
Undocumented Government Sanctions (the prose-poem)

With a Vladimir Lenin masked lead singer, the forests echoed with raven lafta. Tango in chains played a funky rhythm guitar and the lead dressed as an octopus swung skilled tentacles time-strutting the stage. Two up and down monkey drummers were mechanical wind-up concessions for predicable beat stability. Rational expectations are requisite to good economic planning. Everyone expects the beat to go on synchopating a commune leadership of change. Inertia. Anticipation. A nude dade will dawn where Sushi's neva wronged.

Inside the utopia dialectically evolved precision splending mash up crashes of thesis and anti-thesis kinetically spark courts. She got what she came for at the swore that never closed,. Lucy reached the skies with diamonds all around her shopping cart filled with hope from the federal reserve zero interest loans. Gazing longingly at Shanghai Lil, the picture of voluptuous low-carbon boobishness burned a joss for the nude boss.

American hedge rows of new homes in 2000 doublooned in cost by 2017. Jollyrognichepurham struggled with flows of triads, Mexican mafias, bloods, crips though Gates regulated the flow of wildlife govert the sunburned frontier. Aqualung struggled with uneven sea level field risings surviving homelessly. In the electric platinum SUV munching quantum cellular enhancement caviar Lucy rolled past the jungle reduced for neatness with the people provided, she thought, improvidently. The best mind in a room contemplated an economic plan.

In her thoughts she saw rings of smoke through the trees. That smoke fell upon the water forming a sizable bridge of silence. It was election day however. Top grade cut up meat prime government choi, money for nothing they ain't seen yet, HVD Gulliver liberated to redistribute brilliant deregulations where careerist gov.'s adjust the private sector banking a little cut for themselves. Partnership of illegal aliens working the true of corrupt officials sworn to uphold the law of Darwin.

Origin of the Species Decline

Nothing regulated incompetent regulations
little pieces here and there
a parthenoc mosaic of swell HVD
something ventured

was broken anyway


Before the First Virtual particle in Any Possible Universe

About the first virtual particle...virtual particles so far as i know are flexes of the non-locality positions of quanta such as electrons. So there needs to be a primary particle or field for the appearance of a virtual particle.

Ideas taken apart from matter- that is spirit- just wouldn't be matter or energy or even a virtual particle. Math is an idea-even if it were taken as having some kind of Platonic reality.

I gave some thought to dimensions and wonder if even a theoretical first virtual particle without a primary source could have existed without a dimensions. Empty space would need to have dimensions or pwerhaps none at all and not exist either.

A Math Universe could exist in the context of a kernal presentation from an Omniscient Spirit. Yet what could sustain the idea othewise, if it must be something other than what the apparent Universe of energy-mass is?

Maybe the first dimension  coincided with a first idea from God. I like the theological dimensions of the line of conjecture, for I think it easy to make categorical errors about what is required for anything to exist or not in the basic Universe before expansion or inflation.

This is a quote from a short story I wrote named Pt. Omni- (its about dimensions and their origin)

She said; “I have started thinking about dimensions from first principles John. One may make a square out of a circle by creating four ninety degree angles in it. So if one imagines a sphere changing its shape so that it has four corners to it achieved perhaps by stretching it at fixed points, compare that with a figure analogous to a volume of space with three dimensions.

What are dimensions really? String theorists speculate about extra dimensions with some of unequal sizes as if they could be bound or compounded with a meta-dimensional power. If one regards dimensions as fulfilled space for example, in a three-dimensional sphere representing space as field lines crossing it in three directions, then changing the perimeter surface shape of the sphere or square  may  change or warp the field lines, dimensions and relations within. If those were dimensions they also would be changing relationships of composition.

What though are dimensions made of? Are they discrete, composite vectors such as a light beam that is made of photon quanta yet comprise a light wave in quantity? Are dimensions made of fundamental particles that when assembled have a vector or arrow of direction that is time?
Physicists say that the Universe is in principle time reversible (although improbable because of reversing entropy and force field desiderata). The relationships of various forces, fundamental forces of the Universe, may also be time reversible though improbable. Dimensions, whatever they are made of, may have some force about them perhaps as a field, possibly neutral yet binding on to other dimensions with some principle maybe governed or determined by the meta-field wherein they exist.
If God were to change the surface shape of the Universe from a cube to a sphere altering thereby the structures of dimensions, energy and mass within a Universe, it is conceivable that a 13.3 billion year evolution or expansions from time = 0 at a big bang could be completed in 13.3 seconds or fewer in a time forward or time reverse process. If dimensions and mass contents of time are subject to an overall field strength determined by God, the form and content of any given Universe might be instantly determined from hydrogen atoms to stars, galaxies, life, black holes and information phenomena experienced within a Universe with sentient beings."

Sins cast to the bottom of the Sea

I watched a video on plate tectonics and the Marianas trench recently. It's seven miles deep at the deepest spot. When God said he would remember the sins of the saved no more, and they would be as cast to the bottom of the sea, that made a point interesting today geologically speaking. The reason the trench is so deep is that the Pacific plate crust there is the oldest and heaviest and sinks beneath the next plate over-the Eurasian plate that is younger and lighter with new crust from deep in the Earth. Sins at the deepest place would ride along to the hell of the mantle below the Earths crust-and perhaps onward to the hell of the core theoretically. The lost also sort of evolve along in material worldliness until taken down to nothingness spiritually speaking while in contrast, the regenerate are lighter, born of the spirit and rise from the lost conditions of the evolutionary paradigm of mass and energy.

ref. Micah 7:19

Should Hillary Swear in on the Bible or Darwin's Origin of Species? (if elected)

Is it realistic to have Democrat Presidents swear in on the Bible anymore? Doesn't the hippocracy strike a disingenuous note to making the oath of office? Further, is it right to get a non-believer or an apostate believer to swear on the Bible when their platform is just not consistent with it? Homosexual marriage is just not Christian-no serious Christian would think it is.

Hillary Clinton should request that she sign in with her hand on Cosmolpolitan magazine or The Harvard Business Review instead of a Christian Bible- people might believe her more. Some people are more easily fooled than others I suppose.

Donald Trump on the other hand might actually mean it if he took the oath of office on the Bible, before forgetting about it later.

The Lost of Lillyput (poem)

The Lost of Lillyput

When the elector of Lillyput cast her eye upon HVD Gulliver
those steroid bulging biceps drenched with rain
a shirt torn from struggle against tide and runts
the die was cast

Dogs run alongside SUVs
leashlessly crashing into pedestrians
snarling heir dream broadcast
biting and becoming

Bureaucracy of corporate warming
a thousand adds beyond rice paper curtains
draping voting booths with cookied silence
and privacy munched quafficly colliding sounds

Tectonics confect rising currents
fresh lava flows surging into cooling airs
spires tapped with aspirations written like prayers
carried atop the plate moving westward
Gathering years and the heaviness of sins
thickening memories flowing over the mantle
with each incandescent world core
sinking toward the trench
seven miles below the ocean surface

Divinity and shimmering a steel drum' storms
lightening, tightening, reforming shrunken heads
tied to Gulliver's belt of power
to a quantum notch apiece

Parallel to the moving target
trajectories evoluting emoted cues
anticipated in rational expectations of market
martinets consolidating performance within acceptable parameters
buying and selling surface swells
surfing standing waves where time persisting stays

sins fall like spent shells to the sea floor
in the deepest trench slipping down under silently
on a conveyor belt merging below the crust
into the most deep hell the world has to offer
with the lost slipping into eons of mass and energy
lifeless spirits achieving the death of a deathless forever
from mass to mass, energy to energy
in everlasting fusion
being to nothingness.


U.S. Gov Tricked Soldiers on Bonuses-Want Money Back

In a classic bait and switch ploy the U.S. military duped california national Guard soldiers to re-enlist with large Afghanistan-Iraq era bonuses and now want the money back. In a classic bait and switch ploy the U.S. military duped california national Guard soldiers to re-enlist with large Afghanistan-Iraq era bonuses and now want the money back. Stay in ther military another six years dancing around i.e.d.s and return the money? Really.


If one lives in a society where deception and corruption are the norm and wealth is concentrated people may doscover they cvannot move ahead unless they meet the right marketing criteria. Modern slavers may be graduates of the Harvard Business or Law Schools that put a price on everyone interested in working in the economy.

With the flimsy trillions of zero interest loans that went to Wall Stree and the bunko bucks for bonds as well as quantitative easing their is little excuse for burdening veterans financially. In a corrupt era that stuff just happens. Obama should give debt amnesty to those people.


Pen-Ultimate Post-Syrian Civil War Boundary Paradigmata

Boundaries evolve. Change is a continuum grinding out political realities. Nations too evolve. Like Christian churches that formerly were true to the Bible and evolved away into heretical cultist states of apostasy, nations that once were democracies evolve into tyranny or imperial evil empires applying vanishing crème to their boundaries with other nations. Change is inevitable given enough time; in a few dozen million years the Pacific ocean will evolve into a nice little sea like the Mediterranean, yet some things do endure forever. The word of God will always be true and people will misinterpret the Bible. Science, theology and politics often use bad hermeneutics to interpret what is right for foreign policy. The Syrian conflict is a case in point.

There isn't enough chat about rational Syrian boundaries that would conserve peace among the various parties that live there. I have thus drawn a map myself...Kurds would do pretty well taking the border along Turkey. They would share the coast with the present lawful government of Syria. The Assad government would keep the interior down to Damascus. Jordan would get a new chunk of Eastern Syria to administer as a trust territory for those Sunni that can't live peacefully with the Alawi and Christians of the lawful government of Syria or with Kurds.

Here is an inexact map (Lebanon is the area inside the yellow line and Israel the blue line).

Plainly the Caliphate have other ideas about the final map of the post-Syrian civil war. They believe that some sort of a final battle- an Armageddon with sparks, smoke, bullets, bombs etc. will transpire at an ominous eerie village named something like Dab or Dork ick between the modern version of the Roman Evil Empire- the one led by the Democrat Party and a party of dilettante global imperialist Muslims. Blood will run freely flowing like PCB and oil polluted rivers deep around SUV wheels with high-tech fighters wildly swinging around .50 cal machine guns. So as the 13th theologian Ibn Taymiyyah perhaps informs us or not ( I will need to read Aquinas' contemporary to see how that relates to Contra Summa Gentiles), seventy-two virgins is sexist clumped enough to attract legions of American and Euro-women to enlist in the conflict to serve even though they don't know what they get in the afterlife for-themselves as a post-life economic equivalence of the promised promiscuous life within group marriage promised for mart-erd male warriors of Muhammad.

The Caliphate's expansionist ideas are the moral equivalence of N.A.T.O.'s ideas about annexing formerly Russian lands that were part of the Soviet Union too, after the end of the Cold War when Russia was weak and at the mercy of the implacable sword of President Bill Clinton able to threaten implicitly with atomic annihilation of potential puny resistance provided in the C.I.S. paradigm thrust on President Boris Yellin. Democrat Party theory and practice is that if a target of opportunity looks like easy prey and snatch it, bag it and move on; munching and texting further while driving in economic war. After the U.S. abandonment of Iraq following the election of President Obama, and with U.S. support for Arab Spring revolutions, and with the U.S. President attacking as a war material, weapons, cash and training facilitator coordinated the rise of a rebel army to attack the lawful government of Syria, Al Qaeda of Iraq saw the situation of Syria as a ripe, rotten target plum fine for maggots of war to bite down until subdued under the rule of Caliph-fate.

Though there is much conflict in the region, when it all boils down, probably everyone living will need to live there in keeping some kind of rational boundary configuration.

On the other hand, though the Syrian war is a kind of tribulation like that written by the prophet John in the Revelation as commonly misunderstood by those calling themselves pre-tribulationists, since the tribulation already happened in the mid to late first century A.D. when the Romans and the world were defeated by Jesus Christ who overcame death followed by the killing of disciples and destruction of Jerusalem, the rise of the kingdom of God did occur and Christianity under the guidance of the Holy Spirit grew unto the entire world, while the wrong political zeitgeist drives belligerent parties of Syria as lemmings before the hurricane on steep ocean waves before the blizzard strikes and the thunder sounds and they want borders consistent with that. Snide
evolution theory only supremacists on the other hand view the conflictants as Neanderthalish haters that require adult evolutionist supervision. Political evolutionists cannot imagine the Bible is a literally true word of God as they misunderstand its content equally well-in fact-with a mirror image of inaccuracy-with fundamentalist only Christian pre-tribulationists and Muslims that deny global plate tectonics and the deepest meaning of the Marinas trench.

While the challenges of pre-tribulationist Christian fundamentalists and Muslims makes competent birder stability in less-than-empire totality challenging to understand, the Kurds have been promised a nation of their own since the first world war and have fought rather well to defeat evil ISIS land-grabbers. The Kurds should remain allied with Iraq yet be allowed to annex a confederated state bordering on Turkey administered independently by the Kurds for-themselves.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...