
Democratic Party Moves toRedistribute Wealth to the Upper Class

The ongoing large scale changes in the U.S. economy seem more bad that good overall. Wealth is being concentrated and the number of the nation's poor now has reached about 50 million. Basically both major parties have changed to advocate for the rich instead of the poor with the Democrats throwing bones to the middle class occassionally.

Until President Reagan and following President Hoover the U.S.A. had a series of quality presidents that continuously maintained a recycling of wealth from the rich to the poor through tax policy. Today tax policy alone if corrected to a 70% rate for the rich could not correct America's outsourcing, foreign investment and policy of neglect of innovation. Not even stimulating dumb highway infrastructure contractors is much of an ongoing economic cas multiplier. Stimulating real renewable energy and other small business start ups would be better.

Now the nation compared to the Roman Empire's Antonine emperors in a series of quality rulers has run a Lemon series of presidents outsourcing the nation's wealth and tech infrastructure, gaying up the military to create a new opportunity for levering the destruction of individual civil liberties and economic well being, and supporting concentration of wealth, comparative decline of U.S. economic competetitity etc. The well known facts of politics since the Reagan administration are too obvious to belabor here.

The Democratic party has morphed into a support service-an ad hoc employer owned sweetheart union, to support the domination of wealthy corproate America heavily invested abroad. During the 20th century until the Reagan administration mostly white poor Americans fought for economic fairness against the rich who exploited them. They fought to get a fair portion of the AMerican pie though concentrated wealth coulod outbid them at every turn. The moderately egalitarian income distribution was a phenomena in human history.

Near the end of the cold war President Regan slashed taxes on the rich and plundered America's natural resources in order to stimulate the economy. He also exploited deep deficit spending to increase business and expanded the military significantly without getting into expensive foreign wars. His term objectives economically were perhaps fullfilled yet his methods were disposable-or should have been. Instead following administrations have continued deficit spending, exploiting natural resources, keeping a low tax rate on the rich and even engaging in protracted foreign wars. During Wall Street crashes the government has bailed out the banks and investment firms. U.S. loans at near zero interest to Wall Street banks that are little better than government guaranteed gambling houses skimming the public like the owners of a large casino have enabled trillions of dollars of potential U.S. investment to be diverted to China and elsewhere.

The Democratic party transitioning to a gay advocacy group and a party of activist women have implicitly conflicted with the interests of all the poor. Though homosexual militancy may seem liberating to some, homosexuals in the United STates are not more poor than any other general section of the U.S. public. There are numbers of prosperous homosexuals, as there are millions of prosperous women in the United States. When the Democratic Party transformed itself into a party of women and homosexuals it moved away from effective representation of the poor. In fact for many years poverty seems to have been a dirty word in the Democratic party; poor relations or aquaintances the President in getting support from one of the richest women in America-oprah Winfree, and getting new campaign support from one of the richest billionaires-Warren Buffet.

If Harvard Law School has trained its right leaders to transform the Democratic party into willing tools of the rich (were Barrack Obama and Gary Locke in the same class?) as Oxford's equivelent of Rhode's Scholar selections to advance Anglo interests, if a Democratic President becomes the leading advocate for tax cuts for the rich and signs an extension of the Bush II tax cuts in to law (December 2010) then what hope is there for reversing the Wall Street and the rich above all things policy in the White House that has diverted America's development and ecospheric recovery until some future time in case the nation is still around?

The President has cancelled U.S. leadership on lunar colony development and retired from the space development field that should create bold new ideas in Earth-moon transportation infrastructure at low cost. The President while liberating black repression and the appearance of racial exclusion fostered during the Bush II administration by undercurrents of wise guy add ons, is something like a too obliging servant of the interests of a class that considers it war to mention tax increases on the rich. The wealthy in the United States seem to believe they have some perennial right to enjoy unchallenged domination of the U.S. economy and that the people who are poor and even of a middle class do not have implicit interests in enjoying debt free prosperity in a secure and healthy ecosphere.

The poor have an implicit right to war upon the rich, if that means political expressions in advocacy of a more fair, higher tax rate. The Republican Party tends to drag out the war term as a kind of implicit threat that they might have to bitch slap down with the power of their military industrial complex, economic sanctions, clever terror or miscillaneous perfidy. They should have a kinder, gentler attitude toward higher taxes that should be used to continually improve the quality of life for all in the United States, the quality of the environment, biodiversity and national security.


Low Federal Reserve Lending Rate-Effects?

The very low commerical lending rates of the Federal reserve since the Wall Street and banking debecle of 2008 followed by poor domestic economic performance certainly can make one wonder about the policy. I am not an economist-these are just ideas that have arisen in regard to the phenomena of market and U.S. economic news.


If banks can borrow vast quantities of money and invest in China where the g.d.p. is still fgood enough, something like 11% annually, then the banks and financial sector can make a lot of money, the Chinese economy rescieve continuing U.S. Government stimulus helping to build a better, more competetive economy versus the U.S. economy, and Americans can remain unemployed.

Well, if banks and Wall Street can make profits with computer trading taking on debt obligation a hundred or more times their assets, and if the U.S. Government will bail them out when their gambles on the market occassional fail, how can that deal be beat? Sometime a reform of the new age of electronic gaming of the market and finance may be made to restore material production to its basic value, yet probably not in the lifetime of a generation being skimmed by the best quants and bureaucrats investing abroad ever.

Philosophy; Universes, Pointillism and Prejudice

In some respects much of contemporary philosophy like that of science coheres in a descriptive reduction of an unknown universe-monism, into pointillism of pieces. Even the Greek philosopher Democritus and the Atomists took such a course.

Like the pointillist method of construction in art, representation of the universe and its composition may be described through representational quanta and their interaction with a quantum mechanical description. Not only quarks, strings, probability wave packets and planets are categorized within a pointillism painting a universe, so are words, neuroscience, ideas and abstract structures describing the strength of forces and units with the phenomenal experience of being. Universes for themselves might be more pointillist units with stronger boundary compilations than the units within, except for the most fundamental units that logically might be irreducible and transcendent through higher aggregations, unless the basic quanta too are irreducibly coherent in a basic monist field that provides to human experience the appearance of pluralism.

Categorical prejudices of structure may inertially generate more constructions of a similar nature. Phenomenally though the evolution of recurrent forms may be common until insight or adequate stimulus changes an established paradigm. Thoughts on the creation of the Universe as a field or as a pointillist concatenation of quanta generated by God are a matter of faith and revealed data rather than an observed paradigm of pointillist patterns in the void.


A Decade of War & Increasing U.S. Poverty

A decade of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and globally against 'terror' 2001-2011 have yet to end. The Muslim religious ideology of jihad is more than 1400 years old and if engaged directly as a target for itself is an improbable victim of a homosexually insinuated military and secularist ethic in-itself simultaneously seeking to expand markets and acquire access to natural resources for global corporations.

Better, more nuanced ways to help internationally challenged societies to transformatively adapt to peaceful co-existent states with people of other faiths ought to be adumbrated by those occupying the State offices of Foggy Bottom, the White House and Congress. Afghanistan needs better educators and ecospherically pragmatic economic philosophers in the mix of imported richly connected experts offering opinions from abroad.

One may wonder if it is comparatively right morally to let 50 million Americans live without free medical coverage in poverty while spending trillions to help Muslim women advance to own Apple tablets or to live hijab free lives. It seems they are for-themselves more concerned about job and earnings equality rather than wearing face-covering costumes booked or unbooked by religious law enforcement or displaying outlines of bosoms in public.

Afghan women may be as concerned as Afghan men about Chinese mining of Afghan natural resources. If the United States is to have democracy respond to the interests of the citizens it should prioritize policy solving its own national inequity and evils; freeing itself from extremist Republican opinions of neo-libertarianism for the advantage of corporations heavily benefiting from public spending and Democratic extremists of neo-socialism and state sponsored sodomy-friendly promulgation of laws.

Moderate democratic pragmatism should take neither the extremist Spartan way of state socialist fascism nor the way of Athenian democracy with a helot like underclass of non-citizens supporting the pampered life of the citizens. Political ideas and cultural history cannot be comfortably encapsulated within diminished capacity amnesiatic texting facebook vocabularies. A loss of the ability to construct new political tools from the architecture of past governance to better cultural prospects occurs when history is lost and language reduced to byte size politically correct young adult size portions.

A pragmatic democracy assures that all citizens have meaningful employment and security in possessions and health in order that continuity allows them to build their intellectual capital and skills without the time gaps and chaos of poverty or even homelessness compelling loss of tools and housing to pay for medical treatment or food. The average level of work skill and knowledge cannot advance too far beyond off the street entry level for o.j.t. when citizens are forced to experience significant material discontinuity in their personal basic economic lives.

Without practical, democratic political goals for the nation developing workable guidelines regarding national and international policy and procedures is improbable. An effort to implement ineffective theories of nation building on Iraq and Afghanistan has generated two different temporal outcomes. The sectarian differences in those nations present different challenges in an effort to impose a federalist government upon them that would be stable and not experience terrorism or a need for continuing U.S. military or financial support.

An Afro-American libertarianism of existential tolerance of all things phenomenally that severs the bonds of responsible governance may be as harmful to national interests as it abandons real economic power to concentrated as activism in support of state authoritarianism. It is difficult to find much policy change in President Obama's Afghan policy as he has rolled over the Bush II approach through the first three years of his term. Perhaps he is trying to show that a black President need not be radical, but will kick back the Republican status quo on Wall Street and globalist hegemony.

There is little question that the U.S. military can impose a temporal order at significant cost upon a second or third world country if it must and suppress temporarily expressions of political terrorism. The question of an American ability to bring a lasting peace upon Iraq or Afghanistan civilly when each nation has implicit sectarian strife ordinarily resolved by authoritarian domination is questionable. In Korea and in Vietnam the U.S.A. wasn't able to bring its own vision for the region into being. It is entirely possible that following a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan that both nations may return to oil money funded terrorism and political adjustments bringing one sect into power.

With freedom and some form of parliamentary Islamic law both nations may allow Moslem international terrorist planners traditional refuge. At any rate the United States may choose to tranch civil rights and liberty as a sort of updated yet politically acceptable course to let the Shia of Afghanistan survive in a N.W. half of a confederated Afghan State with only minimal U.S. military and economic assistance. Iraq presets a more challenging issue as the United States leadership has been opposed to the Islamic socialism of the kind in Iran that the Shia of Iraq probably would be disposed to favor wherein the people own the oil of the nation themselves. Without a universal economic resource tie it is challenging to find real reasons for people to discern an advantage in forming political alliance.

If the United States is an example, wealth is being concentrated and work outsourced while illegal immigrant workers replace the natural citizen work negotiating and personnel parameters to the advantage of the upper class third of the populous. The dynamical juxtaposition of straw man arguments between biconditional alternators of libertarian, oligharchy dominant corporatism and communist authoritarianism obscure the middle, rational concerns of a national democracy to benefit its people and overall existential standing ecospherically and economically.

Fracking Gas Fields and National Aquifers

Fracking Gas Fields and National Aquifers

One might believe that a federal investigation of the effect on fracking natural gas fields and chemicals used in the process should be made to learn the effects such fracturing of rock and release of natural gas as well as chemicals used in the process may have upon U.S. underground aquifers in the future.

Some natural gas fields are vast. I believe one extends from the Texas panhandle the Nebraska and beyond. Recovering remaining gas with new field fracking techniques are motivated by profit and somewhat unconcerned about present or long range deleterious contaminating impact upon drinking and irrigation water supply quality from underground. Water is more important the natural gas for human survival.


It may be reasonably said that ‘technology corrupts, and absolutely technology corrupts absolutely’. Without being Luddites, and recognizing the good and comfortable things technology brings to human society, we may also recognize that the capacity for evil and treachery amplified with technology evolves to a biological evolution eradicating social fact while simultaneously making any biological life beside those in most absolute power phenomenological rather than necessary. Technology makes warriors and covert killers of civilians and militaries phenomenological economic expressions of deeper technological powers. The infusion of fracking chemicals into the nation’s pure unpolluted underground aquifers is a deep threat to cheap healthy water availability.

The Federal government should, if it hasn’t already, make a comprehensive study of the overlapping of aquifers with gas fields as well as the future migration of underground water, gas or fracking chemicals. Of course all chemicals injected into underground gas fields should be publicly disclosed. No private interest should have any right to significantly alter the integrity of any portion of public land or air without complete disclosure to the public of the quantitative and qualitative data. Destruction of the natural integrity and quality of even the underground can have lasting deleterious consequences to national interest-even to the interests of future users of the minerals and potential of the underground. If fracking chemicals contact future geothermal drilling processes or instances, one might wonder f the vaporized drilling chemicals used in prior fracking processes would still have an effect, if they would be explosive or toxic and so forth released into the world above heated and vaporized.

On 'The Roosevelt Presence' by Patrick Maney

Reading this biography published in 1992 on the charismatic president who brought America out of the depression, allowed it to slip into recession perhaps when capitalists went on an informal strike in protest of Roosevelt’s policies of liberalization, is to revisit one of the most trying and formative times in U.S. history and of the three term leader who guided the nation through it with his irrepressible optimism and innovative adaptability. I recommend this fine book for general reading.

F.D.R. destroyed isolationism as a political force during W.W. II with extraordinary leverage including smears, F.B.I. harassment and putting out the idea that isolationists were Nazi symps-an inherently false idea later balanced by the smears on Roosevelt’s New Deal populist liberalism as commie symps. Maney points out that some of Richard Nixon’s methods of attacking political opponents might have been inspired by the executive privilege methodologies of F.D.R. Today, globalists have run amok with U.S. economic power and isolationism is a dirty word making rational nationalism and ecospheric integrity, full employment and national focus on economic innovation difficult to sell to voters through bought and paid for politicians in the pockets of global corporatists.

President Roosevelt had several insights enabling the U.S.A. to move toward good historical footings to build upon, yet he did not bring all to become reality. Political positioning and uncertainties negated several initiatives. In 1944 Roosevelt perceived that European colonialism was dying and he worked-not hard enough though, to bring France to give up Indochina (Vietnam) and Britain to provide independence to India. Neither initiative worked of course and the tragedy of the Vietnam conflict was not avoided.

President Roosevelt never was awarded a Nobel prize, yet in some respects he earned one no less than President Obama. President Obama has encouraged revolutions and regime changes in North Africa and Syria; President Roosevelt sent Dwight Eisenhower and the Army to evict General Rommel and the Afrika Korps from the same region-people known to oppose upward mobility for the poor using harsh, repressive means. President Obama has allowed extraordinary rendition and kept offshore Interrogation facilities open at Guantanamo Bay and possibly elsewhere while continuing President Bush II’s war effort in Afghanistan and helped the Chinese Communist to extract Afghan copper from a large, new mine. President Roosevelt did not have such close relationships with Chinese Communists yet he did help China to develop peace and prosperity by encouraging the Japanese Imperial Army to exit Manchuria etc.

With America’s present high unemployment rate and borderline recovery from recession and stock market crash Roosevelt’s management of the nation between 1932 and 1945 is page-turning reading. One discovers so many similarities in the ways of thinking-even economically between the players of that day in politic and economics with those of contemporary America.

The unemployed at least may be interested in the phenomena of downward redistribution of wealth-modestly-that occurred during the war. The author points out that war spending was a government stimulus that was paid for with increased taxes on the rich largely.

With 50 million Americans out of work today and only half of working age American employed it is interesting to consider a little some of the effects of a downward redistribution of wealth.

1) When full employment occurs government welfare payments drop
2) With full employment the poor may save capital and have capital to invent in business development
3) With a concentration of wealth innovation and stagnation may set in, while with no class of poor people and all with basic goods for healthy living millions more are freed to be competitive, have good tools for progress, develop intellectual capital and so forth.
President Roosevelt developed only a few of the most significant ideas that became legislation creating the New Deal, and he also invented Lend-Lease to The British and Soviet governments, however Roosevelt as an unspoiled rich kid who grew up with everything including a desire for public service, also had the resolve to veto the military plans of about all his war leaders to open the U.S. entry into the European war with
A beach invasion of France and instead go with Churchill’s desire to capture North African areas held by Nazi Germany and its allies before attacking Europe-and of course the plan worked brilliantly allowing a multi-front invasion of Europe.

Roosevelt was quite liberal in allowing is military leaders to execute the war unlike Hitler and Stalin. He was far from being a perfect politician and made many wrong turns yet fewer than right turns, and the nation moved on to a few great post-war decades of economic and scientific achievement perhaps because of Roosevelt’s opening of doors to millions of Americans to experience a modern, technical, scientific world accessible to all citizens that they could help manufacture.

F.D.R. contracted polio at age 39 and did not let the fact keep him from taking the Presidency and accomplishing a better than average job.

As the day for his first inauguration approached Mr. Roosevelt returned from a cruise and got in a car (a convertible) in Miami. An assassin appeared and took shots from 35 feet away hitting five people, some critically and the secret service drove off. President-elect Roosevelt looked back and saw the Chicago Mayor lying wounded on the ground and ordered his driver to turn back so he could help. Mayor Cermak was loaded into the car and the President elect held Mayor Cermak who was critically injured on the way to hospital.

President Roosevelt also flew to Casablanca to meet with Churchill on something of an adventure. Churchill himself had previously met with French leaders while the Germans were just a hundred or so miles away. Churchill was a hard one to be outdone for calm and casualness in challenging circumstances. In some respects Roosevelt’s presidency was as stressful domestically with class and party economic differences of opinion to deal with as the technical complexities of managing foreign war. When the Japanese de facto declared war attacked Pearl Harbor December 7th 1941 followed by Germany and Italy declaring war on the U.S.A. December 11th 1941 it made for three piece of perturbing news that the President was readily able to overcome. He had faith in the future and reasonable tools to meet it, living in the present sometimes too much to make today’s actions consequential building members of a planned future. Much of today’s popular business philosophy relying upon an unplanned used of natural resource by special interests may generate a predictable non-chaotic filling in of the geography f the world. Even recurrent chaotic systems generate predictable outcome within given, known parameters. We may learn much today from reading of the Roosevelt presence.


Poverty in U.S.A. Rises/U.S.B. Trader Charged With Financial Fraud

Nearly 2.6 million Americans have joined the ranks of living below the U.S. poverty line since 2009. Forty six million Americans are now living below the poverty line that is steadily creeping upward. Downward social mobility is becoming a structural feature of a misguided U.S. economic transformation under too comfortable political and economic leadership.

Market economics occassionally require reform. Many of the present crop of Republican Presidential candidates offer the same sort of political logic that President Herbert Hoover set forth in his 1932 re-election campaign. The similarities are rather remarkable.



Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...