
Obama Ill-Prepared to Switch to Renewable Economy

Government terorism on the masses or upon particular dissidents is an historical tradition that perhaps made inroads into the United States with broadcast technology. For some political parties 'hate speech' is anything the party elite finds disagreeable, and it must be repressed through quick slander especially simple with the right alzheim-rave elocutions through the media.

The right role of a democratic government is to set the parameters in which macro-economic trends in capitalized corporations may function rather than to serve as accomplices to globaliasm. Globalism is a kind of sedition that is aided and abetted by the globally owned corporate broadcast media. Democracy that allows corporate interests to select the economic development are corrupting the value of both capitalism and democracy and moving toward state unification with corporate interests to repress the democratic and egalitarian interests of the nation.

The federal government lacks the tools of reason and good judgment required to move the nation toward an independent, self-sustaining and renewable economy. The government lacks the will to halt the illegal immigration and mass movements of people tot the United States that should be halted at 300 million; this continent does not need more of the surplus population of other continents or regions of the North American continent.

The federal government is a corporate sycophant of wealthy, vested capitalized corporate interests leading the people of the united States in to the chains of global and the build up to a global apocalyptic war over scare resource. The ecology of each continent is taking a beating with increasing population and the federal government is quite irresponsible in defending the United States from the ravaging fire of increasing planetary consumption.

The economy of the United States in recent years since the end of the cold war has become a burgeoning debtor nation with an irrational economic policy of globalism that essentially amounts to little more than trading independence and security for raw comfort and safety of over-large homes and over-large SUV's. The irrational concept that increased consumption done under the over-arching banner of capitalism will naturally select the best economic development course for the nation has taken hold. The federal government is incapable of reasoning in about the philosophical criteria of capitalism sufficiently to understand its right workings in the modern era with democratic supervision. That failure dooms the development of the United States to an anarchic drift through a challenging modern era.

Adam Smith believed that capitalism could best serve the interests of democracy in the allocation and supply of resources that it produced within government specified criteria rather than without. The England of his day and today does have an elite that looks after the interests of the nation sufficiently to prevent anarchic and feudalistic tion of a purely capitalist led government. The Unite states require a rational definition of criteria as well for capital production to exist within, and then for capitalism to find a way to make a profit.

Imagine if the U.S. Government let capitalists determine and supply whatever military equipment it believed the nation should have that best produced corporate profit? That is the fundamental circumstance in the civilian sector of the economy today. What a nation trades for internationally is important. Government must set functioning parameters in which capitalist endeavors can function to meet public needs rather than vice versa. The United States may concatenate its globalism by trading for a proverbial mess of potage (actual a Shakespearian mess of pottage). Just trading to produce globalist profits in no way guarantees that the United States will have a better standard of living, and especially will it not guarantee that global capitalism will best select the most efficient ecological adaptation for the people of the United States in to a renewable or highly efficient renewable economic structure. The Obama administration is ill-prepared for the transformation in to a renewable economy with liberty and justice for all and instead is set to attempt to pump new life in to the old non-disposable economy that the Bush administration kept on life support through dubious means beyond its time.

Can a fossil fueled Neanderthal-like culture change? Does anything change an established culture founded on a particular trophic order besides catastrophe or collapse? Will established powers ever do more than repress change if they can't exploit it?

The federal government's new tools' of adding public debt by a trillion or so could be used to fix' the U.S. economy is applied rationally, unfortunately it wasn't and isn't. Americans can take heart though in Speaker Pelosi's insinuation that if Detroit automakers meet select criteria by March 15th there will be an endless flow of money'.

In some areas of the fossil fueled world private race tracks and airstrips are built for the executives of fossil fuel industry and their heirs to amuse themselves. Consider the logic of an established hierarchy of inherited wealth or power and its resemblance to that of a royal structure. The vast collection of heirs in America bought in to the stock market generally, and that establishment generally overcomes any individual initiatives to change anything. Neither do the heirs have the intellects of the founders usually and they will thus give away their nation in order to keep up their lavish lifestyles oft-times. If inherited wealth were taxed at a 75% rate over one million dollars that would stimulate business and pay off the U.S. federal debt over time. Yet the upper classes will probably te as they usually do in history and destroy the civilization.

The American economy has had a downward trend for real income of all except the top 25% for the last 30 years. The long-range global supply of cheap labor that quadrupled at the end of the cold war has provided the overwhelming advantage to concentrated wealth. They invest in China where labor is far cheaper and build that economy while 'parting out' the United States. American economic prospects are 'handled' by the corporate broadcast media through obfuscating and time consuming diversions. The United States is transformed gradually in to just another average second world platform for global rulers with a pacified population. The present economic troubles most notably demonstrated the incompetence and unwillingness of congress to manage national economic affairs in the real interest of the people of the United States.

A renaissance of high-tech and ecological business creativity is needed along with secure borders free of illegal worker immigration to react to the challenge from the global supply of cheap labor to the prosperity of American workers. The U.S. service sector and financial sector cannot rationally compensate for the loss of real material productivity overseas and to Mexico. Free trade is a good thing yet so is Democratic governance that supports economic policy in the interests of all of the citizens instead of just a global few. Adam Smiths political criterion for capital advantage at allocating supply was within a national paradigm-Great Britain in his day. Capitalism is intended to serve the citizens of a nation best instead of the best interests of capitalists. The United States government should support economic development that actually prospers all Americans as directly as possible instead of the global class of concentrated wealth capitalists that believe a global 'trickle down' policy would work best for the people of the United States as an apologetic for what is actually an expansive greed actualized through governance run amok.

The federal government has all of the tools it needs to correct the economy before next April first except for intelligence, courage and integrity. They must be willing to withstand the withering propaganda fire of the incorrigibly corporatism supporting broadcast media and global capital interests to break free of globalist control. The economy needs not only an ecologically renewable underlying principle, it needs to have an actual; citizen circumstance awareness system that makes sure that no s are left out of the national prosperity-and a number of modern means exist that could be directed to assure the employment of the underemployed through priorities and incentives. There are even college graduates and veterans in the United States that earn less than 7000 dollars year after year I suppose through social natural selection for deletion, and it seems quite unreasonable to prolong the misery for them and continuously reinforce the comfortable probably amused even through this trying winter.

Part of the problem in Washington D.C. is the mass incompetence by prosperous people failing to comprehend necessary personal vital economic interests for people. An economic structure isn't a machine that needs a repair in accord with special formulas but is instead an ongoing phenomenology within a community-a national community. It is necessary for citizens to have the necessary things to live without pressure from the corrupt to submit to various social demands or be bumped off' economically. Those being said let’s consider two of the mental terminology used by the government and news media to describe some of the economic phenomenalities.

1) toxic assets'-this refers to real, constructed homes that have tremendous real value and can be used by anyone with half a wit for a net social profit. The government might have bought foreclosed homes from banks for whatever amount the bank lent out minus 25% and then super-insulated the homes, installed solar panels upon the roofs and maybe painted the exteriors with self-priming, lifetime solar photon converting to electron paint. The empty homes could have been used for a variety of publicly useful purposes. Instead the Bush administration lied to Congress about what it would do with the 750 billion dollars and instead of buying toxic assets' it provided money to banks and other special interests for loans or whatever.

2) 'under water' mortgages- The 12 or 13 million American homes with home mortgages far higher than the value of the home in the decline of housing values haven't experienced a flood-they are not under water'. Avarice and immodesty in building size made a lot of speculators of ordinary Americans. They believed that the United States might become a coast-to-coast er box palace with increasing home values and population in error. These homeowners could have been saved and still might benefit if they must be foreclosed through a reasonable federal intervention using elements of point number one.

3) 'bridge loans'-another name for kicking back loose money to global auto manufacturers to assure their long term repression of alternate means of conveyance and power rival vehicle start-ups.

4) 'bail-out'; the Congress serves as bail bondsman for corrupt banks with 'toxic assets' providing a trillion dollars in bail money to let the U.S. economy get out of jail free. Actually the money wasn't used for the purchase of 'toxic assets' but was given a different use by Secretary Paulson for more bank loans that would provide 'liquidity' for the flow of money possibly to secret foreign accounts in Paraguay or Switzerland along with bank mergers and happy meal Christmas bonus's.

The houses if foreclosed and vacated can be upgraded to be energy producers and perhaps electric vehicle recharging stations. The homes can be sold at low rates to veterans. Those foreclosed can qualify for special federal F.H.A. terms to purchase new homes at the value of homes in the present market. The primary point is to take up those vacant, valuable properties and transform the toxic assets' in to valuable tools to lever out the slack from the housing market. The total number of homes available could supply a number of existing federal, state and local housing needs including finding shelter space for the homeless people living in the United States. The number of uses for the toxic assets' is virtually limitless.

The Obama plans for reconstruction might well include a bambi economic factor that will send the money to the same old advantaged builders producing in effect kickbacks to the advantaged that is the usual. The United States needs a different economic foundation for transportation, energy and a reduced housing size with increased efficiency if it is to prosper in the changing global economic environment. Many of the globalists must be rather mirthful about the U.S. recession because they are investing in China and the downsizing of the American wage scale is a logical function of the 15% annual rate of economic growth in China that will drop to just 7.5% in the next year. As jobs are outsourced to China factories and businesses close in the United States. The Bush recession was a bridge loan' to refound the world economy for globalists upon China increasingly.'

In the Dallas area the mayor is salivating over the wish list from the Obama infrastructure plan with a 365 million dollar republican convention center and hotel at the top of the list. That is not a modest rescue of foreclosed homes, but instead a possible effort to provide a place for the Chinese Communist Party authorities to meet if they decide to build a Mao-mobile electric' car factory in the Dallas area one day. The Obama team needs to understand that the globalists are really corrupt and pushing ahead in their own ballooned direction until Armageddon happens even from the of the health of the oceans and the collapse of oxygen production from it (25% of the world total). The United States needs an electric car and monolithic dome concrete home infrastructure (headquarters in Italy Texas) instead of vast public building, sports stadiums and so forth. The same old privileged and corrupt, unintelligent leaders will push the same unchanging auto-culture with biggest square foot housing because they haven't a rational macro-environmental and nationalist economic paradigm.

The U.S. patent process is very slow and expensive to use for ordinary inventors and innovators. If I invented a new building product (this one may already exist) it would take more than a year to get a patent and bring it to market if I had thousands and thousands of dollars to spend gambling upon it. I hope this particular building application will be produced this winter so that I may have some new building to paint in the spring of 09.

Strong angled connectors made of steel that would replace plywood gussets in the easy construction of barn shaped storage sheds could be a patentable building product idea that would get the do-it-yourselfers constructing some building products this winter. I haven't ever seen such pre-set products in the building supply shops although they must exist somewhere.

The strong angled connector would let one insert the ends of 2 by 4's in at the right angle for the wall and roof of the shed frame. A ten foot long by eight foot wide storage shed might need just eight frames over-all and a total of sixteen of the strong angled connectors in designs where the lower section leans in a little.

The right number of connectors at the correct angles for a particular design could be sold in packages for about 50 dollars and everyone could profit. Building a storage shed with a barn shaped roof would simply require cutting the ends of the two by fours (or two by sixes in a different package of strong angled connectors) at the angles plainly labeled/imprinted on the connectors and nailed to screwed together. The frames would be toe-nailed in to the floor stringers.

A barn-shaped storage shed is sort of an upside down boat design, so I would suggest that a gallon of fiberglass resin be purchased from Boater's World and rolled on to the planking' or plywood that is nailed on to the frames in order to waterproof it before painting and eventual roofing.

The American economy has had a downward trend for real income of all except the top 25% for the last 30 years. The long range global supply of cheap labor that quadrupled at the end of the cold war has provided the overwhelming advantage to concentrated wealth. They invest in China where labor is far cheaper and build that economy while 'parting out' the United States. American economic prospects are 'handled' by the corporate broadcast media through obfuscating and time consuming diversions. The United States is transformed gradually in to just another average second world platform for global rulers with a pacified population. The present economic troubles most notably demonstrated the incompetence and unwillingness of congress to manage national economic affairs in the real interest of the people of the United States.

A renaissance of high-tech and ecological business creativity is needed along with secure borders free of illegal worker immigration to react to the challenge from the global supply of cheap labor to the prosperity of American workers. The U.S. service sector and financial sector cannot rationally compensate for the loss of real material productivity overseas and to Mexico. Free trade is a good thing yet so is Democratic governance that supports economic policy in the interests of all of the citizens instead of just a global few. Adam Smiths political criterion for capital advantage at allocating supply was within a national paradigm-Great Britain in his day. Capitalism is intended to serve the citizens of a nation best instead of the best interests of capitalists. The United States government should support economic development that actually prospers all Americans as directly as possible instead of the global class of concentrated wealth capitalists that believe a global 'trickle down' policy would work best for the people of the United States as an apologetic for what is actually an expansive greed actualized through governance run amok.

The federal government has all of the tools it needs to correct the economy before next April first except for intelligence, courage and integrity. They must be willing to withstand the withering propaganda fire of the incorrigily corporatism supporting broadcast media and global capital interests to break free of globalist control. The economy needs not only an ecologically renewable underlying principle, it needs to have an actual; citizen circumstance awareness system that makes sure that no s are left out of the national prosperity-and a number of modern means exist that could be directed to assure the employment of the underemployed through priorities and incentives. There are even college graduates and veterans in the United States that earn less than 7000 dollars year after year I suppose through social natural selection for deletion, and it seems quite unreasonable to prolong the misery for them and continuously reinforce the comfortable probably amused even through this trying winter.

Part of the problem in Washington D.C. is the mass incompetence by prosperous people failing to comprehend necessary personal vital economic interests for people. An economic structure isn't a machine that needs a repair in accord with special formulas but is instead an ongoing phenomenology within a community-a national community. It is necessary for citizens to have the necessary things to live without pressure from the corrupt to submit to various social demands or be bumped off' economically. That being said let's consider two of the mental terminology used by the government and news media to describe some of the economic phenomenalities.

1) toxic assets'-this refers to real, constructed homes that have tremendous real value and can be used by anyone with half a wit for a net social profit. The government might have bought foreclosed homes from banks for whatever amount the bank lent out minus 25% and then super-insulated the homes, installed solar panels upon the roofs and maybe painted the exteriors with self-priming, lifetime solar photon converting to electron paint. The empty homes could have been used for a variety of publicly useful purposes. Instead the Bush administration lied to Congress about what it would do with the 750 billion dollars and instead of buying toxic assets' it provided money to banks and other special interests for loans or whatever.

2) 'under water' mortgages- The 12 or 13 million American homes with home mortgages far higher than the value of the home in the decline of housing values haven't experienced a flood-they are not under water'. Avarice and immodesty in building size made a lot of speculators of ordinary Americans. They believed that the United States might become a coast to coast er box palace with increasing home values and population in error. These homeowners could have been saved and still might benefit if they must be foreclosed through a reasonable federal intervention using elements of point number one.

3) 'bridge loans'-another name for kicking back loose money to global auto manufacturers to assure their long term repression of alternate means of conveyance and power rival vehicle start-ups.

4) 'bail-out'; the Congress serves as bail bondsman for corrupt banks with 'toxic assets' providing a trillion dollars in bail money to let the U.S. economy get out of jail free. Actually the money wasn't used for the purchase of 'toxic assets' but was given a different use by Secretary Paulson for more bank loans that would provide 'liquidity' for the flow of money possibly to secret foreign accounts in Paraguay or Switzerland along with bank mergers and happy meal Christmas bonus's.

The houses if foreclosed and vacated can be upgraded to be energy producers and perhaps electric vehicle recharging stations. The homes can be sold at low rates to veterans. Those foreclosed can qualify for special federal F.H.A. terms to purchase new homes at the value of homes in the present market. The primary point is to take up those vacant, valuable properties and transform the toxic assets' in to valuable tools to lever out the slack from the housing market. The total number of homes available could supply a number of existing federal, state and local housing needs including finding shelter space for the homeless people living in the United States. The number of uses for the toxic assets' is virtually limitless.

The Obama plans for reconstruction might well include a bambi economic factor that will send the money to the same old advantaged builders producing in effect kick backs to the advantaged that is the usual. The United States needs a different economic foundation for transportation, energy and a reduced housing size with increased efficiency if it is to prosper in the changing global economic environment. Many of the globalists must be rather mirthful about the U.S. recession because they are investing in China and the downsizing of the American wage scale is a logical function of the 15% annual rate of economic growth in China that will drop to just 7.5% in the next year. As jobs are outsourced to China factories and businesses close in the United States. The Bush recession was a bridge loan' to refound the world economy for globalists upon China increasingly.'

In the Dallas area the mayor is salivating over the wish list from the Obama infrastructure plan with a 365 million dollar republican convention center and hotel at the top of the list. That is not a modest rescue of foreclosed homes, but instead a possible effort to provide a place for the Chinese Communist Party authorities to meet if they decide to build a Mao-mobile electric' car factory in the Dallas area one day. The Obama team needs to understand that the globalists are really corrupt and pushing ahead in their own ballooned direction until Armageddon happens even from the of the health of the oceans and the collapse of oxygen production from it (25% of the world total). The United States needs an electric car and monolithic dome concrete home infrastructure (headquarters in Italy Texas) instead of vast public building, sports stadiums and so forth. The same old privileged and corrupt, unintelligent leaders will push the same unchanging auto-culture with biggest square foot housing because they haven't a rational macro-environmental and nationalist economic paradigm.

The U.S. patent process is very slow and expensive to use for ordinary inventors and innovators. If I invented a new building product (this one may already exist) it would take more than a year to get a patent and bring it to market if I had thousands and thousands of dollars to spend gambling upon it. I hope this particular building application will be produced this winter so that I may have some new building to paint in the spring of 09.

Strong angled connectors made of steel that would replace plywood gussets in the easy construction of barn shaped storage sheds could be a patentable building product idea that would get the do-it-yourselfers constructing some building products this winter. I haven't ever seen such pre-set products in the building supply shops although they must exist somewhere.

The strong angled connector would let one insert the ends of 2 by 4's in at the right angle for the wall and roof of the shed frame. A ten foot long by eight foot wide storage shed might need just eight frames over-all and a total of sixteen of the strong angled connectors in designs where the lower section leans in a little.

The right number of connectors at the correct angles for a particular design could be sold in packages for about 50 dollars and everyone could profit. Building a storage shed with a barn shaped roof would simply require cutting the ends of the two by fours (or two by sixes in a different package of strong angled connectors) at the angles plainly labeled/imprinted on the connectors and nailed to screwed together. The frames would be toe-nailed in to the floor stringers.

A barn-shaped storage shed is sort of an upside down boat design, so I would suggest that a gallon of fiberglass resin be purchased from Boater's World and rolled on to the planking' or plywood that is nailed on to the frames in order to waterproof it before painting and eventual roofing.


Negative Obaman Advertising on Retirement Account Plans

Negative advertising worth millions and billions can be done for free by network slight-of-mouth while positive advertising costs money-lots of it. Free-riding political packaging can take advantage of trendy names-such as Barrack Obama's Senate opponent before dropping out Jack Ryan. Direct negative political advertising can overcome the truth-how many people are good at recognizing logical fallacy in arguments?

"our better part remains [ 645 ]
To work in close design, by fraud or guile
What force effected not: that he no less
At length from us may find, who overcomes
By force, hath overcome but half his foe."-from Milton's 'Paradise Lost'

Barrack 'Obawan' Kin-o-be may or may not be the light or dark side of the force, yet let's look at his recent position that the stock market crash is prima facie evidence that its bad policy to invest social security funds in the stock market...

Barrack Obama used his anti-investment theory as a negative advertisement against McCain and the contrary position pro-investment. Obama may not comprehend that social security money isn't invested anywhere but is paid out of current accounts tax revenues and that may be the most expensive way to go about it. Half a loaf is better than none, and investing social security in the stock market may be a way to get something real for the dollars invested in the past.

If the economy has a recession and inflation simultaneously in some cases it may be more difficult to get tax revenues sufficient to make social security payments to the public, and when the federal government needs to borrow money to make those payments because it hasn't got any equity from them it can cost twice as much to repay the loans because of interest and the value of money in the future when the loans are repaid. If even half of social security money is invested in the stock market and perhaps the other half paid from current federal accounts it may decrease the amount of money removed from the private sector to pay the cost of social security.

The largest issue about private stock investments relate to how to invest fairly and in American companies, shouldn't small businesses get financial help too in order not to give corporations the advantage? Creating socialism and corporatism through the back door of social security investments may present a danger to free enterprise as well, yet simply removing huge amounts of tax revenues to pay out in social security from current accounts cuts down on the money available for private sector investments significantly, while investing social security funds returns money for investment in corporate growth simultaneously with a reduction in the amount of money required for current accounts payments of social security. The U.S. Government would need to guarantee adequate social security payments when individual private investment account fail to as they guarantee bank accounts Barrack Obama has got away with a huge negative advertising ploy to help win an election while basing it on false premises deleterious to real public interests.

Negative advertising is played to win elections. Rhetoric about the bad character of the opponent in doing the perfidious negative advertising can put one's campaign over the top of the bar to victory and the champagne, celebrations and Hollywood Starlets that follow. Negative advertising requires a subtle strategy that won't backfire. It can be helped forward by getting others tacitly to do 'the dirty work' for you, and to train the talking-head masses to politely accept the programming your campaign propaganda masters have fed them. Without a conversion of the mass media to ordinary citizen Internet podcasts it will be hard for a campaign finance reformer like John McCain to defeat heavily financed and ghost-voter registration supported candidates although that may change some day.

Banks should be required to keep 25% of deposits on account in order to reduce fraud and bad loan-making the public needs to pay for. Wealthy interests controlling the broadcast media invested in banking also may advertise adversely regarding adequate regulation in order to secure higher corporate profits confident that the public must buy their bad debts if they are large enough to jeopardize U.S. economic health.

Negating the negative and accentuating the positive with negativity paid for with millions and millions. Where has the commander of control of 'nandering nabobs of negativity' gone when the nation needs one? Man is deceived by plenteous means in political matters of mass society. Propaganda value through the high radio towers was first conceived and exploited by the socialist turned fascist inventor of the political philosophy of corporatism Benito Mussolini. When the U.S. Congress turned down a guarantee for French security at the conclusion of world war one and preferred to sign a separate peace with Germany they guaranteed the return of war in effect said the former French leader Clemenceau of that era. The beliefs of man regarding the value of immediate gain over the pursuit of rational longer range security goals are ordinary. Propaganda in negative advertising as the wags of media words would say is spicy, saucy and pays public money back to the right corporate channels. Obama this time has 400% more cash to spend than John McCain in the month of October 2008 on advertising. He can afford to denounce McCain's campaign as 'negative' and McCain's disavowal of negativism and negative for the high dollar pile controls the power of propaganda when common sense is lacking from the public.

When the United States signed a separate peace with Germany many of its manufacturing capitalists looked enviously to the German production potential for technology, sales and profits in heavy industry, automobiles and manufacturing. Prescott Bush and Henry Ford were notable traders with the Nazi regime-today China occupies a similar role yet the future is uncertain. Building up China may not have the same consequences as did building up Nazi Germany.

The United States is a world leader in consumption of oil and products from abroad. An ill founded consumerist purchase from abroad policy was exploited by corrupt global corporations in order to increase profits and 'drive' the now globalized economy that made India and China major producers and the United States a major consumer of imported goods. At the end of the G.W. Bush administration late in 2008 the global house of banking cards collapsed requiring a public bail out of 3 trillion dollars of guaranteed support for all the bad mortgages and loans created by the free world's banks during the prior decade of globalizing and rushing economic policy. Propaganda in support of a U.S. reliance on oil and fossil fueled automobiles made a transition to a new transportation energy technology unfeasible. Concentrated wealth in support of the 'real world' of oil dependence by the United States prevailed over independent, innovative electric vehicle and home power production development. The real world means the real social establishment in the United States. The real world allegiance of families to corporate controllers relieves the public from any rational environmental or economic policy thought at a political level. The 'real world' is the stagnant insider clique running roughshod over the prospects for U.S. nationalism and energy self-reliance. Propaganda forming negative opinions about candidates and individuals in support of alternative energy and border security policies is heavily financed by global advertising budgets.

In order to make the global conventional economy 'go' the United States needs to accelerate rapidly to electric vehicle production and individual energy production through solar, wind and fuel cell power sources. A Manhattan project level of commitment is need to change the policy quickly enough to rectify the deteriorating orbits of economic flow globally before it crashes and burns in the friction of inefficiency, war and chaos.

When the U.S.A. stops consuming its 25 or 30% of global oil supplies in generally non-industrial uses and produces new electric vehicle and energy production technologies for domestic and export the savings for Americans should be substantial. Fuel costs for oil imported to Chan should decline as well, and Chinese production of products for exports should have slightly lower prices. U.S. imports would remain the same yet prices should drop. A stabilization of Middle-East oil prices should follow and remain for a few years until Chinese and India vehicle use and demands for oil cuts in to the oil supply for industry. A rectified conventional economic posture can grow when the United States quits using any foreign oil itself and moves to a higher technology. Negative advertising of the brainwashed and battered U.S. media watching/listening public may well halt any movement toward change of an ordered nature. Obama is an I Ching sort of socialist advocate for a book of changes with unknown, radical possibilities including global depression in the near term and world war for scare resources. Jihadists may find new inspiration in deposing a homosexualist U.S. regime making efforts to 'queer' the world toward bimarriage 'choice'. Negative advertising will certainly anathematize the political incorrect at any given time.

A final word about negative advertising and national economic security...Without complete border migration control the United States cannot reasonably implement any ordered domestic economic policy without anticipating an influx of millions of illegal workers as the economy improves. That will overthrow the effort for wage and environmental improvements, obviously. Super-charging short term profits and home construction with illegal labor accelerates select portions of the economic cycle bringing unnaturally quickly to a halt. Corrupt and improvident banking loans to unqualified buyers for immediate profits add fuel to the fire of unbalancing the macro-economy. Traditional capitalism isn't given a chance to work as labor shifts away geographically faster that geographically based 'improvements' in the standard of living can have a chance to grow. The traditional movement of producers to areas with low labor costs is also subverted when the laborers migrate to existing areas of production.


Democratic Party Chooses Cowardice in पिचक ऑफ़ बी.ओ.) Hussein Obama as Front Man

The 2008 Democratic Party choice for a Presidential candidate seems to be a cowardly choice. Perhaps after 2001 and the terrorism of Muslim bombers the Democrat Party under Pelosi fainted away too far to the lay down and be invaded posture. How else can one explain their choice for someone named as the inspiration religious leader (and his uncle) of the terrorists that killed thousands of Americans 9-11 2001.

The Democratic Party leaders gravely err in putting out that John McCain is a G.W. Bush kind of guy-they couldn't be more wrong. As Kevin Phillips wrote in 'The American Theocracy' the Bushes are a sort of religion for oil administration, and that warped G.W. Bush's potential as a President. McCain is a free man and a loyal American with several generations of government employee forefathers with nothing but the best interests of the nation at heart, and he will change his course as radically as a jet fighter avoiding SAM missiles I would guess to accomplish his mission of securing the safety and prosperity of the United States through political means. Obama is a comfortable elitist able to pander to Negroes, Hispanics and homosexuals/bisexuals with little experience beyond that of lawyering in Chicago and being on the fringes of the in-crowd. Yet he has connived as a petty politician before his rocketing ascent to challenger for the Presidency with the neo-legitimate political Chicago underground people. Experimenting with Obama's warped views and pretenses for the nation's future is packed with high risk. Those that believe he will have support from wealthy elites in global corporations may be guessing wrong. Obama won't be preaching to a choir when elected by a minority of the people, if elected. If the prestige of getting a black man elected is so important to Democrats that aren't white that they will support the economically unqualified candidate Hussein Obama, make Louis Farrakhan and the fruit is Islam a little too happy and risk a sustained downturn in the U.S. economy in 2010 the people may return a Republican Senate to set the clock back to 1994.

Obama has claimed that the United States wrongly ended the Democide in Iraq that claimed 50,000 innocent lives during the sanctions era and should instead have attacked Afghanistan with more troops stationed there in 20-20 hindsight. Obama plans to remove the nation reconstruction military security forces from Iraq that the United States has deployed in a year and a half. That tremendous gamble can throw the entire middle east in to protracted destabilization and high risk of war, it can foment a Shia-Sunni conflict and perhaps create a foundation for a war to remove the Saudi royal family and the 50,000 princes with the derivative effect of halting the flow of oil to the world from the middle east for a few years.

Afghanistan did have many Al Qa'eda terrorist training there during the Clinton years and Bill launched a few cruise missiles at them perhaps helping to provide an idea of how a pay back in New York should occur. Maybe Chicago Democrats and youth supporters yearning for the peace and prosperity without much war of the Reagan-Clinton years offered up their immunization to attack in the neo-Muslim symp B. Hussein Obama. They somehow imagine that they can pull the plug on Middle East reality and U.S. involvement and subdue terrorists that were offended by G.W. Bush but pacified by Bill Clinton. They believe the Reagan peace dividend can return as it did during the Clinton years and that Obama can find change and prosperity for them. It may be that the selection of a candidate named Hussein is a way for the extreme anti-war Democrats to show solidarity with Saddam Hussein posthumously.

The coalition did remove the Taliban from Afghanistan that is now rebuilding. The Indonesian 'Taliban' party equivalent supports an Obama Presidency as sympathetic to Muslim interests there. The terrorists from Afghanistan always were led by Yemeni and Saudi Arabs largely, Obama is wrong when he believes that they cannot just relocate but are some sort of local 'Indians' that can be rubbed out. Al Qa'eda and the movement to create a Caliphate in the middle east is a protracted concern that will outlast the next administration and which requires a long range rational basis to combat in order to safeguard U.S. national security first. That plan includes the construction of an impassable border barrier zone on the Mexican border to prevent takeover of U.S. Indian reservations by imposters and the muling in of covert munitions to attack Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Obama would need to send maybe an additional 100,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan along with a host of advisers and trainers to create a bomb-proof indigenous economy structure and that would be costly. His planning for the U.S. economy largely involves raising taxes and sucking up to rich globalists instead of boldly moving toward substantial support for a renewed U.S. nationalism to replace the fawning globalism subverting national interests.

Make no mistake about the faith and political feeling of the founders-they were Christians and Americans-not globalist, Germans, Brits, French or whatever. In becoming an American they created a new identity as U.S. nationalists that was fundamentally different than anything ever before created on Earth with national rather than racial allegiance. The founders were not sympathetic to foreign religious allegiances either-their fathers and sons would not bow five times a day to Mecca Saudi Arabia nor did they believe that law and morality were meaningless because there is no afterlife or that it could be worked out over future lives in reincarnation payback payments.

Sure one can say that the Democratic Party got rid of its Middle American status during the Ted Kennedy ascendancy. The Bostonian, catholic Kennedy's rightly hated southern Democrats with the history of being the pro-slavery party that fomented the civil war. In throwing out the white middle class and moving toward a coalition of homosexuals, women, blacks and Hispanics the Democrat Party became a still substantial party moving out of the mainstream of solid production work as unions were busted and jobs and factories sent abroad. The Democrat Party became the party of symbolic opposition to everything involving war or national defense except when in came to spending bills with billions of attachments earmarked for their districts. During the protracted nation rebuilding in Iraq the Democrats protested with lots of music-and a brief aside about the popular cult of music and its political influence today.

Popular music and its cult of nudity is a fine way to protest work and war. Yet music is at its core just a bunch of musicians strumming melodies and singing-its non productive entertainment with a lot of agents, key grips and fans not to be used as a way to get an economy going. A certain amount of people can sell nudity yet with too much glitz not enough work gets done. Not everyone can strum guitars and drink wine all day laying in the grass-nor can everyone be a voyeur object of income.

The music and entertainment business does have a cult of nudity and hierarchy of cool that when exported to the real world of work has a corrupting effect. Can the best physicist be chosen by boob dimensions, or the most inventive mind or hardest workers selected by flat abs and porn star endowments? The values of the entertainment world basically need to be contained in a rational location or unreal social values can be promoted too far politically such that the dazed and confused masses vote for feel good choices. So why do the masses feel good about B.O Hussein Muhammad Obama?

The Chicago lawyer says all the right stuff about cool values of non-aggression, yet he is exceedingly aggressive at promoting himself. Obama may be thought of as a scarecrow that will keep Muslim terrorists away from Chicago since, after all, how could anyone want to bomb a pre-bomb nation led by an Obama with the name of 'the prophet' and his uncle? The Democratic Party readily tosses out its national heritage of Christianity and American history in selecting a first generation American who attended elementary school in a Muslim nation, has a Muslim father and son and unknown numbers of relatives in nations with Al Qaeda terrorist agents such as Kenya.

Obama said in the debate last night that he associates with the billionaire Warren Buffet and a list of other elite sorts of Americans. He happily tossed Bill Ayers the well known Chicagoan whom he never denounced before running for President, his decades long Preacher the Reverend Wright and other associates under the train heels of personal advance. Obama is sure his new friends and the reaming of a choir he is preaching to will continue after election, if elected. America would have another lame Jimmy Carter times four President without a clue about how or where to lead the nation's economy, and without any ability to defend against Al Qa'eda and newer terrorist threats abroad without fundamentally contradicting his record-yet he will have the support of music and the entertainment business at least.

Bill Ayers is one of the top three living domestic terrorists in modern American history. Ayers was a bomb maker for the Weathermen branch of the Students for a Democratic society. Ayers was a roommate of a fellow terrorist blown up building a bomb. Ayers planted bombs himself and was the education secretary for the Weathermen for a time. Ayers was on planning councils during the era following the student 'days of rage' that made a shambles of social order in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Bill Ayers must have been the most well known terrorist in Chicago during Barrack Obama's time living there. Ayers has also made statements that he generally is unrepentant about planting bombs, and said wished he had planted more. Ayers was one of Obama's earliest political supporters for the Presidency.

It is interesting that anyone might consider the association with and support of a 'former' terrorist for a Presidential candidate irrelevant; names and language, national educational origin and about anything else that might help to determine if a Presidential candidate is a good bet to be trustworthy and competent should be set aside as politically 'controversial' or unfair. If Ayer's former methods were used one could just put a bomb to it and blast it all to hell and gone. Ayers took part in bombing the Pentagon and the New York City police headquarters, but hey, to some that's what democracy is all about. What really sets off the ire of Democrats is Nixon's burglar team break ins of Democratic Party headquarters-would Ayers have just bombed it instead if it were the Republican's and it was his mission?


I personally am for forgiveness of aging bombers when their blasting years are over if they haven't splattered any bodies about during their careers and if they promise to never, never do it again and lead constructive lives. Ayers has thrown his support behind Obama so obviously he has really changed.

Barrack Obama's early education in elementary school in Indonesia (he lived there from age 2-10)was mucked over by a reporter named Michael Sullivan this morning on N.P.R. Early socialization is the most important of one's life psychological theorists write, so in a sense Barrack's spiritual home is Indonesia and the mosque, the prayers to Mecca of his father and son and the anti-American attitudes that ran deep when he lived over there on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Indonesian language is a deep part of his subconscious-

The Indonesian equivalent of the Taliban approves of Obama as they believe he will be simpatico to the Muslim cause, and that would not bother those radicals that worked against rule of law in the United States in the 1960's and 70's perhaps as they may have some sort of different vision for America than the utopian non-fossil fuel based budget surplusing national ecological economic future with secure borders that I have.

If Barrack Obama has too many radical, leftist associates that are the equivalents of syndicalist anarchists and nihilist terrorists breaking up bodies and personal finances of Americans in the world today so far as possible-if they have a vision of a United States without straight white males (is that why Biden is symbolically Obama's short) is Obama potential more than just a candidate running against George W. Bush, but a tool of destruction of the United States and of U.S. national self-interest?


Bush's Biggest Binge (700 Billion)

The House approved President Bush's bailout of bank debts for 700 billion dollars giving the binge of spending Presidency a final bar-hopping over the congressional public debt bar.


Writing on a fait accompli I can just note the horrendous lack of creativity the government has in solving such rotten issues given by planting a big kiss on the fannies of mortgage gambling bad debts. A special bankruptcy process for bad Wall Street corporations should be created, and a M.I.T.I. like federal Department to invest in state of the art U.S. technologies to reduce foreign trade deficit causing technologies should be created. Someone needs to put a millions of electric parking meter recharge stations for the upcoming plug-in electric cars. Certainly the villains of the oil patch will seek to break ends from meeting on electric cars and solar power recharging. Will Wall-Mart ever sell solar panels to recharge electric cars and good 500 watt electric wind generators to provide power for homes?

I believe that the U.S. Government developed a sort of associationist financial psychology during 43's Presidency such that just spend it now and pay later is the way to go. Taking President Reagan's post Vietnam emergency pump priming with deficit spending as a form for a permanent budgeting process political financial perfidy as reached criminal proportions. Who will bail out the public debts when the buck stops-it won't be the rich who aren't making significant sacrifices?
Speaker Pelosi of the Democratic Party just collapsed in the worst way on this important issue. Both Parties’ are run by millionaires and the Bank Debt Bailout Bill bunk is the worst sort of corrupt politics one expects in a politically decadent and corrupt era.


The nation has ten trillion plus of debt so just toss another trillion or so in?
Interest on the national debt


Pumping up a particular macro-economic direction and particular corporate debts with public funds implicitly corrupts redirection of the U.S. macro-economic directions away from an environmental economic tensor toward one based on non-renewable resources and unsustainable forms of growth. It is reckless and myopic with many future requirements for corrections. Putting it off by siphoning away public capital to prop up bad, inefficient macro-economic policy is quite dangerous in the long run.


VP Chaney-Hidden in Georgia

Vice President Chaney was the proverbial crouching tiger, hidden dragon of Georgia recently seeking to provide some succor to the badly led Georgian state that seemed to believe it was a good idea to kick sand in the eyes of Russia and invade the former autonomous Republic of South Ossetia. Kicking in a billion dollars to help rebuild the disaster created when the Russian kicked in the rotten defense door of the forces of the erstwhile Napoleon of Georgia (even the Haitians in gaining their independence from actual Napoleonic forces by 1804 had far better military leadership) seemed to make the Bush administration feel better about their future oil prospects. T. Boone Pickens is leading an 11 billion dollar wind power investment project in the Texas panhandle and other Rocky Mountain slope areas-its good to have intelligent leadership sometimes) demonstrating that's its a lot easier to get to a good destination by taking the right course than a wrong one . The Bush bellicosity and depleted state of intelligence on the Georgian crisis was remarkable.

Sure the United States should support democratic political self-determination abroad, yet that includes determination for peoples in traditional areas. Expanding political boundaries or flooding in m millions of illegal aliens to provide voters for a hostile takeover isn't a right procedure at all in South Ossetia or Arizona. A billion dollars for an Arizona medical insurance system could have been more useful than another investment to secure oil reserves for oil corporations in Asia.

What happens when some blond woman with Arizona ancestry needs to have that uterus removal, ovary deletion, liver bisection sort of surgery before going find a job and needs to get in line behind all the recent Mexican immigrants for medical assistance? Politicians supporting globalist corporate elites may like to flood the U.S.A. With cheap labor, yet one wishes they did not also own the broadcast radio networks that influence public opinion too much.

V.P. Chaney was hidden in Georgia for too long, perhaps ordering the installation of missiles in Poland at the height of the crisis requiring the Russians to test launch an I.C.B.M. Capable of hitting Washington D.C. In order to determine if they still could. Polish anti-ballistic missiles that could also be used to defend against Russian attacks on Washington violate the accord that was the M.A.D. Policy so effective the past 50 years. One wonders if endangering the security of the United States is the last of the Bush policies founded on a less-than-brightest-bulb basis. Installation of the missiles with Polish approval should have been done in a very different and more mutually trustful political atmosphere. After all the Bush's are leaving office with Iran incapable of building 20 or more nuclear warheads annually for at least two or three years. Way to go Dick-are you also against free expression and political dissent for U.S. citizens on expressions potentially restricting oil company hegemony?


Ossetian-Georgian/Russian Conflict

Should administration policy on the states and oblasts of the former Soviet Union be to treat equally regardless of their historical ties to Russia and to seek to dissociate those political entities from Russia so far as possible in order to advance U.S. global interests for a corporatist ruled planet in concurrence with Chinese socialism? The conflict in Georgia between Russian and Georgian military forces recently over the fate of the former semi-autonomous south Ossetian oblast is a case in point.

So far U.S. administration policy has been to disrecognize Ossetia as a formerly semi-independent oblast of the Soviet Union not a part of the Georgian Republic and to just consider it a part of Georgia regardless of the will of the Alain people within to be independent. The Ukraine and Poland had a different association with Russia than Ossetia, and all had a different association with Russia than Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The United States should not preclude allowing the severely diminished Russia to continue to exist in association with people associated with it before the formation of the Soviet Union (1801 for Ossetia) because of a desire for global hegemony of corporatism.

As an American I realize that global corporatism will harm U.S. interests as it has that of other societies and civilizations that have reached a Universal state founded upon phenomenal alliances with foreign nations and peoples. For the United States globalism means flooding the U.S.A. with Hispanics so that the historical majority becomes a minority within 25 years, that China is built up to become the number one global economic power and India second, that second and third world peoples today build up a global population with diminishing non-renewable resources to 15 billion within 50 years, that planetary wars ensue between the globes non-white majorities in an archipelago of Iranianized nuclear and biologically armed states. The reason for all this is the pure greed of corporatists in the U.S. administration misleading the public down the primrose path. Explorers must be able to see beyond a foot or two ahead looking at profit reports for the short term. Georgia should not be free to glom up South Ossetia en passant simply because the administration of the U.S.A. is still fighting the cold war and championing globalism for the rich while draining Brazil with a 100 new Wal-Marts so those people can export their earnings to Swiss and Caiman Island bank accounts.

Dislike of Russians isn’t a good reason to isolate Russia with a tongue-tied ineloquence premised on the psychology of poverty as delusional in the manner of former Senator Graham. Creating prosperity and democracy takes time, luck and prayer. The way Russia moves that way will not necessarily be graceful as they support the Alans yet leave Georgia alone to determine their own future. A global solipsism in the opulent corporatist elite boardrooms does anathematize all those unwilling to lay down for their world-stage strutting power to chart their own courses of velocities of money.

Russia has only 150 million people or so, and China more than a billion; as they United States is perceived to chomp away on the western and southern edges of Russian security China looms large over the Amur River as a swelling, traditional potential foe. U.S. policy tends to isolate Russia and inadvertantly back them them in to as defenceless of a posture as possible as the U.S.A. pursues soley its own special interests of concentrating wealth globally for the rich and running down the standard of living of ordinary Americans. Rationally one cannot expect to discover and end to Russian nuclear and military power soon and should expect it's increase especially as Asia and Islam become increasingly threatening to Russian security domestically.

The Bush MBA approach to Russia is just so inarticulate and discouraging, detached and disengaged that it is easy to imagine a far better way of being involved positively rather than antagonistically as at present.

A democracy is premised on rule by the consent of the ruled...it isn't simply rule by those powerful enough to oppress others as in a mobocracy oppressing minorities. When the Soviet Union under Joseph Djugashvilli from Georgia continued rule of a region within Russia since 1801. When the Soviet Union broke apart there was a new deal and in some ways the sorting out of the pieces and peoples continues. The United States must be cautious in throwing support behind Georgian claims of political power over South Ossetians expressed through military coercion...obviously the South Ossetians don't consent to be governed by Georgians and prefer independence or alliance with Russia-is that so bad?

When the Muslims of Kosovo sought relief from the Serbian Government the United States supported them, what is so different from the S. Ossetian desire to be free from Georgia? Is the United States just pursuing a rather meat-headed policy of being in opposition to whatever the Russians like? Is the United States administration policy simply to support those susceptible to giving up their oil resources to global corporations while Russia seems to have an opposite opinion on the topic of global oil corporations taking over Russian national oil resources? Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia is ruled by the independence movement. What has made the United States decide arbitrarily against South Ossetian independence when 99% of the South Ossetians voted to support independence? When borders are redrawn after the end of an empire (maybe even an evil one) is it good policy to support the repression of large numbers of people by an adverse Georgian Government because Georgia is nominally democratic generally-whatever that means in this era of corporatism and global media brainwashing of the American public?

The United States does tend to support the concept of self-government by the people in democracy-yet a real democracy requires freedom of self-determination and the consent of the people ruled to support the government in power. When large nations break up the reorganization into several smaller new states make take time and justice isn't achieved simple by support of the first geographical area to elect someone educated at George Washington University. The United States must be certain that it really does support democracy in new nations rather than just its own narrow self-interests determined by less than statesmen.
America’s political challenges aren’t always as obvious as Anderson Cooper’s 360. In Alaska one political challenge is that of conservation of the threatened polar bear habitat. With shrinking sea ice polar bear futures are down so the state of Alaska is working against conservation efforts in order to get some dumped oil revenue futures from drilling in polar bear habitat that might be prevented with the recent federal upgrade of polar bear doom recognition. Meanwhile President Bush is making statements from Beijing China about the Russian defense of Russian culture in two sections of Georgia as ‘unacceptable’ as if it were a plate of bad borscht he could send back to the kitchen to have the Chef spit in it and returns it. I suspect that the Russian might feel President Bush is a little lap doggish in China’s favor-Russia’s main potential war rival, and that President Bush is building up Chinese business interests because he gets some scraps tossed his way in the quest for unstable globalism.

The conflict of interest President Pork Fried Rice has in China aside, sure Russia has taken a beating since the end of the former Soviet Union. Evidently because Russia changed radically to get rid of communism and China did not President G.W. Bush favors cozying up to the Chinese. I think he should not make anti-Russian statements from China, and should wait until he rediscovers the U.S. capital is in Washington D.C. with a half a million jobless compensation filings in the U.S.A. last week before putting on his disgruntled customer hat.

Offshore drilling is a bad idea because world fisheries are in steep decline and the oceans produce 1/5th of the planet’s oxygen from trillions and trillions of little bacteria that make oxygen; even so it may continue in the Chuckchi and Beaufort Sea areas. Polar bear ‘out-of-the-water’ safe islands should be constructed for polar bear and Arctic voyagers, with separate yet equal refuge areas of course, on the model of tiny oil platforms without the drilling equipment. Some of the platforms might rise and fall with the waves, yet the bear should be able to get away from the water and find a place to build a winter cave. The number and density of the platforms required to create an artificial archipelago of polar bear survival is hard to say-it would require at least two weeks of intense research with some good food and peace and quiet. To return to President Bush and the Russian crisis.

Vladimir Putin should realize that it is not in his favor to have Russian aviators seem like the Nazi Condor legion in Spain at Guernica pummeling Basque separatists for the benefit of Spanish fascists. Since the Clinton support for the Muslims in Bosnia reduced Orthodox Christian culture associated with Russia and Serbia concurrently with the loss of vast tracks of former Russian dominated territories, and subsequent Muslim terrorism globally continuing in to the Bush administration Russians must be a little skeptical about where their national interests stop loss-Bush’s Olympic noises from China aren’t too helpful perhaps. Fortunately Obomba is concentrating on getting himself in to the White House instead of making utterances about international affairs and not troubling the waters presently.

What can be done is an immediate cease-fire and a chess match held between the best of Georgia and Russia with the winner having the right to provide pizza to injured civilians the next five years and to provide financial compensation for the civilian dead. The winner can be said to have ‘won’ the conflict and both sides can withdraw to let the Ossetians police themselves with equipment provided by the winner.


Solar Cells, L.E.D. Lights, Wind Powered Generators

Bright L.E.D. lights, solar and wind products

Thursday 22 of November, 2007

L.e.d. lights including screw in edison sockets in one watt and five watts..



led components






Solar power and wind generator websites

http://www.siliconsolar.com/Concentrator-Solar-Panels-108W-SSPV108BF-p-16341.html smaller power systems

http://www.sunpowercorp.com/For-Homes.aspx big power systems

http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/07/26/india.solar/index.html primitive villagers electrify with solar panels and save money getting off non-existing grid (ha ha)


http://allsolarpanels.us/ index to some solar and wind power suppliers

http://www.bergey.com/ wind turbines

http://www.windenergy.com/air_x.htm #1 selling small wind turbine

http://www.bitterrootsolar.com/wind/lakota/lakota.htm best buy on a 900 watt to 1300 watt wind generator

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...