
The Dopioid Crisis; Bulk National Health Emergency

The national dopioid crisis has finally been declared a national health emergency. Thousands of Americans each year choose to suffer the tragic death of over-use of narcotics and all the euphoria that follows. Treatment costs are very high assuring solid profit potential for those providing treatment. Analysis of the financial loops of intoxication-euphoria, crime, decline, and treatment or death/right of return to resume a new cycler of addiction and euphoria bring us to the happy realization that Obamacare can easily afford to pay for the problem so long as youth subsidizing the insurance market are available to pay for drug treatment for their peers over and over, yet only if the top 1% of income earners are given substantial tax breaks to be then freed to create minimum wage, temporary jobs for the middle class.

There aren't so many people will health issues that are not created through free will choices that dopes that use narcotics freely can't demand free treatment from the government. If most mental and physical maladies that arise involuntarily require expensive treatment too, those sick people should just share.

Dopioid treatment concentration camps centers located around the nation can standardize dopioid withdrawal techniques. Bulk processing of dopioid addicts may be facilitated with the use of select closed military bases partially adapted for reconditioning dopiod addicts at low cost. It might be useful to have the entertainment industry that supports a dopioid social ethic to merge with dopioid drug producers and dopioid withdrawal drug producers, insurance companies and drug stores in a grand Dopioid corporation to maximize efficiency in the cycle of euphoria, withdrawal, bland interval and new euphoria etc.

DT centers could be modeled on Guantanamo Bay terrorist interrogation detention centers. New dopioid inmates would have their hair shaved and receive a vinyl jumpsuit that reads in bold and very small letters with a nice 60s hippest lettering font; “I'm a Dopioid moron.”

Each dopioid addict with have a personal kennel yard with a large plastic dog-house style plastic igloo to a home behind a ten foot razor wire topped chain link steel fence. Guy Lombardo music would cycle continuously for the pleasure of dopes through camp loudspeakers. Each dopioid inmate would be safe and secure with a personal, guaranteed washed blanket and steel bowl for feeding twice daily with a generous portion of a bag of all-food-groups kibbles and bits in addition to three quarts of water. The point is to create a plain safe place for dopioid withdrawal that may be used repetitively at comparatively low social cost. Irish monastics doing penance in former millenia lived in worse quarters.

An emergency medical response team would be available to help inmates if required, within minutes. When the 21 days of liberation were over the former dope would receive free transportation back to his town of choice. The public would be billed no more than 21,000 thousand dollars per dope.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...