
President Obama Elbowed in Mouth By Hispanic Caucus Player in Basketball Game

Just completing reading 'The Border' by Danelo when the basketball injury report occurred, I thought it somewhat inevitable that the ethnic background of the guy elbowing the Presidential lip would be Hispanic and working for the Hispanic Caucus-those guys are aggressive.


From my experience, Hispanics can have a 'we are superior to blacks' attitude in the rock, paper, sissors politics of life. With the discovery of another drug import tunnel in San Diego I wondered if some drug king pin had ordered a pay-back on the President, yet they haven't got that much influence I guess.

Brain imaging of people from different cultures show that their brains actually work differently. Because Americans are mostly passive on halting illegal immigration and prefer a long range trial an error capitalist political-economy without any sort of democratic prometian ecological planning conflict and chaos from extrra-terretorial culutral input will increase.



In lines in bus stations Hispanics will cut to the front of a line with 30 people and then say 'no comprende' if challenged. They know Americans are more docile in some things-especially at competent border security allowing in tens of thousands each day they choose.

So then the comparison to Teddy Roosevelt occurred to me; Roosevelt went blind in an eye after boxing in the White House with the bare knuckle heavyweight champ-not a good idea, and personally I feel Obama should have been doing some reading and left the playground stuff until after he is out of office after 2012. The people in Washington just aren't as concerned about stopping illegal immigration or creating new jobs for Americans as am I.

Border security in Phoenix is a joke-and the Obama administration sued Arizona to prevent law enforcement people from checking for U.S. citizenship. Hmmm- Presidnet Obama should have been given a present by the pro-illegal alien caucus rather than elbowed by them. At least the guy didn't apologize and sound like a wimp.

There should be hundreds of job openings for painters in South Arizona each winter instead of thousands of illegal aliens standing on streets signaling drivers for work. Corrupt U.S. Congress is the reason why.

Stopping illegal immigration is possible with a comprehensive ecological boundary control zone with ditches, berms and salt water canals to help make fresh water through evaporation and condensation. Mexico will have 45 million people living in their border states within 7 years, crime, corruption and illegal immigration flourishes as Americans are incompetent on economic rectification.

On God and the Universe

Is God Separate from the Universe?' is a word formation made within a subjective linguistic criterion. There are assumptions or presuppositions in the question that are incomplete or undefinable. For instance what is a Universe besides a particular reference phrase derived within the experience of existing?

Separate is another reference term with a given contextual meaning. Do we separate from ourselves, separate from the undefined hypothetical border in time and space, separate or apart from the quark scale size of mass or energy, separate in the past or the future, separate or elsewhere than a given concept reference frame of universing?

Perhaps it is necessary to define what separate or apart from means in the case of the query of God and the Universe? Do we mean separate in the sense that an automobile tire in a tire store is separate from any given car passing on the street in front of the shop? Are the boundaries that define separateness of a universe something that must be recognizable by God and mankind simultaneously? Could the boundaries be rectified, effaced or surpassed and would that comprise a post hoc answer to the question?

We could wonder if God is subjective to any sort of boundary or border that humans might envision as effectively defining beginnings or ends (maybe they are singular) of what could be defined as a universe, the universe, or any given or potential universe?

One may wonder about the relative reference size-scale of the Universe. If it has finite size and is a proverbial drop in the vast infinite non-being of else than is, comparable perhaps to a grain of sand suspended in an ocean the size of the Milky Way Galaxy, must God be pervasively present to the residents living within that grain of sand in order to not be considered to be separate? One might consider the various meanings of separateness such as in an Apartment, a city, a state?

Christians would not regard God as separate in a spiritual sense. Yet the contexts of separateness or complexity, specialization or construction of different existing things requires a phenomenal separateness or contingent being in relation to other being. Light is separate from dark, water in the sea from terra firma.

It is possible to venture into a plethora of ancient and present speculative philosophical and religious ideas about the void, being and nothingness, good and evil and so forth. Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and even the Bible present an origin of something from nothing. We discover the same concepts in cosmology-phase transitions and inflations, big bangs and collisions, the formations of matter as a surplus over anti-matter, heat separate from cold. There are process philosophies of change along a Taoist watercourse way perhaps trickling waters of life back to a more natural Brahamanist cycle of change and reoccurrence. Kalpas of fifty billion years are plausible yet proximal too within the modern conception of a 13.7 billion year old Universe moving toward a big rip or a catastrophic transition of uncertain destiny. These comparative paradigms of appearance of mass energy and of its change and destiny are intriguing yet not ultimately the central concern for Christians and Jews. It is the transcending relationship to God that occurs in this world through faith, and of a saving grace to a future or atemporal end that is the fundamental human interest reaching beyond the temporal order.

Condi Rice-Helped or Harmed by Wikileaks State Department Cable Release?

Will Ophrah Winfree raise former Secretary of State Condolizza Rice's arm as the champion Presidential contender in 2012? As it is Condolizza Rice's State Department cables that will be leaked to the public from the years 2006 to 2009 may return her to the public spotlight. The affects of that ate difficult to predict.

We do know that she both black, female and smart; those are qualities not found in any other Presidential candidate presently on the radar screen for the 2012 election. Republicans have a sure demographic contestant in Condi Rice-one able to out-think Sarah Palin and with more charisma and experience than Barrack Obama, Mitt Romney or Donald Trump.

Condi Rice has been enjoying the collegiate atmosphere at Stanford besides having a great football team and a lucky quarterback. Rice may be lucky herself, as well as the nation in promoting the lady with the solid I.Q. to the White House for a term. The chess game is not going so well, and the Mexican border control of illegal aliens, drugs and terrorist ingression is a situation of defeat in detail. 8th century Welsh chiefts were brighter at defense lines than today's congresspersons-thats rather amazing. Perhaps the offensive distribution of the State Department cables will kick start the Condi in 2012 campaign.


Isn't Wikileak's State Department Cable Release Plan Like a Hostile Foreign Intelligence Act?

Wikileaks is said to plan to release hundreds of thousands of sensitive U.S. State Department embassy cables this week. In some regards the release of the classified information resembles an act of war against the United States, or minimally a hostile intelligence action destabilizing to international relations.


Julian Assange, a founder of Wikileaks previously denied having State Department cables (in July of 2010. In January 2010 a classified cable from the U.S. Embassy at Iceland was published at Wikileaks revealing U.S. policy information about the financial crisis.



Law protecting confidential sources should not protect the Internet media categorically, unlike the priestly confessional. The news media has absolutely no inherent rate to endanger state security, nor subvert the proprietary political works of elected government officials and federal agency employees.

Hostile foreign intelligence operations do not become less inimical to the defense of liberty when they publish on the Internet. Media fences of stolen and purloined intellectual capital at Wikileaks or al Qaeda should be prosecuted by the Justice Department, if their plans for capture are not leaked.

Wikileak’s active assault upon U.S. Security through revealing hundreds of thousands of pages of information not available to the public at the Departments of Defense and State may seem to appeal to popular Bush II bashers from the last administration. The information may also attack the security of Hillary Clinton’s State Department and provide enemies of the United States with too much of an insight into U.S. national interests, as well as sew discord between allies.

Globalists may believe the assault on the security of U.S. Government communications by foreign agents will advance their agenda. A rectification of U.S. economics to a low entropy environmental foundation may be the best way to combat hostile foreign intelligence agents and perfidious anti-nationalist politicians as well.


Miller-Murkowski Senate Race (Alaska) Enters Final Stage

Republican Party candidate Joe Miller has entered what may be the end game strategy against incumbent U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski in filing suit in through out more than 8000 contested write in ballots. Murkowski presently leads by about 10,000 votes. Certification of the election victory for Murkowski is on holding pending adjudication.

It is very difficult to defeat an incumbent federal politician. More than 90% stay in office with the help of money betting on the existing power for pork barrel politics. Alaska lt. Governor Campbell is unhappy with Miller's effort to throw out state election official's right to interpret write-in votes giving an advantage to Murkowski.

The core issue is; should write in votes need to be correctly spelled? In a future election if a Joe Smith were Running against Jane Smythe, should election officials be allowed to interpret the intent of the voter? Another issue is should the state change its rules for interpreting ballots each election to give an advantage to a particular candidate-in this instance Lisa Murkowski?

With more than 180,000 votes cast the election narrows down to just a few thousand. Equal protection of the law may require the letter of the law to be fulfilled in technical issues for justice to prevail.

p.s.- On what interpretation of a vote is.. etc.

These are write in ballots spaces for Murkowski or whomever. Personally I believe that for a vote to count for anything it must count for whatever it was written as.

If a vote is for Listsub Mergekowski than that's who should get the vote (if such a person exists). A theory of names by Russell and Kripke differ of course, yet common sense on political balloting makes the use of 'interpretation' of writing mean something other than what it is implicitly dangerous to honest democratic elections.

Alaska has not certified the election. Instead, the state court system will listen to arguments regarding the subjective interpretation of ballots that Murkowski benefited from. Such subjective interpretation by election officials of voter intent is certainly a means to admit corrupt into future elections.

Can election rules be changed every election to benefit incumbents? If Jane Smit runs against Jan Smith is it the right of an election official to determine voter intent in miss spelling a name? File clerks might affirm that a zillion odd names exist, that voters might want to actually vote for some one with a similar name yet not well known, and that misfilings of votes and names are possible.

Palin did not split the Alaska vote-she split the Democratic vote. It was Democratic women voters defecting from their party to vote for gender that re-elected Lisa Murkowski. The Democrat guy only got 22% of the vote-about the number of male Democrats in Alaska I think.

The Kimshi Progression- How War in North Korean-A Nation Without Oil, Isn't Too Likely

Conventional wisdom says that since North Korea has no kn own oil fields, no war shall occur there in the present economic mileau.

World War Two incidentally is said to be the last battle of world war one. There are a variety of theories of why world war one occurred from Marxist to Imperial. Ortega y Gasset wrote 'The Revolt of the Masses' predicting the war as a social empowerment of the masses and political evolution.

The old regime of Europe-the elite class politically tried to hold on to its power amidst an evolving continental trend toward populism from Marxism to Democracy. The national ruling classes of Europe and their complex treaties allowed a mobilization to become inevitable once certain incidents occurred.

It is interesting that in the last German offensive of the first world war German Crown Prince Ruprecht designed and led a brilliant break out offensive into France 250 miles that simply ran out of manpower through attrition, then the allies including fresh American troops rolled up the German Army and in Germany the people revolted creating a popular, non-aristocratic government.

That was a dumb government though. The elites hated to give up control and through the Army General staff probably are the reason the Army sent the charismatic Hitler to take over the German Socialist Democratic Workers Party. He converted it to fascism.

Plainly Wilson's decision to sign a separate treaty with Germany not guaranteeing the security of France left a large opportunity for a future German war on France. Also the U.S.A. did not mind too much Hitler's rise for a time, as we had a common Soviet enemy to the east. Ironically Hitler and Stalin signed a treaty just before world war two allowing them to divvy up Europe, (Russia got Finland) before Germany turned upon Russia with operation Barbarossa.

North Korea will continue to be isolated for some time,as the ruling cliche is comfortable enough. They know the South Korean-U.S. defenders have no interest in a conflict though they would win, because of the atrocious and senseless mass loss of life. China is unlikely to once again send troops over the Yalu River, and nuclear weapons perhaps would first be used indirectly to send large tsunami upon Shanghai with a heavy sub-sea nuke detonation should things get desperate for local allied defenders.

A Korean conflict would make the price of oil rise to 400 per barrel, and the Chinese economy would tend to stall, while in America, Sarah Palin would be assured Presidential election victory as the new war leader.

China may be unhappy with the economic ex-lax the Treasury has given to the money supply inducing quantitative easing recently. Dumping a load of cache purchase of bonds buying U.S. public debt cheapens the dollar and makes Chinese exports comparatively more expensive. Perhaps North Korea-there pit bull, is snarling a little to encourage concessions on negotiations on the undervaluation of the Yuan.

The United States may need to encourage an increase of purchase of kimshi to sell in domestic markets to increase South Korean economic health.


post script

I've never been to Korea. After reading an article on the specific sequence of events of the conflict, I think perhaps we ought to export some of that hydroponic perch growing technology working in Wisconsin. Salmon farming away from the sea-in artificial onshore pens that recycle the nitrogen emissions to fertilize food crops might work to keep the Koreas from battling about declining fish harvests and other seashore related things.


The Clean Solution to 'Dirty' T.S.A. Airport Security Screening

The Clean Solution to ‘Dirty’ T.S.A. Airport Security Screening

There have been a variety of hypothetical remedies proposed to remove the filthy, pawing, invasive heavy hands of government T.S.A. security screenings at airports, virtually all of the ideas were useless. Psychological profiling that works for Israel will not work for Americans for example; after watching television and listening to the broadcast media they all have special issues. They have porous borders unlike Israel and are a socially polyglot people with craziness as a national norm. I will provide a better idea.

Free showers and air-dry for all boarding passengers-no clothing allowed (it goes through a chute in a basket to check for dirty underwear). In the changing rooms (one passenger at a time) initial computer security screening sniffs for explosives and bad-aft-odor-the close approximation of toe-jam footballs the late John Lennon noted in 'come together'.

Next is the three-minute shower and de-lousing, nothing worse for homeless people boarding a rare flight than to sit next to someone with too much talcum powder and perfume. When I was formerly a trainee Army Chemical specialist, perfume sometimes set off our chemical war detection equipment- beware the fruity smell for it may be fatal.

Leaving the three minute shower, moving into the clean air drying room, the long wavelength naked body inspection equipment built into the walls allows a computer-not a human, to examine the passenger for anything besides nakedness. In fact if the T.S.A. was not cheap it would incorporate some sort of free, health screening equipment into the body imaging so an individual could get some free health benefit.

Each of the four cleaning and processing stations the passenger passes through will weigh the passenger in order that the final dressing room weight will verify that nothing was hidden. Passengers will also be told if they are obese, just fat, smartly fit or pathetically undernourished.

The entire screening process time per passenger should take under 15 minutes. Yet cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Plainly the water should be recycled and purified and ultraviolet light should clean the showers of contaminating disease. An expedited procedure would allow the passengers to emerge naked and be given free use of a flight-suit ensemble jumpsuit to where until arrival when their clothing would be returned. There can be noxious fumes in clothing worn for several hours in some of our fellow air travelers.

I fly at least once a decade or two and hope that next time I go into the friendly skies the government, homosexual touchy feely era is over with the T.S.A., that no passenger has the affluent body odor and travel flatulence, and that the terrorists leave their plastic explosives (a solid not a gel), in the amnesty box outside the airport.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...