The public couldn't rely on the U.S. Government to defend the World Trade Towers on 9-11-2001, yet the government can intimidate college town ministers and run up more billions of public debt than the billions of years of the age of the Universe while victimizing the poor.
The Koran has been burned before. Last time it hadn’t so much publicity. Warning--This video may have been made before the federal government made its hate crimes law to neuter free speech politically.
It is possible to fictionalize and hyperbolize (only a little) the maladroit globalist government effort to show some hate to the little church of Terry Jones in Florida. The state department has called the action ‘unamerican’ and General Petraeus has got a hyper weggie over it while the Vatican too has joined into support of the jihadists enraged over a burning of a few Korans.
All Americans live under the lens these days, and so one must be hip to be a real American. Hip values are defined in Devilwood and D.C.-Boston also known as the axis of androids. The church of Terry Jones is thus horribly square and worth some camera time.
Before I go too far, I should explain that I have myself left a Bible in bad repair a time or two in a church so I wouldn’t have to dispose of it myself when it was really worn out or damaged. What do they do with ruined Bibles? I would think they burn them rather than toss them in the landfill—well, its their problem anyway.
Working at a once posh Hotel I found a Gideon’s Bible in the gutter one morning sweeping the sidewalk . Guests may steal the books or take them on drinking binges—who can say. When Bibles become damaged and so many pages are ex libre’d out of context what can one do? How does one ‘retire’ excerpts of the Bible anyway?
I perhaps have felt something like Muslims may when the Quran is disposed of in a field expedient way when people deface the Bible or other quality books with magic marker hylighters, or writing comments in the margins. I wouldn't find a gimp to strap on suicide underwear and blow up an aircraft over Detroit about it though--the Mohammadan mind orientation is a little different from those of god-fearing Americans.
If the government calls that un-American—well, the government could be a bunch of rich, corrupt cowards these days perhaps full of nuclear supremacy.
Surrounded by a supportive group of interdenominational Taliban clergy from Baluchistan Attorney General Eric Holer said he would investigate hate crimes against Muslims planned in Florida to commemorate 9-11. Amidst a backdrop of burning American flags and effigies of Uncle Sam set ablaze, Mr. Holer expressed dismay at the planned book burning by a conservative Christian hierarchical priest. The pastor of the What's it 2 Ya First Church Of Gainesville has amassed more than 200 copies of the controversial red book 'The Quotations of Chairman Mao'.
Maulavi Abd-al-Hadi bin-abd-al-Hakim, a Taliban military district leader said (quoted in translation- from Isby's Afghanistan page 166) "We carry out martyrdom-seeking operations when needed. This happens when we cannot use other military tactics, therefore, we have used the tactics of martyrdom-seeking operations against the crusading forces only once". The burning of the Satanic Verses is in commemoration of the 9-11 attacks.
Would Americans defend the first amendment, or the third, in this era of global corporatist quietism submerging into depravity, hucksterism and rave?
In the absence of politically eloquent and persuasive defenses of U.S. civil liberties, with a bought and paid for, pure materialist leadership we must rely on the A.C.L.U .for defense of the right to burn offensive books.
A General Petreaus consultant from Afghanistan and Iraq accustomed to a social environment in which warlords may have extreme power over mere civilians, offered his opinion on free speech in Florida owning up that burning books will cause combat casualties. We interpret what he said regarding burning Korans in light of the first amendment in the United States as meaning free speech could be usefully oppressed for a decade or until the war of the east is wrapped up in 2134 when the local populace of Afghanistan will not be offended by free speech in the United States. He could also have said that martial law might be a good idea. Maybe General Petraeus would like to become a Persian Satrap eventually too.
We like our Generals more like Ike or Pattonand leadership like Churchill's rather than that of Chamberlain or the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Generals engaged in protracted, expensive experimental insurgent control for nation rebuilding ventures seeking to affect U.S. political and civil rights activities should offer their concerns through the local U.S. Ambassador who could then convey the concerns of the troubled military commander to the people of the United States.
U.S. Generals are used to having their own media entourage these days, yet they should decline using the bully’s pulpit of the broadcast media to directly attack individual American citizens burning books. The General could better buy books with their vast salaries and provide copies of my book "St. Novilistricka; Dimensions" available directly at
I haven't got any sort of method for converting the world to the study of philosophy or cosmology at the point of a sword or M-60 in it, but a creative and misguided reader could try.
Generals in anticipation of lucrative post-service employment by arms producers and Muslim oil producing nations, may offer complete support for hushing up Church pastors in the United States instead of broadcast network mafias that rebroadcast farts to heard round the world.
President Berluscone of Italy kissed an extended body part of former Libyan terrorist planner Moamar Khaddafi, and the Scottish Government released the Lockerbie bomber to spite the people of the U.S.A. mooning them for electing a Muslim president, the contribution of the U.S. Government to the trend s to investigate opponents of building a large mosque near ground zero and to publicly abuse a college town church pastor for burning 200 copies of the book carried by the 9-11 mass murderers.
The Department of Injustice, Hate and Thought Crimes article-later said that the Democratic Party is the anti-god party seeking to pervert all moral values in the United States and make the nation fit for an anti-Christ. The article-later noted that if Koran burning animated gif greetings on the Internet and wireless apps were common, that would also be transgressing boundaries and something to ban free speech about. The party opinion provided on the drowning out of free speech was-'The range of the umma-lands peacefully living under the dictatorship of Muslim clerics-can be expanded with the suppression of sparks of dissent. Burning the Koran is an egregious dissent with satanic verses.'
Mohammedanism is not a house church formed in the United States as an implicit part of the historical culture of the founders. It is a militant, expansive, conflict driven political method designed to conquer and unify the turbulent and war prone Middle East of the 7th century. It has had success expanding in non-white regions with colonialist or primitive histories as well as those nations frequently experiencing war and foreign occupation. It is a Marxist manifesto for the 20th century.
Mohammedanism permits a basic pax Mohammad to prevail across tribal and national boundaries offering some hypothetical transcendence of local political conflict. Historically Mohammedanism uses violence to expand into politically independent areas. In Afghanistan and Pakistan the Taliban and other terrorist organization use violence to delete political dissidents, and of course New York City on 9-11 experienced the wrath of Mohammad. Mohammad's sermon on the mount was from the back of a warhorse.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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