
Last Virtual Mexican Border Fence Was a Billion Dollar Flop-Better Ideas

So why should anyone believe the next try would be better? Before the last virtual border fence was built Congress believed it was a sure-fire state-of-the-art go. Selling the Brooklyn Bridge to the Senate might not be as difficult or take weeks to get 68 votes. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2010 that the virtual fence worked on just 53 miles of the 2000 mile border.





The last time D.H.S. did not have adequate over-site of its prime contractor. After reading a quality fiction book by the attorney who impeached Gov. Blogojevich of Illinois about government insider corruption one wonders if Boeing of Chicago- the builder of the last virtual fence- will bet returning to the friendly Obama trough again.



The Secure Border Initiative was virtually a leaky bucket of a sales job. The physical fence was not completed and the virtual fence was non-sense. Since the contract for the last one was cancelled in 2011 the administration and Democrat accomplices of the Senate might feel its time to shovel some more pork.


Operation Igloo White developed by the U.S. Government during the Vietnam Conflict was one of the first large scale efforts at constructing a virtual fence to interdict opposition employment force illegal aliens. Those soldiers were of the communist political theory and infiltrated supplies down the Ho Chi Minh trail in to the Republic of Vietnam. The sewing of sensors along the trail to alert satellites and scramble bombing missions when opposition work-force infiltrators arrived to cut down the average wages of free market workers (well, perhaps this analogy isn't terribly accurate yet the point that the virtual fences are too expensive is the point here) of poor South Vietnamese peasant laborers wasn't entirely ineffective. The costs of the virtual fence were said to be a self-inflicted wound to American treasure as it was asymmetric economic war. The military supplies lost by the infiltrators were of far less cost than the virtual fence technology. Of course personnel costs to the infiltrators were significant.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbO30to1f60  Operation Igloo White Summary

Physical barriers are sometimes effective against ground-game invaders. Hadrian's Wall built by the Roman Army in the 2nd century along the Scottish border kept those savages out of Roman England for quite some time. Illegal aliens today have more numbers and technology  than the Scot savages back in the day yet not the energy and time. If Hadrian's wall worked against the Scots a new, improved berm with hybrid electric cars driving along the top to patrol should work now.


Building physical boundary defense walls creates jobs. They can also set aside ecological reserve areas for wildlife-perhaps jaguars and other endangered species of the South. The two lines of Walls of Constantinople kept the Byzantine Empire safe enough for nearly one-thousand years. And let us not forget Offas Dyke of the 8th century that protected Mercia from the savages of Powys (Welch) back  in the day. The berm was as much as 85 feet wide and 8 feet high and ran along areas between the kingdoms without natural barriers.

Clawdd Offa can be an inspiration to builders of a meaningful new border barrier between the U.S.A. and Mexico. An All-American aqueduct could be built along with a berm to carry saltwater pumped up from the Pacific ocean to the continental divide that is allowed to flow downhill in each direction. Some of the saltwater would be evaporated and condensed under plastic to make freshwater for agriculture and recreation. Solar power might be used to give a boost to the vast siphon exploiting the difference between Pacific and Gulf of Mexico waters to maintain a constant flow rate to replace water lost to evaporation and other uses.

A border barrier recreation and desalination zone would  be a better project than a sterile fence  that doesn't grow anything at all and is an experimental area for infiltration, climbing, tunneling and so forth. A fence is a thing that inventors might use large mortars to launch illegal watermelons over, and catapults flinging people with parachutes might be attempted on the silly fence. Probably fence contractors want the work that thereafter is as much an eyesore as any for-profit prison's fences.

Why the U.S. Congress has no imagination or desire to make a profit on large scale projects these days is uncertain. In former times they has the Columbia Basin project, the Apollo program, The Tennessee Valley Authority and so forth. The Congressional ideas about border security flim flam fencing are irritating. Some of us like neighborhoods without ugly California fencing subdivisions so that wildlife can wander freely. Border control zones need aesthetic earthworks and water filled canals that are useful and park-like yet effective. Building a prison infrastructure to keep unemployed Americans from leaving eventually isn't a good idea. Teach the unemployed to fish in a desert by building a canal filled with piped-in water is to keep illegal workers out too.

 Even two border patrolmen per mile instead of one won't stop careful infiltration of terrorists and shock workers. Without patrol cars driving atop a series of reinforced berms with green space between as well as canals the defense infrastructure is more to keep bureaucrats and lawyers out rather than illegal workers that Democrat politicians like.


D.O.M.A., Snowden and Senegal Added to Skinnerian Political Economy

Edward Snowden's release of classified N.S.A. data may help foreign hackers exfiltrate commercial American secrets. A song I wrote named Beneath the Stars has lyrics 'every year it snows that's just a mace behind your face'. With disposable cell phone communicators for every illegal alien to talk to Pakistan or wherever from the U.S.A. how can N.S.A. computers keep track?

Speaking from Senegal on the subject of homosexual marriage President Obama explained that all people must be treated equal. Equivalence of all things is easy if they all have zero value. If numbers are all equal so must men and women, adults and children, heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

Corrupt elites packing the Supreme Court issued the decision overturning California's proposition 8 as well as the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A.). The judiciary is packed with queer symps of natural democrat ilk. Since Miro Satan was signed and played for the Boston Bruins in the 2010 season it was easy to see with the advertisement where the Eastern establishment's sympathies lay.

The psychologist B.F. Skinner thought that human beings are equal, as must Doctor 'Evo' Dawkins, President Obama and the liberal Supreme Court in the context of being organic bags of impulses with ideas cycling through. The organisms may have property lines and philosophical ideas about the reality of differentiation in solid-state objects, but those ideas are nullified by the equality of things as meaninglessness in-itself.

One might think that liberal use of cocaine and broadcast network power exclusivity supports development of a milieu of belief that the electorate is meaningless and ought to be manipulated by immoral elites above the herd and be correct. There may be more to it than that.

Subjugated meaningless masses of organic units can have high unemployment to keep wages down. They may be managed with food stamps or extended unemployment 'benefits' to keep them from becoming militant. Illegal alien immigrant workers can replace the downwardly mobile at low, low wages and bring a better non-intellectual culture to support homosexual couples in retirement. Boston and San Francisco elites probably have planned for-themselves a way-of-the-world godlessness political agenda dumbing-down the masses to save them from global warming, over-population and mass species extinction without danger of violence; just uneventful back-row smothered mates (a basic chess check-mate pattern that chess G.M.'s Anand, Gelfan and others learned at age 5 or 6).

Abortion, homosexuality, concentration of wealth, legal and illegal  drug use like Huxley's soma, globalism neutralizing national economic and social security in an anti-Christian social environment etc. are some of the content of the evolution of immorality hostile takeover of U.S. pop culture from the top-down. My helium.com page with five peer-reviewed rating stars for 812 articles remaining after some with the q word were deleted reads 'Member since 2007'. What should also be written is 'banned since Dec. 24th, 2010' for being unsupportive of homosexual marriage.

When I took a Bachelor of Arts degree from Excelsior College-then named Regent's College, and got a diploma from the University of the State of New York for transferring in college credits in order to save a lot of money in 1991 I had no idea what would follow. I couldn't get admitted to the University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate school but the new President of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Jerome Kommisar was from New York's State University system.

I owned a property at Wrangell Alaska. Wrangell is near the Anan River bear observatory. I had written Footprints in the Sand in 1974 while working as a custodian for the University of Alaska Juneau because I wanted to write, was mired in a sinful relationship and lonesome for a girl I used to know. I read Emerson, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Nicoli Gogol's The Overcoat and Other Stories and attended church since an infant. Psalms were second nature even in the dark of an Alaska winter drinking too much beer. I had lots of ideas and mailed the prose poem to a magazine in California. So Charlie Rangel of New York, Kofi Anan of the U.N., and Sen. Chuck Schumer become the emergent global liberal line up pressurizing me at home in Alaska during the 1990's. By 2008 I sold the property. Rangel and Anan finally faded away, Chuck Schumer is still hanging around Washington D.C.

Though a local Wrangell builder climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro this year, I couldn't get a job in Alaska and had to migrant journey as far as Florida to get a little house painting to earn return to Wrangell and improve the hut I built. Instead of getting a grad degree and being an educator I ended up homeless scribbling books while the nation drifted to queer and Wall Street corrupt with outsourced jobs and vast public debt.

Propaganda in the U.S.A. co-opting published works to inimical purpose does exploit individuals for the benefit of the corrupt and puff up Satan's team. It makes the equality of people better for natural democrats redistributing monetary and intellectual capital from those that aren't. It is likely that Satan has no trouble regarding people as being equally of zero value.

 Mt. Wrangell, S.E.-Alaska
                              U.S.N.Y 1991


Supremes/Corrupted Elites Force Gay Marriage on California

Corrupt elites packing the Supreme Court issued a decision overturning California's proposition 8 as well as the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. The judiciary is packed with queers and queer symps of the natural democrat ilk. Since Miro Satan was signed and played for the Boston Bruins in the 2010 season it was easy to see where the Eastern establishment's sympathies lied.

A nation in decay opts for the wrong way to go. Now singles will be those discriminated against financial by the government for not being involved in the depraved establishment.


Will Snowden Be the First Test Case of N.D.A.A. Extraordinary Rendition From Ecuador?

Will Edward Snowden become a test case for the National Defense Authorization Act provisions of 2012 and 2013 that allow arrest and detention of U.S. citizens abroad? One wonders how that act would conflict with any extradition treaties or lack thereof such as with Ecuador where the N.S.A. contractor fugitive seems to be trying to go.

Maybe Mr. Snowden meant well, certainly the fugitive Julian Assange of wikileaks looks upon the filching of classified data as beneficial in some way, yet to who?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23031801 Snowden's flight route to Equador?



The United States has a history of problems of the sort such as the inventor of the machine gun-Maxxim had. He thought that it would end all war because it was just too effective act killing soldiers. Sometimes spies divulge government secrets, or rather, whistle blowers divulge government secrets because they feel that it is for the greater social good. Even cold war era communist sympathizers had at times similar opinions such that it would be good to balance out secret weapons parity by providing plans to the enemy. Well, who can say how that works out. What is know is that if one swore an oath to keep secrets and broke that oath one has a bill to pay, and Mr. Snowden instead of seeming like a flake should have stayed during the hot summer of global warming in the states to face the music. At least the other misguided soul-Corporal Bradley Manning did not flee to the pristine wilderness of Siberia for summer fishing and winter hiding out in a spa.

Non-Academic Philosophy and Challenges of Relevance

Independent thought without academia may be easier than within. I am thinking more about the corporatist and networked impact of which academia is ancillary. It is about schoolwork and study after all more so than holistic analysis or criticism of all that exists. Sartre left academia at The University of Le Havre  to write 'Being and Nothingness' and 'The Critique of Dialectical Reason'. While at Le Havre he wrote 'Nausea'. His thought developed after going out in the world.

Perhaps academic philosophy tends toward history of philosophy and logic as rigorous science approaches better suited toward student and bureaucratic processes. I agree that very spaced out pedagogical method would be unhelpful for instructing those seeking to learn about philosophy. Social institutions tend almost necessarily to conformity and failure of self-criticism. The broadcast media-government-corporatist-military/industrial complex is an organic entity for-itself   that would be concerned about black marks and brownie points while the world was in global warming and mass extinction danger.

Philosophy in the corporatist era of academia may develop some of the same constraints on free thought and for its expression as existed in the former Soviet Union.  It is not just philosophy that is limited either, political expression by corporate and academic employees is also subject to pressurization.

Non-academic philosophers have the challenge of developing good ideas and expressing those to a mass audience well enough to change political practices. Maybe Condi RIce with that 165 I.Q. unwilling ton stand for Vice President of the United States was like Jacque Cousteau too aware that humanity seems to have a self-determined course toward dystopianism.

Philosophy has tremendous depth in its history. Its nature is in proverbs as well as Coppleston or Russell's history of the subject, in thought of Strawson, Quine, Paul TIllich or even B.F. Skinner. One of the new challenges is to keep human thought including philosophical and metaphysical ideas meaningful in a social context where evolutionary biologists may regard humanity as just bioforms with phenomenal chemical thought structures permutating. That sort of implicit institutional irrationality lends itself readily to new age fascism and the evolution of immorality. In the age of paradox irrationality may be institutionally rational. The influence of Derida, Dewey and Skinner and deconstruction of human reason leaves us perhaps with a quantum approach to contemporary history and philosophy of faith.

Warburton has raised the bar a little on creative philosophical thought within and without academia. After learning of the comments I decided to name my new book of philosophical essays 'The Myth of Non-Academic Philosophy'.



U.S. Syrian-Iranian Policy Is Difficult to Understand

The administration of the U.S. Government has offered the Assad Alawite Government of Syria a generous offer of surrender, Sect. of State Kerry said that they would need only mutually agree on an interim government I would suppose before an election of the Muslim Brotherhood into total power. How one wonders could Assad demure on that?

I still wonder about U.S. foreign policy on the Middle East. Why is it that we stimulated and supported escalation of a revolt against the government of Syria? It doesn't especially seem to be in Israel's best interest and the first answer that comes to mind is that the administration is worried about Iranian nuclear weapons development and hope that some sort of Shi'a domino downfall would knock the Iranian revolution down. That seems like a long shot.

So far as I know U.S. problems with Iran began after the nationalization of the British oil fields in Iran after the Second World War. Iran had a democracy then and they still have-one of just two functioning ones in the Middle East. Of course we returned the fled Shah of Iran to power and legend has it forced out Mossadegh the Prime Minister. Subsequently we then built up a military for the Shah of the Peacock Throne and developed relations with a very cruel Savak secret police agency of Iran that were globe ranging repressing dissidents. The U.S.A. developed large corporate resource extraction interests and of the course the military industrial complex got good arms sales, and all that was sold to President Eisenhower as a bulkhead against communism. Yet we have seen that Iran has no tendency to become communist-even purging those well-meaning anti-souls.

So during the Iranian revolution the student radicals captured the U.S. embassy, as a temporary measure yet didn't kill anyone-such innocent days. One imagines that Saul Olinsky and or the Weather Underground or even perhaps a returned from Vietnam radicalized John Kerry if Iranian would have joined in that event. The long, slow burning institutional grudge of the U.S. government cannot forgive the Iranians for their trespass, yet Hillary Clinton should have-the State Department was very slow in rescuing the Ambassador in Benghazi as if it weren't to important.

It might be the development of nuclear weapons that is of ongoing concern since former President Amadhdinijab has left office. He did like to twit the U.S. Government yanking its chain with threats on Israel and the Great Satan of course-a true populist exploiting patriotism. Even so Iran does have legitimate defense concerns. Saudi probably has a nuke or two, Pakistan has dozens or hundreds and both nations are Sunni while Iran is Shi'a. Neither is it likely that Iran has forgotten the Iran-Iraq war when Saddam used Iranian corpses to make bridges for his tanks. There were more than a million casualties in that war.

Probably the better way to get along with Iran is restoration of as normal of relations as possible. Usually people on good terms with a fair amount of transparency don't wake up and decide to surprise nuke a neighbor or two especially if it guarantees a mass retaliation.

Iran has defense concerns from the Sunni world and an urban populace that has a tendency for westernization something like that of Turkey. Iran in some respects can adjust its democracy like that of Canada of the past. Iran's Council of Experts is comparable to Canada's Privy Council that is now mostly anachronistic yet formerly was more powerful than parliament as in Iran today. As times change the quantification and allocation of power to various institutions shifts without need for revolution. The Democracy of the United States is somewhat different than either and more of a Republic or really a corporatist entity with pretensions of global universal hegemony through Wall Street. Normalization of relations with Iran-just diving in is likely to be the logically best way to direct U.S. foreign policy.

Another concern of Iran is globalism. There are of course various megalomaniacs of all stripes seeking world dominion. AL Gore has a recent book named 'The Future' that outlines an emerging networked globe marketplace evolution. Not everyone shares that goal or thinks it would be good of course; many have ecosphere reform ideas that fit with economic reform while keeping strong individual boundaries as if they were local gauge symmetries letting democracy and development exist nationally. Iranian Shi'a leaders may be slow to want anything to do with the corporatist world seeking to restore plundering of natural resources supremacy and degradation of morality. The homosexual elite of the Obama administration may hate the Islamic folkways and Sharia proscribed homosexuality. Arnold Toynbee noted that of all social institutions people will defend their religion most strongly especially since it is a matter of eternal fate.

Stimulating the Syrian war was not a good idea and it's difficult to say where it will lead except that tens of thousands more are likely to die. When the war ends there will be thousands of new highly experienced terrorists and professional revolutionaries experiencing unemployment and new local purges of Shi'a, Alawite or Sunni. Probably the next President of the United State will have to deal with issues generated from the conflict. Certainly a Christian influence on Syrian events seems to be minimal.

Five Sigma (a poem)

The facts of contemporary history were unevenly distributed
theoretical functions of state 
transformed into Utopia of global networks
gauge symmetry rotations 2/3rds of the way to happiness crashed
like a polar cap melting down
when even frogs were in decline

The rotational symmetry of the political world dark and deep
currents of transformation rise
while the world's fast asleep
when hallucinukes float through the keyholes
cascading waters surging forward
bosons forced through field dreams

Assemblies of atoms stay solidly together
running through time in all kinds of weather
particles swollen in fields with gravity pulling together
sunshine and rain sites of blue whales
Sampson and Armstrong sorting through lunar shale

Bone thugs beat a symbolism of signs
in a race to the bottom gathering dusty brine
constructing all things for a network of hives
counter-cyclically encompassing all things alive

With the immoral; compass inevitably pointing wrong
Them is a lost direction
Of dance in a song.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...