
Mike Pompeo has a clear field for Presidential bid

Former Sect of State Mike Pompeo seems to have a clear field for a possible 2024 Presidential bid with the administration looking weak and usually disinterested in running electable quality candidates. Pompeo isn't remotely as divisive as Donald Trump, thought he supports oil and gas for energy infrastructure continuity and will lose independent voters that favor modernization and innovation lover dinosaur fossil fuel lazy thinking. Many Republicans would like Mr. Trump to run again, yet I.M.O. he would lose again to anyone on the Democrat side of the divide.


Euro Tail Wags the Dog (Biden Administration) on Ukraine

 Listening for days to the media jingoism for war with Russia over Ukraine it seems evident the  administration is in the pocket of the 1% that desire a little more land and wealth east of Europe in to traditional Russian land. With no-brain U.S. political leadership European and former Pentagon general officers swell up like a lynch mob to take on the easy-peasy Russians in a show down over Ukraine.

With the least bit of diplomatic skills and negotiations the United States and Russia could have prospered dividing Ukraine along the Dnepr River. Ukraine could be a demilitarized free trade, tax free zone east and west. Apparently President Biden and the State Department minions learned nothing from the Cold War and division of Berlin and seek to repeat and improve on historical errors of the past. Ukraine isn’t part of N.A.T.O. at any rate. Ukraine isn’t even near the North Atlantic.

The United States isn’t a weak girly nation that needs to get all the girls together to take on Russian bullies because little Europeans are frightened and want to drive Russians back to Siberia where they belong with the U.S. Army and Air Force in a blitzkrieg  on any Ukrainian areas with Russian speakers or autonomy and political self-determination (what’s that?). The U.S. can cut a deal with Russia directly to stabilize matters- even stationing troops in Western Ukraine and get on to good and full diplomatic relations with Russia.

The United States likes to paint itself in a corner with interminable hillbilly conflicts and always  needs some place to invade to war for a while and exit with deficit spending being the victory to bring home. If U.S. leadership wasn’t so stupid it could find peaceful, prosperous ways to arrange international affairs. Not very difficult at all. Especially with Russia.



Concentrating wealth subverts free enterprise

 Society has become so obsessed with money and material things that good sense about mankind being better off if people work for the social good as well as themselves is being lost. If  the masses can’t see the wood for the trees and political leaders aren’t able to comprehend what can make a nation better off in pursuit of their own, existential position, civilization can decline.

There are two basic forms of government for humanity these days; those that seek to concentrate wealth in a tiny minority and make slave laborers and happy work minions of everyone else, and those that prefer free enterprise and democracy with limits to capital acquisition. Plutocracy threatens the integrity of elections and enterprise with monopoly. 

Philosophy and the attack of natural history only atheists

Atheists tend toward reduction of philosophy to the field of natural history including philosophy that is regarded as having entirely physical, evolutionary causes. In a sense those that virtual worship natural history to the exclusion of objective conceptualizing of philosophical concepts for-themselves, to be  consistent, need eliminate rational thought as meaningful since that is physically deterministic phenomena. Philosophers can consider natural history inclusive of  evolution paradigmata, yet also consider modal logic paradigms of an infinite supreme being (God)  in regard to possible parameters of construction of infinite Universes and how an eternal being spins off temporal universes while being omniscient –i.e. do all Universes always exist and subjective minds experience them as temporal journeying through ( ref. Tegmark’s Level 4 Multiverse).

I.M.O. proper theology belongs in a spiritual site, as anti-spiritual atheism belongs rightly in some Satanic theology site. Philosophical consideration of infinite being in relation to the temporal is simply another interest of philosophy; atheists proselytizing on philosophy sites trying to prevent philosophy that does more than consider natural philosophy sectarian bores.

Why does God let evil exist? A philosophical account differs a lot from a theological opinion. For one thing, humans have free will. The Bible differentiates between evil (natural disasters) and wickedness (the evil men do) said J. Vernon McGee. Humans also have original sin and per Aquinas are totally depraved, and per Calvin need be saved by the grace of God for they have no merit and can't help themselves. The Universe in my opinion is a thermodynamic containment facility for beings ingesting energy and inclined to get rough to get the energy and blimp themselves up physically and socially; wickedness happens. A philosophical explanation is quite a bit different and too much to consider here.

Infinity at all points multiplying infinitely

Infinities are useful in constructing philosophical paradigms that can become dialogue in science fiction. Here are a few paragraphs on the topic of cosmology that I wrote.

"Quantum field theory; Q.F.T. describes some of the characteristics and strengths of quantum fields. Advanced Q.F.T. relates the behaviors of fields mathematically in relation to other fields occurring in four dimensions of space-time allowing fractional changes to the spin of constituent energy packets after they are converted into just numbers. One dimension points may be inducted with virtual fields and built between quantum field values with charges that adequately mirror quantum field objects; bringing into four dimensions and with higher maths and dimensions, virtual quantum fields.

“If numbers are fractions of a whole or have meaning only in relation to a series of numbers; infinities as it were in all directions except as arbitrary sets are delimiting paradigms Laura, why are numbers not infinite in quantity and size in every position and each dimension without any sort of delimiting structure at all? How can trans-finite series, as Cantor discovered, have any real or unique identity that would make them greater or lesser than every number that exists is an infinite continuum for all possible dimensions?”

“Victor, I would guess you wonder that because if numbers are the true foundation of all energy and mass, and gravity exists as well as thermodynamics in each universe, then obviously there is a process for changing sets that exist within the continuum of all possible numbers, at every possible location. Why would numbers develop temporally finite sets like squalls across an infinite sea? Are they echoes from the passage of an idea from the deity?

Why do numbers draw other positions together within a continuum that has infinite numbers at every location? What makes for an increase or decrease of value anywhere, if anyplace may as well be nowhere? 

Why would a spatial field; perhaps a field of charged virtual particles, upsurge like a hernia driving apart space-time, and appear within fields of a universe as elements with cardinal or ordinal differentiation in no-space? The quantity is infinite at every location, so the relative scalar difference of magnitude causality could be explained with dimensional intrusions.”


Considering Dasein

Wki has a good description of da (there) sein (to be). Heidegger didn't invent the term (Hegel used it too) yet reinterpreted it. To be (or not to be vis. Shakespeare) seems self-evident .

Heidegger may have considered criticism of social existence in a way similar to that of Kierkegaard criticizing 19th century German romanticism that followed Hegel. Socratic irony considered the superficiality of social existence as did Kierkegaard who regarded Socrates as having created a method of social analysis critical of ‘inauthentic being’.

Heidegger was initially appointed Minister of German education by the Nazis yet quit fairly soon upon discovering what a bunch of louts they were. He retired to a hut in the forest to work on philosophical projects and had the opportunity to think about inauthentic social existence and group think (Orwell later) or what Sartre might call the social dialectic and Nazi use-truths. 


Theology and Multiverse inference remark 1

 An eternal universe generation of infinite numbers of universes is consistent with God's eternal nature. Heraclitus was a good pre-Socratic philosopher. One wonders how omniscience and omnipotence would create infinite numbers of Universes and let them always exist in His spirit and actualize them temporally for contingent other sentient beings etc to contemplate. The always in motion vs always at rest criterion of Parmenides and Heraclitus reminds me of Tegmark's level 4 Multiverse paradigm with overtones of Berkeleyan ideaism.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...