
Attorney General Holder Biases Trayvon Martin Issue Again

Speaking out after the Trayvon Martin verdict of not guilt U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has stepped in again to bias the public judging the tragic death of Trayvon Martin 'unnecessary'. That comment follows mass media speculation of the potential for a Martin family wrongful death lawsuit against George Zimmerman. An impartial Attorney General probably should have remained mute on the subject, yet 14,000 black sorority conventioneers he was speaking before seemed to appreciate his remark.


Certainly the death of youth ought to be avoided. The use of the logic of the necessity of death in the Martin case is bizarre however. What violent death could ever be said to be necessary anyway? Is that a political convenience determination of state such as when using a predator drone to kill instead of capture a suspected terrorist?

The attorney general did not mention the F.B.I. crime report that pointing out that the majority of crimes in Florida are perpetrated by juvenile gangs, nor that by the ripe old age of 17 many gang members of Chicago have been around the block already. The problem of juvenile gangs if solved would go a long way to reducing violent crime in Florida.

Why does Florida have a few gangs named such as "7 Trey Crips,8 Trey Gangsta Crips, 9 Trey Gangsters, 9 Trey Murk Squad Blood" and so forth" etc.? (for a list of gangs in American states and more photos click the F.B.I. gang report link http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/2011-national-gang-threat-assessment

"NGIC reporting indicates that juvenile gangs are responsible for a majority of crime in various jurisdictions in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington."


a  juggalo gang member
image credit F.B.I.

Youth should be cautious as well as adults in not affiliating with gang related activity. In the dark Florida nights wandering about can be a modus operandi of crime as well as innocence. If deliquent from school, or using illlegal drugs is a practice of youth they need to be extra cautious about placing themselves in potentially dangerous circumstances. In modern America many youth are better at body building than academics, and that is the fault of the economy and politicians, maladroit career development opportunity planning and so forth.

Florida has a zillion gangs (see the F..B.I. crime reports link above) and is a fast place easy to be injured. It is an imperfect social environment that could be improved with zero illegal immigration over the U.S. border giving the south a chance to socially stabilize a little better.

image credit F.B.I.


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