
The Presidential Lust for Blood and Wealth not Satisfied Yet

 The Biden administration has dumped American support for Ukraine's war with Russia since it took office and may eventually send U.S. troops to fight directly with Russia. It is as if a bad A.I. program was conducting U.S. foreign policy instead of an intelligent human interested in the well being of Americans.


The war was never necessary if U.S. leadership had recognized Russia's right to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine as it still should. The administration apparently views real estate the way Europeans did before the first world war and that economic paradigm is somewhat hoary.

If the idiots in D.C. get America involved in a nuclear war or even a protracted cold war Americans won't be better off than they would have been with peace. It would be good if a Libertarian President would withdraw the United States from N.A.T.O. and let the damn Europeans fight their own bloody wars. How can the nation elect people that are, pragmatically, retarded to the office of President?


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