
Bill O’Reill to; C.N.N. Next?

Fox New’s former star Bill O’Reilly commands quite a large audience, perhaps more than view MSNBC or C. N.N. If either landed the T.V. star and formed their news team around his sensibilities they might increase their market value. One wonders if media investors value morality, ethics, truth or social benefit as high as cash earnings.


Bill O’Reilly is probably not worse in personal conduct than many television journalists in his sex interests and conduct. He was of the right though and for the left that is politically incorrect. While globalist advertisers especially from Europe fled O’Reilly’s show it is easy to envision him being signed by Al Jezera or for C.N.N. management to flip flop their political bias and sign on the big, influential moderate-right viewer draw in order to have more channel viewers and poplits.

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