This is an interesting time in cosmological theory development. String theory is undermining the standard quantum models of physics by tunneling below the known present math. Infinitesimally small string segments wrapping themselves into all kinds of knots, twists and shapes in six or seven extra tiny dimensions are considered to form the regular particles, quarks, electrons and such of the quantum mechanical world. Where these strings originated from, how they were individually cut into little pieces or why they have standardized lengths isn't certain to me--I'll need to wait until 'String Theory Made Simple' is published.
The WMAP survey of the state of the Universe's light and radiation when it was just 380,000 years of age vs. the present 13.7 billion years is being studied for a variety of things such as patterns made by gravity waves and so forth. Instead of a big bang and inflation from a small point a rival theory based on string theory has two vast membranes colliding with points of contact generating matter. That ten dimensional membrane universe pair recycles every trillion years attracting and expanding.
The recycling Universe of bound membranes of Turok and Steinhardt could occur in a variety of forms too numerous to mention here. I see no reason why just one membrane might not have existed with vibrations spoken in to it. Tests for the presence of early universe gravity waves might confirm or deny the inflation theory.
Stephen Hawking had developed a quantum uncertainty based agitating vacuum theory where time would be created gradually as mass and dimensions flip-flopped on its axis at some vague point within the first second of the universe. If one can vague up the starting vertex of time, or if time and space are created from nothing besides scrimped up virtual particles plentiful enough in the emptiness of pre-space to let a modest universe form then it is fair enough to say that the universe could arise from nothing.
There exist those skeptics that would automatically say that God created the nothing before the Universe existed too, and that besides nothing isn't what we think it is, and it doesn't have a necessary existence either. It is possible that something other than nothing exists before the vacuum and space-time were issued.
Turok and Steinhardt seemed to dislike the multiverse theory generated with an anthropic principle necessity to explain the fine-tuning of constants that support the existence of life inn this Universe. It seems unscientific to just make up a zillion universes to account for this one as just a mediocre, inevitable naturally selected one...eventually one suitable for life had to come into being amidst the trillions that aren't and we just happen to be the lucky winners of this excellent universe with silly, wasteful anti-ecological economic habitat destroying political leaders in it.
Its good that conservative two-membrane banging theorists of the eternal recurrence perhaps with variations are in opposition to the radical multiverse theorists that postulate bubble-branes and inflatons forming in all possible forms like a perpetual tree of life or at least tree of life potentially supporting structure universes. Those universes that haven't life in them, like the fig tree that Jesus encountered that had no fruit, are cursed and wither away with no one in them to experience the and sunsets.
Obviously there are a trillion zillion angles to interpret regarding potential forms of a universe. It is a fashion to reduce these things to categories such as to include all possibilities in the abstract. I will try that now;
1) All Universes have a time before which they had no time
2) All Universes end in time or eternally recur
3) All universes have either a begging endowment of space or and end of space
4) All present physical theories of the Universe may be wrong
5) Space may be a temporal illusion, and only solid material exists with protocols of encounter creating the appearance of intervals and gaps
6) Gravity may be a phenomenon of quantum probability selections en mass instead of a particle
7) All mass-energy may actually be spirit
8) Anything else not covered is covered by this
9) Go to # 1
If life on Earth that could leave fossils emerged 550 million years ago, then it is plain enough that was on the sixth day (if a day equals a billion years) when god then rested and let nature take its course. In a similar scalar extrapolation the Universe is believed to have been dominated by radiation followed by matter for the first 5.5 billion years of its existence. God worked all that matter for what amounts to six days of a billion years each give or take a few. God then let dark energy takeover and push the matter to the right intervals the last seven billion years as matter contracted under statistical quantum probability entanglement (gravity).
It seems as if a scalar field invariant time of God working for 5.5. days occurred with the work being completed by noon. Working a half-day on Saturday is really a good example. I would be inclined to take the day off and play chess or go fishing and stay off the decadent golf courses corrupting the working determination of contemporary Americans.
So much for this brief review of the variegated field of cosmology today. I haven't mentioned the holographic universe is a computer, or an intelligent computer for obvious reason-in the beginning there were no power outlets made to plug in to.
On the face of the waters (hydrogen or a Higgs Field, or a limitless something or nothingness pre-existing the material forms) the Spirit moved and the spoken word let light exist. While theorists believe that light emerged from chaotic scattering of primordial hot plasma at the 380,000 years time threshold from initial phase transition, the symbolic emergence of light from the three scalar field invariant number is interesting for-itself.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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