
Obama's Hillary Bashing Butches

Supply and demand facts set gas prices. The role of government taxation on the price of gas is far more complex. One might gas taxes by world governments to those of the United States to determine if the difference is enough to create a national advantage or disadvantage in world trade and domestic economic efficiency. The primary phenomenality about the cost of fuel within the whole U.S. economy is the reliance of the nation upon it, and what tax money on fuel is done to discover a way to eliminate fossil fuel from use a the essential energy for domestic transportation because of the high external costs needed to secure supply from dangerous world locations such as Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Nigeria. The present presidential candidates for the democratic party seem to have failed to comprehend the facts about oil supply, or at least B. Hussein Obama has failed to comprehend the relationship of American involvement in Iraq to oil supply, and how the war tax is in effect a necessary tax upon gasoline to secure supply. Thus I will write more about the problem of Senator Obama and the immediate candidacy against Hillary Clinton, because the outcome of that race will determine the price of gasoline for years to come. Obama is the way to high gas prices, national economic disaster and high gasoline taxes, while Senator Clinton is more competent regarding the realities of oil.

Bomber's Butches are beating Hillary's April primary campaign with a vengeance, and a purpose. Obama's non-sense about U.S. Iraq and oil policy doesn't get through to his step up to the urinal supporters from Vermont and Massachusetts that simply prefer to suck up to Obama instead of Hillary in the White House, so I will clarify some of the disingenuous facts about U.S. oil policy and Iraq.

First; democratic policy regarding Iraq since the sanctions were set upon it following the first Gulf War were cowardly. The Democrats never had the guts to face up to the real oil and political facts of life. When their narcissistic naked butts are in the field they are sure the kindness of strangers will bring Utopia rather than a bullet in the head; they can block out the undesirable realities of the democide that enabled during the sanctions by Saddam Hussein on innocent women and children. So long as democrats could drive SUV's and buy oil for a buck and a quarter a gallon dead women and children in Iraq caused by U.N. sanctions was hunkie dorrie. Obama has the same sort of false consciousness in his deleteriously inane ideas about Iraq policy potential the next couple of years.

Cold, naked facts are that people will take what you have even when you are homeless and without hope. B. Hussein Obama's planks do not offer hope-they deny hope of real progress on alternate energy policy. Energy independence for the United States must occur before reliance upon global oil is broken. Rational political plans to accomplish that need to develop before a new President takes office. Maybe McCain could get such legislation through congress if he choose, yet that's doubtful as the most powerful corporations in the world are largely run by board members with oil company board connections.

Americans have allowed themselves to become totally dependent upon oil and gas for transportation and have sold out their inheritance in the process. Life is easier going downhill until one hits the bottom. The Persian and Iranian Gulf States produce much of the world's oil and have been strategic U.S. interests since the Carter administration-in all that time nothing has changed and it will not in the next five years. Dhahran and Bahrain are still vital oil sources. Sea Island Terminal at Ras Tannurah and Ra's al Ju'aymah (LPG) are still Arabian fossil fuel points, and Iraq has underground potentials capable of keep fossil fuel production costs and sales quantities within reason the next decade or two, until global corporations have thoroughly conquered the U.S. political scene and subverted every aspect of U.S. national energy independence.

Most Americans aren't that bright, in some ways people are like ignorant neanderthals simply seeking to ride the wave of whatever social-economic facts exists without inventing for themselves. I have no problem with everyone having a right to exist without being a genius, yet the naked brutes have no reluctance to make slaves out of everyone-they are checked simply by a balance of forces that may be subtly shifted by corrupt power. I mention this fact simply to reiterate the point that U.S. politics isn't dominated by careful political reasoning but instead by choices of concatenated personal selfishness without political philosophy at all. A majority will support anything amorally that would advantage themselves and their family interests.

Iraq cannot be abandoned within 18 months. Anarchy or terrorism cannot be allowed to return to murder women and children, disrupt Iraqi oil production and create instability in the middle east greater than it presently is. The Iraqi government and it's oil fields must be defended until they are safe. The Persian Gulf is a strategic U.S. national interest and simultaneously a costly involvement that can be keep at arms length only through a progressive movement toward national personal energy independence with as much electricity generated at homes and businesses as possible. Obama's notion that the Iranians. al Qa'eda, the Saudi royal family and its army, the Syrians, Turks and others will spontaneously help Iraq to govern itself peaceably if the U.S. unilaterally withdraws is the most substantial idiocy imaginable in the realm of likely political resolutions of a policy scenario. Chaos would be likely to follow a unilateral U.S. withdrawal and fueld prices might increase to 1000 dollara a barrel of oil if the Saudi fields are set aflame. Al Qa'eda might like to cut off oil supplies from the middle east to the U.S.A. and Europe in order to strengthen Muslim fundamentalist revolution against western Vermontian depravity.

Some people believe the Democratic Party sucks yet still believe that Barrack's butches from the North Eastern United States seek to paradoxically repudiate the last democratic administration to rule the White House and that brought the Lewinsky infamy and the concept of volunteer female student intern mouthpiece training under lawyers to the public attention. A repudiation of the last Clinton administration by democratic supporters and voters for Obama is difficult for Obama to articulate in the Pennsylvania primary. After all why, when the nation ran an incredible budget surplus by the end of the second term of the Clinton's should the unfortunate efforts to gay up the military, socialize national health care and war upon Serbians be renounced as well-when they are probably all Obama planks this time too. Perhaps the only thing the Obama could accomplish as well as Bill Clinton in the oval office would be to review the female (or male perhaps with the Gerry Studds/Tedd Kennedy/Howard Dean democratic plank in his corner) student interns for training below a lawyer.

There may be 20 billion Internet websites and this is just one of them. All people have a right to express their own opinion for others to read if they choose. This isn't a corporate broadcast forced by one of a few channels to millions of ears and minds of illiterate or comic book level literate followers. I think it would be a good idea, even if I only have a few readers and sell just a rare book now and then, for ballots in the future to have a 'none of the above' square for voters to mark in case there just isn't a reasonable choice for President in some particular election. U.S. voters shouldn't be compelled to appear to agree that their is a real choice when there isn't-dissent should be tallied too, so the public can now that those globalist seeking to starve them out of cabin and cut off their electricity and dis-empower their notebook computer, enslave them with a hag or feminize them with a zillion regulations don't really represent public interests, and one's own.


Mitt Romney: The Exo-political Choice of Kolobites?

Is Mitt Romney the exo-political choice by Kolobians for leader of the United States? If extra-terrestrials visit Earth from Kolob when they say 'take us to your leader' will they be asking for one of their own?

The pervasive power of the broadcast media has trained Americans to vote against their interests. The FCC at least ignores public opinion if it goes against giving the right of trans-nationals legal access to buying broadcast networks and newspapers. Coherence of Christian voting majorities, heterosexual majorities, border security, a non-outsourced economic infrastructure, a fair labor market without illegal aliens of millions of dumped Mexican immigrants let in to gut wages for citizen workers are all now considered 'unAmerican' by media advocates of globalism. The founders are suppose to have been symps of transnationals, fagots for cloning, abortion, trans-humanism, a global village, national health care, interminable foreign wars, reliance on foreign fuel for transportation, world-record setting federal debt, incredible trade deficits, a pervasive, omnipresent ethereal broadcast propaganda power owned by trans-national corporations if not oligarchs and so forth. Homos with technology become butch homo political advocates forcing their way upon society-technology is powerful.

It is believed that the United States is an obsolete political concept as an independent nation and that permanent foreign alliances and globalist business hegemony over U.S. politics is natural. National interests and national federal debt elimination are unimportant in comparison to trans-national corporate interests, majority interests are only in supporting existing corporate expansion policies without regard to national democratic interests-voting for the M.B.A. Wall Street consultant extra-terrestrial believing Mormon is possible-as is voting for the other bad candidates besides Edwards, Hunter and Huckabee.

Mormons believe that God lives on the planet 'Kolob' http://nowscape.com/mormon/mormons5.htm

http://nowscape.com/mormon/kolob-defined.htm#the%20first%20creation Mormon astronomers at B.Y.U. believed in 1999 that they located Kolob

http://nowscape.com/mormon/negro.htm Mormon prophets on the inferiority/badness of the negro. There are no Mormon Temples in Africa it is written. Brigham Young said "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so." Negroes are thought to be the descendants of Cain (that means smoth etymologically).

Some humorists might discern that the ruling class from the Planet Coal-lob would toss those black lumps into the fire where they can do some good warming the room for those with more-mons (many wives) for-themselves. Area 51 is located with Kol-lobing distance from Salt Lake City and greater mormonville and that could be the explanation for the disappearance of the billionaire pilot a few months ago. Ia area 51 the landing strip for extra-terretrials from Kolob?

-a quote from Nowscape on Mormon opinion about Mary and Moses "Mormon holy texts reveal - as far as they were translated correctly - that our universe is inhabited by many alien space civilizations, each of which is governed by a resurrected Mormon male who has proven himself worthy of being a God for one or more planets."- http://nowscape.com/mormon/mormons5.htm

Clarence Page wrote a piece about Mitt Romney and Mormonism and why the Iowa Huckabee surge in the polls may be in part a result of 'anti-Mormon bias'. Mr. Page points out maladroitly that the founders were for religious toleration and that for voters to not vote for candidates with religious practices anti-pathetic to their own is a form of intolerance and bias or even prejudice.

Clarence Page, a usually good writer on political affairs has blundered in this instance into the snare of political correctness that all religious practices and beliefs are without substance and equivalent in the algebra of politics-they are not. Mr. Page has accepted the wrong political belief that a Christian should vote for a Satanist because it would not has as much meaning as advocating that an American that would not have voted for a communist candidate in the 1950's was biased against communism and that the founders would not have intolerance for people because of their personal social or economic beliefs. There are real and substantial differences in religion, economics and social beliefs that affect what a candidate would do if he were in political office-to say that a candidate sets his religion and social beliefs aside upon taking office and just does the political engineering is b.s.

The founders were for religious tolerance and for keeping the church out of state to the extent that no theocracy would form, yet they did not prefer to be ruled by extremists of any sort and preferred a majority reflecting candidate generally. In the first 184 years of the nations existence no one besides a nominal protestant at least ever got the job of Presidency. It wasn't that the founders just didn't care-they did and so did every generation of American voters since.

Mr. Romney is a hardened trans-nationalist that will continue to support the erosion of in the interests of the people of the United States if elected President. Mr. Romney's extra-terrestrial universal religious beliefs are very unChristian and for Christians would represent the first rule by a non-Christian in the nation's history. For Christians of many sorts that coincides with a period of a decline in the nation's relationship with God, and that could indicate more troubles ahead of Biblical scale.

If elected President Mr. Romney would undoubtedly contribute to the strength of Mormon evangelistic efforts and Mormon wealth in America and abroad, at a time of global questions about religion and society the minority Mormonist practices and beliefs would not help clarify the basic issues to the world. Mr. Romney is the wrong foot to put forward with the indefensible polytheistic character of the cult in the context of global Mohammedanism and its belief in one God. For Mr. Page and many new agers the religious issues is a detached from reality abstract question of no consequence. Mr. Page even compared it to the Shi's-Sunni differences as something to avoid. He believes in error perhaps that there is no social historical basis for that particular animosity and that it is an abstract theologically based argument instead-in error. Dividing American leadership up into a myriad faithless, abominable modes is the wrong way for the nation to go in 2008. A simple faith in God, reflecting a Christian majority with secular work for a humanitarian and intellectually free and progressive populace with secure borders, a balanced budget, optimism about the future, space colonization and personal and public religious tolerance is the way to go. It will take tough love and patience presenting a rational and right Christian ethic for America to move forward with assurance through the world's troubles ahead. The rosy utopia of a global economic false democracy or in fact corporatism will not mature for a number of reasons into a democratic fact that would do anything but repress the U.S.A. and create tyranny abroad.

The code words of political correctness often run rough-shod over meaningfully accurate history of causes and reasons why people have made political choices. The reason why Americans never elected a Catholic President before John F. Kennedy are a case in point of over-simplifying history in order to support a political cause.

The founders of the United States were revolutionaries against big government, over-centralized authority and foreign rule. Not only were they against King George they were to a substantial measure dissidents from the Church of England. They would not support Catholic rule either, for Catholicism had historical roots of association with Imperial rule in Europe that continued in Mexico, Latin America and other colonial areas of the world. Nor until the Mexican revolution did Hapsburg power become finally disassociated from our neighbor to the south. Concerns about a Catholic President's historical association with imperial rule and even the inquisition would not have faded away quickly from the political concerns of enlightened American voters.

The Index was a corollary of the Inquisition that listed people the Catholic Church considered it's enemies. The Index had many of the enlightenment, reformation and renaissances greatest intellectuals and leaders upon it-and the Index was officially in existence until John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960 at which time it was retired quietly centuries after the inquisition ended.

Catholics in then United States had a different role today as Christians and Americans that may merge into even the White House if they can support U.S. democracy and nationalism rather than trans-nationalism that is pervasively corrupting the security of the United States. Only through majority mergers politically speaking with nationally minded protestants and priesthood of believers independent Christians will the United States survive the expanding polytheism and anti-Christian real-politik of much of the globes commercial and communist elites.


Justice Department Illegal Procedures for Bush's Late Term?

Democracy must be innovative and open, efficient and just, guiding by intelligent and concerned citizens with the gentleness of doves and worldly wisdom of the serpent (e.g. politicians) with their innate, eloquent forked or double-tongued fanciness.

Corporatism has hijacked the American democracy since the end of the cold war against Communism. Corporate M.B.A.'s and Chicago lawyers are taking over the Presidency with the erroneous notion that the big monopolistic 'corporation' of communism that all feudalist empire for themselves trans-national corporations hate is the only alternative to their own corporatist takeover of the world. If one isn't a corporatist then one has to be a communist the wrong-logic goes. Secrecy to actualize hidden corporate agendas for the next years control of world economics is necessary for them, yet a true democracy would thrive on open and honest governing with a broadcast media given over to individual citizen.

I will write a little on the Bush administration below to highlight some of the actual concerns of the criterion of the erosion and repression of democracy in the U.S.A. while the government floods the nation with illegal aliens from Mexico through its corrupt, incompetent border control flooziness.

Corporatists would consider some bio-tech developments such as cloning of animals that glow in the dark from a profit and political point of view rather than as an ethical issues. Corporatist invariably regard all social concerns from a material rather than ethical point of view first. That cloning is wicked and that cloning technologies applied to make people that glow in the dark would not be on the radar screen of concern for corporatists. Corporatists would seek applications for the glow in the dark technology such as injecting terrorists with it (they should include themselves in that list as terrorists upon ethics, democracy, human justice and genome).


One must wonder if President Bush is setting his global agenda through the Justice Department to corrupt and subvert U.S. energy independence, border security and political independence, and if the President seeks to reduce the quality of U.S. education and health, privacy and start up new business innovations, environmental health and legal justice equally applied for all citizens? As the President's opportunity to corrupt the progress and security of the nation dwindles toward the 2008 general election one hopes that the Congress will have some backbone and not let an 'October surprise' Putinize the Presidency.

The Presidents preference for international business commodification of people and ideas, politics and power over democrat tends to shape the way of political administrative goals towards training Americans to be the most simplistic consumer-purchasers of products made cheapest overseas for the highest corporate profits. The public sector is most heavily indebted to pay for corporate purchases of military and natural resources extraction business ventures, jail sentences are extended for U.S. blacks and quality education neglected. Marginal rates of return of public corrections investment are accepted because with private prisons profits involved as well as private contractor prison supply and construction contracts as well as public power supply instead of alternate energy supply it themselves infrastructure through wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell their is much profit to be made for the trans-national corporations. The administration's idea of alternative energy is to make gas with beans and blame noxious emissions on diet.

Besides supplying heavy cash exports to trans-national corporations for gasoline purchases/oil purchases the nation has been trained to remain personally in debt while polluting or destroying the health of the environment. The Bush administration has let it's interrogation records of suspects for terrorism be destroyed with the knowledge of the C.I.A. Chief Hayden and pervasively surveilled without legal authority for a time U.S. national phone calls out of the nation...the administration has a record of reinforcing corporate and trans-national conquest and hegemony over the U.S. democracy with deleterious consequences.

Authoritarianism is difficult to exorcise from a large modern government and equally troublesome t purge from corporatist broadcast media terror upon citizens ad hoc opportunities for propaganda and hate directed civil rights violations-in the maelstrom of frequencies and the absence of presiding legal authority even the government radio people know they can just get away with an infinity of petty crimes as if they were a colonial power of an us group versus 'them'. The Congress will need more than just become more conservative and indebting the public treasury, the Congress will need to do meaningfully innovative systems analysis about its public spending and investments of available resources and become more effective and including all citizens in education and training for productive and independent lives. Corporations become pervasive, repressive agents of political subversion against free expression and personal independence that isn't structured to kick back everything to corporate profit structures. That repressive and even terroristic trend needs to be reversed and politically combated as much as defenses against Al Qa'eda and various other Muslim terror organizations seeking the destruction of the United States.


Ophrah's Testemonial to Obama's Tongue Dippin Truth-Edwards Climbs Kilimanjaro

Nothing funny is needed everyday when there is politics available. Ophrah Winfree acting as a front man for Barrack Obama at a campaign rally pumped up the crowd with a rousing speech about Obama includin the gem 'he has an ear for eloquence and a tongue dipped in things without varnish and that are truthful'. That makes me wonder what other things he has dipped his tongue in on the campaign trail and if truth is unquestionable if used for dippin? What have the other candidates dipped their tongues in and did they get chips with it?

The campaign trail for the Iowa primary leading to the 2008 Presidential election should have a universal tongue dipping truth test set up to discover which candidate really has the most truthfully dipping tongue and ear that has listened to the Oprah Show. What candidate juggles the best anyway?

On a campaign platform at the bus station in Des Moines could be placed several bowls full of everything from horseradish to cherry pudding. Candidates would need to dip their tongue into each bowl and then choose from a multiple choice menu of what was what. The candidate answering with the most right answers identifying what was in each bowl truthfully could then be said to have 'dipped his tongue in a bowl of truth without varnish.' Varnish incidentally was something Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer painted a fence with long ago in Hannibal Missouri; or on second thought wasn't it whitewash?

If a politician or political supporter claims to speak truth for content turn on the b.s. detector immediately! Each politician can only state meaningful political goals and methods-the claims about linguistics might work for Chomsky but not for politicians generally. Not even Bill Clinton could claim that tongue dippin exclusively of truth characteristic.

The trouble with celebrity product endorsements (politicians as products) is that political candidates with enhanced ratings from celebrity testimonials tend to become products desired by M.B.A.'s and C.E.O.'s of trans-national corporations seeking to undermine national sovereignty.

The Democratic Party has one candidate-John Edwards has a net worth of 9 to 45 million dollars according to some sources made litigating against trans-national corporations starting in life from scratch as a poor Carolina guy from a small town. As President Edwards would not be intimidated by the trans-national corporations that need to be reigned in a bit for the survival of a national democracy. John Edwards climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2003.


Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are trans-nationally safe and the preferred choices of the globalists. In the Republican Party Ron Paul is the spoiler from Texas set up to drain off any non-trans-national supportvotes in a swale to nowhere. For Republicans Huckabee seems to be the only candidate besides Hunter that might be nationalist and populist a little.


Epistemological Cosmology

Philosophical researches in determinism for me at least lead empirically into support for faith in God and His pre-determinism of the Universe.

C.S. Pierce's trialectical pragmaticism was an interesting hypothetical model for the nominative invention of concepts, yet subjective epistemology isnt simply trialectical in space-time nor entirely a linear function. Modern neurology has investigated and mapped a little bit of the synaptic channels and sequence of that neural network.

Small worlds networks originated with an air force plan to develop a nuclear war survivable command and control network and subsequent history has found the Internet to have a small worlds network structure and nature in general to develop such itself not uncommonly. Language and concept development seems to transcend and particular temporal arrangement of conceptual structure for a number of reasons.

Chomsky's ideas of a universal grammer have been challenged rather well by the Everett's research in South America, and make for interesting reading anyway. It may be useful to consider Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown books for contrast on on the subject of Chomskian versus Everettian linguistic deep structures.

On the general question of determinism versus indeterminism in the physical cosmos represented to empiricists it is worth mentioning its exceedingly high level of determinism from the initial hyperinflaton and the later distribution of galaxies correlating to the initial anisotropies in the surviving preponderance of matter over anti-matter because of a symmetry surplus of matter in CP violation I think to the reduction of the background temperature of the Universe from very very high toward absolute zero as well as it's near isotropic distribution with minor inhomogeneities around the measurable Universe. The Universe moves with inexorable determinism from a lowest state of entropy toward a highest and the distribution of matter in the Universe and its characteristics reflect that determinism.

Quantum uncertainty underlying the Universe is a paradox yet a necessary component of the implicit uncertainty required for change and motion, being and becoming. The uncertainty in this universe may be determined in alternate dimensions however, and virtual particles may reflect the intrusion of alternate dimension particles in all possible worldlines and all possible universes interacting deterministically in this particular Universe. In a multi-dimensional monism the pluralism of alternate Universes and dimensions may like the paintings of Malcom Escher as reciprocals of one function or schema.

Interestingly rational and spiritual human thought seem to be the most potentially indeterminate element of the Universe, and its realizing the nature of The One (such as is God) humanity may at once become most free , undetermined yet pre-determined through the grace of Jesus Christ unto renormalization with the Author of all that is.

P.F. Strawson and W.V.O. Quine wrote a few good books on logic and linguistic philosophy, yet Schopenhauer's ideas that go a little beyond Kant's epistemology in finding that human cognition must interpret sense data and does add something to it to make it appear as it does is a useful way to integrate ideas of Plotinus about the One, about appearances to human perceptions, Sartre's ideas about existential epistemology and the reef of solipsism phenomenalities that have concerned philosophers perennial about the subjective nature of human experience in a theory of knowledge.

Romney, Bias and Mormon Flummery

Clarence Page wrote a piece about Mitt Romney and Mormonism and why the Iowa Huckabee surge in the polls may be in part a result of 'anti-Mormon bias'. Mr. Page points out maladroitly that the founders were for religious toleration and that for voters to not vote for candidates with religious practices anti-pathetic to their own is a form of intolerance and bias or even prejudice.

Clarence Page, a usually good writer on political affairs has blundered in this instance into the snare of political correctness that all religious practices and beliefs are without substance and equivalent in the algebra of politics-they are not. Mr. Page has accepted the wrong political belief that a Christian should vote for a Satanist because it would not has as much meaning as advocating that an American that would not have voted for a communist candidate in the 1950's was biased against communism and that the founders would not have intolerance for people because of their personal social or economic beliefs. There are real and substantial differences in religion, economics and social beliefs that affect what a candidate would do if he were in political office-to say that a candidate sets his religion and social beliefs aside upon taking office and just does the political engineering is b.s.

The founders were for religious tolerance and for keeping the church out of state to the extent that no theocracy would form, yet they did not prefer to be ruled by extremists of any sort and preferred a majority reflecting candidate generally. In the first 184 years of the nations existence no one besides a nominal protestant at least ever got the job of Presidency. It wasn't that the founders just didn't care-they did and so did every generation of American voters since.

Mr. Romney is a hardened trans-nationalist that will continue to support the erosion of in the interests of the people of the United States if elected President. Mr. Romney's extra-terrestrial universal religious beliefs are very unChristian and for Christians would represent the first rule by a non-Christian in the nation's history. For Christians of many sorts that coincides with a period of a decline in the nation's relationship with God, and that could indicate more troubles ahead of Biblical scale.

If elected President Mr. Romney would undoubtedly contribute to the strength of Mormon evangelistic efforts and Mormon wealth in America and abroad, at a time of global questions about religion and society the minority Mormonist practices and beliefs would not help clarify the basic issues to the world. Mr. Romney is the wrong foot to put forward with the indefensible polytheistic character of the cult in the context of global Mohammedanism and its belief in one God. For Mr. Page and many new agers the religious issues is a detached from reality abstract question of no consequence. Mr. Page even compared it to the Shi's-Sunni differences as something to avoid. He believes in error perhaps that there is no social historical basis for that particular animosity and that it is an abstract theologically based argument instead-in error. Dividing American leadership up into a myriad faithless, abominable modes is the wrong way for the nation to go in 2008. A simple faith in God, reflecting a Christian majority with secular work for a humanitarian and intellectually free and progressive populace with secure borders, a balanced budget, optimism about the future, space colonization and personal and public religious tolerance is the way to go. It will take tough love and patience presenting a rational and right Christian ethic for America to move forward with assurance through the world's troubles ahead. The rosy utopia of a global economic false democracy or in fact corporatism will not mature for a number of reasons into a democratic fact that would do anything but repress the U.S.A. and create tyranny abroad.

The code words of political correctness often run rough-shod over meaningfully accurate history of causes and reasons why people have made political choices. The reason why Americans never elected a Catholic President before John F. Kennedy are a case in point of over-simplifying history in order to support a political cause.

The founders of the United States were revolutionaries against big government, over-centralized authority and foreign rule. Not only were they against King George they were to a substantial measure dissidents from the Church of England. They would not support Catholic rule either, for Catholicism had historical roots of association with Imperial rule in Europe that continued in Mexico, Latin America and other colonial areas of the world. Nor until the Mexican revolution did Hapsburg power become finally disassociated from our neighbor to the south. Concerns about a Catholic President's historical association with imperial rule and even the inquisition would not have faded away quickly from the political concerns of enlightened American voters.

The Index was a corollary of the Inquisition that listed people the Catholic Church considered it's enemies. The Index had many of the enlightenment, reformation and renaissances greatest intellectuals and leaders upon it-and the Index was officially in existence until John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960 at which time it was retired quietly centuries after the inquisition ended.

Catholics in then United States had a different role today as Christians and Americans that may merge into even the White House if they can support U.S. democracy and nationalism rather than trans-nationalism that is pervasively corrupting the security of the United States. Only through majority mergers politically speaking with nationally minded protestants and priesthood of believers independent Christians will the United States survive the expanding polytheism and anti-Christian real-politik of much of the globes commercial and communist elites.


Homos Choose Atheism to Avoid Conviction of Sin?

Denial of sin and denial of God are two common points of homosexual militants.

Is homo 'marriage' an example of macro-social immune system attack?
One must wonder if homo 'marriage' efforts in the various states isn't a sort of social immunology attack. Homosexuality unfortunately may be a genetic defect that in the modern world may not be curable yet may be correctable enough to allow homos to lead normal lives.

It would be a substantive social error to let the social disease destroy society or become a protracted major influence upon degradation of the health of the social structure. Historically the decline and fall of civilizations may be marked by the rise in decadent homosexual lifestyles in society.

Society of course has unnumerable ways of over-reacting to social issues of concern, and generally in finding ways to maladroitly correct social concerns and that probably will not change.

Homosexuality is plainly a grave sin in a Biblical moral context, yet the effect upon society of homosexual corruption of meanings of moral and political issues in order to provide camoflage in some sort of social struture made for heterosexuals are some of the reasons why societies decline, and why nature leads to the downfall of perverse societies perhaps.

Choosing the atheist path or seeking to corrupt the truth of the Bible about the doom of homosexuals and other unrepentent sinners will not be of help to the lost on the day of judgment. One hopes that at least a few of the lost homos struggling in turmoil or confusion in-the-world will find their way to God through the Son Jesus Christ who shed His blood for the remission of the sin of those of faith.

Even the context of philosophy is corrupted by the life-long desire of some homosexuals to move society toward a more homo-affinity structure. Homosexuality and issues pertaining to it's political prosyletation aren't hardly worth a damn philosophically speaking.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...