
Facebook's New Mission; To Make the World Feel More Cramped

Mark Zuckerberg has updated Facebook's mission' ""To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together."

Facebook is going to show the idiots how to build a community. That will be very helpful for feral humanity living in caves or simply wandering about the veldt and savannah. High plains drifters without any sense of community-building whatsoever are a perennial problem for politicians whom have been wondering about how to get one started.

Then Mr. Zuckerberg happened along with the brilliant idea of global homoculture instead of nations and diversity, individualism and a feeling of wilderness. There are some that believe the world is crowded enough and won't want help feeling claustrophobic (phobias are politically incorrect too). Maybe he thinks it takes a village of the damned.

Across the Universe of fiction there are all sorts of people, as well as predators and conquerors of worlds. People seek the farthest distances simply to get away from a feeling of crowdedness sometimes.

from 'The Universal Widget'...

"Yvonne, the Spudolian situation reminds me a bit of the Y'Earth passion play. God visited lost Y'Earthmen. The Lord came as a humble servant to those Jesus Christ would save.
Imagine being the author of reality and deciding to experience a play one writes as a character in it. None in the play realize reality is contingent reality- reality seems final and terminal with nothing following its end in entropy, Not even The Son Jesus Christ kept immediate omniscience on Y'Earth though he had a direct relationship with 'The Father'.
Yet the author of reality and the play has no need to appear as a king or powerful ruler, simply to understand existence from his character's point of view. His appearance was just to offer ethical guidance and a way to overcome the failings of humanity that are original and subsequent. They could look toward the future with salvation provided by the God. The appearance of the Universal widget on Spud and elsewhere is not a comparable paradigm of Authorship to that of The Lord Jesus Christ appearing to offer a way of salvation to God's creations, yet it is something like a superior being bringing inventions and hope to the doped and decaying worlds over-consuming their finite resources materially and intellectually."
"Spud certainly has had its share of trouble lately. At least Faggovam rule was overthrown and forced out."
"What do you think the Universal widget might be for-itself?"
"It's probably some sort of membrane of membranes emerging from one-dimensional infinite reduction into infinity of membranes constructing N-Dimensional structures."
"So it could be quite small? If it is implicitly transcendent of inertially evolving energy-force mass structures in a field of entropic motion it could have a will-directed scalar field. That is it might not be like a cleverly packed assembler language of creation of logically possible physical forms with finite potential to actualize or evolve with determined permutations."
"Well, I wouldn't think it's too limited or fixed in scale Pat. If any particular element of the Higgs field that temporalizes in the steady state of decoherence could be entirely for-itself then it ought to be the Universal widget. That type of wonder widget might be a phenomenon representing the typical philosophical problem of one thing as a U (1) monism becoming pluralism with disunity to infinity actualizing along the way as an infinite number of forms-many of which are useful inventions.

So that brings me to wonder how an isolated, infinitely reduced particle would get power to increase its activity or scale."

Pres. Trump Won’t Elevate the Poor in Corporatism's Global Evil Empire

President Trump reportedly said that he won't elevate the poor to run the economy. That news isn’t very surprising. The United States is a corporatist state that evolved to repress free enterprise and democracy since Bill Clinton was President. Quasi-governmental agencies as mundane as the Postal Service and N.P.R. serve as terrorist support organaizations.

Wealth is concentrating in the U.S.A. and intellectual capital is redistributed to the right people for marketing symbolism purposes in order to enrich the 1% with inherited wealth. The interests of that class are what have driven the rise of corporatism to displace actual American free enterprise.

Not that most people would notice. The sort of creativity that may exist in people with politically or socially incorrect qualifications is not the ordinary sort that masses of Americans happy to be working in the corporatist structure would be aware of.

The primary trouble with de facto state terrorism and repression of free enterprise is that it selects less than optimal domesticated world solutions. The inherited wealth class are not the most creative. They simply have the most effective killers.

Mexican Murders Hit Record High in May 2017

Mexico's murder record for the month of May is part of a long-term trend of increase. More than 9000 poeple were murdered so far this year in that narco-state. ABC reported 2162 people killed. Al Jazeera reported 2452. That nation has reached the top 20 list of nations of the world with the highest murder rate. A violent culture is sometimes an indicator of deeper social issues.Maybe Mexicans don't read enough books.




Are the Hack Attacks on Voting & Political Junk the Fault of the Hacked or Opposite Party?

Without straying without warrant into an eisegesis of news reports of Russian ballot stuffing of U.S. election boxes for Donald Trump causing Hillary to lose and Americans to question their basic trust in government, is it possible to ask if U.S. governments are incompetent at election security as well as border security? Is the nation such a banana republic that it cannot be confident about the integrity of it voting procedures?

Plainly there is a world of hackers looking for Hillary Clinton's dirty laundry on her unsecured server where she did state department business though the hard rives of the concerned computers were fortunately accidentally wiped so no one really knows what was on them. Yet insider leakers of classified partisan campaign chat seems to reflect on the failure of security procedures more than on the nation of the opposite political party for benefiting from anything released to the public. 

If politicians and government officials are daft about contemporary security concerns and are just sloppy should they descry the wicked hackers in the world or tighten their own security procedures? Political bambis that expect a world full of muffins and flowers in a wolf den of computer hackers since infancy wolf found to leave government computers alone is silly.

U.S. governments are reluctant to tighten up voter ID and security against illegal aliens. Why should they expect to be better at cyber security than direct national physical security?


Steven Hawking; 'It Takes a Moon Village'

Stephen Hawking has spoken out again on the urgency of space travel and colonization for humans. He said recently that mankind should return to the moon. It takes a moon village as a step toward living realistically elsewhere than the Earth (Ur-th_),

A lunar village should be named Obama Village and be a scientific and agriculture research site. Quantum teleportation and entanglement would be useful for future communications. The darp side of the moon is a good place for setting lasers and electro-magnetic field generators to provide power for experimental spacecraft.  The Trump administration should coordinate the synergy between private and public ventures to build the base camp on the moon.

President Trump may not be aware of the vast amount of gold and valuable jewels that are probably hidden around the solar system. He may not realize that in zero gravity a potato might be grown larger than a bus and provide French fries for an entire battalion of space soldiers. The gas giant planets have more than enough methane to provide global warming skeptics with fuel for billions of years.

Hawking believes humanity will destroy itself if it doesn't diversify. I agree.

No Sanctions Yet on Boston for Occupying Native Land

Thankfully no sanctions have yet been placed on Bostonians for occupying land taken from several native peoples such as the Chappaquiddick Tribe of the Wampanog Indian Nation, the Herring Ponf Wampanoag tribe, the Nipmuc nation, Pacassets and Seaconke of the Wampanoag Tribe. The state of Massachusetts in fact expropriated its name from a native tribe of first peoples creating a mockery greater than that of the Washington Redskins.

It is difficult to anticipate what sort of sanctions could induce Boston to leave the land its expropriated. One may studythe sanctions the United States has placed upon Russia to try tof force it to vacate its heartland of Ukraine and long held possession the Crimea. Mock attacks on Russian aircraft carrying senior defense officials seems to be one tactic used to force people to give up their homeland.


Boston has violated the ecologiccal integrity of the fishing and hunting grounds of the Massachusetts people. No amount of sanctions can reverse the harm done to the peace loving first peoples of New England, nor are warplanes threatening strafing and shoot downs likely to appear in the defense of native rights of return.

The hostile takeover starting at Plymouth Rock was a long-time plan to disposses the first peoples. The technical prowess in martial arts of the Englanders was such a great advantage that the natives were pushed out over time. Harvard University grew their to export its indoctrinated graduates across the nation and the world to gather more power for Boston. 

Carlsen, Mayweather and the Problem of Racism in Norway and Gambling

People wonder if Magnus Carlsen's game is off temporarily of in the long run. Some racist Norwegians become abusive if one comparies their national hero to a black world-champion boxer who will soon fight a white guy with no boxing record at all.  For Carlsen, IMO a low profile-a normal human chess guy, is a better plan than a 2900 approach in the world today, That would make too many democrats unhappy. Its like the MacGregor-Mayweather fight. The match needs to have at least some credibility to make those 100 million dollar pay checks fill in. MC needs to be a fight promoter as well as the champion.

As of today to win $100 betting on Mayweather to pummel MacGregor in Las Vegas, one would need to bet $550. Because white people have more money to throw away on the sin of gambling, and because they can win $375 for betting a $100 on MacGregor, the odds tend to reduce as people are drawn to the shiny nugget.  Skill matters in boxing and chess, yet racism changes the betting odds as well as fighting skill. Some will bet money believing in the power of race. Apparently some identify Norwegian chess with supremacy such as Quisling Nazis had as sychophants of Hitler. That thug trait is an unfortunate association for Carlsen since his deportment is excellent and he is just a chess playing guy.

 Today, beyond playing in Norway, the odds of Carlsen losing a particular match would not be positive. I don't know if people gamble on chess, yet MC probably remains the better's favorite.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...