
Dagomir Kaszlikowski wrote an interesting piece published in Scientific American's online 'Guest Blog' on the topic of how macro-reality is a result of the underlying quantum mechanical, non-local reality. He relates his description to the EPA paper of Einstein and others from several decades ago. That paper has been much read in recent years in regard to its forward looking content.


One might guess that non-locality in the quantum world also means non-relativity. Space and time or space-time could perhaps be a sort of local feature of an entangled macro-quantum universe of solid states.

The quantum world seems to have non--locality in it in relation to the conventional world or universe with solid objects in it. That non-locality provides an appearance of letting particles travel faster-than light or faster than any of the macro-particles that seem to exist in the local 'reality.

Obviously one must wonder if space or time are somewhat separable features of the quantum world as it emerges into the locality of large clumps of space-time. I believe that Kaszlikowski offers a statistical entanglement and exclusion principle as a reason why non-quantum features emerge from the quantum universe. Perhaps local features are emergent characteristics something like standing temporal waves of objects in reality.

That does give one pause to wonder how the entire space-time Universe emerges from quantum non-locality letting it provide an area for objects to appear. One might think that the quantum world has everything possible within it all of the time and yet only such things that are downloaded into reality because of quantum entanglement become local reality.

Local non-quantum reality is apparently something that is just observed by intelligent beings generally as more than statistically entangling units of mass-energy. The reason for those quantum entanglements is something difficult to know. As gravity and black holes appear as space-time aspects of the macro-local reality the relation of each to quantum non-local objective clump of things-in-themselves is interesting in numerous points.

One might wonder what effect non-local quantum reality in-itself experiences in relation to local clumps of statistically entangled of apparent mass-energy? To what extent are all quantum waves unbound and non-local? Can non-locality in quantum mechanics form any meaningful structures as unbounded non-local 'objects' for-themselves?

The definition of a Universe or Metaverse isn't perhaps a referent to an infinite object, which it probably is. As human elements within that Universe or set of all sets it is challenging to be a subset that defines the infinite metaset. Well, Most everyone knows what the Universe is I would think. The physical delimitations of it change all the time as do metaphysical speculations about it.

If the Universe is a locality as a phenomenal download from an underlying pervasive non-locality the the terms referring to the material local universe are somewhat contingent and useful mostly within that locality of a Universe.

I cannot imagine how all of those quantum waves in non-locality with all possible worlldlines existing in space-timeless non-relativistic potential cohere in any meaningful sense in anything at all-even a 'Universe' of quantum non-locality.


Shell Oil Moves to Attempt Development In Arctic Ocean Near Alaska

Because the U.S. economy is somewhat moribund on energy progress into newer, cleaner forms global oil corporations like Dutch Shell have made billions and billions of dollars developing oil prospects in ecospherically sensitive area. Alaska is again a target for oil development that is generally deathly for substantial biospheric elements.


It is rotten to be without a job in Alaska. The weather is tough and injury and death in the cold are not rare. Anchorage is a city that has lost its historically more frontier sociality and has transitioned into being a safe, tight corporate city-state that global corporation partner with politicians. The city of Juneau has itself tightened up and eliminated about all free wireless Internet access through which independents might post. Fewer than two or three Internet portals exist at no cost, and a state capital ought to be completely wired in order to encourage free enterprise Internet venturing.

The employed can be fired if they write from their own homes in antipathetic expression to global corporate political takeover.

Corporatism is a political economy upgraded since Mussolini and Hitler's day to become a state dominated by add hoc concentrated wealth that represses individual liberty and democracy making one feel that they live in a mild form of Soviet evil empire with the corporate communards being the lucky goons with good paychecks. Alternative individual development should be regarded as worth respecting in an actual democratic political environment instead.

Oil development costs the public billions or trillions in opportunity lost for better domestic transportation schemes that are shelved. Oil does work of course, yet it is just one technology that is over-exploited and too influential politically. Alaska could use super-conducting power lines to power electric vehicles in new ways of moving about, yet who would invest in that when the potential to spill oil under the Arctic Ice exists instead?

Oil, drilling fluids and other toxic materials released under the ice may travel for months before observation by non-corporate personnel. Arctic ocean currents may move and somewhat disperse pollutants far away from a sporadic point source. No records are kept of the total history of noise pollution in the water adversely impacting arctic sea mammals.

Shell is building its own icebreaker so it will match the U.S. Coast Guard fleet in that. One would prefer a better, more ecospherically benign and diversified employer portfolio in Alaska rather than the cash-heavy, whale insulting oil industry as the jewel in every Governor's eye.


A Reply to the Statement that 'Mind is a Formal Essence'

I like that definition. It appears to be something from the philosophy of logic or perhaps set theory. One must be careful though not to exploit self-referencing systems so far as to stipulate they may create real existence in the abstract.

I wonder if written words haven't an aesthetic equivelent of sound and speech. The things one utters may be satisfying and even appropriate yet less than extrinsically meaningful.

One might want to say that mind is empty. Yet an empty mind is a kind of equivelent of non-being and only seems to gain meaning and even self-cognition as it acquires content and non-emptiness. All of those synaptic connections store data in chemical form with neural storage and asssociation structures of tremendous complexity.

Essences and essentialism were a part of the philosophy of logic I believe that is somewhat transcended now as it were because more complete descriptions or categorizations of the empirical world of experience are regarded as linguistic ontologies or sets. Essences of things like atoms tend to be regarded as descriptions of locations and relations in language rather than as things-in-themselves.

Classical realism is somewhat of a theological question. Language and even set theory may refer to existing 'real' structures or 'things' yet still be regarded as just phenomenal descriptions of events or processes.

At any rate your definition is an interesting approach that seems to describe mind as a set theory or formal classification (as in Quine's 'Philosophy of Logic'). I haven't read that book for a few weeks and am a little vague on the distinction between formal and applied logical forms.


Eurozone Axis of Next Global Financial Collapse?

The world’s waves of epic blitzkreig mass media broadcast misdirection and financial swindling packaging temporal political and deregulatory packages into structures amenable for plucking by high tech quantitative redistributors of wealth from the people to the corrupt has concentrated its efforts presently upon The Eurozone. Quants must be having a field day flipping arbitrage clumps of Euros, Dollar and the Yuan. Some might even be readying for betting on a return of the Drachma, Deutchmark and other currencies lot lost to the past. Will the Ruble look like a safe place to stash some of those log rolling political windfalls if the Euro joins confederate dollars in the past?.

http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2011/12/01/soros-world-financial-system-on-brink-of-collapse/?mod=google_news_blog George Soros speaks

As Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill requested a compliant President Herbert Hoover to increase money supply. Today the Eurozone has effectively had President Obama do the same via its printing press loans to Eurozone entities.


Its been said that by the end of next week the world should know if Eurozone financial perfidy ostensibly progressing a sophomoric new world order zone idea of mass market conformity will lead the way into another, improved round of global financial collapse.

This next possible economic infarction is believed to have prospects for being a record setter surpassing the 2008 Wall Street banking and derivatives/mortgage failures. Insider economic sclerosis cannot always be relieved by a jolt of instant printing press bug juice and a sermon of voodoo economics. It is beleived that if enough Europeans have a new Euro flag to salute perhaps the medicine can be given as patriotic monetary sacrifice for the good of the masses allegiant to an oligarchy.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzrBurlJUNk Inside Job trailer

Many of the same players and global financial skill sets are back as veterans leading the surge of long distance, speed of light arbitrage and monetary manipulations. The Eurozone trough for potential profits must have attracted a legion of investor to the dark pools of meta-monetary extractions.


Philosophically one might wish that value theory were modernized to reflect real geo-temporal national values and that speculation and quantitative trading was substantially curbed. As it is the non-production sector of financial and government continue like an over-populated vampire colony to feed upon the small-time free enterprise cows innocently grazing the fields of nations.

The possibility of a Barrack Obama vs. Newt Gingrich U.S. election in 2012 may restore fear to the markets as the U.S.A. proves itself completely incapable of even nominating intelligent economic reform minded nationalistic candidates to the highest office. Yet if so we may ask, what of it? The market seems to have the poor, unemployed and increasingly the middle class to kick around increasingly as payback for delays in its conquering the world financially. Anyone financially online may have their assets redistributed to the wealthy one way or another-if not through mortgages than through the power company or fuel station.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has shared the Chinese wealth a little to the Eurozone liquidity crisis with a quantitative easing through half-price U.S. loans to European banks. The Chinese were uninterested in directly loaning money to the Eurozone.

One would prefer that the Eurozone be talked down from its suicidal perch on the top of the financial world and return to national currencies and firewalls a little at a time. The new world order of slick financial skimming globally should be bulldogged, hogtied and rendered unto history museums.

Adapting national economies to local sustainable resource use and employment should involve cutting out the middleman of cyber-space financial perfidy from planetary players with concentrated wealth seeking to rope-a-dope of yocality. The global trans-national investment era creates an apparently ideal network of economic irrationality as a kind of inversion of neural network devoted to reason, full employment, a good society and ecosphere.

Some of the nations least economically integrated in the New World Financial Disorder seem to be most secure from incipient waves of financial collapse when speculative quantitative profit taking temporal arbitrage overcomes political economic control. Iran with substantial sanctions upon it may suffer little if the Euozone and the dollar collapse. Russia and Iran too would be better set than China if the global financial house of cards experiences a new wind of change.



1700 Billion Gigatons of Carbon in Soil of the North-Global Warming Permafrost Melt?

Scientists have made a revised forecast of the acellerated effect of global warming melting of permafrost and its release of greenhouse gases. Evidently its worse that was previously thought. Not as bad as all of the automobile exhaust and smokestacks, yet substantial.


Permafrost across the northern regions of the Earth may thaw and release methane and other greenhouse gases. I wrote a small article on that topic in 1988-89 or 90 in a Fairbank's paper on the possibilty of permafrost thawing and releasing toxic waste the city wanted to store deep underground thhereby polluting the aquifers-its not a new topic yet one that is not given enough political prioritization as part of a comprehensive effort to slow extraction industry assaults on the ecosphere.

Global corporate pursuit of proprietary interests could be redirected toward less harmful ventures with some intelligent political supervision. Medium sized corporations should be reinforced and large corporations phased out. Sustainable ecosphere use should be given tax support and non-sustainable extraction industries given a special ecosphere tax.

In Alaska though iit is the extraction industry globalists that determine much of the state's economy. I believe mining produced about 3.6 billion dollars worth of zinc, gold, silver and other materials last year. Global corporations in pursuit of profit own many of the ventures in Alaska. The Mayor of Anchorage Dan Sullivan shares the same name as the State's Commissioner of The Division of Natural Resources that includes mining and oil. The State gives hundreds of millions to expand the Port of Anchorage with shoddy construction work requiring reconstruction and wants more. The global fate is inn the hands of politicians with the insider's proximity to existing wealth and power and that includes the global mining concerns that seek to develop the Pebble Mine in the headwaters of salmon streams at Bristol Bay.

The globalists of Wall Street have far more invested in destroying the planetary ecospheric equilibrium than in sustaining it as a viable habitat for humanity.

N.Y.S.E. To Learn to Speak German? Deutsche Boerse AG Nears Takeover

Since Feb. 2011 a German firm-Deutsche Boerse AG- has sought to buy about 60% of the New York Stock Exchange. That makes for an interesting advance of globalism in the U.S.A. Also today the London Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange ownership merged. The corporate world's networks of power influence local business and politics substantially to the detriment of the poor and middle class at least in the U.S.A.


In Alaska there has been a political effort to sell natural gas for decades. Recently the state helped an Australian and a Singapore company with loans along with a Chinese Bank to buy a jack-up oil rig or two for natural gas prospecting in Cook Inlet. Some natural gas was found and more prospecting will go ahead next spring. Meanwhile the state is funding a plan to build a 'bullet' pipeline from the North Slope to Anchorage. The two projects seem to contradict one another to a certain extent,as the purpose is to provide a gas supply to Anchorage.

It has been said that liquified natural gas could be sold to overseas buyers though, and that could make the bullet pipeline feasable financially even if there is a supply of shale gas fracked in the 48 states that makes buildinng a pipeline from Alaska to the 48 state network via Canada unpprofitable.

The political process goes on ad infinitum annd the winners seem to be select extraction industry insiders and politicians. I would guess that Exxon-Mobil can influence prices by choosing what development to support at least as well as the Congress.

A Canadian Corporation has purchased a pipeline to transport U.S. oil from the Midwest for refining in Texas and/or Louisiana for sale to Latin America. Well heck, petrol only sells for $3.50 a gallon now and won't be 4 bucks until next summer. So who needs a non-fossil fuel transport infrastructure in the U.S.A. with global corporations buying everything in sight and concentrating wealth? The Congress just needs to have preferred seating at the trough.

On Moral & Space-time Relativism and the Pursuit of Right Directions

Moral relativism might be taken as comparable to space-time relativism. One might ask why anyone should have a direction or purpose if all locations exist in relation to other coordinates. Yet of course we might believe that it must be so of necessity if a completely deterministic ontology isn't to prevail a priori.

One may not assume that with relativism in moral judgments that all judgments are of equal worth. Certainly that can not be the case subjectively unless one abnegates the value of one's own existence and fate. It is possible to do so subjectively of course, yet the self-deprecation is itself subjectively relative and of little consequence if a Supreme Being exists who donates worth to each individual soul for-himself.

Within a given moral context or moral set of values the navigational buoys are set to guide individuals toward particular empirical goals such as social reason considers valuable. Life, social harmony, education- such means and ends as reinforce individual education and pursuit of the aforementioned are indicated with moral values of a pragmatic application. Individuals may apply their own innovative style upon a course through social life and regard such moral beacons and guidelines as parameters for the ascent of aging and transitions-stages in life's way as Kierkeguaard might have said. Plainly the need to invent one’s own morality, own's own physical theory of causality and so forth entirely de novo for oneself in each individual life would be too time consuming as well as a perennial reinvention of moral primitivism. Social morality becomes a reinforcing pedagogical sketch of fundamental parameters allowing social passage through the shoals of chaos and conflict.

Moral concepts of right and wrong may evolve-they obviously have in many areas such as in the elimination of slavery as a basic human norm of captives not executed, yet morality tended to evolve in relation to the social structure of the time a posteriori rather than a priori. Besides the Lord Jesus Christ the ability to obviously set new social morals significantly differing from the prevailing social ethical and religious practices has been often insubstantial.

Morality it is said is what people actually do in a society rather than what is said about a theoretical moral environment optimized for efficiency. Moral procedures tend to cohere within a prevailing political and ethical system. The difference between an Aristotelian polity and that of a democracy would vary, as would that of an oligarchy and/or aristocracy in regards to the social permissiveness of behavior between classes socially.

Christians have a preferred direction ontologically in relation to a transcendent God and that is a kind of hyper-relativism. Human beings are mortal creatures each with a body and mind that fails like a plant withering under the frosts of fall. Regardless of one's moral positions eventually death overtakes each life and is completely triumphant. The cold, dark abyss of a universe without meaning or moral disposition arrives to reclaim its phenomenally upsurge conscious subjects and return them to nothingness.

That ontological phenomenality of human experience is a reason why mankind looks to Jesus Christ as a transcending Savior able to surpass the failings of moral relativism that is the common experience of mankind as a temporal creature. Being and nothingness of experience for-itself elicits a human response that is not morally relativistic. So far as the Universe and moral experience are real they are also finite for human purposes of experience. Moral relativism seems to require a kind of infinite set of possibilities without finite, not relativistic delimitations in order to be fully relativistic. One might expect such infinite relativism in a multiverse of infinite expanse yet within each universe boundary conditions of physics would exist bringing the human experience of infinite relativism down to finite lines.

Moral relativism may as a voyeuristic moral study of other cultures find that different navigational buoys for moral guidance may not be of equal effectiveness in sheparding the flocks toward its optimal actualization as temporal beings. One might assume that some systems of social governance and moral instructions produce better results than others. One might also assume reasonably that the design of particular moral guidelines must be adapted for each culture's challenges. We learn of somewhat different moral structures in the Mosaic laws and deuteronomical-Levitical applications than in the Gospel of Jesus Christ yet understand that rather than being an existential temporal moral intervention the teleology of God was in a process of actualizing a relationship with human beings and their history. The Phenomenology of Spirit that G.W.F. Hegel described has a corresponding individual experience for each life that might be discerned within the sequential incarnative processes of individuals mentioned in the Brahmanist tradition. Each individual should given enough opportunities realize himself as a part of God's creation. The moral changes from time to time or culture to culture are believed to build toward something greater-an encounter with the Creator.

Christians of course believe that can be accomplished in this one lifetime through a relationship with Jesus Christ. In that way the grace of God may reconcile the fallen human condition trough the atoning blood of the Savior.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...