
On Using Heroin for Government Death Chambers

Death chambers of execution could be more humane and hospice-like.

It is somewhat remarkable that modern science filtered through politics bungles the chemistry of executing the death penalty. European chemical supply houses and other exotic sources of hard-to-find humane methods of killing killers sometimes embargo the lethal chemical cocktails from American legal death franchise establishments because of the cruelty of it all. NPR reports the 'story' and moves on to legal drugs, homosexual marriage and other pressing issues of the left side of corporatism. So why not use the abundant heroin seized from criminals by law enforcement agencies to overdose those graduating from death row in a humane blaze of pain killing to oblivion?

If the death penalty must be forced upon select subjects wouldn't heroin mists, heroin food, heroin cocktails and heroin injections end the life of the victim of law happily more or less fading out them to a state of nirvana and nothingness? Heroin could then serve at least one useful purpose and save money on buying stupid drug potions from Europe. Otherwise the government could use a little bit of VX or some other nerve agent to swiftly terminate the problem and end the suffering of citizens encountering the never-ending recurrence of government incompetence.

D.C. Redskins Should Morph to First People

It seems unreasonable to expect much of R.G. III with the Redskins. If that politically incorrect name were to be changed to First People the team might get somewhere; though with a rookie coach it's improbable.

Few rookie coaches have won a Superbowl. Perhaps the First People could trade R.G. III to Oakland who can't draft a good Q.B. anyway and then try to to build up a pervasively tough team the Joe Gibbs way. Oakland could use some Al Davis spirit. Maybe R.G. III has it.


Inventive Parameters for a Motorless Dive Pump

Setting parameters for a useful invention is fairly simple when it concerns something as practical as a human powered air compressor to pump air supply to a diver in the water at the end of a 20' hose. Already existing are innumerable air pumps such as used for bicycles. There are gas an electric motor powered air pumps for divers on a short hose already, and that may have precluded the will to produce a human-powered pump (a companion to the diver on the boat would create the air supply for the diver) for divers in impoverished nations or those interested in avoiding contribution to global warming greenhouse gases superfluously.

There are some parameters for the motorless diver's air compressor that might be helpful. The hose like that of an inflatable boat valve should have a one-way gasket that admits air but won't let it backslide out. The hose might also have a pressure regulator at some point that would bleed off excess air so the diver has a constant air pressure. Additionally there might be some sort of 5 minute reserve bottle in the system sometimes that would also signal the diver in some way-perhaps with a chime, if the air supply decreased to one-minute remaining in order to give the diver time tio surface though he or she could free swim to the surface from 20'.


Epistemology Values in Modeling Natural Operating Systems

The value and role of the philosophical field of epistemology in interpreting, modeling and analyzing cognitive paradigms is a primary activity of education historically. That is epistemology or theory of knowledge began at least as early as Plato and his Academy and continued through classical education unto the present day. Epistemology casts a wide net on the discipline of understanding reality and comparative economic systems and they way they are understood. Some cosmologists today compare reality to a hologram cast by higher dimensions-perhaps upon the surface of a black hole and dark, mysterious pools of capital flowing around the world globally at the speed of light create theoretical paradoxes for taxation and governance. In order not to remain simple primitives without benefit of a wild ecosystem to learn and adapt in modern man must take a philosophical high ground to comprehend the interactions and essence of innumerable operating systems functions.

Cognitive and flow-of-thought methods of sentient systems serve to design synthetic operating systems such as are useful in computers. A purely materialistic approach to developing an artificial operating system would alternatively be irrational.

There is a well known example of the functional of a materialistic operating system bias in a chess game between Paul Kerr and Bobby Fischer. Kerr is offered a pawn in a kind of gambit. Materialistic chess players want that extra pawn or piece immediately when it is available, yet taking the piece and not considering abstract tactics may soon place the materialist into a losing position. Like the canary following a trail of bread crumbs to a position below a ball-peen hammer the checkmate knock out punch may soon be reached as the blinding materialist epistemology reaches fruition.

Epistemological analysis or theory of knowledge analysis is a field of philosophy studying the foundational relationships of knower and known, truth values in regard to knowledge and the way reality is perceived and interpreted by subjective perception and thought. It is a particular point-of-view approach to constructing a theoretical position drawing from a number of philosophical field approaches to the basic questions about human existence in what seems to be a Universe on a planet with what New Testament users of Greek might call ge, meaning land (or Earth) as well as water.

Contemporary physics have informed us of the subtle and complex composition of fields particles waves and quanta that support the appearance of forms and external structures perceptible to human beings and then interpreted with mind and theories of knowledge. researches in the classification of perceptible forms as particulars in a field perhaps temporally emphasized in a given shape and mass configuration have shown the importance of classification systems as epistemological filters and universes-in-themselves...linguistic ontologies as W.V.O. Quine might have called them, that are for-themselves interpretive paradigms and selective templates for constructing different theoretical models of given aspects of realty.

Systematic theology is an example of a particular field that selects specialized paradigmatic tools and templates to construct or induct hypothetically accurate understanding of Biblical meaning_values. Cognitive interpretive tools of epistemology are ubiquitous methodological practices in numerous intellectual activities. Contemporary designs and management of single and concurrently installed operating systems and selection of what element of reality to perceive and the way the data should be processed comprise filters in_themselves to improve the overall project of accurate epistemological values.


N.A.S.A., 3D Printers, Drones, Inventions etc.

It is difficult to guess how far 3-D printing will change manufacturing. A Wal-Mart or ABC Corp might locate a 3-D printer at a remote location in Alaska and a consumer could go on-line to buy a product that would instantly be produced without need for transport delays. There might be a lot of jobs converting products into 3-D printable designs. Even N.A.S.A. could get in the business of locating 3-D printers on space stations, Mars and the Moon to print out useful tools and components, rovers and solar panels without need of shipping from Earth.

One might expect designers to build 3-D printers that can make 3-D printers. Radical manufacturing and production economic relocations could follow development of 3-D printers cutting global transport costs and fossil fuel pollution in the atmosphere. yet all is not peaches and creme with tech innovation obviously. Killing humans and drugging them is still profitable and will probably remain so for government and business. Remora drones with stealth and high-tech stickiness able to attach to international shipping and aircraft to piggyback to destinations such as Boston release after arrival in port of call and fly or swim themselves to contraband operators may arise to let billionaire narco-traffickers and nuke weapons providers bring their products to consumers/aka soft targets. The potential for inventive adaptations and synthetic recombinations of existing technology always exists below the surface of thought. How will concentrated wealth security protect the rich and royals from nuclear and biological weapons proliferation and attack in a global economy with advanced, disseminated chippiness? Why one might wonder, should anyone care if affordable health care denies double-sized portion of French potato fries or China rice fries?

There is a good side and a down side to all the global computer chippiness. Adolph Eichmann used I.B.M. Holereth card-countin computers to finesse the transport and liquidation of Jews in the second act of world war one named logically World War Two ( uncompleted with the failure to battle to unconditional surrender of the kaiser or the better choice to not intervene to rescue the British colonial evil empire to start with), China bought I.B.M.’s PC division and the Red Army affiliate eventually to makes pretty good Lenovo computers for consumers after Bill Gate’s use for the exclusive sale of software for I.B.M. PCs had run its course-there isn’t much good in that perhaps-and none of course with the numbering and elimination of ethnic minorities yet the inertia of business and inherited technology flows on like an amoeba evolving though consuming some peripheral humans (in Nepal?).

The first idea though is more conventional and exploits just ordinary electronics; namely the use of new forms of dehumidifier to capture water for drinking aboard boats and along dry coastal areas. Desalinating pumps trend to be expensive yet there is a lot of dehumidifying tech that might be adapted to sequester water taken from the atmosphere-perhaps solar powered.

Another idea is the use of micro-tech for tiny biochemical chips and perhaps rft tech to monitor major organ functions in the human body. Why not inject a very tiny prostate health monitoring chips where it can broadcast the chemical status or presence of cancer cells to a computer equipped with a bluetooth-like wireless receiver of data. There are already ubiquitous rft chips and receivers around the U.S.A. as has been reported. Every individual computer could be made into a health monitoring device with instant alerts of changes in body chemistry, temperature or heart performance that require attention.

If one thinks about it there should be numerous alternate approaches to traditional surgical remedies for medical issues with new micro technology and localized artificial intelligence servo-units. Billions of people including the world’s poor might received nearly no cost core medical screening with implanted microscopic health monitors given the right configuration of mass density size shape temperature through-put and biochemical ratios, transmission capability of data and ubiquitous interpretive programs reduced to a non-invasive size and form.

One day the Internet may disappear and become transcended by Quantum computing and quantum information teleportation of a scale with no limits to anyone’s band-width or transmission capability. Quantitative information transmission would be instantaneous world-wide and on-line chess games would be fair with no disadvantage to a player in a state with low Internet speed compared to a fast data speed nation. One can look ahead a little and foresee the possibilities for good chess games.

It isn’t difficult to imagine quantum-cloud based medical monitoring of all humans and most life forms one day. Of course it would be easier for covenant-based Christians to adapt to that advancing technology than dispensational premillenialists I would think, while Muslims might still be looking for some way to jihad it all. Godless atheists could seeking to corner the market and restrict transmission speed and access in order that a hierarchy of wealth and domination of power might continue for evil elites. Even so the possibilities are endless and beyond social amoebazation of any sort that butches without borders neo-scientific fascists might pursue. After all, corruption exists and existed without need of advanced technology though it inevitably seeks to exploit new tech for nefarious purposes.

Cheap computer chips mean and potential room temperature superconductors could revolutionize military strategies. Vast clouds of anti-body Frisbee sized anti-personnel drones with military explosive could solar or super-conductor battery charge and recharge with fuel cells to lie hidden below desert sands or in forest canopies waiting for human soldiers to recognize with artificial intelligence and attack. One wonders if being human in combat would become obsolete, or if anyone would be safe any place from a swarm of flying anti-body stealth mini-drones.

Civilian control of military attack anti-bodies would be more ethically challenging. Civilian political leaders and economic puppet masters should not just kill soft targets in poor countries instead of finding alternative and ecologically rational means of adjudicating political disputes that stimulate armed conflict. The obligation is upon the advantaged to find a way to bring equal protection of law to even the poor that do not understand it nor have an advantage in the economic and legal exploitation of the disadvantaged.

One would think that production facilities for manufacture of fairly low-tech military drones would be an advantage to nations such as China that already have the largest human standing armies that may become very vulnerable to cheaper-than-a-soldier anti-body war drones in a plethora of forms. One hopes the Chinese become more Christian and do not move toward the ethically dark side of the force.

One might take small comfort with the knowledge that Muslim ideas about the apocalypse and Armageddon-eschatological ideas are similar to a Christian premillennial futurist’s paradigm for interpreting the Revelation of St. John. There are other possible interpretations of the general meaning of the Revelation of John such as a praetererist covenant based paradigm wherein the beast was Nero in particular and Rome in general. Some take that as a foundation for inaugurated eschatology with a approach wherein Johns writing in a coded way to the churches and Christians of his era being persecuted also has some not yet realized futurist meaning too. Even so by the middle of the 2ns century, much less the 6th, most Christians had lost the original historical context-meaning of the Revelation according to some scholars, and of course Muhammad’s expropriation of the Revelation was made with an entirely futurist and very likely erroneous understanding of the meaning of the Revelation of John serving as a creative basis of Muhammad’s personal eschatological vision. Maybe the Muhammadans will eventual take a different view of the Revelation of John and correct Muhammad’s eschatological errors though I think it improbable. One can’t be sure that military drones demanding allegiant kow-towing to a statue of a clone-being in a reconstructed Temple at Jerusalem and a brand of Nero or 666 on everyone’s wrist to swipe over a check out counter is inevitable, or Jihad upon Jews at Jerusalem either for that matter.

There seems to be a trend in recent decades toward military attack of soft, defenseless targets directed by politico planners. Terrorism and war as politics through other means finds fewer peer wars and more dump death and havoc upon the less powerful even with apologetics from a propaganda media branch explaining the defensive nature of the event. Chippiness with designer drones may stimulate the appearance of adaptive optics camouflaging anti-bodies flying to and fastening upon tall office buildings or the soft underbelly of a ship waiting for an optimal moment to emerge from dormancy and fulfill their destined destruction. A profusion of very cheap flying anti-boy mines with face recognition cameras and artificial intelligence could even bring about personalized battle with anti-body flying mines searching for particular personnel to erase from the list of biological viable forms. Even the criteria for determining what a soft target is may become inversed.

Yek the potential good of anti-suffering attack drones to deliver plates of food and other relief supplies to difficult to access targets of mercy is self-evident. Burritos and tea delivered on site through a storm of bullets with hot sauce could rescue those deemed soft targets for others from the savage works of the wicked yearning to deny the equal protection of law and procure consolidation of wealth topped with concentration of wealth for-themselves. The usual strange world may become stranger making it seem at times as if extraterrestrial puppeteers were pulling the strings of pivotal politicians and the butch broadcast media. Maybe they do now and then; they seem to act some times as if the main purpose of life is for humans to filter auto exhaust with lungs, destroy forests, kill all wild life and melt away every glacier.


G.O.P. Wins-Time for Shovel-Ready Jobs Securing Mex Border

Mexico's internal criminal turmoil is largely a result of the existence of a porous border with the more-prosperous for the present nation to the north-the United States. The vast criminal underworld that flourishes on both sides of the border is fueled by drugs and human smuggling in turn fueling political corruption, civil disorder and the failure of security for Mexicans and Americans alike. The need to close the Mexican border to any unauthorized immigration is plain; only in a secure environment can democracy be on an equal footing with organized crime and the killers causing more fatalities than America experienced in the Vietnam war. If on an equal footing democracy, law and order main gain ground taking the city on a hill that is the nation's capital and those toward the U.S. border back from the drug traffickers and corrupt politicians making mockery of justice, equal protection of the law and the opportunity for a secure investment environment.

Human intelligence requires fluid adaptivity to civil challenges that subvert social order and progress. The Republican Party having retaken the legislative branch of government have a clear and present obligation to seal the Mexican border with a physical boundary impassable to casual or determined law breakers. There are numerous ways that would create jobs and a better economy including elements of traditional boundaries such as the Romans and Welsh built to keep the barbarians at bay-in this case the barbarians are the savage drug traffickers and human smugglers as well as those taking jobs from Americans and subverting labor wage relations with management regarding labor supply and the value of labor. The President has been entirely spaced on the issue and promises unilateral action like King Canute to flood America with legal illegals whensoever he deems it desirable to get Hispanic votes.

Creating a Gulf to Gulf canal that would be used to desalinate salt water piped in to the continental divide and collect the evaporated fresh water in adjacent canals with water dripping down from a condenser-roof would make a vast supply of fresh water in a desert for drinking and irrigation as well as create a substantial barrier to illegal crossings with three canals and control roads and berms patrolled by electric vehicles. Jobs building the zone as well as maintaining it would be numerous. With water shortages in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas a new fresh water source would be useful. Water siphoned and pumped perhaps with augmented power from solar panels would bring water from the higher Pacific Oceans and spill it downhill from Deming New Mexico toward the Colorado River and trans-American canal and Rio Grande respectively with a detour in Texas to cut along the border.

The value of allowing honest work and honest history to replace the corrupt milieu of underworld kitsch def facto dominating two economies in the region would be an American value that has grown a little rusty in recent decades, The President should support the effort instead of obstructing it. Shovel-ready jobs across the S.W. are needed right away-for Americans.


England Returning to Traditional Evil-Empire Role

England has resumed its traditional role as an evil empire repressing democracy and stifling religious liberty. We had suspected that English leadership wished to find a practical new way to burn down Washington D.C. again, the method seems to be with forced aristocratic butch homosexuality. Elton John's 'Burn Down the Mission' song lyric expresses the new evil empire's insider financial, social, religious takeover ideal of redistributing wealth and power to the corrupt evil empire. It is insidious social wickedness.

England has made a farce of democracy, free speech and religious liberty disordering law to promote 'British' values homosexual marriage and godless, atheistic social scientism. England will force closure of schools that teach the truth of homosexuality is sin. Britain's evil empire aristocrats have emerged in drag dressing up as bimbos of anti-Christ and decivilizers of civil rights of democracy and free speech. In land-grabbing England democracy is tolerated only so long as one does not dissent with the will of corrupt and queer aristocrats seeking to devour Russian Eastern Ukraine , compel queer marriage laws in the U.S.A. through Rhodes scholars and their suckophants and rule the world via corrupt financial networking.

The New British Evil Empire sucks bad and Barrack Hussein Obama is no correction of the threat.

Infinity is a difficult concept to grasp. The planet Earth at the edge of a little galaxy within a local group of galaxies within a super cluster within a super-cluster of galaxies in one little tendril of mass-energy in a grid across the visible Universe with vast blank spaces amidst is a phenomenal place of space-time where human souls (means the complete compresent history of an individual life mapped by God as if it were like unto a digital story) can exist. There are innumerable wrong philosophical conclusions to draw and implications to make with the human discoveries of knowledge about the Universe in relation to the revealed knowledge given in the Holy Bible. Rash, swollen hubris is too common. Misunderstanding of the Bible is common too. Space-time values are also misunderstood in physics as relativity and transcending factors of metaphysics make certain of comparative time values improbable. If relativity is basically true then time literals of the Bible are relative to God as well whom is the absolute creator of all time, mass and energy though it functions well and independently locally. One cannot be certain where to draw the line between one time-reference system and another in this Universe or any others.

The entire Universe may be like a postage stamp in size surrounded by an infinity of nothingness capable of holding an infinite number of postage stamps. It is a mysterious and wonderful thing of which humanity can know only a part through a glass darkly.

The Lord Jesus Christ provided certain moral and ethical guidelines for the liberation of humanity from the bondage to sin and evil aristocratic rulers making themselves god. Nero had Peter and Paul executed. Tiberius presided over the execution of Jesus Christ. The entire Roman imperial line of descended from Julius Caesar unto the last-Nero-were made living gods and worshiped in Rome and around the empire. Jesus Christ corrected that and returned human development to the way of God-that of freedom. The true God and the Son Jesus Christ is the right way for a lost, fallen humanity to move forward through the moral darkness of evil empires and heartless, cold-blooded godless broadcast media forever seeking to make of themselves gods of the Universe. Americans should know better by now.

British aristocrats have manipulated dumbed-down U.S. leadership since the Clinton administration at least into structuring the world to support a new British financial Empire to replace the colonial empire lost by the early 1960s. Homosexual corruption is a key to leveraging global financial power with London as the Mecca of the New Godless Evil Empire of Fundamentalist Darwinian-Spencer Concentrated Riches. The predictable censoring of political dissent on the Internet through a variety of indirect means and direct means of legal repression are advancing in the United States as well as in the Evil Empire.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...