadrists' tradition of militancy against Saddam Hussein and other traditional oppressors of the Shi'a centered in Iraq continued onto American forces recently, yet not irrevocably perhaps. If the U.S. Government advocates that Iraq's oil be distributed to real private citizen ownership by the government of Iraq in the form of equal shares for every citizen including women and children through a publicly created oil company some sort of non-socialist democratic basis for trust in the government issuing the stock by all Iraqi including the Shi'a might be created.

Corporatism corrupts democracy and non-democratic goals are pursued with inevitably deleterious results. Corporatism is another form of authoritarianism in a subtle mode without rational empirical goals principally beyond abstract profit and power. Power and profit are subtle things for-themselves existing in a complex social and empirical world too often trampled upon to serve some largest possible organizational collective goal of absolute power. Regardless of the circumstances by which individuals are assaulted by collectivist propaganda from theocracy to socialism or corporatism individuals suffer and are compelled to choose between undesirable losing for-themselves choices such a the republican or democratic parties platforms in the U.S.A. present when they are co-opted by corporatism; each side works to control alternatives for the profit of non-democratic agenda such as corporatism desires.

The Bush administration should work with a bi-partisan commission of Iraqi peace development tactics with the goal to progressively reduce the cost of the conflict in order to defend the financial standing and reduce opportunity costs for the United States. The administration should be able to spend no more than 100 billion dollars on the war in Iraq in 2008. If the administration had heeded prior calls to create an SFBOP cadre of 50,000 members for counter-insurgence perhaps 30,000 of those would have sufficed for the Iraqi operation. Military tools are ineffective in the absence of rational political application of the service persons as so many fallen dictators have discovered. Military commanders in the U.S. Democracy do not have the right to choose what political elements of foreign belligerents to ally with or oppose-those are political decisions that the U.S. Congress must decide as a fine-tuning of it's declarations of war in real-time; to simply permit a corporatist co-opted President unlimited power to war for more than 90 days upon any foreign belligerent organization as he or she chooses is another abrogation of responsibility by the U.S. Congress.

In Iraq there are many ongoing civil organizational relationships and relationship restructuring. If the U.S. Congress uses a drunk and trust in the President posture toward the complexities of choosing how to spend money on the "War in Iraq" with their own alternative of 'stop giving him a blank check' instead of more intelligent, soberly structured directives of what spending should be on civil projects, what spending on military support for the Iraqi Government, micro-declarations of war or terrorist anathema declarations toward not only Al Qa'eda but whatever other organizations congress has deemed threats to American security vital interests at least so far that the congress will take responsibility for engaging in direct belligerence with them how can foreign policy objectives be conceived or accomplished by a congress giving its will and purse to an executive branch for accomplishment of 'fore mentioned objectives? If congress gives a corporatist a 'blank check' instead of a 'dedicated check' how can they expect such an individual not to spend the money for corporate profits through favorite military-industrial-oil services contracts that cannot 'win the war'? In corporatist theory all public debt is good...the socialist laborers will need to be wage-slaves to pay for it, and it will only do them good to get their lazy butts working.

The present congress is so daft that it attached a minimum wage increase to the 100 billion dollar bill to fund four more months of 'war' in Iraq in order to time a 7 dollar an hour wage for the 20 million illegal aliens it is seeking to give amnesty a legal residents. When the Democrats lose congress in 2008 and a Democratic President has a recession with 20% out of work but 20 million new Mexican residents in the soup kitchens and free medical clinics the corporatist media will report the pathos and hatred of he Democratic policies of course, and the public will yearn for the next Republican President to lead them toward the promised land...

Corporatist theory permits public spending on war and 'defense' but not on construction for the public good. Socialist theory in affluent societies permits no foreign construction spending in Mexico that would create a better Mexican infrastructure there to reduce pressure to migrate illegally to the U.S.A. The absence of rational democratic government in the U.S.A. and it's replacement by socialists and corporatists neutralises the philosophy of democracy and applications of public spending goals that are in the interests of the people of the United States from public policy too much. Iraq too might have better moved toward peaceful stability with far more environmentally reconstructive public projects funded instead of just 'war'. Combat engineers might have found a natural synthesis with ecological reengineering of Marshes and new Venetian style security canals in Baghdad.


Senator Kennedy & Corporatist Fascists Work to Gut Labor and Surrender Border

Fascist Globalists Own Broadcast Media & Push for U.S. Border Surrender

The founders would not have demonstrated a fascist's disregard for democracy within secure boundaries as do the corporatist spawn bought and paid for in the U.S. Congress.Sycophantic stooges of international stooges are to rave, collectivist and hip to enjoy a nation and democracy responsibly and will seal their own probable national doom as have many prior civilizations and nations sated with gluttony and dulled too much for rational political intelligence. 'Talk' radio is itself a spoiler for corporatist power advancing corrupted ideas to be able to add the conservatives to the liberals in the globalist, collectivist's pockets.

The United States requires a stable population with a renewable energy infrastructure produced at home for electric vehicle in order to sever the tithing of Mecca at the pump each day, the United States needs a border barrier canal and reservoir system for good fishing, good neighborly control, aesthetic ambiance and a way to let small boats transit from the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Mexico, the sole collateral benefit of a border control fence would be providing a place for homeless people on the northern side to get some shade occasionally. Nationalists try to get more bang for the buck, not more swinging trysting makeover fks for globalist luck.

Senator Kennedy may be so wealthy and sated that he must giveaway the U.S.A. to illegal aliens in order to provide a bigger rush than anything provided so far in Massachusetts; beyond even the fagotization of that state. Nancy Pelosi may be a leader in ending the national inheritance of a democratic society, but at least she is clueless about how to build a sustainable democratic society with a free and healthy people living in a healthy environment too and won't miss the loss.

Economically if NAFTA was first part of a Bltzkreig on American labor the 'Instant Amnesty' bill in the U.S. Senate is phase two of the globalist battle to destroy the U.S.A. for the New World Order.The Luftwaffe Air Assault of the Senate for instant amnesty for illegal aliens numbering between 6 and 20 million plus another 400,000 more 'guest workers' annually followed by another 6 to 20 million replacement illegals to fill the below minimum wage jobs vacated by the bill's newly legalized illegals is the Wehrmacht ground invasion supported by Vice Air Marshal Edward Kennedy-Kesselring heir terror forces.

Kennedy-Kesselring's alien shock troops maximally synergize cheapest labor values in the United States and Mexico keeping the worst possible wage negotiating factors for Americans reinforced in order to assure the best possible globalist profits for corporatist shareholders corrupting the democracy of the United States.Capitalism is fine when democracy still exists as a rational government defending a nation's vital public interests, but when corporations and corporate values dwarf and purchase the government irrational profit motives replaces government and national interests dry up deleteriously replaced by ad hoc elite class collectivists exploiting the world like crazed thirsty camels chasing water holes in a broadening period of global warming.

Without a tight border control behind a water, berm, electronics and fence control zone a flood of illegal aliens directed by a corrupt corporatist global class of inherited wealth shareholders and business thugs seeking to milk profits from anyplace without creativity or democracy undermine the foundations of U.S. independence, leadership and social and environmental health. Corporatism displaces democracy inadequately with Spencerian capitalist profit logic; communism the only dialectical ring opponent it recognizes. For corporatists all opposition including democracy is communist.

Corporatists believe no taxes are valid except those spent in support of corporate interests such as the U.S. interstate system for fossil fueled vehicle travel and sports stadiums for commercial sports teams to provide more 'bread and circus' for the consumers reds and greens. Capitalism is supposed to b an economic and not a governing method, unfortunately bribery and ignorance transform democratic representation into tools and partners of corporatists to attack U.S. democracy ideologically and financially with a plethora of collectivist/existentialist detachments from the reality of geophysical nationalism leading towards a global oligarchy over dehumanized, amoral maggot-proles appositely labeled, sedated, treated and recycled.

It is important for the United States to remain a real nation and not become simply a spaced-out landing strip for amoral globalist cyber-space staging with people collecting rents, labeling and treating mental non-conformity and other 'air guitar' businesses with manufacturing in China, India and Indonesia with cheap immigrant labor doing all the heavy lifting in non-outsource-able jobs.The United States should become a leader in green technology for export and democratic self-control and good neighborliness. If Mexico was a squared away nation the migrant problem would not exist.

After building a saltwater control canal and berms from Brownsville to Phoenix, lets spend some 25 billion dollars building a positive quality of life infrastructure in Mexico centered on solar power technologies and electric toilets from the Iraq expense account. Let's help Mexicans manufacture small electric cars and home solar-recharging technologies.Reading Isaiah 24-35 provides an idea of the prophetic challenges presented to civilization in decline because the comfortable and prosperous leaders corrupt the masses in a Toynbean or even Aristotelian cycle of transformation from creativity and production to non-creativity, repression, dependence( on oil presently) and decline.

A few passages briefly from Isaiah...Chp 27:1-2 "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. 2 In that day sing ye unto her, A vineyard of red wine."

Chp. 30:1 "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering but not of spirit, that they may add sin to sin."

30:8-13 "Now go; write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not here the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, See not;and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease before us. Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon:Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall,swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant."

30:14 And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit.

30:15-"For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; in returning and rest shall ye be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not."

The border control saltwater barrier should serve other purposes than border control, such as fresh water generation for the desert through evaporation canals and condensation under glass-salt concentrated slurries may be sent in pipelines back to the ocean for careful renormalization before release to normal sea salinity.Fortunately America has a choice when building the waterway meandering through an area of control near the Mexican border to not allow global corporations such as Gruppo Mexico or Coure mining to dispose of tailings, or even have a chance to create mining issues such as exist at superfund sites in Colorado, Montana and one day too perhaps Alaska.

The border control waterway would be a source of cooling desert moisture, fishing and peace with micro-ecological transition corridors for transnational wildlife to cross... that would easily be more wildlife-friendly than present urban kill zones for wildlife and the death for desert tortoises Interstate 10.Broadcasting in America is controlled by global corporations effectively able to rule the public mass political opinion making channels of propaganda, and even with advertising rave splicing verbiage to punitively attack individual dissidents of corporatist control of local politics.

Oil corporations may establish surveillance switching offices near state legislatures with extraction industry issues, or mining companies surveill legislative abodes for intelligence gathering purposes; payolla may be provided to local broadcasters for spin against conservationists as interminable neo-Lord Ha Ha's for globalist treason; U.S. political liberty quietly is co-opted by opulent and incessant anti-democracy support for globalism.

The Congressional leaders and President today are basically smurphs that one may have difficulty in remembering. These are the most ineffective bunch at comprehending how to accomplish meaningful legislation in decades.It is necessary to accomplish multi-tasking to conserve borders and budget, security and future opportunity. Lyndon Baines Johnson was and effective leader working with the pits of congress to get the legislation of the great society through simultaneously with funding the Vietnam War.

It is possible to disagree with L.B.J.'s legislative agenda and its subsequent effectiveness yet unquestionably L.B.J. as President was able to accomplish his political agenda of passing preferred bills through congress. Compare the administrative incompetence of the Clinton's and how they lost their majority right off through a double-headedness, aloof incomprehending of the will of the people and oval office distractions.

President G.W. Bush is an apposite stuffed shirt President seeking to improve his image for after-office, yet the profile is of a Santa Ana convert defending an attorney general's potential vote of no confidence by the Congress as 'theiter'. One wonders what horse's head in George's bed or Mexican mafia held fantastic photos from some youthful Mexican drunken cocaine binge leads to his support for annexation of America through support for the 'Instant Amnesty for Illegals' program.

While America's federal level politicians may increasingly be bound stuffed suits and skirts led through careful 'hate speech' restrictions to protect political perversion's increase and motivated by carrots placed by global corporate kickbacks, post office employment sinecures and brainwashing by corporate broadcast media they could with a good President fund a border control zone waterway and transition toward understanding of the various Muslim and secular sects in Iraq and Iran and work to bring them together through carefully selected fair and balanced military and economic support toward stable democracy rather than dumping the U.S. into pre-existing regional roles following prior foreign oppressors or phenomenal armies that disappear like a mirage in a few years.

American reliance on middle eastern oil is not likely to stop with corporate somnolence in the arms of global corporate oil corporations, SUV sales and non-home production of electricity for electric cars at least in the sun belt, and in this global era of communications and transport nearly instantly a moderate approach to security for Iraq and the American border simultaneously is necessary for U.S. national prospects and a less than spaced out global dichotomy of universal political absolutes of an unintelligent and contradictory kind. It is also needful to consider that atheist and scientistic positions are for-themselves ideological constructions in some places of an inflammatory nature.

During America's darkest hours in Iraq the Congress is seeking to retreat on two fronts; from Iraq and on national independence. The Congress seeks to execute an Al Qa'eda style head lopping of border security and sovereignty by making the value of life cheaper in this nation flooding it with cheap globalist laborers...this is the worst of Clinton-Bush globalism of the New World Order.Annexing America onto the world it just one decisive step in subverting American political liberty permanently.

Global corporatism has transcended national Democratic self-interest. Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' of capital regulation of markets wasn't intended to replace government. Like fractal images capitalism promotes the best competition within a given market even as a smaller image of itself, but in the absence of a democratic government capitalism destroys itself to become neo-authoriartian. Subtly over time corporatist conquest of government molds the world's economy toward its domineering non-competetive interests.

Democracy must retake political power and secure the borders against illegal immigration and permit just 300,000 annual immigrants from all sources legally and illegally to enter the nation.Capitalism is the most effective means of creativity only when a Democratic Government is present to defend common public interests. The Democracy should not venture into the neo-authoriatarian field of state socialism or state competition with creative capitalism in turn, but mustelelments orders when needed.Our U.S. Congress hasn't been up to much effectively since Speaker O'Neill left. Instead it has a 30 year history of bungling incompetence addressing macro-social issues maladroitly.

Congress has had only 37 years to create competition for fossil fuel powered vehicles such as electric cars and more than that time to support private home electrical power production for electric cars in order to eliminate purchases of gasoline. I have written that gas would drop before the last election, go up after the election as at present and remain that way until before the voters need to be happy faced with a drop in price before the next election. The price of gasoline is timed somewhat like the domestic economy formerly was in Presidential elections to control voter satisfaction or dissatisfaction with party politics.

The Congress has failed at environmental technology manufacturing global leadership, created an unwieldy monster of a medical system, corrupted heterosexual marriage and birth with homocouples and abortions, run the country into vast federal debt and current accounts deficits, lost two winnable wars, lost is best manufacturing jobs to foreign competition etc. Presently the Congress is fullfilling further aspects of Touynbee's described cycle of a downward trending civilization; the main interesting question isn't how they can be so dum, but will illegal aliens contribute significantly to the public debt and global warming control efforts in America?

The U.S. Congress coincidentally accomplishes objectives of Al Qa'eda regarding U.S. foreign policy of yielding its soft underbelly to illegal alien border bounders and at least Democrats in attempting to flee from Iraq leaving the nation in a shambles. What else is involved in the latest perfidy promulgated by corporatist sycophants in the Senate and House seeking to assure a retirement on a golden pond with the soft comforts of plentiful Latino servants?It isn't just another cut all the taxes on the rich in order to assure economic growth corruption of supply side economics yet it has an equally fissiparous effect upon income and social opportunity in the body politic as anti-environmentalism; the United States has 300 million people already and it is participating in the present global mass extinction in progress.

Of course white population in the U.S.A. of those below age 15 dropped in all but nine states last year while Hispanic population growth of the same group was up 24% in the United States. A sustainable democracy and economy needs an example somewhere in the world besides Israel and Britain, at some point people will need to live within boundaries and within empirical responsibility and not just go a bit farther for some somewhat natural windfall.

In space, the final frontier before the next one after that, human beings will need to live within a budget that they create for-themselves with the greatest creativity producing the best quality of living instead of the reverse as now.Hadrian and King Offa each demonstrated the feasibility of building barriers against adverse aliens, the Panamanians are rebuilding their canal yet the U.S. Congress cannot get a simple border water canal for small boats and security constructed using saltwater siphoned to Lordsburg New Mexico for allocation downhill.

Plate tectonic theory means for anti-environmentalism that the girth/ diameter of the Earth will increase with middle age providing new real estate for illegal alien settlement in the United States.Illegal aliens by their presence in the U.S.A. each day prove their unwillingness to live by the laws of the people of the United States instead willing to annually thumb their nose and the laws when it is possible and profitable to do so. Without a comprehensive border canal and fence barrier to keep illegals out, the congress is moving toward amnesty and surrender to the 12 million illegals present.

A better policy is possible...Illegals that register within 6 months would not be listed as free passage to Mexico card valid for 1 years. If registered aliens return voluntarily to their own nation within that time they may get in line and apply with law abiding foreign nationals for residence lawfully in the United States. This one be a one-time opportunity for illegals and the remainder of the unregistered would become felons enabling any law enforcement official in America to validly check for their status in the U.S.A.

If law enforcement worked in the U.S.A. it would be a substantial incentive to register, and in that 1 year period the government should construct the trans-American saltwater border control canal to enable sailors to tour the desert and avoid the exorbitant Panama Canal transit fee for small boats.Democratic congressmen secretly desirous of a Hunter-Thompson administration in 2009 believe national economic growth and oil corporate profits can be sustained by a steady stream of cheap immigrant labor as the slavery period demonstrated. A number of legal theories have been advanced to support reverse assimilation such as the Maricon Manifesto, the La Raza suppression of Democracy and the citizenship revolving door principle.


A Resume for Gary C. Gibson

Name: Gary C. Gibson
Address: P.O. Box 2002
Juneau, Wrangell, Alaska 99929
Email: garycgibson@gmail.com
Education and Training:

The North American Reformed Seminary 2014-2016 49 credits
University of the State of New York Excelsior College B.A. 1991
Univ. of Alaska-S.E. A.A. 1991
Juneau, Alaska

Houston Grad School of Theology
Houston, Texas
Western Business College
Portland, Oregon
Computer Programming-Systems Analysis
U.S. Army Combat Engineer School
U.S. Army Chemical School

Career-specific, job-related training and skills:
My books print-on-demand
blogging, msword editing, some html code writing, internet research, management of projects such as commercial house repainting, read and learned classical and symbolic logic (including predicate and propositional logic/i.e. Kelly's 'The Art of Reasoning')

During one five year period of multi-tasking I served in the Alaska Army Guard and U.S. Army Reserve, took 60 credits at the University of Alaska-Juneau, 30 credits at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, CLEP tested another 30 credits and transferred all to the University of the State of N.Y. at Albany for a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies (history and Philosophy), traveled twice to Europe and once to Mexico (where I climbed Mt. Popocatepetl) and continued writing for eventual publication.

Work History starting with most recent
Most recent employer and location:self-employed painter
Start Date (Month/Day/Year):06/01/1972
Ending Date (Month/Day/Year):11/01/2006

Job Title: structure painter seasonally of exteriors. Work was phenomenal as houses and commercial buildings became available for painting
Supervisor's Name:Gary Gibson
Employment Type: Full Time
Hours/Week worked:50
Complete commercial home and building repainter periodically since 1972. Highest quality exteriors repainting. Much customer service relations, materials acquisition, quality control assurance and so forth. Names of some customers and phone numbers are available.
Name of employer and location: Gary C. Gibson-writer
Start Date (Month/Day/Year):09/01/1987
Ending Date (Month/Day/Year): 02/28/2007

Job Title: author of political, science fiction and philosophy
Supervisor's Name: Gary C Gibson
Supervisor's Phone Number: n/a/
Employment Type: Part Time
Hours/Week worked:20
Salary: (Monthly) n/a/
Description. Please describe your duties:
My books at print-on-demand and e-book publisher I wrote about 350,000 words annually in recent years. The publishing service is generally free although one must do all the creative and editing work for oneself. It is useful to know computer publishing techniques quite well including formatting pages, page set-up, photo editing etc.

Start Date (Month/Day/Year): 06/30/1995
Ending Date (Month/Day/Year): 05/15/1995

Job Title: Admin assistant/clerk
Employment Type: Full Time
Hours/Week worked:40
Salary: (Monthly) $ 1895.00
Description. Please describe your duties:
File processing
Name of employer and location: Alaska Department of Labor
Start Date (Month/Day/Year): 07/01/1984
Ending Date (Month/Day/Year): 06/01/1987

Job Title: clerical assistant
Employment Type: Full Time
Hours/Week worked: 37.5 then 20
Description. Please describe your duties:
File clerk work with alpha-numeric worker's compensation records. Work was full time for a year then reduced to part-time as I attended college full-time. In 1987 I got someone to replace me on the job to I could attend a mortar school at Fort Benning that became cancelled; so I moved to Fairbanks to complete my last year of undergraduate work. Used photo copiers and a variety of office equipment.
Additional Work History:

Some Alaska Army Guard, Army or Army reserve training periodically between 1982 and 1990. Some oil exploration crew work offshore. Deck hand on intercoastal pushboats.
Open water scuba diving course at Channel Dive, Juneau in 1992.
Good small boat sailing skills (16 to 30 feet).
Worked on a homestead periodically on the Eastern side of Wrangell Island (including this winter-{I no longer own it}). Use of chain saws and other pioneer tools.
Previously I've typed about 350,000 words annually (since 1999) with spell checks before publishing. My MSWORD skills are good, I use html code a bit for internet webpage formatting. Note taking is all right. I reviewed a book on the draft process for writing a novel recently. This winter I wrote a novella called 'The Bamalik Code' on an alpha-smart. It was about 30,000 words of science fiction.


Anemic U.S. Politics

The United States has had moderately bad foreign policy management since the end of the Reagan administration and brief transitional period into the first half of the first Bush (41) administration. Today the subtle decline of foreign policy, congressional credibility, domestic economic leadership and energy policy have merged into a general loss of the United States in global environmental, economic and social standing. Yet in the rave broadcast era the public has largely been trained not to care and maladroit democratic Presidential candidate’s ideas about the Iraq nation-building inefficiencies with far too much loss of life reflect a neo-isolationist retreat political philosophy supported by more faith in the rest of the world for-itself than in the United States. The bad democrat policies fail to address numerous regional and global issues in which the investment in the security of Iraq is just one part of a more complex, integrated world phenomenon.

The democrat party may be stuck in a Reagan-Bush era cold war victory and free pass the 90’s worldview, yet it does not in any way reflect the aggressively challenging position the United States is in as it approaches the second decade of the third millennium anno domini. Neither does the policy of the Bush branch of the Republican Party support American domestic and global interests very well; instead they support corporate global piggybacking and sell-outs of U.S. corporations to the world.

Corporatism isn’t a policy that well serves the poor of the world nor interests of the American middle class. It is a an MBA generation outsource economic control through mergers policy that leaves Americans holding the bag on the plurality of infrastructure investment development…and global corporations are unlikely to favor raising or paying any taxes for public works in the United States including education. The United States will continue to fall behind the developing world in comparative education quality improvement rates as well as in graduation of engineers, research, development, production and manufacturing. The federal debt, the current accounts trade deficits, the national savings rate, the number of foreign dollars held abroad and the likely eventual drop of the dollar as the essential global currency and standard for oil trading present very substantial negative economic and social factors for the United States now and in the coming decades. Is the United States in any way able to meet the challenge or will it continue to be a nation riding the coattails of a 20th century technical and production brilliance never reached before?

The United States seems to be in a meaningful comparative decline in the world today largely because of historically advancing political and geographic alterity unaddressed by contemporary politicians. The failure of American politicians to restore individual home power energy independence to as liberal of a status as during 18th century reliance on home-grown grass to fuel personal equine transport has trained Americans to tithe Mecca daily at the pump in a manner of speaking.

Dubai is an amazing example of construction and economic growth surging ahead and drawing the allegiance of the Bush administration’s hordes of oil and oil field services supporters from the rouge states. While the Muslim world has a basic split between Shiite and Sunni, most Muslim states have budget surpluses and fundamental policies not useful to American direct investment interests in the leadership of the United States. Why should it?

Neither the Muslim world nor moderately communist China have any rational reason to prefer to support economic and environmental leadership by the United States especially when the United States seem to be in a policy of running away from leadership, watching everything on 7 foot home big screen TV’s, and leaving leadership to a commander in Chief Napoleaning a volunteer military on borrowed money. It is unfortunate that rebuilding Iraq required more intelligence than playing T-ball at the White House. Probably T-ball was the President’s best idea.

The United States today may be a nation that prefers the televised glamour of the crude, the rude family, and does it’s best to kick back jobs and opportunities to existing social structures and cheap labor in such a way as to expedite attrition of quality products in politics. The ascent of the mafia to the highest levels of American entertainment voyeurism can hardly be said to be a good thing...easy yes; good no. The United States is becoming a mediocre nation without the will to control its borders, conserve and restore its environment, transition to independent home power production for electrical transport, keep support for a healthy manufacturing sector in high tech. The accumulation of debts, loss of comparative economic advantage, physical insecurity and so forth are a result of a decade of neglect and complaisance and would take more than a decade to restore especially when corporate media can say everything economically is dandy regardless of the actual state of affairs.


Winter Wonderland

No internet most of the winter, oh well. I hope the Malachi government has luck in stablishing peace. Following is something about my final days at my former home...

So the stay at the rural, former place in Alaska, finally ended. It took an amazing 7 hours to walk just seven miles, but 2 of those were through the forest, and the rest were in a more tired condition with trudging progress.

The forest is interesting in winter. The forecast was for sub-freezing yet it didn’t happen enough to solidify the snow enough to walk on. Over a variety of logs, circle over my own tracks in the snow and mist and snow all day. The toughest choice while disoriented because of low visibility and difficult terrain association circumstances is which set of one's own tracks to follow while wondering how three sets of tracks showed up in one place and how could they since the slope going uphill is going downhill instead. Later, aft having followed the right set of footprints in the snow by luck perhaps I realized that I must have left these tracks under some of the trees on the return from a mission to town January 27th. In some heavily forested places the footprints weren't buried under new snow although it must have snowed and rained a lot since then. It was a good choice to leave since it snowed two feet today making travel worse.

Go up six hundred feet and turn right, walk along the slope side and use caution. Wonderful.
The eagles soaring out over the sky and waters were impressive, yek I'd been impressed by the ravens too all winter...how they survive so well in the cold-in the wild they average 30 year life spans. In the cold wind chill overcast sky with mists and snow enshrouding some of the mountains the eagles resolutely soar without freezing their eyes or other vital parts...who does the de-icing for them? I ran across some substantial moose nuggets on he side of a hill...seemed sort of a surprising place however they are members of the deer family. A bear showed up a couple of weeks before I ran out of food and the chain saw broke (for cutting dead trees). I had a feeling it would when I tossed a frying pan full of burnt bannock bread out into the snow one night-sure enough the bear tracks were all over in the morning. If they smell that well it still makes me wonder how close it usually was. I fired six rounds of 12 gauge shot to provide a deterrent element, and I didn't run into it later. I wondered if it was my 12 gauge shots into the side of a nearby hill that brought a year and a half old deer onto the property. It seemed rather chagrinned and was initially somewhat frightened, yet reluctant to move away, and when I said to the deer that it was o.k. it moved toward me briefly before I walked away. The strange thing about the particular deer was that its head seemed somewhat calf-like and legs somewhat stouter than a usual emancipated fawn on its own through the winter. Deer haven't any nerve endings in their legs and don't feel pain. If usually spindly deer legs were much like those of people they would certainly have frostbite limb-loss. Nature again is rather amazing.

I never encountered any wolves this winter, and that was rather disappointing...until 1996 I had regularly found wolf tracks and listened to their winter night howling (they will answer if you can imitate a wolf howl reasonably well) during aurora borealis tendril'd clear cold nights when it was good running over a deep snowpack.



To Democracy in Iraq

Isaiah 14:24 'The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:'

I should speculate that Iraqi oil fields worth perhaps a trillion dollars if not given to private ownership by Iraqi citizens will be the incentive for terrorist takeover the next seven years, and Americans will need to defend a qausi (public perception) possible puppet government or experience probably tripling of oil prices if Persian Gulf and Saudi oil fields are cutoff during fundamentalist Islamic revolutions.

The administration fails to comprehend the nature of revolutions perhaps...especially in the middle east.

... Revolutions were described interestingly in a book called the General Crisis of the 17th century. Revolutions mean different things to different people sometimes. Sometimes 'revoltionaries' aren't, but may be for example restorationists or whatever trying to turn back history to sdome hypothetical 'golden age'.

The United States should urge privatization of Iraqi oil fields with ther egovernment keeping 10% for financing. The U.S. oil companies will need to just hope that Iraqis decide to contract their services. French total or someone else may end up with the oil contracts otherwise, and oil may no longer be sold by OPEC in U.S. dollars. The Iraqi public needs a real reason to support the government, and th one unifying reason necessary is citizen ownership of the oil fields.

Democracy isn't historical for middle eastern nations besides Israel. Saddam Husein achieved a peaceful nation domesticly through absolute state terror-not an option for a democracy. A unified reason needs to exist for these people closer to the European 16th century politically than the 20th to select democracy and combat rule of the strongest. Oil ownership is fundamentally the right medium for broad popular support in Iraq of a government able to bridge sectarian and revisionist traits of rule through prowess in treachery.

Some middle eastern nations won't want a democracy in Iraq; theocracies and monarchies for instance. If the U.S. administration talks loud enough in support of popular stock issue for the trillion dollar Iraqi oil fields perhaps just 70,000 troops would be needed in 2008.

If the U.S. unilaterally withdraws quickly chaos in the region may follow, and U.S. troops should need to defend Kurdistan from an unitended U.S. policy for a recrudessent Ottoman Empire in Kurdistan, and troops in Saudi to defend the royalty from revolutionary Arab restorationists of populist theocracy while oil prices may reach 300 dollars per barrel briefy.

In the U.S. Congress the deadbeats need to pass an alternative energy bill right away and send it to the President. The bill should strongly support home energy production through fuel cell, wind and solar power, and innovate incentives and support for alternative energy and transport development. The U.S.A. is heading down the Toynbean road to collapse, and perhaps it can't be reversed in the broadcast media corruption of politics era. Its worth a try perhaps to try to innovate good congressional ideation/support for, and rectify the daft financial tendencies and foreign policy of the Bush administration.

Why can't some mass innoculations in some poor regions be done by engineer'd mosquitoes?

Democrats; Kick Alt Fuel into Legislature Net

Democrats; Kick the ball into the net! (Yet don't do anything depraved)

Tuesday 30 of January, 2007
Democrats in congress the purpose of the game is to kick the ball into the net past the goalie (President Bush). It won't take a Beckham sort of English(spin) to accomplish it. You are right in front of the goal outnumbering the goalie's pol;itical ability to veto..don't just kick it back to midfield and stall.I will even point out what the important political ball is that you have in front of the net...it is alternate fuel and transport legislation.

Reliance upon oil for U.S. transportation is the basis of all evil in American economics, and to fail to address that issue of American reliance on an early 20th century fuel that is causing incredible deficits and jeopardizing U.S. independence besides being the main cause of the administration’s unwillingness to support real democracy in Iraq (more about that later) avoids meaningful legislation.

The Iraqi oil fields may be the largest remaining in the world worth more than a trillion dollars. The only right solution to the Iraq problem is to publicly urge that the oil fields be privatized and distributed to all Iraqi citizens in equal shares of a public corporation. The oil is the real recruiting incentive for puppet governments there, and for terrorism and so forth. The actions of the United States that subvert the social structure of Muslim or Arab traditional patriarchal and fratricidal society seeking to replace it with a feminism is another issue entirely.The congress should develop wind, solar and fuel cell power incentives domestically to get Americans to provide their own fuel instead of outsourcing their future to foreign corporations and sometimes inimical economies abroad. The congress should immediately create a M.I.T.I. like federal economic policy board to study and attack current accounts generating deficits by creating new U.S. green and high tech business research, development and manufacturing.

Even the Alaska State legislature could get on board and provide a small part of its oil revenues for Wind farms in S.E. Alaska communities such as Wrangell to generate independent local electricity for municipal use and also to create hydrogen fuel.

A Better Strategy to Defeat Administration Bungling in Rebuilding Iraq

The effort to support nation rebuilding in Iraq is grimly serious and costing thousands of American and Iraqi lives. The bungling administration took a well designed military victory with the implicit prospect for success in rebuilding a nation with democratic aegis and bungled the moment. The administration willingness to spend public funds on war that trickles down profits (flummery) to special interest contractors in oil and defense related industries does not extend to non-defense civilian infrastructure investments that could have supported better prospects for successful national development in Iraq. The administration’s scrooge like character of spending on non-military alternative fuels, wind, solar, fuel cell, paving solar voltaic research and independent local economic research, development and manufacturing budgets is dismal. The administration seems only wiling to invest in fifty years profit plans for oil companies that pay no royalties to the public treasury, instead plundering national resources like covert economic guerrilla operatives subverting in plain sight of a somnolent media purchased by global corporations. Was it possible in 2003 to know that the administration would be so unprepared to follow up and instead would create such conditions as to allow a werewolf resistance movement to form an insurgency that would cause far more casualties than the 2003 war?

I will use a smidgen of sarcasm in this brief comment on the alternatives to continued incompetence that forces damaging casualties in Iraq and economic harm to both the Iraqi and U.S. economies. Achieving a peaceful and satisfactory resolution of political events in this phase of history of Iraqi history requires U.S. leadership willing to request that Iraqi’s own their own oil fields privately, equally and democratically.

One might ask if society reelects indignant leadership (2004) unwilling to support an actual and not just an apparent democracy in Iraq that may be publicly perceived as a puppet government, it deserves a continued descent in it’s own nation away from a democratic government and downward unto royal family dynasticism in support of global investment and the comparative decay of the national manufacturing sector and border security. All the very rich want of course is for Americans to hush up about millions of cheap laborer’s flooding in to subvert unionization or any sort of undesirable economic or political tendencies on the management/labor scale. Aristotle wrote in the politics that democracies collapse into tyrannies perhaps in a similar way that free radicals or unbound particles in atomic orbits are unusual and unstable and certain bound states the norm without unusual force acting upon the nucleus. Democracies are phenomenal and tyrants while tyrants and other undemocratic elements prefer to bind social order into changeless and exploitable submission disregarding most social concerns about ‘improvement’ of environmental and political prospects. The sole necessity for political tyranny is to control of public expression and opinion and to liquidate dissent and rival political wills to shape social destiny in other than the tyrant’s preferred direction.

I haven’t earlier had a chance to respond to the President’s bone-headed notion that his present Iraq policy is a good one. It is a lame-duck effort to secure oil field contracts for favorite hydrocarbon services and supply corporations. Liberating Iraq in 2003 was a moral policy; willfully bungling the rebuilding of Iraqi security is not.Some would debate the definition of what a war is and if the war after the 2003 war ended is a war at all. I won’t quibble though the broadcast media is owed an argument, and will provide a better, cheaper way to win the war in Iraq below.

The winning war strategy in Iraq is beyond the intellectual grasp of the Bush administration, while the inherent conflict of interest in oil related businesses the President has mires his limited creativity political problem solving in a crude slop-pit of a quag.

Right off I wish the President’s battle of the fiscal bulge to get oil contracts and to become guardian angels for the Iraqis of Terrorized City success. If he had trained three brigades in BlackOp counter-intelligence special forces operations instead and maybe got Vladimir Putin to send some Spetznatz and former K.G.B. trainers instead to create a sort of mini-second directorate able to work with Iraqi co-horts maybe they would have had a better chance of success than mal-adapted Army and Marines sent to be targets of opportunity as bomb locating device counterparts to I.E.D.’s and suicide bombers.Oh well good luck General Petraeus, even Caesar in the battle for Alexandria had a better idea of the nature of war than the non-combat experienced administration leadership perhaps…if only Bob Dole had been elected in 1994 instead…

President Bush has challenged anyone to provide a better plan than his, implying in probable error that his plan has merit and this is a response providing some detail and analytical commentary regarding aspects of my better plan. I have previously published elements of this alternative plan that seem to have goon unnoticed I must say. It is better than the Von Bush plan.

First a few observations about the political complex of compresence of Iraq that reveal the fundamental unsoundness of administration policy.Iran and Syria aren’t short term regional phenomenalities and are unlikely to provide any political support to administration Iraqi policy in the near term. Implementation of policies in support of administration goals in Iraq would perhaps be beyond the ability of an Iranian or Syrian government to accomplish in the short term even if such possibly inimical objectives were made policies of those governments the President has declared as the drive wheels on the axis of evil.Administration energy policy is implicitly inimical to and counterproductive on its efforts to attain a secure Iraq. Pursuit of Iraq oil field contracts worth perhaps one trillion dollars to support globalist corporate oil profits and fleets of SUVs in the U.S.A. denigrate alternative energy development in the U.S.A. with the collateral promotion of nuclear power globally as the primary non-hydrocarbon energy source instead of green fuels. Iran of course is developing a nuclear energy infrastructure that may destabilize Middle Eastern prospect for peace in the long run, and it is supported by Russian and French corporate suppliers in developing its nuclear capability.Iran has perhaps misevaluated the role nuclear power can play in war and peace, especially at the crossroads of potential nuclear crossfire from Europe, Russia and the U.S.A. in event of any escalated nuclear war crisis, and in the degree of danger destruction of operating nuclear plants present to civilian population nearby and downwind as well as the costs required to contain simple nuclear power plant meltdowns, yet Iran is not alone in that regard. Most nuclear plants on Earth today probably haven’t a failsafe capacity to automatically safely mothball themselves if some plague were to incapacitate plant operators globally. The world might well instead experience universal nuclear plant meltdowns.

Administration policy seems to make an implicit assumption that in six months or a year or two essential social and political facts may change to such an extent that terrorism might be controlled and minimized in Iraq while history seems to indicate the opposite.

The intafada in West Bank territories went on for years with a very better match and knowledgeable Israeli military and intelligence infrastructure barely able to contain the crisis allowing in just several Hamas bombs and bombers now and then into the heart of the nation. The Shi’a, Sunni and numerous other interests from within and without Iraq have ample explosives ordinance and personnel to continue devastating attacks on defenseless civilians in Iraq for decades like as not. If one considers the difficulty the British military and intelligence as well as the Ulster police forces had in containing I.R.A. terrorism in Northern Ireland and extrapolates to the more variegated political and geographical tactical facts of Iraq the prospects for immediate political stabilization of Iraq including the elimination of explosions amidst civilians becomes less than optimal.

The Iraqi oil fields are believed to be the largest remaining on Earth, possibly greater than the Saudi fields that may have already reached peak production capacity. The prize of political control of the vast oil wealth of Iraq is the best lure to subordinate political followers to an effort to war political conquest.

In the United States unfortunately both major political parties place governors on their truth capacity that prevent recognition of the facts of oil and its relationship to declining North Sea and American oil fields.

Terrorism to dominate Iraqi politics isn’t likely to stop in the next year or two, neither is the U.S. free to withdraw military forces quickly for several tactical reasons that include;

1)Future distrust of U.S. political trustworthiness

2)Forming world opinions that the United States may start rational economic policies.

3)Exclusion from Iraqi oil field contracts through a puppet government in Iraq (the world perhaps believes that what it is).

4)High stakes mid-east craps shooting with international political developments of a dangerous yet possibly interesting complexity

5)A slump in Texas and red state war industries and good paying employment in war industries that are the best left since the end of most blue collar U.S. jobs and the crash of Ford Motor. Excluding oil, manufacturing is just 9% of the U.S. economy now while financial services has risen to about 30% If America runs from Iraq the world may believe Americans are living on loans spendthrift wimps with easy scamming incomes letting the Chinese to the production and the illegal aliens Mexicans do the construction.

6)The U.S. economy may crash if oil prices reach 300 dollars a barrel in some Mideast war scenario.

7)The wealthy may need to force a depression to break alternative fuel development and transportation, snuff support for environmental politically, and gut support for environmental technology start up businesses.

Because the Iraqi people have no certain political victors and the dynamics of group cohesiveness perhaps the best chance of not becoming a target for liquidation, radical political party structures in Iraq may remain the most likely way of organization with the least chance of reconciliation politically. There is one way to get the 1.5 million Iraqi refugees to return and to gain popular support for an Iraqi Government; support an actual democracy in Iraq and issue each citizen in Iraq a one-time stock issuance of Iraqi Oil fields. Every Iraqi citizen would receive an equal number of shares of all of Iraq’s oil, while the government would keep 10% for public financing.While the oil fields of Iraq are not owned by the people, for the people as privately owned shares the oil field control incentive will be the underlying destabilizing financial agent in the region. Alternatively with private ownership by the citizens of Iraq of their oil fields the credibility the United States could receive in the world and in Iraq would rise while the United States would still have a fair opportunity to let its corporations such as Exxon and Halliburton purchase oil or provide oil field services. Obviously the United States in relying upon oil for domestic transportation energy supply is doing tremendous financial harm to itself and reducing its role in global leadership steadily falling below the horizon of progress and becoming a military servo-unit of globalist corporatism.

In the United States fuel cells, wind and solazçµõwerçõÃÃÃÃeçÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃsyÃÃÃÃÃed by federal and state laws to give homeowners and automobile producers cause to make their own power and develop non-fossil fuel driven electric vehicles.One may stop to consider the actual present posture of both political parties in the debate about the President’s deployment of more military forces to Iraq; does either party have it’s sail up and moving the ship of state forward or are they scattered across the water and the officers acting as if they were under the influence of argo or mold hallucinogenics from moldy bread doing the St. Vitas dance?Is the present level of American military investment in Iraq sustainable over several years if the Iraqi terrorists do not behave and just keep it up? I would think the answer is no. Yet the Bush administration (43) is the most financially spendthrift in world history and it seems the President’s allotted role in life to spend other peoples money like a drunken sailor. The political reaction to that fact judging by his reelection in 2004 is ho hum. Deficit spending is a private and public way of life in a decadent nation losing its creativity and becoming a skimmer of other people’s money.

The perennial war in Iraq isn’t perhaps on a sustainable basis. A cynic might wonder if perennial wars shouldn’t be financially sustainable instead. The President answered that question in his state of the Union address by saying that he has a plan to balance the federal budget three years after he leaves office. Good plan Mr. President, kowibunga dudes.

If the financing of a protracted civil conflict in Iraq is not realistic, then the alternative might seem to be withdrawing from Iraq in some scaled down pace to allow the maximum degree of international contempt for American foreign policy to develop while simultaneously allowing a jockeying for position of political power after the U.S. retires it’s military personnel from the conflict to build up. Terrorism could increase in that time with the prospects for increased oil supplies available to the United States decreasing. Abrupt withdrawal of U.S. forces is the third obvious alternative with the probable consequences of sundry wars locally and regionally suitable best for global media telecasting if it’s not an Olympic year.

President Bush’s bulging surge of military forces this year of some 21,000 calls for a bit more analysis. It may work just as he hopes; in six months the terrorists will flee, turning in their explosives in handy e.o.d. amnesty bins on the way to Syrian and Iranian borders were well planned military ‘nets’ will capture them and bring them back to Baghdad for a good hanging.

On the subject of the hangings of Saddam Hussain and his deputies I must comment that competent hang persons test drop a bagged weight equal to that of persons being hanged first and adjust the length of the rope to control the drop distance in order that the hangees neck may be broken with sufficient drop yet the head not torn off from to much combine drop distance and weight; quite an unprofessional hanging Baghdad. Practice makes perfect however, and if politicians in D.C. had a guillotine in their own red square or in their pagan statues district I’m sure they might watch the budget, borders and manufacturing a better.

Seriously though, the U.S. Government may be a whore of Babylon sold out to the corporatist set creating a batter collapse of democracy into tyranny with velvet cages until a cheaper hair shirt cage is available so the prospects for getting anyone in congress or the White House simply to publicly announce support for privatization of Iraqi oilfields is as unlikely as building a dirt and concrete Hadrian’s Wall of border security along California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.The U.S. Congress with a democratic majority has so far shown its flip side of the coin lackeys character since taking control. With the ball unchallenged in front of the goal they don’t even have an idea that the purpose of the sport is to kick the legislative ball into the net. With President Bush being the opfor goalie the job shouldn’t be very difficult. Not requiring a Pele` style upside down flying back kick or a Beckham hyper-English deceit-o-boot or anything.

Two years of Democratic control and the losers will just play ball control even if they have a power play opportunity keeping the legislation somewhere around midfield hoping to let the game clock expire.

Probably they really want some x-rated depravity legislation, or to give federal funding to abort some embryos and making non-binding resolutions about the war will help take up the time and help the President balance the budget by 2011. In the meantime Democrats the ball to kick past the President into the net is alternative energy policy. Yes it’s that simply. A policy that can’t be reversed by the next Republican congress or President.

The policy should build up home power production to charge electric cars, make hydrogen pumps at local municipal, state and federal government vehicle fueling stations attractive and available to the public with contracts for operating and supplying the hydrogen going to private contractors, research funds for making all American highways with a lot of annual sunshine photon collecting electrical energy conducting surfaces into local grids and so forth. I have written about alternate energy policy elsewhere as have innumerable others. Now its time to act on it democrats and pass the bill. The President would need to be virtually a traitor to veto an honest energy reform bill from some points of view. Fossil fueled federal deficits are rupturing the United States, and so is a daft Democratic party (stay away from the depravity legislation partiers).

On the final plan B alternative wash our hands of the problem strategy for solving the problem of Iraqi military expense and casualties (the tripartite federal segregation plan) I will make these few comments.Since the conflict in Iraq presently may not be simply of a sectarian civil war nature (this gets somewhat more complicated and thus tedious for politicians, yet stay with it for a while more), but is of a financial nature for the control of oil, and for other causes including social alterity (change) of a radical nature from the west that is perceived as being forced in, and of other causes that I may or may not mention here, the tripartite separation into Kurdish, Shia and Sunni states may not end the troubles of terrorism in the region, nor end the possibility that each or all of the federated or not new states may harbor terrorists fomenting attacks on U.S. oil fields, U.S. federal debts, the treasure of the United States, Congress, The White House, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis or Bubba’s bar. Three states instead of one may reduce immediate sectarian battles locally yet provide little assurance that mainly politicians friendly to American interests will not let terrorists reside in their countries. Terrorists may also conduct over-the-border raids of terror and job hunting in the goal to subvert the security and independence of the neighboring country causing its people restiveness as they seek to overthrow their on incompetent rulers. Three nations instead of one would still be targets for all of the machinations of oil intrigues, sectarian, reformist and conservative politics that have laid dormant bubbling under-the-surface in extreme repression for decades or centuries in some instances.

Three nations is a prima facie good idea. Consider that Toynbee noted that religious oppression or religion replacement from the top from foreign rulers are resisted more than any other thing that stimulates resistance in a conquered nation. The patristic social order of Iraq is also subject to radical restructuring even following Saddam Hussain’s bath party displacement of Iraqi male roles in the family brought a feminine loyalty to the fascist state sociologically. As normal Arab male dominated society attempts a return after the fall of the Bath Party the west seeks to emasculate the traditional Arab family once again and dissolve it with birth control pills, Nair and blind allegiance to global corporatism without a male authority figure. In a sense the terrorists of Muslim fundamentalism are fighting for their manhood against western forces of feminist dependence on global corporatism that impose a tyrannical collapse upon democracy and individualism. These guys in the Middle East may keep detonating themselves for some time, or detonating others, in the complex tangled bank of sociological factors stimulating a troubled sleep in the hypothetical dream world of American current account and federal deficits.
Extremism in American politics and Middle Eastern politics are undesirable and harmful to the environment. Even so the Democratic Party must learn to kick the ball into the net when they have a chance instead of just mugging for the cameras.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...