
Food Poisoning and Broken Spokes

This post is just a small notation for an experience I had recently riding from New Mexico to Texas. I'd made it as far as Socorro and was going nine miles farther south to turn off on 70/138 to Roswell. I missed the turn, went a mile farther downwind, saw the sign going in the opposite direction, crossed the meridian on I-25 and immediately a stretch tie came loose and wrapped arouynd the inside back wheel. I fixed it and rode on to discover in San Antonio New Mexico that it is actually 158 miles approx. to Roswell instead of the 70 miles I'd believed it was. I turned around again to ride back to the freeway to go south to Las Cruces instead. 4 spokes snapped on the inside of the freewheel...end of the bike journey suddenly. The back wheel looked like it had been run over by a car.

I hitchhiked to Socorro New Mexico, and late at night, being hungry and broke, thought I'd try MacDonalds trash dumpster for food to eat. Having worked at Burger King long ago I knew that fast food restaurants toss out perfectly good food when it's staging time is up. I looked for that bag and found it.

I ate a large hamburger patty and two french fry container fulls and walked to put up my tent some miles away. What a night! I cannot believe how quickly one can get food poisoning. Years ago I ate a too old can of spam and became quite nauseous and delerious in Houston while working at that Burger King. This time I must have vomited four quarts of material that had the nature of removing foul waste. Diarehha continued through the night (this is my food poisoning post). Then about three am, after the copious emmission of bodily fluids and semi-solids was mostly done, the cold chills and headache and dizzyness began. It was quite a remarkable experience I hope not to do again. That was basically the only time I'd ever tried eating a non-boxed item from a trash container...it should be the last. Yet with the Bush administration around for another four years, its difficult to say.

Its so nice that they are spending 140 million on the inauguration, almost half as much as on tsunami relief. Its important to keep things in proper perspective regarding values.

I still believe that neo-Corporatism isn't much different that any other sort of authoritarianism such as Fidel's. Global Corporate and the Fawkers are too sides of a global coin that will pimp America to shape it's maximum profits. That's all that matters, perhaps the President will be rapsodic in addressing the wonder of the nation's future during his second or .43 mag administration.

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