
Unlimited Capitalism, Socialism and Corporatism are Wrong- One Remedy

The remedy to the over-concentration of wealth and all of the imperial problems that arise from that is a 90% tax on earnings of more than 1 million dollars annually and more than 50 million dollars in assets. Society requires people to have capital to start business ventures, invent and patent items and so forth, yet too much capital allows people to lever the market and end up buying businesses with capital that compounds and grows. Today one percent of the people have way too much wealth in the U.S.A. and control politics via the media and other means. It is as if the U.S.A. was taken over by Lord Fairfax, Lord Baltimore and peers.

The nation needs fresh free enterprise and politics as well as some of the old establishment in decent scale rather than as a scalar field that increases conquest and consolidation of national capital. Those out of work the longest should have tax credits given to employers for hiring them first. People should not be forced to poverty through networking of unemployment in a Las Vegas style gamed up Wall Street economy.

Networked capital is comparable to the gravitational field of a large star. People like stars and they serve a purpose. Yet too large and their gravitational attraction converts it into a black hole drawing in every planet and small object within a vast region into its orbit and event horizon. Too much concentrated capital snuffs independent political and free enterprise vectors. The Milky Way galaxy has a vast black hole at the center and the entire system orbits around it. The galaxy is a good thing yet because stars still remain moderately free and at a distance. The U.S.A. today is like that galaxy at a later yet not final stage were the black hole is much larger, the free planets fewer and more tightly bound in orbit around the black hole.

With a 90% tax rate on the most rich and the same rates as at present on everyone else the nation could go on a more creative and restorative path. It could pay off the public debt, provide fer high quality education for all citizens, better health care, restore the health of the ecosystem and finance new and different, more efficient yet less displacing transportation and living infrastructure. A fair minimum income for Americans would be innovated at about 6000 annually. A very large endowment to finance Eco-green patents and business start ups would be made to exist.

With people limited to owning shares in just three corporations the integrity of corporate development could resume. The military would continue to have solid financing at a slightly lower level; perhaps 20% off, and citizens would be required to perform 6 months of active reserve military training and eight years inactive reserve.

Socialism is wrong because it creates a low ceiling on individual independence of thought and business. Government should not run any business- free enterprise does that best and people should be allowed to help themselves to become rich, yet levering that wealth for further gain through Wall Street banks and business takeovers disrupts the integrity of the system. Democracy cannot survive vast concentration of wealth- it never has. Democracy requires that wealth so great as to intimidate, buy, corrupt and co-opt the system of political self-determination through an informed populace cannot be allowed to upsurge into existence as it has. One has evolved is corporatism- a political philosophy invented by the Italian Dictator Mussolini and used by Hitler in the Third Reich. In today’s political environment corporatism and authoritarian communism are likely to evolve a working relationship of rule over billions of poor and middle class subjects without any actual power for self-determination. The sad thing to me is that perhaps most will be happy with that.

Regarding the Sancutary City Rebellion or Sedition

It seems more like sedition rather than rebellion. The major parties have their own world views and are antipodes regarding legislation. Idiots anyway…corrupt, spoilt. Destining Americans pointless minion-peons for globalist corporatist-socialists with concentrated wealth and power.
While minimum wage went up 3.5 times the past 50 years the stock market went up from 850 to 23,000. Those extra trillions went to 1% of the people. Real Americans were left behind and are politically a herd to be controlled. President Obama making tax cuts for the 1% permanent was the final betrayal required for the end of democracy.


Recurrent Cycles of New Year Historical Determinism

New Year 2020 could have new items like pink ladies high heels plastic drinking cups and floating sphere lamps a foot in diameter easy to relocate from room ceiling to ceiling, yet the usual political suspects with the same tired old planks will reappear. None know the difference between capitalism/corporatism/oilgharchy, socialism and free enterprise democracy,  so the emergent political choices remain those of pre-determined cyclical historical vectors negating intelligent choices of future determination.


Trade War Should Continue 'Till China Recognizes Taiwanese Independence

While China has perpetrated racial-political genocide on Tibet, people like Bill Gates have sought partnership building experimental nuclear plants in China to empower the oppressive regime further. President Trump has rightly conducted trade war to stiff arm the aggressive, expansive, vastly populous nation a little, yet President Xi of China has made implied threats toward the peaceful island nation of Taiwan declaring it a prize for China's borg empire waiting to be consumed.

President Trump should continue the trade war until China recognizes Taiwanese independence. Democrats should sign off on the wall and face reality instead of dopey fantasy utopia they perceive all around them if it weren't for the President.

Chinese leadership under the dictator should forego the usual ways of politically swelling with a large population and an increasingly efficient and productive economy often leading to war or annexation of lands and regions unwilling to be dominated by oppressive and vast left-wing bureaucracy. Humanity needs good new ideas rather than old ways and social vectors leading through unsustainability to conflict. War is the historical way for the rectification of politically acceptable ways and means internationally that well should be rendered obsolete with more innovative applications of logic.

Mitt Romney's Father Was Born in Mexico- Foreign Born Ineligible for the Office of President

In a way, Mitt Romney's attack on President Trump during the border wall government shutdown seems like the former Presidential candidate loser's way of validating himself as being a worthwhile politician not really rejected by the nation. The fellow who transported his dog in a car top carrier possibly in a hurry to get his family to a dressage elite horse prancing high stepping show (or maybe some other form of vacation) is the son of a man who was born in Mexico and ineligible to run for the office of President yet did. George Romney was born in Mexico. George's parents fled during the Mexican revolution. When the dictatorship was in jeopardy they had nowhere to go except Salt Lake City Utah.



Mitt Romney is something of a mercenary for the most rich globalists. President Trump seems more common. General Stanley McCrystal-the excellent American soldier proficient at the art of killing combatants,  has also recently attacked President Trump on moral grounds. In my opinion the General's attack isn't warranted. Killing humans isn't the highest level of morality possible. It in fact violates one of the ten commandments technically, while President Trump's moral failures and use of hyperbole instead of pure logical clarity in expressions doesn't quite rise to that level.


http://fortune.com/2017/07/17/general-stanley-mcchrystal-brainstorm-tech/ attacks America first policy

One might believe that General McCrystal was a possible candidate to be the President's next Secretary of State. It is fortunate that he spoke out when he did.

Americans have elected less than top of the pile Presidents in recent years- actually since Ronald Reagan. The office fundamentally enriches the most rich and pursues bad policies as the candidate's ideas are vacuous. That isn't likely to change. Those commenting critically of the President are of the insider-elite average non-sustainable economic ignoramus class of people. General McCrystal is himself a career government technician without any free enterprise spirit who as a good soldier could have done his job equally well for the Soviet Red Army.

Mitt Romney and other losers that support corporatism and the destruction of the U.S.A. should refrain from working to elect a Democrat through attacks on the only electable Republican. Massachusetts was a leader in queer things such as Obamacare, and Romney was the Governor of that State before fleeing to Utah to be elected a U.S. Senator.

Mitt Romney said that half of the people were bums or something like that, who did not want to work (maybe it was just 50 million) while Hillary said that Trump voters were trash or something to that effect; Romney-Clinton are antipode peer elitists against ordinary Americans. Democrats fail to comprehend why people vote for President Trump.


Could North Korean Cheap Labor Build the Wall for One and a Half Billion?

President Trump is to be given one and a half billion dollars from the purse of Speaker Pelosi, for maintaining a wall; should he use the money to finance the construction of a wall on the Mexican border by North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un's cheap laborers in a deal for the cash and denuclearization with verification by the forces of Speaker Pelosi?

Just something to think about. When will North Korea have a minimum wage?


Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening (Frost)

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

                       - Robert Frost

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...