
Another Bike Wheel Stolen

So I picked out a bike from Alaska, travelled south to look for a job and ride a bike around, and bought the bike in Eugene Oregon. I had it all of three weeks before the back wheel was stolen effectively making the bike junk since that wheel costs more than another bike.

What I like least about the U.S.A. is the theivery of the people. With a parking lot full of cars the predators steal a bike from the poor. Probably that's the way things work in America though...good ideas and consolidation of real property trickle up while in the other direction, shit flows downhill.

Its not that I was careless-in fact I was as cautious as one reasonably might be riding around on wet, slick streets and camping far away. Alaska was a little better and less likely to have things disappear so fast basically because there are far fewer Americans there. Trump picked the head of Goldman Sachs to lead his economic team; do they steal bikes too?

It is challenging to help oneself much when people can destructively interefere.. Sometimes I wonder if laws should all be negated and people allowed to shoot whosever they want in order to get rid of the sophistry of the b.s. that largely supports corruption... the joys of 7 billion souls in a world ecosphere attacked by political leaders so that the vast spaces of the world are those converted by human economic activity into unproductive or unhealthy areas while the wild has a declining share.

The incident reminded me of a visit to Mexico City long ago. I was pickpocketed getting on the subway, so I reported that to a policeman who walked to the subway and waved to me as I got aboard and was pickpocketed the second time. In Oregon a policeman smiled on the way out of a building I was entering so should have known that I would be walking later in the day.

Jesus Christ is good though-even while human wickedness is the usual. Phenomenality of mind attacked through the body by other people with phenomenality of mind; and the resullt is a bunch of consumers of the ecosphere, corruption and so forth. That is temporality.


Ordinary People Care About Environment-EPA

Donald Trump has nominated an oil unbeliever in atmospheric warming from human causes to lead the E.P.A. Elites are often out of touch witrh reality regarding the environment, and Donald Trump's choice seems to reflect that.


Though we like Donald Trump shaking things up in D.C., the environment needs good protection from predators so that it may last for countless generations. The environment is not just a place for cheap-profit scumballs to destroy forests, coastlines, fish stocks and healthy land. While oil still produces 40% of the nation's power, it needs to be phased out as a fuewl and those evolved beyond Neanderthal status intellectually at least have tried to do so.

President-elect Trump choose to get into an unChristian business field-gambling- when his othewr businesses had a turn down in fortune. The nation's environment is not however chump change for gambling with. Alaskan forests and wild lines-remaining shorelines and wildlife are public trust goods and services that keep the world and nation healthy so far as predators cannot cash them out for dirty profit.

The new Trump administration should stop gambling with reality, life on Earth, public health and human society and grow up about environmental conservation. For many ordinary people a healthy environment is all they have that is good besides God. Those oily ecospheric slum-lords that want to force everyone into a box as wage-slaves though see only raw materials to exploit.

The Trump administration should be a good steward and quit gambling everywhere including states lotteries and the health of the ewnvironment and people on Earth. Why is it that godless atheist socialists and capitalists gamble with the fate of people and the environment instead of working for a rational society where everyone has enough?


Non-Blindfold Analysis of World Chess Championsip (poem)

I thought I ought to comment on the recently concluded world chess championship...so I made a video.



Solving the Mystery of the Democrat Party

Since the Democrat party of the Clinton era of 1992 continuing to the present is something of a mystery regarding its purpose I thought I would write a little in an effort to understand its lunacy and abandonment of common sense.

The first impression one gets is that the homosexual trend was a try at creating a universal human depravity as a prerequisite for being allowed to get a job and stay with it. Depravity such as homosexual marriage, abortion and godless atheism as normative values of feminists and homosexuals seem to have replaced the idea of a strong middle class economy, well being of the poor with dignity and a strong nation. Democrats seems to have made a foe of national security and secure borders...one wonders why?

A Democrat Party as indolent as that of the Pelosi/Reed/Obama era that did more to benefit the ultra-rich than the poor and middle class is a mystery if one believes that it should be like the Democrats of the 1960s. Yet a party of imperialist leaders seeking to make cock-sucking a fundamental social value more-so than individualism with a right to work may look to globalism as a fertile ground for conversos to the way of evil. I guess its a consequence of corruption seeking to expand its way and normalize social swing values rather than personal physical work. Technology can make a mockery of individual physical effort and close down personal work and profit with microphones and networking. It is all something of a mystery.

Mexico has its rampant drug corruption and Democrats seem to want to expand that in the U.S.A. too. Reform of Obamacare so that the V.A. Hospital system is expanded and unified with community poor person's clinics while the private corporate world is backed out of the public legitimate area of common interest of health care for the poor and those that have exhausted insurance benefits below a certain level equivalent to bankruptcy protection would probably be more efficient and humane-means tests for the poor requiring treatment.

Its is a terrible thing for the nation to lose good job prospects especially for the poor and middle class. Job security over time is required to be able to afford the basically expensive yet necessary items like a home and an electric car that doesn't add pollution to the air. When politics destroys poor and middle class job stability and prospects what they have trickles up to the rich. Democrats don't seem to give a rats ass about such concerns any more. They simply seek to discover opportunities to exploit white males, Christians and any other persons suspected of not supporting the depravity agenda.


The Destiny of Water (poem)

The Destiny of Water

To flow where gravity wills
beyond silence through hills
morning glory with turbulent rills
finding eddies thus whorls
reluctance never ahead

frozen clumps of space
water-clods pushed and tugged
mystics of frosted rhymes
optimal configurations packing crates
wait, iced

droplets of vaporized lines
heated like warnings on ergs plasma shore
melting places of space time
egg carton factors ordered designed

expansive lattices of molecules
philosophically unreflective
soaking into temporal change
French toast with hot coffee, syrup thick
sprees of speech and politics caffeinated

carbonated water underground
aquifers added with fracking sludge
pressurized crude degrees fields of separation
as oil and water effusively recalcitrant-
reclusive and risen together

Appeasement redirecting the river of westony
beyond the Styx and craws of death
Rhining the crowned prince Ruprecht down
to drown in vectors of fusion
where wistful, feet-dragging alt mems flowed
into the sea.

Donald Trump May Win Nobel Peace Prize

President elect Trump might work on an acceptance speech for a Nobel peace prize that traditionally is given to U.S. presidents-elect. President Trump might bring peace to Syria, Yemen and Libya, end conflict in Ukraine with a Russian-Ukrainian joint custody of the Dneipr and basically get more electro-magnetic high-speed transport tubes built from Moscow to Fairbanks, Chicago and points east and west.

President Obama after winning the Nobel Prize brought peace to Egypt, Libya Syria, Ukraine, Crimea, Mexico, Wall Street with permanent tax cuts and zero interest Federal Reserve loans to the most rich.


Alien Quantum Computer Applications

Alien civilizations that have developed quantum computing technology and evolved it for more than a thousand years may have the capability of performing subtleties and apparent trickeries of a significant kind.

Quantum computers making more calculations per nano-second than there are electrons in the Universe may be able to interact with and control physical manipulation technologies of real world quanta. To a certain extent reality may become as malleable as virtual reality to quantum computer control systems.

Of course quantum computers would reach theoretical limits on the number and accuracy of calculations equivalent to traditionally finite mass and energy criteria of the Universe along with the problems of calculating trans-finite quantities.

We may consider several potential applications of quantum field moderation.

1) Rename Mt. Denali - Mt. Mihail Tal
2) Pay off the U.S. public debt in five easy payments of $19.95
3) Fly invisible surveillance and control drones from extra-dimensions to steal shoelaces
4) Make atomic clocks run in reverse
5) Cause the Wisconsin vote recount to be in Hillary’s favor
6) Provide free Jimmy Durante nose jobs to everyone in Florida while they sleep
7) Move the Washington monument to Cape Cod

Technological advantages of the old world made conquest of the western hemisphere by some eastern hemisphere power inevitable-even if it had been those Chinese, Africans or Finlanders. Alternatively, alien quantum computing advantages may create such a space-time material advantage that conquest of the traditional variety would be obsolete. If a computer could redesign and actualize entire worlds or even star systems instantly-why bother jousting with and bumping out primitives from their caves?

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...