
Why the Left Wants Cold War With Russia

Since the end of the cold war the left-leaning U.S. leadership has moved to keep Russia out of main stream European and world business and of course it must if it hopes to restart communism around the globe. If Russia were to develop a very strong middle class and reduce poverty with free enterprise even the left of Europe would lose leverage for global socialism.

So the main idea is to make nice with China, keep Russia sanctioned and down so far as possible while putting the U.S. into such deep debt that social welfare benefits necessary to relieve poverty's extremes are eliminated and a restive underclass seeks more left leadership. China is developing capitalism yet the state requires that the majority of foreign owned companies be held by Chinese. China hence is a far better prospect for continuing socialism than Russia in the immediate future, and besides, China has cheap labor.

Recent conflict with china of a minor sort regarding the next administration reminds one of that of the Bush 43 administration that amounted to nothing eventually. The United States has such leaky tech security it seems that China probably has more filched tech items than they could produce and use in their own military.

Initially the Clinton administration sought to take Russia's spare nukes and destroy them and get them to sign away the Ukraine and some of its land that was part of Russia before Communism arrived in 1917. Then they were happy with war on Russian interests and of course the Obama administration placed tight sanctions on Russia because I suppose of president Putin's failure to support the homosexual agenda of President Obama and the Clintons.

No U.S. president since Ronald Regan have been very dynamic. Donald Trump will be an exception to thatline of insider style people in the White House since 1989. It was Ralph Nadir though that was the last candidate that seemed to have any sort of real competence and business and environment with good sense. Ecospheric economics with sustainability, strong nationalism on a democratic rather than an absolutist foundation, and an ethic of total social well being of all citizens won't be easy or even possible to accomplish without strong leaders. Fortunately the incipient Clinton dynasty was cut down leaving the possibility that quality Democratic candidates will arise in the future that are more normal yet with excellent environmental economic education.


A Matter of the Size of the Universe

I found a good video on the size of the Universe and it raised some questions. To recapitulate some points from the video…

The observable Universe is 13.7 billion light years in size in one direction because of the age of the star viewed (they did not exist earlier than that). Of course twice that distance is the diameter of the Universe, except because space itself expanded to as a result of dark energy the actual distance in diameter is 92 billion light years.

A cosmologist named Alan Guth invented something called inflation theory to explain how the Universe could have expanded to such a size in such a time consistent with math. Inflationary theory is that some sort of faster-than-light speed inflation of the early Universe occurred in the first second of its existence. As a result the actual size of the Universe beyond the observable could be a billion trillion light years or more. Therefore the observable Universe would be just a tiny bit of a far more vast Universe.

Most people I ever talked with about the Universe thought it was infinite in size logically, rather than of a finite size. One wonders how there cannot be something beyond any conceivable edge. So the cosmology discussion of today is really about how far the matter and energy of space go rather than is there an end to an infinite empty space (or perhaps not so empty).

Today cosmology shows tend to expect to wow people with how they have discovered how much bigger the Universe is than was known before, and that people formerly thought the Earth rode on the back of princess turtle-down who charitably turned in a circle each day to share the light with the just and unjust too, perversely as that may be, suggesting to Aristarchus and later, Kopernicus, the idea of buttered popcorn. The heavens above were regarded as a sphere where super-beings lived such as X-Men, The Mummy, Beverly Hillbillies and Thor the Thunder-kid, although not those from the Kolobian star system. As I mentioned above though many people have thought of space as infinite even if not the local matter and energy.

The cosmic background radiation charted by wmap of 2.8 degrees kelvin I believe the number is, and its pattern across the early universe and space observed in the most ancient light of the observable Universe more than 13.6 billion light years distant (it took that long for the light to reach today's Earth and surrounding telescopes), was in theory imprinted across the entire inflationary Universe even beyond the observable Universe. If one was a trillion light years from Earth looking out at your own observable Universe (different from this one), it should in theory look approximately the same with similar patterns of development caused by the same nearly instant inflation of the complete Universe.

One wonders if the big bang didn't have unequal patterns that were hidden by inflation in unobservable regions of the Universe. One also wonders if physicists can make any sort of calculation of the total amount of energy released in the initial big bang based on the age of the observable Universe, its cosmic micro-wave radiation patterns and quantity and the total mass of stars and matter perhaps plus dark matter and energy.

How much energy it did it take to drive inflation (that last for just a few nano-seconds or so apparently), why didn't inflation break up the cosmic microwave background pattern, and why did that inflation affect space, matter and energy together without distortion. Did inflation remove all of its energy from the Universe or spend it all accelerating energy and space?


Correcting Inefficiencies of Capitalism

If there is implicit structural inefficiency in contemporary capitalism is it possible to innovate a remedy? Capitalism applications have different forms in differing economic circumstances, levels of sophistication and so forth some being more practical than others. Capitalism presently has a bias toward expensive means of production limiting the potential number of product producers, and perhaps requiring substantial capital investment. If one could invent a universal hat-making machine easy to make at home it would put hat makers and related hat making supply industries out of business. The market is biased against most-efficient, lowest cost methods of production. The market runs against the present ecological-economic drive toward lowest-entropy economics as a principle of environmental conservation.
Traditionally in classical economics there has been analysis about market efficiency. With high-speed quantitative trading today that works with cold-blooded machine-language analysis efficiency of abstract values for instant speed-of-light dark pool exploitation the concept of market efficiency also means eliminating the human element from business and moving toward a version of Adam Smith's capitalism evolving to consolidation of power for the sake of power. Even so, capitalism has an innate bias against inventing the lowest cost way of production such that it would virtually be open source.
Modern capitalism increasingly favors expensive means of production with rare limited entry producers such as makers of computer chips. Transforming common goods into rare and expensive goods for political control is good sense although corrupt. Though mass production lowers cost and a corporation produces immense profits social economic development moves toward capital investment in businesses that benefit from investment and become more specialized and rarefied in production moving even beyond few existing rivals. Alternatively technologies that produce goods at very low cost and require little public investment are avoided. Inventors are disincentivized to search for such product inventions with no rewards for producer efficiency. There is an implicit bias toward expensive means of production and products that allows a class hierarchy to form unifying government and corporate political power.
When a dichotomy develops between producers and consumers on the basis of corporate hierarchies gathered about an exclusive, costly production industry democracy obviously dwindles. Though planetary masses may be drafted into becoming employees and affiliates of the costly production corporations the efficiency of capitalism suffers. When political power is taken by economic powers of capitalism even the potential for finding or inventing low-cost and efficient open source means of production dwindles. In such a deformed variety of capitalism anthropogenic entropy increases abnormally quickly.

Capitalism that has created de facto corporatism and concentration of wealth through networking and that does not use principles of ecological economics is existentially unresponsive to national and global interests. Uncreative minorities that concentrate wealth and power are repressive minorities of necessity. In a post-18th century high-tech version of capitalism that is a universally available method for all citizens because of the willingness of society to finance ecologically and creative business models there is no need to seek security within rarefied social strata of wealth. In an ecologically sustainable national context that is synergistic of global interests security and ambient lifestyle independence and satisfaction would be common facts. Capitalism that is over-concentrated is inefficient and a variety of reforms should be enacted to relieve the economic state of affairs from a networked business structure running toward universal plutocratic business monopoly.


Art of Intelligence; C.I.A. and Russian Hackers

Reading through former C.I.A. CTC director Hank Krumpton's book The Art of Intelligence recently I was struck by the differences between the Central Intelligence Agency and the F.B.I. approaches to intelligence. The C.I.A. supplies customers in government with intelligence that might be useful concerning foreign powers while the F.B.I. gets intelligence only to use as evidence in criminal prosecutions. Even so it seemed evident that national policy makers were not the sole government persons failing to discern the big picture and how to go about making excellent national policy as well as foreign policy.

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0064W5SGY/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1   The Art of Intelligence

The recent matter concerning the investigation of Russian hackers that may have tried to influence the Presidential election as much as global broadcast and even print journalists through prying into intelligence sources in order to publicize them is a case in point about failing to see the big picture rather than instant media frenzy-worthy issues. Globalism is also a problem inasmuch as most Republican and Democrat leaders have a vague grasp of political philosophy and believe rather naively that globalism necessarily leads to liberal democracy and the optimal state of global workers if not so much for American workers. Just to note; Adam Smith's 18th century economic-political treatise on Capitalism; The Wealth of Nations, wasn't the gospel, final and infallible statement on trade, commerce and business on the planet.


It is rather amusing that Karl Marx's prescriptive 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' was a blatant rip off of the thought of Jesus Christ. While that economic formula is a sound Christian ethic for giving and sharing it is in no way a good business model except for exploitation. The Lord Jesus was a realist about business matters as one finds in the parable of the unjust steward Luke 16:1-13. Christian ethics leading the soul on to eternal life commensurate with what the perfect God finds acceptable differs from business and manufacturing skills techniques although good ethics are valuable everywhere. American politicians cannot fathom that competent economic policy founded on ecological sustainability and full employment and well being of the majority are their actual primary tasks in government as well of course as enabling the right defense of the real world environment and employment, liberty well being of the majority and all so far as possible.

Sure Russians might have preferred that the Clintons not again corrupt U.S. domestic and foreign policy, however many people voted for that too. If politicians whipsaw about from issue to issue instead of working to defend the nation and make the nation great again as a environmental economic and strong civil rights example for all the nations, a gradual slide into global despotism with Plutocrats ruling their degraded, corrupted minions is not unlikely even while the environment is degraded too.


The Clintons and Republican leaders may be indignant that while Americans are easier to fool regarding dirty political secrets behind the curtain than Russians possibly. Quality internet security is de rigueur for those that haven't got open source, open door lifestyles. Democrat Party leaders should have taken care about what private email servers they transacted public affairs of state on.

If the U.S. Government hired Russia to build a moon base lab for manufacturing applications for a particular price they probably would get it done for a fraction of the N.A.S.A. cost. Since Richard Nixon's day American presidents have let manned space exploration and business die. R.F.K. challenged Americans to 50 mile hikes while modern Democrat presidents prefer inspiration of legal dope and homosexual marriage. For the nation to move forward it needs to tighten up somewhat and not abandon its borders to dopey globalism with despots, tyrants, plutocrats and neutered democracy. Thomas Jefferson said that all citizens should be soldiers. Modern leaders seem to think that all politicians should be rich and wear designer clothes.

Affirmative Applications for Reversing Obamacare

March 30, 2014
American public education evolved to a Soviet Union paradigm eclipsing common private school education. Freedom of choice from a menu of public and private school options is better than the Soviet school model. Could the Obamacare policy of usurping private sector health insurance be applied in reverse to liberate public education through government education voucher exchanges?

Is it possible to deescalate public education monopoly though public education exchanges with savory derivatives and a hint of dark pool quantitative trading (just joking about that). Creative Wall Street financing techniques innovated with Obama economic healthcare)-look what its done for balancing the Federal budget and paying down the public debt so far-might be useful for redistributing public education opportunities to include private school vouchers. The Democrat voter likes freedom of nuanced color choices instead of just one black color of Model A.

Plainly Obamacare has some faults and wrong premises. Young workers were supposed to pay a large tax for something they didn't need in order to redistribute their earnings to older workers with pre-existing conditions such as H.I.V. that couldn't get insurance. With that policy supported by young American democrat workers it was possible to lift the burden from the rich and cut their taxes. President Obama led the effort to make the Bush II tax cuts permanent.

It would have been practical to create standard emergency medical loans for workers age 60 and under that are usually healthful. With $10,000 available at favorable rates if a worker has some emergency health problem, and covering his or her/it's own out of pocket expenses for minor medical issues the cost of a given level of medical care could be low. One might pay $200 dollars a year for a loan guarantees instead of $6000 dollars for insurance each year that isn't used.

An expanded V.A. Medical system treating screened, verified poor Americans could substitute well for the holes in U.S. health coverage. Networking community health facilities with the V.A. system for the poor with no-cost services to the poor would have been plain and simple. Obamacare's thoughtless redistribution of wealth from the compassionate young willingly substituting for the rich apparently did have some neat health insurance exchanges that allow broken initially could with some tweaking be adapted as a model for education facilities where citizens could apply for affordable private school alternative to neon-communist public schools and all the become-indoctrinated standardized social programming that goes with them.

Science as Relative, Conditional Truth

Maybe science is relative truth, and conditional. One cannot demand that science produce absolute truth after Einstein's transcending implications of the general and special theories of relativity brought physics to the door of an ocean of temporal change. Science need correspond subject to predicate, word to object, probabilities for predictive behavior etc to create practical functioning truths. Science or knowledge need be accurate, functional and practical to work or to have credibility. It is a use-truth describing appearance and content so far as possible with verification rather than an inference or intuition about deeper explanations. Science is a mechanics rather than a faith.

I think no other century has or will develop philosophical logic and epistemology so much as did the 20th. In the 20th century linguistic philosophy developed through the Vienna Circle and with the rise of symbolic logic started by Frege continuing on to Strawson, Quine and Kripke it was possible to comprehend the nature of meaning and meaning of epistemology along with subjective ideas about it. Prior to the 20th century philosophical advance the history of philosophy might be found best in a few giants from pre-Socratic philosophers to the Attic philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, early scientific philosophers like Pythagoras and Democritus to theologian greats such as Augustine and Confucius on to Thomas Hobbes, Rene Descartes, G.W.F. Hegel, David Hume, Bishop Berkeley, Immanuel Kant and a few others.

Science before the rise of observational and experimental methods of verification in the field of cosmology was in a sense metaphysics. If people such as Parmenides and Heraclitus didn't have much accurate technical knowledge of the cosmos they could make logic-based inferences some of which resonate with more modern thought such as the spinning bucket paradigm of Newton and gravity. If five theories explaining the origin of matter and energy equally share claim to validity it might be fair to call the paradigm one of metaphysics-even though the individuals are excellent particle physicists. Metaphysics is about conjecture of explaining cosmology theoretically without directly confirming or validating tests. Science alternatively looks to tangible, material avenues of advance of confirmation.

As I mentioned above though, science need only confirm it's theories on reasonable logical grounds rather than exhaustively and exclusively of any other explanation. Conditional and relative truths that are logically consistent with their premises may be the best of scientific certainty about reality that is possible. The epistemological grounds of knowledge; human knowledge, is not absolute or infallible and is immersed within a physical media of being it cannot view from outside as a flying fish might regard the ocean in which it swims.

The Lord Jesus Christ transcended what is seemingly impossible for humans. The savior could love those that persecuted him, while humanity finds it quite challenging to actually love those that do so. Christians may employ metaphysical paradigmata themselves these days in reinterpreting the Old Testament in light of the shifting sands of temporal knowledge while knowing that God is greater than they.


Another Bike Wheel Stolen

So I picked out a bike from Alaska, travelled south to look for a job and ride a bike around, and bought the bike in Eugene Oregon. I had it all of three weeks before the back wheel was stolen effectively making the bike junk since that wheel costs more than another bike.

What I like least about the U.S.A. is the theivery of the people. With a parking lot full of cars the predators steal a bike from the poor. Probably that's the way things work in America though...good ideas and consolidation of real property trickle up while in the other direction, shit flows downhill.

Its not that I was careless-in fact I was as cautious as one reasonably might be riding around on wet, slick streets and camping far away. Alaska was a little better and less likely to have things disappear so fast basically because there are far fewer Americans there. Trump picked the head of Goldman Sachs to lead his economic team; do they steal bikes too?

It is challenging to help oneself much when people can destructively interefere.. Sometimes I wonder if laws should all be negated and people allowed to shoot whosever they want in order to get rid of the sophistry of the b.s. that largely supports corruption... the joys of 7 billion souls in a world ecosphere attacked by political leaders so that the vast spaces of the world are those converted by human economic activity into unproductive or unhealthy areas while the wild has a declining share.

The incident reminded me of a visit to Mexico City long ago. I was pickpocketed getting on the subway, so I reported that to a policeman who walked to the subway and waved to me as I got aboard and was pickpocketed the second time. In Oregon a policeman smiled on the way out of a building I was entering so should have known that I would be walking later in the day.

Jesus Christ is good though-even while human wickedness is the usual. Phenomenality of mind attacked through the body by other people with phenomenality of mind; and the resullt is a bunch of consumers of the ecosphere, corruption and so forth. That is temporality.


Ordinary People Care About Environment-EPA

Donald Trump has nominated an oil unbeliever in atmospheric warming from human causes to lead the E.P.A. Elites are often out of touch witrh reality regarding the environment, and Donald Trump's choice seems to reflect that.


Though we like Donald Trump shaking things up in D.C., the environment needs good protection from predators so that it may last for countless generations. The environment is not just a place for cheap-profit scumballs to destroy forests, coastlines, fish stocks and healthy land. While oil still produces 40% of the nation's power, it needs to be phased out as a fuewl and those evolved beyond Neanderthal status intellectually at least have tried to do so.

President-elect Trump choose to get into an unChristian business field-gambling- when his othewr businesses had a turn down in fortune. The nation's environment is not however chump change for gambling with. Alaskan forests and wild lines-remaining shorelines and wildlife are public trust goods and services that keep the world and nation healthy so far as predators cannot cash them out for dirty profit.

The new Trump administration should stop gambling with reality, life on Earth, public health and human society and grow up about environmental conservation. For many ordinary people a healthy environment is all they have that is good besides God. Those oily ecospheric slum-lords that want to force everyone into a box as wage-slaves though see only raw materials to exploit.

The Trump administration should be a good steward and quit gambling everywhere including states lotteries and the health of the ewnvironment and people on Earth. Why is it that godless atheist socialists and capitalists gamble with the fate of people and the environment instead of working for a rational society where everyone has enough?


Non-Blindfold Analysis of World Chess Championsip (poem)

I thought I ought to comment on the recently concluded world chess championship...so I made a video.



Solving the Mystery of the Democrat Party

Since the Democrat party of the Clinton era of 1992 continuing to the present is something of a mystery regarding its purpose I thought I would write a little in an effort to understand its lunacy and abandonment of common sense.

The first impression one gets is that the homosexual trend was a try at creating a universal human depravity as a prerequisite for being allowed to get a job and stay with it. Depravity such as homosexual marriage, abortion and godless atheism as normative values of feminists and homosexuals seem to have replaced the idea of a strong middle class economy, well being of the poor with dignity and a strong nation. Democrats seems to have made a foe of national security and secure borders...one wonders why?

A Democrat Party as indolent as that of the Pelosi/Reed/Obama era that did more to benefit the ultra-rich than the poor and middle class is a mystery if one believes that it should be like the Democrats of the 1960s. Yet a party of imperialist leaders seeking to make cock-sucking a fundamental social value more-so than individualism with a right to work may look to globalism as a fertile ground for conversos to the way of evil. I guess its a consequence of corruption seeking to expand its way and normalize social swing values rather than personal physical work. Technology can make a mockery of individual physical effort and close down personal work and profit with microphones and networking. It is all something of a mystery.

Mexico has its rampant drug corruption and Democrats seem to want to expand that in the U.S.A. too. Reform of Obamacare so that the V.A. Hospital system is expanded and unified with community poor person's clinics while the private corporate world is backed out of the public legitimate area of common interest of health care for the poor and those that have exhausted insurance benefits below a certain level equivalent to bankruptcy protection would probably be more efficient and humane-means tests for the poor requiring treatment.

Its is a terrible thing for the nation to lose good job prospects especially for the poor and middle class. Job security over time is required to be able to afford the basically expensive yet necessary items like a home and an electric car that doesn't add pollution to the air. When politics destroys poor and middle class job stability and prospects what they have trickles up to the rich. Democrats don't seem to give a rats ass about such concerns any more. They simply seek to discover opportunities to exploit white males, Christians and any other persons suspected of not supporting the depravity agenda.


The Destiny of Water (poem)

The Destiny of Water

To flow where gravity wills
beyond silence through hills
morning glory with turbulent rills
finding eddies thus whorls
reluctance never ahead

frozen clumps of space
water-clods pushed and tugged
mystics of frosted rhymes
optimal configurations packing crates
wait, iced

droplets of vaporized lines
heated like warnings on ergs plasma shore
melting places of space time
egg carton factors ordered designed

expansive lattices of molecules
philosophically unreflective
soaking into temporal change
French toast with hot coffee, syrup thick
sprees of speech and politics caffeinated

carbonated water underground
aquifers added with fracking sludge
pressurized crude degrees fields of separation
as oil and water effusively recalcitrant-
reclusive and risen together

Appeasement redirecting the river of westony
beyond the Styx and craws of death
Rhining the crowned prince Ruprecht down
to drown in vectors of fusion
where wistful, feet-dragging alt mems flowed
into the sea.

Donald Trump May Win Nobel Peace Prize

President elect Trump might work on an acceptance speech for a Nobel peace prize that traditionally is given to U.S. presidents-elect. President Trump might bring peace to Syria, Yemen and Libya, end conflict in Ukraine with a Russian-Ukrainian joint custody of the Dneipr and basically get more electro-magnetic high-speed transport tubes built from Moscow to Fairbanks, Chicago and points east and west.

President Obama after winning the Nobel Prize brought peace to Egypt, Libya Syria, Ukraine, Crimea, Mexico, Wall Street with permanent tax cuts and zero interest Federal Reserve loans to the most rich.


Alien Quantum Computer Applications

Alien civilizations that have developed quantum computing technology and evolved it for more than a thousand years may have the capability of performing subtleties and apparent trickeries of a significant kind.

Quantum computers making more calculations per nano-second than there are electrons in the Universe may be able to interact with and control physical manipulation technologies of real world quanta. To a certain extent reality may become as malleable as virtual reality to quantum computer control systems.

Of course quantum computers would reach theoretical limits on the number and accuracy of calculations equivalent to traditionally finite mass and energy criteria of the Universe along with the problems of calculating trans-finite quantities.

We may consider several potential applications of quantum field moderation.

1) Rename Mt. Denali - Mt. Mihail Tal
2) Pay off the U.S. public debt in five easy payments of $19.95
3) Fly invisible surveillance and control drones from extra-dimensions to steal shoelaces
4) Make atomic clocks run in reverse
5) Cause the Wisconsin vote recount to be in Hillary’s favor
6) Provide free Jimmy Durante nose jobs to everyone in Florida while they sleep
7) Move the Washington monument to Cape Cod

Technological advantages of the old world made conquest of the western hemisphere by some eastern hemisphere power inevitable-even if it had been those Chinese, Africans or Finlanders. Alternatively, alien quantum computing advantages may create such a space-time material advantage that conquest of the traditional variety would be obsolete. If a computer could redesign and actualize entire worlds or even star systems instantly-why bother jousting with and bumping out primitives from their caves?


U.S. Public Debt Increasing Faster than G.D.P.

U.S. public debt is nearing 20 trillion dollars while U.S. gross domestic product is somewhat more than 18 trillion dollars. The public debt is apparently increasing faster than U.S. economic growth-and most of that is going to the most rich. Because the Clintons and Obamas did not address the structural issues for the benefit of the poor and middle class first, and as the discretionary part of the federal budget comprises just 7%, I wonder how the economic picture of the nation can be reformed.


Actually I think that real economic reform that actually benefits the poor and middle class isn’t likely. Human greed and original sin saturate government, the media and Wall Street to the point that even the environment suffers so champagne and fine booze drinking elites can have cashmere shag carpets or whatever and cars that pollute the atmosphere with tons of carbon emissions each year.

Actually socialism, communism and corporatism end up with the same oligarchy-like monopolistic bureaucracies running the world because of the nature of human social organization. Free enterprise actual dies within advanced bureaucratic-wall Street stock owning wealth concentration though good product continues to be produced for some time. Individualism and free enterprise as well as real democracy are actually the endangered political forms now.

Government with the consent of intelligent masses could actually make vast practical reforms toward sustainable ecological economic infrastructure limiting the percent of capital anyone may have in order to keep democracy rather than plutonomy ruling. With guaranteed minimum income and pragmatic social support services it would be possible for inventions and clever, efficient free enterprises to be developed theoretically first and those meeting environmental low impact and synergy goals best allowed to go ahead. That is desperation for jobs wouldn’t be the only political moderator on the electorate. Capitalism itself selects naturally for more capital rather than for a better environment or equitable distribution of wealth to all people equally within basic criteria even while allowing people to profit and save from their labor and inventions above the baseline.

Plainly the United States and most world political systems today are maladaptive to the present environmental and demographic facts of life. Political theory tends to be at least a century behind along with governing environmental theory. The natural default to thoughtless minions supporting concentrated wealth and saluting the dollar sign fuhrers that are money rather than reason will continue even being reinforced by waves of senseless commercial brainwashing. A financial philosopher today developing political epistemology might write “I think, therefor I am broke”.

It will be amazing to see what President-elect Trump can do with a fundamentally crummy national economic outlook that has found it to easy to develop overseas, exploit cheap foreign labor, run up public debt and avoid any sort of national leadership responsibility since the end of the cold war. Capitalism itself is in need of reform as well as the nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure could be transformed into a new ecological economic form rather than wasting resources in old style, existing establishment, yet of course the establishment resists that.

President elect Trump should prioritize green transportation with electric cars, buses and rail drawing power from green sources. African development should be influenced toward green electro-magnetic power too, rather than fossil fuel cars-and that means new mass transportation.

Wherever possible developed land should be returned to a natural condition replacing existing buildings with smaller, cheaper better monolithic domes occupying less space. Border security could have a trans-continental salt-water canals and solar evaporation-condensation for desalinization infrastructure to make water for the parched Southwest. Many things are possible. A return to making patents affordable would help. Inventors should be given exclusive patents for just 7 years and after that a small royalty percent from anyone using the patent for production (for 50 years) before its public domain. Its rather difficult materially to manufacture things in the U.S.A. after getting an idea that is patentable making it doubly difficult for poor yet intelligent and inventive people to cash in on thought-as it is presently-ideas have to be given away to trickle up to the rich or well-placed, so why be inventive at all?


Wild Turkeys (video)

Wild turkeys enjoy thanksgiving.

Darwinian Skinkery and the Orange Wave

A recent Gecko ad featured a critical orange cheese-puff jamming the gears of the machine. Cloud leftists from India to Albuquerque derided Trump the candidate as a political pop-Cheeto. Yet the orange sherbet wave-cut is the trend of the future. Orange comb-over-do may crush remnant opposition.

What became of the Democrat party of the 60's with its focus on the middle class economic portion of the nation's wealth? It transitioned into the antinomy of M.L.K.'s I have a dream criterion. The flaw with M.L.K.'s content of character criterion was the evolving idea that character doesn't matter and neither does mind. The left regard each to be emergent evolutionary phenomena.

Some scientists have said that only D.N.A. matters. Deweyan pedagogical paradigms largely negating truth, character subjectivity became a Democrat Party lubricant to subvert existing social structures of the U.S.A., media and politics. Black Lives Matter is politically about no more than a class physical characteristic. Content of character as character was erased along with ideas about classical virtue from party planks. Character could be redefined subjectively to mean anything. Liberal dope use or homosexuality, skin color or lying were regarded equally well with or even preferential to altruism as good character. Character within Christian or even classical virtue as M.L.K. might have envisioned, was dead.

Statistically objective, class economics were important to both major party's during the last 70 years of the 20th century. Beginning with the post-Vietnam conflict era though, deregulation of Wall Street and a dollar no longer tied to the value of gold and gold reserves let a kind of financial phenomenalism creep in. The administration of Bill Clinton liberated Wall Street with deregulation founding the home mortgage/derivatives/banking crisis of 2008. With Bill Clinton the Democrat Party entirely lost its economic moral bearings. It evolved through the Bush II years to produce Barrack Obama via Harvard to become the entirely race/gender/sex perversion nominal party with voters electing candidates solely on the basis of race/gender/perversion physicalism. Race may be regarded (wrongly) as character, as can gender and with an element of truth; perversion.

President Obama gave the most rich of the elites everything they wanted in tax cuts. The 1% supported homosexual marriage through corporate opinion and media. President Obama was something of a Scarlett Pimpernel rescuing the rich from economic blame or consequences of the 2008 derivatives crisis. He also supported fully the corporate global agenda and flooding of the U.S.A. with cheap illegal immigrant labor. Donald Trump benefited from the Democrat Party's abandonment of defense of U.S. labor and jobs. Since the Democrat party leadership was already fully committed to defense of the interests of the 1% and their policies, Donald Trump with largely his own financing had a fairly low threshold of resistance to overcome to become the President elect. Trump, a member of the elite wealthiest individuals in the world, drew support from what Richard Nixon once called the silent majority -since no one else represented them any more.

The age of celebrity politics thrives on superficiality and sound bites. Race, gender and perversion are more important than class economic analysis. National debt doesn't matter as much as football scores. Environmental decay doesn't mean as much as new cars. Global heating is not as meaningful as quality asphalt streets in Phoenix without potholes. National democracy must be some sort of racism and sexism in comparison to globalism and evolution theory political actualization while mind doesn't matter as much as credit. If democracy dies a silent death and viewers want celebrity leaders to entertain them while promoting all Democrats in a bureaucratic social utopia expanded to take over or at least unite with global corporations in fulfillment of Hitler and Mussolini's ideas about corporatism well, that can be tolerated with legal dope and nice imperial skinks.


Simplified Political Economy for Alaska Legislature

A simple governing political philosophy for the state of Alaska ought to be easy to make. Barking at the half-empty pipeline isn't good enough. Bark until it refills and government is funded fully again.

The state should not develop any fossil fuel pipelines- let free enterprise do that as it did for TAPS if and when the market looks that way. Alaska's natural resources shouldn't be just given away to global corporations and/or mismanaged at rock bottom prices.

The state needs to keep a stable tax rate for oil royalties from state reserves so any global corporations knows a priori what the cost of development would be from year to year. Global oil prices, supply and demand, fluctuating reserves etc make cost calculations a special game for the major players. Legislative cargo cult adjusting tax rates down are inefficient. The Gov. Sarah Von Palin tax plan should return and be the normal condition.

If the state government decides to invest in energy it should be in commercial fuel cell power plant incentives and wind farms. Reducing the size of government and making it more efficient along with a state income tax would pay for government as needed. The state shouldn't destroy natural resources selling them cheap to Japanese pulp, British Petroleum or Exxon-Mobil. Neither should it ruin fisheries with too much commercial harvest (half should be for sports and subsistence) and no fish free zones to let fish recover from the attack.

Alaska has lots of natural resources and conservative, fairly taxed commercial use if necessary will keep them intact and valuable for centuries. As it is presently unwise use at giveaway prices by the state legislators intent on kickbacks to themselves and special interests are bad government. Good government is very simple.


Humanity as Product in the Age of Corporatism

Do you have the right meta-tags on your life most pleasing to advertisers? In the corporatist union era where humans are regarded as product for the market the right tags are requisite if you are to get that big paycheck. Although slavery was outlawed, with a world surplus of highly unskilled labor market forces can put a price-value premium on humanity as product. Quality human product for market distribution emphatically rises.
Corporate networking and the totalization of global communications with twits reaching the farthest crenelations of formerly free niches of the world make political correctness for advertising immediate, integral is ;the rule. Government serves corporate power. Ad hoc collectivism of elites united in a common goal of inputting wealth and power reduce free enterprise and individual non-conformity to the dictatorship of market correctness. With stock share ownership inbreeding from preferred insider locations capitalism transitioned to an ad hoc business as effective as pure monopoly; degrading and co-opting non-conformist enterprise.
Changing the system to better serve individual free enterprise, invention, environmental sustainability and national self-determination would require an electorate well-educated in contemporary political philosophy-quite an impractical matter where the ruling government and business classes controlling media of all forms are proverbially a mile wide and an inch deep in streaming ancient capitalist and communist theoretical paradigms as if they reflected the present state of affairs.
What is corporatism they ask, and isn't state socialism a clear and present danger. Won't Wall Street and British royal evolution make smart lizards out of everyone eventually anyway? Didn't a pied piper scientific atheism lead Boston to reason? Isn't money a fiction dope emanated from the Federal Reserve to the Treasury and big banks for the pleasure and progress of the masses?
In the total goo  paradigm where astronauts need to be held in sealed diaper-slings with negative pressure evacuating excretions of the human condition while descending from orbit political philosophy thought is set aside for demands of the machine. Reform to new and better ways to live aren't developed with the pressurized fluid through-put of the market. Evolution of the machine transporting seven billion souls to their destinies is arrested with atmospheric market forces where the dictatorship of the proletariat as democracy-in-itself was burned up as a heat shield for the dictatorship of the ecologically unreasoning market. Sales of human products. Pretty labels. Superficial political philosophy sailing the economic world ship through shoal water aesthetics risk environmental and social, sudden, sharp disaster.


Trump and the Nuclear Option

To some observers U.S. national politics may seem like a soap opera named The Dumb and the Wrong. So then, over the years, before the Federal Reserve started giving billions and billions of zero interest loans and buying up T-bills to finance the federal budget of annual vast deficits ($20 trillion and counting), what went wrong?

When President Obama got Harry Reed to use the nuclear option to pass Obamacare with a bare majority, and when he was the primary cheerleader making Bush II tax cuts for the rich permanent, he effectively neutered the Democrat party’s power as a minority in the future. With the election of Republican Donald Trump taking office with a full majority in the House and Senate the Democrats will be effectively powerless to resist whatever legislation the Republican party chooses. Donald Trump will be the most powerful President since F.D.R.

It is a fact that Republicans and Democrats have run wet firecracker candidates for the White House following the end of the cold war. Bush II, McCain and Romney are not regarded as mainstream ecological economist, nationalist candidates at all, for that matter neither was the venerable Bob Dole whom would have been a far better alternative to the Oxford attorney Bill Clinton.

Considering the economic decline of the United States since the cold war one may wonder if better Presidential leadership might have made a difference in modernizing and upgrading the post-cold war economic environment of the United States. I suppose a Democrat Party that had the economic priorities of the 1960s was in order where it was still a tough economic negotiator with Republicans and the difference between the most rich and poor was not so great. Following the Jimmy Carter administration the Democrat Party lost its bearings and forsook tight fiscal responsible for the poor and middle class in negotiations in Congress. What apparently occurred was the takeover of the Democrat Party by former anti-war activists, many of whom were not poor at all, that had far more concern for sundry social issues than prior generations, and that further were inured with counter-cultural values. A celebrity driven, rather spaced and even vague principle of identity, Leninist ‘and no religion too’ greased politics where money didn’t matter as much as power, dope, homosexuality and feminism party emerged. For a time Democrats drew in environmentalists only to discover their interests were given just nominal regard as the party continued.

The Clinton administration presented an Oxford-Arkansas synthesis of counter-culture values for-the-establishment with smoking-yet-not-inhaling /depends on what the meaning of is, is, disingenuity and admiration for Wall Street. Democrat Party yuppification would take homosexuals and feminists to the top. Lost was an interest in good paying jobs for those unemployed and underemployed at the bottom and lower middle class. It is doubtful that President Obama used the word ‘poor’ more than a handful of times over the course of two administrations.

In the absence of Democrat party economic sobriety, nothing would keep Wall Street in check. The Clinton administration brought sweeping deregulation to the market with all the problems brought to light in the 2008 mortgage and derivatives/finance crash. With the Clinton foundation’s solicitations of contributions from the rich and speaking fees from Wall Street for both Bill and Hillary the Democrat party became a loud race and sexuality advocate for the special interest groups of the party with little concern for ecological economic reform that would be in fundamental conflict if poorly applied with the street. Instead, the Democrat Party and Republican insiders like the Bushes moved toward a unified corporate-government synthetic one-party fusion.

The 2010 Battle of Seattle with protesters confronting a World Trade Organization meeting there showed the fundamental loss of bearings by Democrat Party leadership and special interests with a schism between nationalists with economic concerns (shared in many nations) and high-flying globalist Clintonista-Obamanites. That schism remains and will so long as the Democrat Party remains aloof from objective class and social economic statistical facts such as who and how many earn the least and the way it goes right to the top and the 1% and works to flood the nation with cheap foreign labour instead of repairing the environment while stimulating economic positive change for U.S. citizens of the lower 50% income bracket.

The Trump administration would be wise to realize that fuel cell, wind and solar power are part of the energy sector and in fact the better place to stimulate investment with tax credits and federal support. High tech energy generation and storage is the way of the future. Is it not better to train people in emergent high-tech fields for economic progress than to retard national energy education and become coal extraction industry recidivists decreasing the human prospects for survival on Earth? Need the U.S.A. follow Chinese solar panel leadership in the future and be thought of as an energy Neanderthal yippee nation of air and environment CO2 emitters? The failure of Republican leadership after the Nixon administration to address national environmental concerns with competence is a great wound Democrat apparatchiks exploit tirelessly each election cycle. There is no need, for example, to quit the Paris agreement since it is a toothless dog of legislation that won’t trouble polluters much if it bites. To quit the agreement will freshen the wound for the next election cycle unless a newer, more effective piece of CO2 reduction work takes its place. Opposition to global warming reduction politically is the equivalent of doing swan dives from a high board into two feet of water...if environmental crimes against humanity trials ever take place the Republican Party may have a few top ten finishers in the docket.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...