
Openly Homosexual U.S. Military On 60 Day Countdown/Bomb Blasts Oslo Norway

"It does not do to leave a dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him."-J.R.R. Tolkien

The summer bombing season of picturesque northern tourist cities seems to have begun with Norway's government center taking at least seven fatalities with many others injured in Oslo's government district. A gunman also shot some bullets at a youth camp outside Oslo in what seems to be a related incident.


President Obama's coming out plan for the Pentagon was given expedited scheduling and it now is at day 59 and counting down before full implementation of openly homosexual military service. Some Americans did not realize that the term 'gay' does not include lesbians. Yet the female branch of military service will evidently be open for lesbian officers now. One hopes that those gay warriors do not become grim warriors in the wars ahead...(if peace and a prosperous, balanced ecologically renewable national economy with full employment cannot be brought into being by a competent congress {only joking about a competent congress-no vhance of that}).


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