
Holocene Mass Extinction is Also a Problem

Scientists and Democrats often talk about global warming. Yet the 6th mass extinction in the past 440 million years or so is also a problem because its happening now.Because Democrats don't reform economics nearly enough to fix the ecosphere, their policy is generally a sham. They will let Japan take the moon and plant the rising sun on it before being motivated to form a free moon trade agreement with them. They would never tear up the asphalt or require homes to use solar panel shingles and siding.

Global warming effects could help the mass extinction really move forward if it ends up depleting oxygen in ocean water. That's already happened for a time in places like Puget Sound's branch Hood canal and Chesapeake Bay. Things that need oxygen like fish simply die-although without being forced to listen to the broadcast media sell stuff and chat-up innuendo, rumors and falsehoods that is somewhat merciful.

Human development without concern for ecospheric consequences is the culprit for the holocene mass extinction, as is global warming.

Interesting the nearby star Betelegeuse (640 million light years) is in red giant phase and may go super-nova anytime the one-hundred thousand years. Even though its primary direction of gamma ray streaming misses Earth by about 20 degrees so all oceanic and most surface life probably won't die, I wouldn't want to gamble on that. Its possible the star's eccentric convection currents and non-symmetric shape could change its axis angle toward Earth eventually and then, the holocene mass extinction in progress would be jus ta dream of friendlier times when life existed on Earth (besides a few hiding out in special bunkers that survive perhaps).



Time to Shrink Marines to Naval Protection Service

Beach landing largely are a thing of the past and the U.S. Government has a budget problem. In order to eliminate redundancy it should shrink the Marines to a 25,000 man elite protection service for the navy, expand the Seals to 5000 men, women and whatever else they deem useful. Increase the Army by 200,000 and create a Black Op Special Service force of 100,000 that is composed entirely of commandos.

It isn't the way it was, yet it is better adapted to the modern world.

U.S. Civility Decreases Under Broadcast Media

The American broadcast media have abandoned all moral standards in support of sensationalism for purposes of commercial proplits. They have trained the electorate toward incivility, dope and homosexual norms with nothing being of meaning except comfort.

The broadcast media have trained Americans to hate Russia since the end of the cold war and turned leftist states into blue states and associated conservatism with 'red' communist states. The broadcast media are the wind blowing smoke up the derrières of the Democrat Party that just wants to occupy government offices rather than doing anything competent with them regarding policy.

Americans are displeased with the 20 trillion dollars of public debt yet are trained to regard the federal deficit as something to disregard. They have been trained by the media to hate the President and like anything at Facebook. The media have trained too many to violate personal space of individuals and to make individual self-determination something akin to indignant avoidance of collective ad hoc union will.

The broadcast media have a zillion polls available to reinforce their point of view of the nation and world that coincide with cutting taxes for the rich and the concentration of wealth with the economy growing slower than the income of the 1% who are gathering every bit of loose capital up internetwork-for-themselves.

The public distrust institutions and the broadcast media yet have no idea what that distrust means. The public cannot revolt or even produce a few hundred thousand government casualties if they wanted to. The public are unified in symbolism that means the reinforcement of all the things that produce their own economic and social circumstances and cannot detach their existence from control of their oppressors.

The public would like actual ecological economic competence in government that produces balanced budgets, secure borders, full employment and a good safety net and know their isn't a snowballs chance in hell of government being even marginally competent.

The same old s..t will continue, and the public knows that, although Democrats want Democrats in office to make a more immorally comfortable hog wallow for-themselves.


Pres. Trump Trolls CNN

It's refreshing to have a President give the broadcast media a little of what they deserve. They are used to bullying and kicking a lem around, and that isn't the President. CNN and others are such winers. They would make poor individuals homeless with abuse and if they found themselves discomforted even a little would call their god rem for vengeance.





One would hope the President would body-slam N.P.R. and the gangster racketeer media. Do some actual financial harm, as they like to do with their dissing treachery.

Trump Body-slams WWE Head in Video


Pres. Trump Neglects to Say that Congress Also is 'Dumb as a Rock'

President Trump commented Saturday that the Morning Joe people are 'dumb as rocks' and are puppets of their rich owners. He did not provide such constructive criticism for the Congress however that has been dumb as rocks overall, for the past 30 years (well, since Tip O'Neill retired).


It is congress that can't get anything practical done on about anything. They let the moon program die, they paved the nation with heat absorbing asphalt, they flooded the nation with SUVs, they flood the nation with illegal aliens, they cut taxes on the rich so far as to let the concentration of wealth grow faster than the national economy so wealth is concentrating, theybpiled up 20 trillion dollars of public debt, they let North Korea develop a hydrogen bomb and ICBMs, they won't expand the V.A. hospital system and poor persons clinics in order to provide direct free health care for the poor quite apart from the insurance industry, they can't stimulate competition in the medical industry in order that ideas of free enterprise competition might drive prices down, they let global warming increase, they let a mass die off of species accelerate, they can't get wages to rise for all Americans that are not prosperous, they haven't reformed the patent system limiting patents to 7 years with 10% royalties for inventors thereafter in order to stimulate technological progress, etc. 
The Congress is dumb as rocks too.

Ex-Pres Obama Sewing Tares for Trump

Former President Obama is trolling the public realm for current President Donald Trump. That breaks with tradition about former Presidents not clinging on to power (or trying to). President Trump may have anew approach (free enterprise). Nags and back-seat drivers won’t help that, unless they do.

With President Trump, nags don’t promote compromise and relief, instead it just throws interference nuts into the already wrenched down engine of political progress. The media likes to keep turmoil all fluffed up.

Ex-President Obama commented about the U.S. not leading in the environmental sector in the Trump era. Yet surely former President Obama must be joking about the U.S. being a leader instead of a loser at environmental progress. Did he notice that there are still a few fossil fuel vehicles on the highways that are absorbing sunshine and releasing it after dark creating ecospheric micro-climate change and overall, macro-change? Pres. Theodrore Roosevelt was the only fellow in the White House that made the U.S, briefly, and environmental leader.

The Obama Too tax cuts for about everyone did more to harm the ecosphere than 10,000 D-9 caterpillars. It is rather offensive to good sense that Mr. Obama regards the U.S. as ever having been an environmental leader-especially during his eight years. In that time the world and national ecosphere continued to decay and species were lost. There was no good leadership whatsoever while Mr. Obama was in office. Overall the doomsday clock for the environment moved a few minutes closer to midnight.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...