
Dismal Long-Range Economic Prospects for U.S.

The long-range economic prospects for the United States seem rather grim. My point of view isn't that of an economist--perhaps more that of an historical perspective guides my thought. The United States has yet to collapse as all other older nations have. It must learn that its own economic fate is in a conservation of national interest and economic health rather than in the greener fields abroad. The Government should not just try to support the prosperity of global corproations--they are in the business of taking a profit rather than being ofn service to the citizens of the United States.

Toynbee and a number of other general historians noted cycles of civilization. The wax and wane, rise and fall, through good times and bad forecasters may predict an inevitable sprawl. We like to think on the contrary, that intelligent design may direct and economy in advance through the shoal waters or rough currents and rocks toward better than chaotic random trial and error such as insentient worms may pursue drift mining nuggets of nutrition. Planning ahead may afford nation zoning license for front lawn gardening everywhere with no exception. we can see that home grown potatoes and fruit still have real consumer value.

The United States with brilliant ex-patriots and a mostly unpopulated continent had a couple hundred years of good luck of development. Its industrial development occurred at a time of grace with waterfalls, wood and electric power giving way to horseless carriages. Yet its destiny is not guaranteed by any means such that it cannot fail. It can and will fail economically and politically if it hasn't interest in conserving and defending its blessings as they are. That does not mean wasting trillions in foreign wars against ad hoc insurgents. Stupidity in foreign war spending doomed several nations in the past. The Obama administration continues the stupid Bush II policies in that regard, perhaps in order to achieve a Nixonesque 'peace with honor'. If one isn't going to annex a foreign nation, or it doesn't share the same basic values as one's own already before the war, it is improbable that the defeated nation will give up its religion and culture after one stops spending billions and billions there.

The United States has lost track of its national values of its tradition largely. Like the Roman Republic it has outgrown its territorial limits in a quest of greed or power. Unlike the ancient Italian Republic it has much room--more than enough, for its own prosperity. It simply chooses to pursue reckless and profligate business practice equally harmful to the ecosystem at home and abroad.

In Afghanistan the United States is protecting poppy growing for heroin (President Karzai's brother), defending Chinese communist copper mining ventures, encouraging negotiations with the Taliban, training an army in the best U.S. military methods so they can train terrorists better after we leave Afghanistan and stop the financial hemorrhage.

In the United States the Sect. of Defense and Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff openly support and openly gay is o.k. military policy, the nation supports abortion, and the nation has accepted the creation of a half a million new federal jobs as 'economic recovery'. the Obama plan is to added ten trillion dollars more public debt before beginning a balanced budget--who is he kidding? The people of the United States cannot afford in some distant decade to pay interest on 20 trillion dollars to globalists who also own their mortgages. Instead the nation will become politically meaningless with flunkies loyal to global corporations that are no better than elitist collectives with totalitarian political control over the free speech and though of their employee-minions extorted by need for work into silence.

Europe has of course learned the hard lessons that political management of a good sort isn't superfluous and that manifest destiny does not often guide the political affairs of mankind. Without a care for restoration of a healthy environment, flooding the nation with cheap labor from Mexico and outsourcing jobs abroad, letting government retirees collect more than working people annually, being guided by a corrupt financial service sector that cannot readily restart its plundering of U.S. finance even with government guarantees because the accounts are already suffering from their predation--the United States faces many challenges ahead.

The Obama administration seeks to restart the Clinton cycle of plundering and outsourcing--yet that is the wrong course. It should instead turn to a national ecological economic refoundation of the U.S. economy and rectify the misguided social security system such that a means test is given and only those earning less than 2/3rds of the average income may receive benefits. The United States may have its mortgages owned by the Chinese,and destiny in 50 years decided by foreign mercenary military under global corporate rule if economy perfidy does not first destroy the present U.S.A.

Historical lessons are hard to learn from and even harder to correct in advance in order to keep the U.S.A. viable. Meaningful economic reform isn't a likely scenario given the sort of people in government and media. Neither socialism nor corporatism contains the remedy for American enterprise, individualism and a secure border and social safety net including health care for the poor. The federal government doesn't require a libertarian sort of archaist freedom for global collective of business to take over-nor even foreign corporations from Dubai or then Chinese Red Army, it needs a determination to prioritize and sort ecologically efficient U.S. businesses of less than 3000 employees, to limit the number of companies an individual may hold an interest in to three.

The government needs to reallocate the digital broadcast wavelength spectrum to citizen enterprise internet relayed broadcasts with local citizens prioritization for burst slots. The government has a need to cut the anticipated new federal debt to no more than 3 trillion dollars during the next decade, and in fact to start a major overhaul of governance something like that which F.D.R. undertook, yet without a socialist or corporatist collective drift. The United States needs much government defining of new ecologically economic parameters today rather than to try to plug the holes in a leaky globalist bucket that is a vampire upon the future sovereignty, prosperity and health of the citizens of the United States.


Economic War on American Working Poor Spends Trillions in Iraq & Afghanistan

The Obama administration permissively allows the busted U.S. border security to flow illegal alien Mexican migrants north to devastate U.S. worker wage values, and the busted BP oil wellhead to send 10,000 to 30,000 barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico each days for forty days and nights plus devastating the ecological-economic health of critical habitat. The Harvard lawyer globalism in government brings devastating consequences to individual free enterprise nationalism. Some painters cannot afford to buy a man-lift for two and three story ladder reaches!

Globalism has taken over the U.S. Government since the end of the cold war. Globalism enriches the riches and seeks optimal methods for concentrating wealth. It also impoverishes ordinary Americans whom are trimmed through a thousand cuts of global networking.

Bush I declared the New World Order, yet Bill Clinton greased through the freeing up of U.S. home mortgages for buying and selling as commodities; the Chinese government could then buy up U.S. home mortgages.

In the 1990s Wall Street investment firms and banks devised new ways to sell out America and take cheap, non-renewable profits with diminishing returns to the national prosperity. The nation was hit by a triple economic assault by Washington leadership.

1) NAFTA sent U.S. manufacturing to Mexico, U.S. policy also outsourced jobs to China,

2) Illegal immigration sent tens of millions of cheap laborers to the U.S.A. to reduce the scarcity of domestic labor and its value

3) A number of financial mechanisms were developed to stimulate economic growth primarily to concentrate wealth. The housing industry was one such effort.

With U.S. mortgages being made globally tradable commodities, turnover sales percentages were made simply to create profit without rational national need for more housing. With millions of very cheap laborers available to build modularized homes, and the largest possible size homes that might be sold constructed by developers, with contracts signed by home- buyers that could not stand an economic shock, and with foreign nations holding the paper. The home production industry inflated prices and supply. Eventually the market crashed for a while.

If the market crash left many Americans homeless, the government in theory created a Tarp fund to ‘bail out lenders. Maybe that is the Chinese Communist Government in part, who bought mortgages as a way to invest its excess profits in U.S. securities and other American properties.

The Chinese Government was facing a win-win scenario as the U.S. housing industry tanked of course. As homebuyers defaulted unable to buy such large homes the Chinese an other foreign investors became the home owners themselves and could rent out the homes during times when Americans could no longer afford to buy.

The globalization of the U.S. Housing mortgage business landscape made a global landlord of American homes, drove prices up, crashed the market for consolidation of ownership and new rentals, and then is bailed out by added taxpayer debt. The foreign governments also are the lenders of the dollars to bail out their own housing market investments in the United States. Obviously this is the fault of the U.S. Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations rather than the foreign opportunists encouraged by corrupt Wall Street financial pimps to buy the United States.

An ecological economic transformation of the United States is not forthcoming, for it would conflict with the global constellation of cheap profit financial pimp networks making a virtue of structures of ineffective protracted foreign wars of no logical end—a classical military blunder—at tremendous opportunity cost to the United States, and of several polices that destroy U.S. national interest.

If the U.S. Government seeks to make of the military a tool for an economic simile of theophagy consuming the posterity and future of a free and intelligent United States of America in order to enrich globalists. Disabling political support to particularize the security of citizens within an economic and spiritual metric is simply one avenue of ingression for a globalist derationalization of intelligent individualism.

Networks leading a common group-think (vis Janis) cannot substitute for competent and bold, ecologically economic and nationalistic political leadership in Washington.

Loop Quantum Gravity etc Better Than Strings? Alt Logic

I want to write something about deconstruction of string theory, or at least a deprogramming step away from that membrane prone edge of theory. I have read a couple other books by Moffat and Smolin recently in theories besides string, super-string or M theory, such as modified gravity, modified Newtonian gravity, loop quantum gravity and so forth--so much of this theorizing about string can be quite wrong.

String theories may have an infinite number of solutions or versions. Even general and special theory may be somewhat wrong; there could be Double Special Relativity, or DSR version I and DSR II. There is another kind of geometry that might change things a little--non-commutative geometry.

Perhaps logic is changed by non-commutative geometry too.

Kripke wrote in Naming and Necessity about rigid designators in modal logic (amongst other things). Non-commutative geometries could change the functions of logic too, for that matter, how does one adapt logic to a background independent intellectual paradigm that should be associated, if it is to be applied to real-world objects and events, with a relativistic space-time field of mass-energy?

Rigid identifiers must exist within a Quinian kind of ontological relativity or lexicon I would think if they are to have an independent background rather than a dependent one that pejoratively comprises a sort of Newtonian 'absolute space' of meaning. Yet rigid identifiers could also have a non-commutative or anisotropic nature--they are only temporally rigid rather than necessarily rigid. Within a non-commutative paradigm of meaning, rigid identifiers that have a given address or relativistic meaning would continue so only phenomenally and not reversibly.

Rigid identifiers as emergency terms might reflect the logic of space-time a little better, yet space-time itself in many modern cosmology theories does not exist. Space may be a construction of discrete causal blocks that together comprise an order considered to be time, yet time may be just a conscious experience of journey through those causal blocks spiritually.

There may be an infinite number of branes and strings, hyper-strings and variable speed of light criteria making this a complicated universe to deconstruct schematically. Perhaps human conscious sentience is of such a spiritually different nature of mass-energy that theories made by humans for a unified field that is comprehensive will always be different itself--that is the theorists are not really included within the material or subject studied and thereby uncertainty is introduced. We know for certain that a non-sentient universe has no uncertainty to it (just guessing).

Perhaps I will consider modal logic and cosmology someplace else than here. II simply wanted to point out that string theory is a sort of national scientific academic cult of 30 years standing so far. I hadn't realized that! There are other ways to regard the scientific data acquisition efforts for cosmological theory besides within a string it together construction.
Personally I believe that the Kantian noumenal-phenomenal distinction will always hold even in cosmology and quantum mechanic theories about the ultimate nature of reality. The best value of theoretical physics will be in discovery of pragmatically valuable navigation data, and the limits of certainty of what is will always be phenomenal.


On Deprogramming from String Theory; Return to God and Post-Classical Mechanics With Faith

String Theory was developed about thirty years ago to continue the inquiry of theoretical quantum researches into the construction of the Universe. Its professorial priests have taken over the halls of higher learning in the United States to the exclusion of their brethren with other interests in cosmological physics and quantum mechanics. The traditional call of God unto faith in the eternal source of Being has been eclipsed a little by mathematical tensors unto tomorrows deepened by farther unexplored multi-dimensional theoretical levels of creation. The unknown M-Theory is alike a clue from Arnie Saknusson left toward the grail of a unified field theory.

Well, as a Christian with an avocation in philosophical reading I have encountered a few books recently by Moffat, Smolin and other physicists that have served as a kind of deprogramming remedy to some of the multi-verse theory string and super-string based books by Greene and others. One may ask how a non-commutative geometry could compare with super-string theory aesthetically on the virgin beaches of theoretical physics for the attention of weekenders looking for action; seeking the curvaceous, beautiful theoretical explanation for the order of all being of this Universe? One should know better than to stray far from the standard word of God about these kinds of things, for the Charybdis and Scylla of false theories draw the unwary boaters to the rocks of despair and many wrecks there are that provide fuel for nature’s natural recyclers of shipwrecks.

Ultimately, physical theories of cosmology may just explain what it is that human beings experience, and that includes what we experience through enhanced measuring technologies. Cosmological theories and theoretical physics do not have the capability for explaining the absolute truth-for there is no absolute truth apart from God. One must rely upon faith in Jesus Christ to renormalize unto the absolute truth. Such absolute, foundational truth is safely reserved for a better universe than this present one.

Psalm Seven, verses 3-5 reads “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which though hast ordained: What is man that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?

For Thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.”

The effort to comprehend the physical universe mechanically—that is how it is made operationally if not originally issued, has been a human historical mission op. As wrong ideas that served as partial research methods of inquiry were taken up and discarded for better ones, the Christian has experienced the chaff of incompleteness and error in rival theories stripped away as nothing besides faith remains to reply on.

String theory may not be false—it does not make physical prediction that can be falsified such as good theories have before including those of Newton and Einstein. String theories (there are an infinite number of versions), are brilliant mathematical models of alternative extra-dimensional mathematical constructions that could explain the math of the quantum mechanical world in such a way that gravity too is included, and a unified field theory produced. It was one marvelous new approach to theoretical physics developed after the standard model of quantum mechanics was mostly complete.

I have no intention of reviewing excellent books such as Smolin’s ‘The Trouble With Physics’ here. I just wanted to point out to those Christians and philosophers interested in cosmology that there are a number of other theoretical approaches to discovery of the unifying principles of macro and microphysics besides string theory.

One of the more interesting approaches is that of non-commutative geometries. I understand this topic fundamentally not at all, yet I will write something about it anyway, so the subject is not simply lost from my journal reference index…

Most geometries are symmetric and holistic—such as Euclidean and Riemannian. They have universal principles. Non-Commutative geometries do not require such principles better suited for an absolute space (that does not necessarily represent real space well at all).
Non-commutative geometry could phenomenally change in time; it could be one-way and irreversible. One special benefit of that is that it could perhaps represent Einstinean space-time geometry a little better within a time-changing universe. I do not use the word ‘evolving’ here because change of a physical system does not necessarily imply evolution. Evolution requires a meta-structural principle background in which change may compile, and in which a continuity of change can compile. Phase changes of a physical system may on the other hand, occur without regard to an evolving contingent structure.

A non-commutative geometry may be able to describe a space-time universe inclusive of all mass and energy as a changing, dynamic phenomenality. Mass and energy may be phenomenal ‘ties’ or knots in the geometry. There would be no separate particles or waves in the geometry of the space-time, all would be a description of the metric of the field itself.

Smolin introduced the idea of a background independent theory (of the universe) in ‘The Trouble With Physics’. Einstein’s general relativity theory best fits such an independence criteria as a description of space-time as a field, for the geometry of a space-time field is relative to its local characteristics. If the field can change with time, irreversibly, a non-commutative math might well describe it.

It is a kind of ultimate contingent universe we might understand with faith in God and regard for the appearance of the phenomenal as a thing-for-itself.
There may be an infinite number of cosmological systems that can be found to explain rather well certain observable features of the physical universe including space-time and quantum cosmology without attaining an absolute or final truth to exhaust the potential field of knowledge. The philosopher C.S. Pierce, inventor of the philosophy of pragmatism, felt that the utility or value-truth of a science is in it validity in application, and that is hat we tend to regard as best about science; its value in making practical, valuable explanatory hypothesis about the universe or nature that serve to advance human understanding of it. String theory, quantum gravity, modified gravity, modified Newtonian dynamics and other theories may or may not provide better functioning explanations of how the universe is mechanically put together. Science is intended to find knowledge that can be tested for truth or falsehood, to find knowledge that is connected to the real world or real universe rather than just a hypothetical one that exists in the sense that math geometries exist without necessary existence in the real world.

Scientific theories at any given time may be powerful, have legions of devoted followers of a religious nature, and replete with high priests of prestigious mystery. Those Christians with cosmological and philosophical interests should be somewhat reserved in following the existential flock to this or that side of the ship of the best present theory when the leader speaks new ideas, for the words of God are absolute, while these secular words are simply the best pragmatic tries to learn more about the phenomenal universe, and such efforts shall always be contingent.

There are an infinity of ways of theoretically forming or representing formed existential structures—and more if one adds in time as a change element for recombinations. Many of these configurations become the most popular new theory of the hour for how the Universe is really structured. Some of these theories have a starting point in time, some don’t. Strings as simple segments or dots may increase and join up to make more complex structures such as protons or entire atoms. Segments may form branes (membrane) like 2 dimension al soap bubbles able to hold galaxies and tie up to extra dimensions or extra branes floating around in a vacuum. Some of these branes crash parties and drift on like pillaging hordes of Huns looting the victim galaxies or universes taking the loot back over the border.

It is possibility for Christian philosophers to consider all of these trillion to the trillionth power number of cosmological theories in the abstract and incompletely, and also to ponder Sartre’s existentialism and W.V.O. Quine’s ontological relativity criterion not only of knowledge, but of epistemology and sort things out to the appropriate temporal value bin in accordance with our own prioritization. Scientists must pursue each theory to its logical end, yet we Christians may leave those so burdened for our own concerns of right thinking, right speech (so far as is possible nowadays) and right actions to serve the will of God as a priesthood of Christian believers challenged by that lack of an ecologically renewable economic foundation for this nation, and a nation slipping its grip on moral rectitude. The beauty of God’s universe, and the intricate and imaginative methods by which it is sustained, increases for our awareness as human efforts to comprehend its deeper nature continue. We did not expect it to be a simple Elmer’s glue paste together.

The 'Hate Speech' Form Letter (that could have been a working model in a Reno, Holder, Kaggan Legacy)

If former Attorney General Janet Reno left a legacy for A.G. Holder and Supreme Court nominee Kaggan to inherit,it might be the hate crimes legal theory. Here is a a basic example of an archetypal hate speech form letter perhaps not yet available online as a standard legal form, yet such a letter must have been created to form a template b y which the corporate world can know with sound legal reasoning what example should be censored as 'hate speech'. In another form letter not presented here, a standardized approach to censoring any historical references with violence, lack of respect for fellow human democrats and other people is provided.

‘Hate’ Speech Generic Form Letter

Kagan/Reno Files

If ________ continues (or is allowed to occur) then

__________. Whenever _______ has happened before it has brought the end of civilization.

The ______ party presently in (A) Congress or (B) The White House are(is's) corrupt.

If the United States is to continue as a ___________ (A) Free Society(B) Corporate Evil Empire (C) Utopia for Lackey Stooges of the Harvard Alumini Association) (D) Socialist Utopia (E) Miserly, sorrow demesne of inevitable doom) (F) Torch bearer for illegal aliens _________ must be halted. (A) White Supremists (B) Black

Supremists (C) Mexican Supremists (D) Lesbian Supremists (E) Evil Minions of Fu Man Chu (F) Fifth columnists of [sub-heading] comprise a threat to (B) Set the nation to a better destiny (C)

Honor those that have fallen before crowds of Wal-Mart Shoppers (E) Buy some U.S. mortgages back from the Chinese Government (F) Stick a fish up Kim Il’s favorite yacht ________ will restore a balanced budget, ecological economic

renewability for the nation, defend wages for American workers in America from the alien day laborer coup d’etat society.

(A) Potholes (B) Homosexuals (C) Oil (D) The Bushes and Clintons (E) Porous Borders (F) Rectilinear Houses (G) Pollution presents the single largest avenue of ingess of danger to U.S. viability as a nation. With new leadership we shall overcome, someday.


Congress & SecDef Gates Make It Tougher for Openly Heterosexual American Military

In a move toward a more Pelosi-friendly, San Francisco-Boston axis of Sodom and Gomorrah military environment, the U.S. Congress passed legislation enabling a hostile service environment for heterosexuals with repeal of the neutral ‘don’t ask, don’t tell policy’. This policy followed nearly two months of high level administration and congressional Democratic worrying about North Korea sinking a South Korean naval vessel with a torpedo and the possibility of more conflict.

Openly heterosexual service members will find challenges from homos in the barracks following the media-government disinformation war effort for empowerment of public homosexual sin with the U.S. military as an agent of socialization. Equal rights for homosexuals means to Speaker Pelosi perhaps, that if women wear lipstick and nice dresses so should male service members. New designer uniforms may be anticipated as Secretary Gates develops ‘the queer eye for the straight guy’ principle.

Secretary of Defense Gates—something of an abomination with support for a Sodom and Gomorrah trend in the U.S. Government, has asked for comments from the military over the Memorial Day weekend and for a while longer so service members can consider If they would be happy with thousands of homosexuals joining to wear their freak flags in military units.

Secretary Gates should be fired as a leftover protégé of former President G.H.W. Bush. He is offering the opportunity for service members to seem to have a meaningful input on the impending policy change, unlike the citizens of the United States who were only told Tues of this week that a vote to go ahead with broad support for sin would be brought on Thursday and Friday in two votes required for passage of the Democrat’s preference for public perversity in the military policy. The bill was opposed Thursday by nearly all Republicans and thirty-four democrats. Alaska Senator Begich—a democrat, sided with the Sodomites. Senator Begich also supports offshore oil drilling in Alaska.

The basic remedy to correct the corruption now is to elect a republican majority in both houses of congress in the November election, and a Republican President in 2012 to sign legislation to roll back the homosexual hegemony legislation the Congress has forced through.

Congress, having lied about the time period that was to be given to consider the measure before bringing the corruption to a vote, has given Secretary of Defense Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Mullins instructions to consider the measure for six months before implementation. Sect. Gates—an outspoken advocate of an openly gay friendly military has generously said that he wants to hear from service members of support or opposition to the planned change. Like Stalin and Berea and before him, he has planned to learn who opponents to the policy are before sending them to the Eastern front.


Democrats Putsch to Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

The regulation of human behavior is an essential function of law. It isn’t bigotry to segregate lawfully convicted felons from society for a specific period of correction or to advocate such a public policy. The effort to repeal the right of heterosexual Americans serving in the military to be free from homosexual activism is an effort to infringe the rights of those not desiring cohabitation with same-sex practicing Americans.

Men and women soldiers serve in the military yet generally are housed in different units. There are limits to the extent to which the burden of regulating heterosexual conduct can be placed upon individuals in military units. Fundamentally they can serve best when free from immediate concern about the constellation of intersocial relationships that would develop if they were entirely integrated in all aspects of service including showering together.

Homosexual Americans quite reasonably wish to serve in the military in future wars, and of course homosexuality should no longer be a grounds for draft ineligibility, yet homosexuals have no right to declare their behavior preference as homosexuals within the military if serving with heterosexuals—for that can be construed as a kind of hate speech or hate action intended to intimidate soldiers with the perversity of the behavior. Heterosexual soldiers have a right to serve freely without homosexuals in close proximity.

If the Federal Government forces the open right for homosexuals to serve in the military without keeping their behavior preference to themselves, then the government owes those presently serving in the military the right to receive an immediate honorable discharge with full benefits if they wish not to be forced to be in the presence of significant numbers of homosexuals. At the minimum, heterosexuality in the future should be an option for deferment from the draft, as homosexuality was in the past, in order that heterosexuals should not be forced to cohabit with homosexuals.

I do not want to labor this point too far, for I write as the Congress is putsching through a repeal of the present, not broken, don’t ask, don’t tell policy in order to be consistent with Murphy’s principle of ‘if it isn’t broke, then fix it so it is’.

All that is reasonably required in the present ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy is that homosexuals in the military do not declare themselves openly. Open declaration of preference for sex with men in a unit of men, is something like declaring oneself to be a cannibal-that gives something for non-cannibals to worry about, even if the cannibals are on best behavior.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...