
President Obama Line Item Veto Showdown on Federal Budget Debt Limit

With the approaching federal spending debt limit the President might start to develop alternate plans A through D on what to cut from the federal budget . Now is the time to round up his herd for the showdown at the o.k. veto-cuttin corral.

For a Ronald Reagan kind of guy with fast draw tendencies on line item veto'ing these are some of the things that might drop at high noon August 2nd, 2011; reduce military wages 50% (there is a year waiting list for enlistment and a 9.2% unemployment rate), to limit social security payments at total income for any individual of less than $18,000 annually from all sources, to withdraw all except 35,000 troops from Afghanistan-squaring aware the northern alliance and other persecuted non-Sunni citizens in defensible areas and letting the fledgling Afghan government fly free, cutting the Marines down to 50,000 and creating a new SF BOP force of 50,000 special forces rapid deployment specialists...the opportunities for specialized line item quality budget cutting and restructuring by a bold creative President is approaching August 2nd.

I am not certain if President Obama has the legal power to fund portions of programs and to redesign others. Getting more bang for the buck out of the present federal budget should be easy enough. The President must have good ideas and be chomping at the bit to get started on cutting and slashing federal spending his political opponents prefer and that are dumb so long as he increases employment and national security.

Perhaps the Congress can pass a resolution of support for the Presidential right of line item spending vetoes of unfunded federal programs and debt obligations to make his own budget duties balance.

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