Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts


Extrusions of Planetary Sphere(oids)


The hill to mount
beauty inviting a climb
where snow is covering
volcanic slopes
with gravity gracefully syruping flow
from upward where I should go

Tectonic surges compiled urges
to be and not to be
beyond questions of pain or blister
barren hills and high desert will
not a drop of water in hell
or communists do tell

Anything about summits that free
with trails covered in vines and forests
waterfalls and broken trees
deadfall delays and pointless concerns to see
atop is downhill, another side
thinner air and something with pride

Proprietary rights dashed by communal plans
as organisms take over what is left of man
the vertex is a corner
for temporal mourners
who’ve assembled from a burbled deficit financed base
to become Zarathustras of no other place.

Former Presidents Can't Get An Unbiased Jury

A former President of the United States cannot get a fair trial in America. The jury pool is also the electorate and lived under the former President’s power and policy. The electorate tends toward liking or hating former Presidents in relation to how the Man or woman’s policies affected them.

For every prospective juror the politic and policies of the former President form part of the life experience of the juror.  Jurors don’t usually have a pre-existing subjective relationships with those a trial's defendant. For jurors the politics of a former President comprise part of his or her character. If they hated the policies they hate the former President and vice versa.

Richard Nixon could never have found an unbiased juror in the nation if he had faced a criminal trial brought by democrats who largely hated him as much as they hate Donald Trump. If Joe Biden loses the 2024 election and runs again in 2028 some voters would prefer that hate his policies wouldn’t mind if he were convicted of a few hundred felony counts of and sentenced to hard labor and isolation at Devils Island though ts unlikely that Republican prosecutors would cook up charges as have Democrats for former President Trump. 

Barrack Obama brought to trial would not find an unbiased jury in America. Prospective Democrat jurors interviewed in the courtroom in the Presence of Barrack might feel a tingle run up their legs or answer voir dire questions with rising inflection at the end of a sentence to make any sort of statement sound like a question. Republicans against homosexual marriage, abortion and fomenting foreign wars that cause hundreds of thousands of casualties might be disgusted with Mr. Obama before they even heard a word from the jury box about the criminal issues of the trial.

Those jurors that claim to be unbiased perhaps are liars or self-deceiving. Judges and prosecutors too may have implicit bias shared with jurors of the electorate in addition to that of being appointed to their job by Democrat or Republicans working within the policy guidelines of the former President. A former President is the one American who cannot get an unbiased jury within the borders of the United States- not even illegal aliens that hate Donald Trump for building a border security wall or love Joe Biden for sending the money for a border wall to stimulate war in Europe and gamble that Armageddon won’t be a fallout derivative of the chaos and economic disaster instead would be unbiased f they had the chance to be on the jury of a former President.

Spinning Buckets and Relativistic Quantum Spin

 Quantum Spinning Bucket Experiments

Newton’s spinning bucket experiment efforts, like those of the pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Heraclitus (no they weren’t partners) examined the nature of the volume that is space. We would say space-time rather than just space, yet that may be a convention too as time seems like a secondary rather than a primary quality of space. Time cannot appear without mass, energy or matter to act upon with differential values in relation to the location and characteristics of mass.

One might wonder about the nature of the volume that contains a Universe or Universes or any possible configuration of Universes including a Multiverse. Typically physicists tend to describe the configuration of matter (or anti-matter) and energy existentially and phenomenally as if only it existed rather than volume of space. It seems rather plain that a volume of space- truly empty void- that hosts the Universe, doesn’t figure into calculations of modern cosmology. Instead various fields arising from an initial solitary unified field; one indubitably made of energy- a singular sort and condition of energy pervade the expanse of the Universe. The Universe exists only as far as the fields expanding from the initial singular unified field at T=0 (Time equals 0) have traveled.

There are many interesting points about the four basic fields of the Universe that one might consider. Gravity is said to have split off first followed by the strong force. The strong force split and released the electroweak force dividing into the Weak force and electromagnetism as the Higgs Field arose. Apparently each of these fields must equally pervade the entire Universe, yet they may be induced local field phenomena that appear in the presence of entangled mass and energy.

What is called space-time is different than the volume of void that hosts it. Space-time mass and energy is regard as having four dimensions, yet no one knows what a dimension is or if it is made of anything. The field-energy filling the entire Universe, or making the entire Universe is thicker and thinner in various regions as far as mass, dark matter, energy and dark energy go. Overall one might expect that it logically should be generally equal distributed in all directions from the T=0 expansion thought not exactly. Because energy is charged it could cancel out through various means such as matter and anti-matter contacts and spin anisotropy and generate uneven distributions. It is also the case that energy becoming entangled in the Higgs field generates the appearance of mass, and mass is a secondary characteristic of the fields that comprise the Universe rather than primary. 

It is possible that there is a difference between primary and secondary fields and field phenomena. The speed of light is the fast possible speed for matter or energy entangled in the Higgs field, yet the primary fields are not subject to the laws of general relativity perhaps- unlike possible secondary field like electro-magnetism. Gravity itself may be just a field generated phenomena and a secondary phenomena without a graviton to transfer its power.

Some wonder much about the spooky action at a distance of quantum entanglement. Mass in one location may quantum entanglement with mass at at a distance. Perhaps the concatenated quantum entanglement of mass with other mass at a distance faster than light creates a secondary effect of mass attracting other mass at light speed. Light speed would be slow in comparison to the faster than light status of primary fields hosting the matter and sub-light speed energy of the Universe. Gravity waves would be generated by mass quantum entanglement comparable to the way that waves may be generated in the water of a swimming pool by a mechanical push at one end of the pool. Gravity waves in thee normal human universe of experience reflect mass quantum entanglement occurring in the primary fields faster than light and lacking the spatial distance values inherent in the subluminal Universe.

Still it is interesting to consider a bucket whirled at the end of a rope half full of water that is in empty space. There is a problem with the definition of empty space affecting the outcome of the experiment. If the bucket was spun in this Universe it would be acted on by the fields pervading this Universe. If it was truly in the void that hosts the Universe and the Universe did not exist (just the bucket and the experimenter) then the experiment and the bucket would be quite anomalous.  There would be micro-gravity in this Universe, while in the true void not even the experimenter or bucket could exist- since they are generated from quantum field effects of entanglement in a Higgs field.

Some experimenters and theorists have conjectured about extra-dimensions- maybe smaller ones, that might exist in the Universe in order to explain the structure of matter. Besides the obvious problems that appear when considering time as a dimension with factors of general relativity at the quantum scale there is the problem of the nature or the void that hosts the Universe? How many dimensions does it have and could a Universe appearing within it have more dimension than the pure space-void itself.

Some physicists have said that a pure-void does not exist and that only matter and energy exist even if it is stretched very thin. Plainly though fields are primary and exist although in what true form is to a degree still unknown. Fields exist and dimensions exist at least within the space-time of the Universe where matter and energy arise in a Higgs field.

Maybe the host fields don’t have the same dimensions as the contingent Universe we live in (entangled as mass in a Higgs field). Because they are not like this Universe spatially, there is no distance comparable to the scales of this Universe. Light speed is not a meaningful speed in fields without distances based on mass relations (a contingent phenomenon). The fields as separate from the on singular field may be stacked together like layers in a computer chips and convey information in a different way-for a trivial example horizontally and vertically rather than in a simple linear progression. Non-linear time passage based on a stacked, layered field information would perhaps be different than that of inertially driven mass with relativistic time such as occurs with special relativity combined with general relativity.

I wonder though about the basic question of can this Universe have more dimensions than that of the true void, and I think the answer is no. If a true logical void has just three dimensions and one of time then it probably wouldn’t be possible to construct a 23 dimension or 230 dimension material Universe within it. Mathematicians obviously can construct multi-dimensional models simply changing a number value- a variable. That sort of Multiverse might have no corresponding real value in the world. Aristotle believed that words have a necessary relation to real objects and that is logic would therefore bring true results when formulating logical equations about the real world. Subsequent logicians discovered that words and material objects haven’t a necessary relationship at all. That circumstance probably exists between mathematical models of quantum cosmology and actual quantum cosmology. It is a great tool that applied probabilistically for making judgments provides valuable insight, yet fails the kind of rigorous logic that Aristotle sought when inventing classical logic (although some dispute that he invented classical logic).

A logical volume of absolute space would seem to have three spatial dimensions. A physicist friend of Einstein's said that human life couldn’t exist in a Universe with more than three dimensions and one of time.  That judgment was made concerning the structure of quantum particles yet if one consider a true-void primary empty space without fields with more than three spatial dimensions- perhaps six or more it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine any sort of coherent Universe structure existing within it.

Could dimensions rather than being fields of some unknown nature that exist for true void be better compared to vector-directions? Within a three-dimensional unbounded true void their might be a veritable Cantorian infinite number of vector-dimensions radiating out of some central point (for simplicity in visualizing the structure) or existing in an infinite number of other ways with the straight spaghetti strands of some thicker or thinner than others. So while a Universe built from three strands of spaghetti-like dimensions added together  selected to build a universe in, there could be thinner, smaller spaghetti strands mixed with it at the quantum level to support loop quanta or something like mini-spaghetti strings. Who can say for sure. A Quantum Chef of spaghetti-sauce may explain the secret recipe someday.

Before Spending 60 Billion Dollars in Ukraine for Homicide

Before the House and Senate vote to spend 60 billion dollars to finance war against Russia in Ukraine it would be a good idea to consider history and other factors that weigh against it. Voting for homicide instead of peace may be a mark against one standing at the day of judgment. 

When President Johnson awarded contracts to Brown and Root to build military bases in South Vietnam during the Vietnam conflict it kicked off a financial insider relationship for war profiteering that continued in various forms even to the Iraq war in which Halliburton that had bought Kellogg Brown and Root was given no-bid contracts for similar support work in Iraq. There are numerous corporations and politicians that have made war a necessary economic activity for the United States. Instead of bringing about a negotiating peace settlement with Russia in Ukraine that Russians can live with as well as Ukrainians the administration prefers peace through homicide. They share the narrow viewpoint of Ukraine's President Zelinsky that will accept only the entirety of former Russian Ukraine for itself. U.S. leadership should have a global rather than a west Ukrainian viewpoint. The United States loses security and economic advantages if peace does not arrive through a negotiated settlement with Russia in Ukraine. The belligerence between the U.S.A. and Russia need directly end, including sanctions, and full normal diplomatic relations restored.

The United States has a recent history about starting wars with lies as the casus belli and the lie that Russia has no rightful claim to Ukraine is such a thing. Like the lie about about Vietnamese naval vessels attacking U.S. ships that prompted the Senate to vote for L.B.J.’s Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the lie about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction that got the ball rolling on the ‘Coalition of the Willing's' U. S. led war to remove the evil dictator Saddam Hussein despite the protests of the U.N. and France in particular, the pretext for financing war upon Russia trying to recover the lands of Ukraine lost in the carpet-bagging Clinton era is bunk. There would be nothing easier than restoring peace and world order based on truth and integrity, yet of course the plagiarizing forever candidate for office Joe Biden could not see anything of peace in his world view at all.

Early in the 20th century-during the first world war, European Communists sought to revolt against Tsar Nicholas Romanov in Russia. Russian communists were of course successful in revolting from above...that is elite communists dedicated to revolution conquered a Russian government weakened by war with Germany and other powers as well as the Tsar’s own incompetence. V.I. Lenin cut a deal with the German government to return to Moscow in a sealed train to lead the revolution that swiftly won. Lenin ceded Ukraine to Germany in return for peace with Germany as he took Russia out of the war. That giveaway of what he had no right to give probably stimulated Hitler later on to conquer all of Russia.

Yet Russia had experimented with democracy as early as 1905. A constitutional government and congress appeared. Before the communist revolution a government that was free and constitutionally founded; the Kerensky government, came briefly into power in Russia. Soviet Communists destroyed the nascent democracy of Russia and took control. When the last president of the Soviet Union; Boris Yeltsin, end its formal existence and decided for himself, with President Bill Clinton’s supervision, to part out the Soviet Union and cut off the Ukraine from Russia the stage was set for the present war since Democrats after 1992 would never renegotiate the severance or provide Russia with any compensation other than some used dental equipment President Clinton sent to Russia.

The communist takeover of a free democracy later deciding to return the subjugated nation to a free status with democracy again, yet reapportions the break up as it prefers instead of restoring the national boundaries as they were before the communist takeover is a good model for how modern nations can be redistributed to X parties non-violently.  The Clinton-Biden technique is now a politically validated historical precedent for expropriating and redistributing a targeted nation’s properties using internal and external forces to rack up a nation with communism and then break it up using a designed evolutionary strike of the billiard cue ball of democratic party perfidy.

Political opportunists may launder the public debt away and seize control of a new nation without violence if the media are cooperative with the ploy. It is possible that in the future, if the United State’s economy collapses completely and divided political sentiments and other disasters occur that a communist government may rise to power and end the United States and yet later quit communist governance. At that time the United States could be broken up into several nations that vaguely resemble lines of the terminal Soviet States political districts. The 33 trillion or 100 trillion dollar public debt would of course be repudiated by Communist rulers and several new nations following it would be offensive to those rulers of whatever rump United States of America that existed following the end of Soviet America.

 When Ronald Reagan brought about the end of the Soviet Union through peaceful means working with President Gorbachev there was a semi-plain reflection of the events during the first world war that ended the existence of a free though aristocratic Russia and brought in communist dictatorship. President Boris Yeltsin took power and brought into existence the end of the Soviet state and Communist Government through elite means from the top that probably with de facto popular support. The people want to be part of western culture and free enterprise that had brought a better life to the west and promised to do so for Russia too. The Community of Independent States-  the C.I.S. (pronounced Sis) was the successor to the Soviet Union. Before his death Yeltsin taking charge in Russia wrote the Russian constitution that resembles generally that of the U.S.A.  He also gave the President Super-powers when needed to defend the state against internal and external  challenges. Unfortunately Boris Yeltsin did not seek nor receive financial compensation for Russia as it relenquished Ukraine. What was it worth in 1992- a trillion dollars or two? 

The Ukraine was part of Russia before the communist takeover and Lenin’s submission of it to Germany in return for being placed in office and securing peace for his new state. Boris Yeltsin reflected that coerced submission of Ukraine to a dominant foreign military power of the United States led by William Jefferson Clinton and N.A.T.O.. The Soviets communists recovered the lost Ukraine while defeating German Nazis on the Eastern front during the Second World War. President Putin and Russia are attempting to recover Ukraine for Russia following its effect theft by President Clinton, te Democrat party and N.A.T.O. presently. From a global economic standpoint it probably doesn’t matter who owns Ukraine if they are selling its agricultural products on the free market.

Renegotiating the manifestly unfair Russian loss of the Ukraine to the west when Boris Yeltsin gave it up and Russia was yet too weak to dispute that should have been an obvious duty for Western leaders to take on. The Second World War was precipitated in part by the west’s seizure of select German industrial land and vast reparations forced on it. F’ing over Russia at th end end of the Cold War was not a way build long term international political stability. Chasing after that policy of political self-destruction is like throwing good money after bad, making investments in long-term nuclear brinksmanship and hate without any need to do so beside the tunnel vision of the Democrat party in coveting a shiny object. The diplomacy of the U.S. Sect. Of State with Americans is underwhelming. The poor don’t need another stimulus check or it is at least beneath consideration because it might cause inflation they may believe. If the State Departments preference to escalate the war instead of negotiating a peace settlement works and N.A.T.O. become a hungry tiger on Ukraine’s swollen far eastern border with Russia eyeballing Moscow with Napoleon and Hitler’s eyes (one each) the U.S.A. in effect loses. Winning is losing if Russia does not keep Crimea and Eastern Ukraine through a negotiated peace because a lasting hostility between Russia and the west will become the new normal. The brink of nuclear war will be a hot possibility along with all of the tension going with it. The Sect of State hasn’t explained how that would be good for the United States or the Democrat Party’s Ukrainian homeland security.

Russia probably would have been glad to settle with the Crimea and its present Eastern Ukraine real estate, and probably still would if the west had leaders bright enough to seek that instead of pretending that Mr. Putin is some kind of Hitler invading Poland during the Second World War. That pretense is a big lie; a political lie of propaganda of tremendous scale that shows how disinterested the Biden administration is in recognizing the truth. 

Democrats have sought to prevent Donald Trump from taking back the White House because of the fear that he would find peace on good terms with Russia and end the Ukraine war against Russia. Democrats spent four year unsuccessfully trying to prove the big lie that Russians made a large clandestine contribution to getting Donald  Trump elected in 2016. Incidentally the flurry of criminal trials against Donald Trump during the 2024 Presidential race is the best bit of election interference ever made against a Presidential candidate. There isn’t such a thing as a former President that won’t suffer from pre-trial publicity or a Presidential candidate that won’t suffer from judicial gag orders. Virtually all of the charges against the former President occur in blue states or with democrat prosecutors and judges. It would be better if the trials waited until after the election, and if necessary until after Mr. Trump serves another four years as President of the United States.

  A fellow set himself on fire in front of the building in New York City where Donald Trump is on trial for allegedly listing payments to a porn star as business or campaign expenses. Plainly the payments if made were both business and campaign expenses since each it would have been better for Mr. Trump to suppress publication of the relationship if it happened for business and campaign purposes. Making payments to avoid negative publicity is as legitimate as making payments for positive publicity. If the payments had been made to conceal actual criminal activity by the candidate- such as a burglary into the Democrat national Committee that would have been a different matter. So far as I know it is not illegal to practice sex with a porn star even if delicious, sad, duplicitous or unfaithful. Probably it is less harmful than having a student intern provide oral service in the Oval office of the White House. President’s cannot be tried for crimes committed in office to a certain extent with conditional immunity, and lying about the affair to Congress was the crime or misdemeanor rather than the scandalous act itself that Sweden seemed to support and award a Nobel Prize to someone named Bloble for. Sweden recently joined N.A.T.O. and supports the Democrat war on Russia via Ukraine.

The flaming protester had pamphlets about a Ponzi scheme and conspiracies. I don’t know if Jeffrey Epstein was mentioned, yet Democrat finance for the U.S. budget does have elements of a Ponzi scheme about it. Wealth is concentrated at the top and yet the deficit spending annually for a government not adequately funded by taxing the rich is unsustainable. Meanwhile the Mexican border goes without adequate defense against millions of illegal migrants to the U.S. that provide cheaper labor and keep wages down. Democrats seem to want to enrich the rich and give good union jobs to Democrats while letting public debt grow to 40 trillion dollars or more if President Biden finishes another term.  The unsustainable economy is a like a Ponzi scheme that could crash from terrorism, a third world war, the crash of the dollar and so forth.

Maybe younger representatives may not be familiar with how much effort went in to ending the Cold War and bringing about world peace. Not only does the world ecosphere need to be fixed, global poverty need in some way to be eliminated when for the past seventy years environmentalists have warned about the limit to population growth because of the inability of the natural resources of the Earth to sustain even the present population without a complete revision of global economic methods. It need convert into one with environmental economics of sustainability. President Biden is a nominal candidate that selects political works that will assure his re-election. Not only did he not accomplish a three trillion dollar end global warming program that he low-bid on in 2020, he has not even mentioned any effort of comparable, minimal scale in the 2024 campaign.

It is necessary to have peace with Russia to work on shared interests such as preventing nuclear war, restoring environmental health, ending global terrorism, demilitarizing the high Arctic and prevent future disasters from emerging technologies like artificial intelligence etc. In order to reduce escalating military expenditures and try to balance the federal budget faster a President need seek peace with Russia directly acknowledging the failure of the parting of the Soviet Union to restore the Ukraine to Russia. Instead of ignoring the Russian claim as if it had no validity or credibility at all a president of the U.S. should recognize it and yet settle the dispute in such a way as to satisfy the Ukraine and Russia with a fair apportionment of the land. King Solomon said he would cut in half the baby the two women claimed to be mothers of. Politicians are not like those mothers, well not like one of them at least, and so it would rational to actualize Solomon’s order and cut the Ukraine in half.

The world economy is being divided into two camps. Those that support the big lie and theft by politicians to benefit the rich support the west, while those that oppose a corrupt first world order support Russia or are at least neutral on the issue. India need support Russia for pragmatic reasons. Because of the war and dire threats by N.A.T.O. upon Russia, Russia has been forced to become a partner with China economically and militarily instead of being a good middle partner for east and west. India, already concerned with China and Pakistan, need to be on good terms with Russia in order to get a little help in keeping Chinese tensions over some land disputes in check. Russia can appeal to China to keep things cool and let India be a junior partner of each. The India, China, Russia economic and informal military alliance has tremendous population and potential power and is being reinforced by the 19th century policy of trying to expand western nations with hostile military policy toward Russia or other nations such as are in Africa.

Europe will eventual renormalize relations with Russia because they are contiguous neighbors with vast natural mineral resources. As in sanction breakers during the era of Saddam Hussein Europeans too will seek financial advantages by trading under the table with Russia over the sanctions era. When the hostilities and sanctions eventually end the consequences for the United States that were economically deleterious probably will continue for some time while Europe will integrate with the new Russian-Chines and Indian powerhouse. President Biden can put high tariffs on Chinese Steel imports in order to protect U.S. Steel and the Japanese corporation that bought it a couple of weeks ago from unfair competition, yet the entire Biden approach to intentional relations is so astoundingly stupid that it is breathtaking and shocking simultaneously. If President Biden and a daft Congress don’t incite World War Three eventually because of their entirely unnecessary policy game of chicken head-on crash tensor expecting Russia eventually to quit and be less willing to resist the west than Afghanistan, Vietnam et al would be something of a miracle.


N.A.T.O. as a Hybrid, Monster Across the Pond

 In the day when the Soviet Union posed a threat to Europe, following the collapse of Nazi Germany, the paradigm for bringing the separate devastated European countries into a pact with each other and the United States to defend against the Evil Empire was sound policy. N.A.T.O. was like a Breton Woods economic metaphysics for the west. That time has changed with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of the European Union. With most of Europe being in the European Union and with the expansion of N.A.T.O. the United States is locked into a relationship where it is a trans-oceanic minority of one. European power would expect America to follow its wish in regard to foreign policy.

George Washington warned of making permanent foreign alliances in his farewell speech and N.A.T.O. membership is a prime example. It is a defense relationship that fundamentally requires the United States not to differ with the policy of the majority of the members. There is no North or South Atlantic military threat- except perhaps from N.A.T.O. members itself, that the United States can not de frappe itself. Yes there are submarines from various nations outside N.A.T.O. that cruise the pond below the waves; does the United States need help from Turkey to defend against that risk?

Some day in the future the vast unification of Europe and coordination of its military may be a monster attacking from the fog, or with the sun at its back. If Europe experiences a leftist takeover then the United States would be between a socialist China and a socialist N.A.T.O. That would be a hard place to be in case of war. N.A.T.O. is a potential and even likely hybrid monster across the pond.

Recently N.A.T.O. leaders proposed raising 100 billion Euros to battler against Russia in Ukraine for five years. That sort of policy may work for lunatics that simply seek to continue the Clinton push eastward against a weakened Russia that had part of its homeland stolen at the end of the Cold War on paper. Europeans have forever sought to expand eastward by pushing into Russian lands. Plainly the expand the EU crowd want to build up N.A.T.O. forces on the Russian border and force Russia to capitulate politically as if they were the Soviet Union. It is not possible to over-state the imbecility of the return to a Cold War paradigm with a new Berlin Wall built effectively by the west on the far eastern boundary of an expanded Ukraine. Expanding the EU through conquest is a paradigm comparable to that of the third Reich with Adolph Hitler as he looked to the east with Operation Barbarossa.

U.S. interests lie in a peaceful and profitable relationship with Russia. Russia as an ally of the U.S.A. may lower threats from China and Europe and create a solid economic foundation for the world ahead with challenges from A.I. and the loss of ecospheric health. Even the security of the E.U. would be upgraded through peaceful relations with Russia. In that scenario everyone is a winner except war mongers and would be world rulers.


Speaker Johnson Ought to Resign Rather Than Send 34 Billion to Ukraine War

 Speaker of the House Johnson should resign rather than fund the Ukraine war. Thirty four billion dollars should be spent in the U.S.A. rather than in Ukraine to try to get Russia to give up their righteous claims to the Crime and at least the eastern half of the country.

A Christian should stand for something intelligent and consistent with the ten commandments at least; the grossly incompetent treatment o Russia to fund a military industrial complex venture and bring the world to gain the world for his soul? Is he also bitten with a case of the ass?

Tin Men are running the U.S.A. Finding peace should be simple enough, yet those without a brain might not even be aware that it is possible to have a just and lasting peace with the nations ceasing fire in place.

Does Speaker Johnson attend a church with a doctrine in support of sin, of homosexual marriage and murder? With a rectification of names churches with a doctrine of sin could correctly rename their beliefs something other than Christian.


Derrida, Marx and Venture Capital-essay

Post modernism generated many ideas about ideas, language, certainty and even physics. Many of those ideas were incorrect or based upon premises that were incomplete. Those ideas influenced academics and policy makers. Derrida’s ideas about language, certainty and the relationship of social organizations to language heavily influenced American educators and the American left and continue to do so. Communism influenced the world, as it was presented roughly by Karl Marx and it too was usually misunderstood.

Perhaps there are three basic threads that went into forming post-modern concepts regarding skepticism and the inability ti have certainty concerning objective events and even reality. One is the rise of linguistic philosophy and developments in the philosophy of language, and the other is quantum mechanics, the Schrodinger wave-function/collapse and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The final thread is that of epistemology- the theory of knowledge, Philosophers like W.V.O. Quine and P.F. Strawson combined the fields of epistemology, logic and language within their work. Sartre observed the organizing principle and forms of society subjectively in Being and Nothingness and The Critique of Dialectical Reason- taking the structures at face value without historical analysis. Derrida followed these philosophers in time and formulated an excellent abstract of the way language forms in society. Ludwig Wittgenstein’s work on explaining on how language meanings arise preceded that of Derrida by nearly a half century (i.e. The Blue and Brown Books). Derrida  seemed to make some of the same mistakes as Aristotle in over-estimating the reliability of words, additionally over-estimating their strength in forming social structures.

Karl Marx was the greatest historical social analyst writer of his time. Witnessing poverty and the oppression of concentrated wealth with royalty first hand he sought a political remedy for it. Rather than to advocate a tax increase on the wealthy he sought complete revolution to end social inequality. With the England of his time being something like post-communist revolution Shanghai in the pathos of civilian deaths among the poor, and having fathered several children, his desire to improve social conditions for the poor was personal as well as compassionate. In some respects his ideas were ahead of their time as well as partly incorrect. Marx’s work prescriptively were his best theories for how to reform society to a more just extent. Plainly he made numerous errors in that regard.

One of Marx’s famous and misunderstood expressions that might be used to highlight the uncertainty of language is; “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”. That could be a remark from classical economics concerning the ‘allocation of resources’ to attain maximum economic productivity. Each individual would produce according to his ability, perhaps with social support in education and training ‘to be the best that he or she can be’, and venture capital would provide funds to inventors and developers according to his or her needs. In Marx’s England perhaps the ordinary citizen that desired to be an entrepreneur or to develop an invention could not find the capital to do so. Marx’s expression has been interpreted in other ways to mean quite different things. That is an example of the incompleteness of language for defining meanings for objects and relationships. That occurs words are different from the objects and relationships they describe. Words have practical communication value that arise from use and application rather than from the things-in-themselves. The entity that produces red fruit of a certain shape that is, does not also grow its name ‘apple’ upon its branches as it would need to if there were a direct relationship between word/name and object.

  Derrida assumed that numerous mass social issues of his time; such as decolonization, racism, nationalism and wars originated because of cohesive language structures inherent in mass organizations, social structures and classes. Deconstructing social iniquity could be achieved achieved through language. Deconstruction as a tool for Biblical criticism was especially popular because of the rise of Darwinian evolution theory and the changes that drove through  popularization of scientific thought in the field of education and popular concepts of genesis cosmology. Marxist were especially anti-theistic and atheist; the left became militant for social evolution/revolutions based on a wave of post-modernist, atheistic ideology that regarded itself as post-ideological after the end of the Cold War (that Joe Biden has renewed perhaps because of memory-cognitive issues and a preference that the first cold war never really ended).

  Derrida was understandably accused by sone of being an anarchist for trying to dissolve existing social institutions and establishments through the deconstruction of language in order to create something better without having a clear idea of wat that was. Yet Derrida simply extrapolated too far from the basis of his rather sound language structure ideas to the reason why social organizations arise to start with and to the role they play in societies.

Adam in the garden named objects brought before him; his words didn’t create the objects. Derrida’s followers believed that by changing the words and deconstructing the languages and history they would change the objects. Derrida’s over-belief in the power of language and in the uncertainty and malleability of its meanings were developed in post-world War II Europe where a chaos of languages, manifest destruction of social order and problems of nationalism and colonialism were evident first hand. Within the post-war cauldron of a Babel of languages that Nimrod would have had difficulty making sense of so far as social organization goes, a new way for the left to view social reality developed. It was in effect a popular epistemological system based in misunderstanding the philosophy of language, quantum physics and history.

The German physicist Werner Heisenberg found that one could find the position of a quantum particle like the photon or its speed yet not both. Quanta exist in a wave theoretically at all possible positions traveling at a certain speed. When one collapse the wave in making a measurement at a particular point that does determine the position of a quanta though not the speed since it should be a wave in motion. That was the Uncertainty principle and eventually in the popular conception that developed a meaning that reality could not be understood or knowledge trustworthy. Coupled with Derrida’s deconstruction of language for reliability and certainty, the left had powerful tools for skepticism, truth and logic.

Simultaneous criticisms of Descartes' dualist spirit-matter epistemology in preference for the materialism and atheism of Karl Marx and Feurbach coupled with Biblical criticism that regard the Word of God scripture as literature could be credited without a preponderance of error as the main rationale for the present social state of affairs of the left. Deconstruction elevated somewhat superficial philosophers like Frederick Nietzsche while the public were generally not reading analytic philosophers and the subtle epistemology of Quine’s Word and Object’ or P.F. Strawson’s ‘Individuals’.

Human social organizations like those of penguins and the wild kingdom generally evolve with adaptations to the environment. If humans were without language capacity they would still organize in some way. Human organization evolved to address common biological and existential challenges. What is lacking is reform and adaptability in social organization.

The 20th century had innumerable interesting queries into the foundations of knowledge and language. Chomsky and Everett developed different viewpoints on the question of grammar being innate in the human brain or learned (or both?). Perhaps it was Nam Chomsky’s career as a linguist who regarded language phenomenally  that made his political criticisms so appealing to the left since deconstruction of establishment politics was an important method of the era.  I use the left within this essay in distinction to the right that generally is economically and socially more conservative (or was in the era) and doesn’t seek to deconstruct anything. That fact has been in conflict in some times to general improvements and upgrades to select doctrines when new information becomes available or is developed through further research and insights. Biblical hermeneutics is one such field; there is no reason at all to think tat God is not capable of using quantum mechanics paradigms although none are mentioned in the Bible explicitly (as if people of the 2nd millennium B.C. would have understood such references)

Language has accreted lexicons and word groupings with meaning values understood by users. Languages arose m when human cultures were rather isolated from other cultures. To speak one language shares meanings throughout a culture without much confusion or ambiguity about meanings. The meanings are those used by convention and historical inclusion. Over time words tend to lose their root, original values; they are comparable to algebraic variables that evolve different values over the course of the programs written by history and change.

A culture of many languages greatly multiplies the uncertainty of the meaning of words. Derrida’s post-war Europe and the aftermath of defeating the German National Socialist Worker’s Party-aka the NAZI party was one fraught with uncertainty of an historical and linguistic character.

Language, like algebraic formulas can have meaning and refer to real objects, although philosophers are aware of the phenomenal nature these days of what and how objects are presented within the quantum fields that supports the existence of a Universe. Valid language use is pragmatic and meanings as fine tuned for accuracy as possible and practical. In using the word apple for instance, one needn’t describe every possible configuration or appearance and circumstance of any apple that has ever, or will ever exist.  It does not negate the value of language in communication to abbreviate that constellation of possible value to the one present and necessary. This is common sense and the value of intelligence. Humans exist in a bottomless, unbounded experience yet they wish to share communication about it with others though uncertainty is an aspect of the unknown. Though uncertainty abounds in temporal exstasis of past, present and future human experience existentially is certain on the pragmatic scale.

God’s word, in the beginning generated waveforms shaping quantum fields that formed reality; human words do not shape reality from nothing. Though human words can reflect intentions to reshape mass and energy, human language did not create the human race itself. Humans may shape existing matter and energy and form new organizations yet human language is a way of expressing ideas and will comparable to algebraic formula. God’s word is omni-powerful in this Universe; human language isn’t.


Allegory of the Cookie verse (video)

The author reads from his novel 'A Thought of Infinite Being'.

Trump and Navalny; Dissident Targets of Majority Parties

 Current events are interesting to consider. In politics they occur on a foundation of the past. Democrats have sought to eliminate opposition with as much legal force as possible; bending, folding and mutilating the concept of objective legal justice, especially within legislative parameters so far as possible. For them, law is a malleable taffy super-ball that bounces in reaction to its shape and quantum force applied to compress it.

In some ways Joe Biden is the mirror image of Vladimir Putin although Putin is a patriot and Russian nationalist while Biden is a globalist and moral relativist with nominal allegiance to the religious leader in Rome. Perhaps Rome and Mecca share similar positions in drawing a select crowd of the global faithful toward the relative centers.

Like the Russia United Party the Democrat Party seeks to be the sole party of the nation democratically. Joe Biden built up the inevitability of war with Russia via Ukraine through endless increase of sanctions, military support and efforts to bring Ukraine’s western dependent government further into the embrace of the EU and N.A.T.O. instead of recognizing Russia’s reconquista of the Crimea and seeking to settle the east bank of the Dnepr problem peacefully through sharing and positive reinforcement of economic agreements to make the area a tax-free zone.

Joe Biden is the re-election specialist who will shape every issue to his personal political advantage in order to garner votes. Even the border crisis flooding the nation with foreign migrants developed because he refused to continue the Trump border wall development. Though a wall is an inferior remedy to halt illegal migrants in comparison to saltwater filled canals with locks, used to desalinate, evaporate and capture fresh water condensation under a roof spanning the border (with saltwater piped to the continental divide with solar powered pumps), the president was completely ineffective at stopping illegal aliens at the border. Presently he puts himself as the remedy to the problem though his Border Tsar was impeached.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Rep Madler and Rep. Adam Schifler would have hung Trump if they could have got away with it in order to secure the party’s grasp on power. In a real way Donald Trump is comparable to the late Alexei Navalny in being the object of wrath of the majority political party. Navalny’s recent death wasn’t too surprising because, like Trump, he is domestically regarded as treasonous and coordinator of insurrections (meaning in this case opposition to the political will of the majority). Such labels are convenient methods for eliminating the legal right of opposition party candidates to run for elected office or to be sentenced to death ,in camera.

The United States isn’t a well balanced political place these days. Democrats and many college students feel the party candidate is the sole way to help the people through economic breaks. They support illegal immigrations and mass refugee status for migrants as well. They fail to understand that the refugees are allowed in through criminal means because they are valued as cheap labor. Keeping wage labor values down is a perennial value of the rich. Capital increases faster than wages; far faster, and Democrats don’t really comprehend that today. Popular support for illegal cheap labor primarily benefits the rich. There is no substitute for legal order and only legal workers within a polity. Democracy must have sovereignty to be more than token, and sovereignty includes total control over immigration. In it’s absence wealth concentrates, public debt deepens, the environment decays and many American lives become marginalized. Alternatively, with sovereign control and an electorate that supports adequate taxation on the wealthy, the environment may be repaired, public debt reduced, the federal budget balanced, peace and prosperity with Russia and the rest of the world attained and poverty really eliminated in the United States. If the United States can actually become the good example of a political system that works it can help other nations in practical ways to emulate that success.

In the 1970s the average CEO compensation might be 50 times greater than that of factory workers. Now it is more than 300 times greater and party followers don’t really comprehend the difference. They tend to be satisfied with Democrat party legislative slop while wealth is concentrated. The United States is now on equal footi In a few years social security for the old and poor may be jeopardized because the structure returns money to the well off. Social welfare programs need to benefit those that need the assistance if they are to be practical and affordable. Everyone need pay into the system yet just the needy should use them. Safety nets are intended for those that fall; not those that have ascended economically and are living well.

Democrats could have let the Bush two tax cuts expire while Barrack Obama was President yet he twisted everyone’s arm to renew them. Democrats should just elect Trump to one term and let the Biden-party leadership expire. A new Democrat Party that supports a guaranteed basic income for all Americans paid for by raising the taxes on the rich should arise. It should also have an ecological economic platform that diligently works to reduce global warming, habitat loss and mass species extinction.

If everyone that is poor in the United States has a basic livable income yet are encouraged to find ecologically sustainable jobs- even into old age, the economic support could fade out as people received better earned compensation. At that point of more political refugees need to be allowed in to provide extra legal labor , poorer Americans would suffer less displacement.

President Biden has been focused on apologetics for letting in so much cheap, illegal labor and in some way reversing the blame and pretending to be seeking to control the problem in order to be re-elected as illegal migrations by the millions is regarded badly even by most Democrats in addition to Republicans. He wants billions and billions of new dollars for weapons and financial aid for the Ukraine in order to try to make it exclusively a western puppet. That is an obsolete paradigm for prosperity with winning wars through mass land conquest. Real prosperity grows with technological sophistication rather than real estate. Even agriculture can be grossly improved one day through zero gravity, or rather microgravity farming within solar powered space enclosures.

Joe Biden and the extremist Democrat party have placed perennial agricultural sanctions on Russia . Taking away it’s Ukraine lands when Russia was weak during the transition from Soviet Communism guaranteed and unbalanced future Europe with Russia trying to recover from the economic disaster by its loss of productive Ukrainian agricultural lands. Ukraine was historically a Russian possession until the 20th century when Germany sought its conquest. Before that it had been battled over though since Catherine the Great it was Russian.

One may want to stop for moment here and consider the approaches of Derrida, Quine and P.F. Strawson- as well as Kripke, to assigning meanings of words to objects, or as Derrida wrote, between signs and signified in regard to the parameters of the war in Ukraine. If Derrida wanted to dissolve the Platonic realist description of words, as might even Neo-realists like Kripke, in his works in order to deconstruct institutions, establishments of repressive power and perhaps even nations (I am not confident that he wished that), he may have made the same error that Aristotle did with his logic of syllogisms in over-estimating the strength of the relation between signs and signified. Aristotle’s syllogistic logic did not correspond directly to objects so the logic had fallacies in regard to real relations among objects, and Derrida’s effort to change material reality by making words implicitly meaningless variables shared that flaw. Night and day are real things experienced regardless of what one names them.

N.A.T.O and its member nations may be the largest organization on Earth, or the greatest institution. It seeks to wrest historically Russian land from Russia through sanctions, war and other condign measures, while Russia- a smaller institution and organization, seeks to keep the land. During the Vietnam War the left called the war illegal although the U.N.-sanctioned South Vietnam and its defense. Today European the left of N.A.T.O. and the United States in power name Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine illegal. Plainly it is nothing more than a tug of war between two great institutions over land ownership. The land is real, the people and history are actual and the conflict is evident regardless of what terms one gives it. One might wonder if deconstruction applies to more than political opposition and invariably coincides with an era of concentrating wealth and de facto death of democracy.

The best the western position can hope to accomplish is to build an Iron Curtain with Russia and load up the Ukraine-Russia boundary with N.A.T.O. forces primed for the final war of mankind (unless a Navalny like candidate takes power and flips the nation to western submission). Democrats will covertly support movements to develop insurrection in Russia even after the end of a successful Ukrainian victory over Russia. It is hard to predict how use of a flood of N.A.T.O. and primarily U.S. military and financial support will end. Today the brick nations including Russia, China and India are developing an alternative world economic order. It is possible of course that nuclear, chemical or biological war could follow a western victory. One would think that Europe will seek somewhat normalized relations as soon as possible with business leading the way and politicians dragging their feet.

At least President Biden has not eagerly sought the end of the Israeli military action in the Gaza. One would need to calculate how much time it would take for Hamas the terror organization to force its way back into power if it isn’t eliminated, and how long it would take for Iran and other Islamic nations to rearm Hamas with better, newer weapons to attack Israel with. It is sad that so many civilians were killed in hunting down Hamas, yet stopping short of finishing the job would simply guarantee a future Hamas attack on Israel as that mafia has no ethos for anything else. Not since the end of the first world war has it been more clear that finishing the job is necessary to prevent a second, future conflict.

Gangster dynamics drive members to commit crimes. Terror organizations that hate as their organizing principle Israel and seek to eliminate it, and have the ability with stockpiles of weapons, need attack Israel eventually or lose their grip on power. Younger terrorists with vigorous, energetic hatred replace older, complacent terrorists.

The vote of Michigan Muslims not to select Joe Biden as their candidate in the Democrat primary was the first big bite back of the party’s preference for immigrants as a way to build up their voting base. In the future they may discover that immigrants and children of illegal migrants chose to vote anti-pathetically to issues that the party’s traditional white liberal, feminist, homosexual, foreign and migrant, base of support support.

Fields Contrast (poem)


  The weather cold
just as you know
like alpin glow
seems forever

  Each spring unsold
planted life grows
watered peace flows
past hates lever

  Test one’s mettle
the space explore
to unknown shores
rhyme would settle

  Thoughts may shuttle
destiny more
reasoning for
places so subtle

  Scalar fields morph
embedded things
stretched time pings
beyond light’s wharf.


Joe Biden's Ukraine; The Next Afghanistan or Vietnam?

The United States has developed a record for engaging in protracted wars to accomplish a few general tactical political or economic objectives before withdrawing. Having invested lots (billions and billions) of cash, military equipment and advice in propping up one of the most corrupt governments in the world the Ukraine may be destined to become the next fiasco the U.S. Democrat Party has accomplished.

The Ukraine is Joe Biden's war. He is the haute chef of death. Precursor events for starting the conflict established by Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, President Biden was an 800 pound monkey in government agitating, arm-twisting and redistributing pentagon products to keep the conflict going. Most Americans would like the misbegotten war to end. Sharing far eastern Ukraine with its traditional owner-Russia, and restoring normal relations on both sides of the Dnipr River with large reconstruction projects accentuating the positives of sustainable economics would be of great value to the world.

Instead of the OSD (obsessive compulsive disorder) approach to international relations that demands every military contrivance possible in disorder to militarily force Russia to lose all of its historical lands in the Ukraine, a righteous President would stop flooding Ukraine with weapons that some believe is the trigger event to Armageddon and a destined New World Order of pervasive Neo-Paleolithic social anomie.

The west can survive if Russia owns the Crimea and far eastern Ukraine and even prosper with some sort of restoration of post-Cold War cooperation and normal economic relations with Russia. That would be better than the OCD approach that will present a sudden chill with a Ukraine left in chaos and Europe hating America for not rebuilding the Cold War with a new Iron Curtain to separate dangerous Cossack Huns of Russia seeking to devour Holland, Lithuania, Britain, Poland and Germany.


Replace G. Washington's name for Capitol with that of a Prior President?

 Some people are offended by places named for slavers or that exploit American aboriginals. The Kansas City chiefs offended quite a few people. The 49ers had a politically correct name alternatively, and were crushed in defeat. So much for linguistic justice.

The capitol named for a slave owner and district named for a felon and Indian slaver and killer also trouble some. Who can forget the worst massacre of Indians-Shoshone in US history (of course it pales in comparison to Latin American slaughter of Indians sometimes accidentally with viruses).

A neutral name for each-like Trump or Rumplestilskin is what others seek. Since there were 14 presidents before George Washington it would be easy to select another President’s name to replace him for the nation’s capitol. Mifflin and Hancock are a pair of likely candidates… Choose one for yourself here...

The Question; Should One Fear Death

 If one has a new car with that new car smell and life is finally a bowl of chocolate covered cherries maybe one fears death since it might be cold and dirty. If one has toothache, hunger and pain in an amputated arm, is far in debt and can’t get a job perhaps death seems like a pleasure sometimes- especially if thinking about the quality of presidential candidates. Fear though is ineffective at preventing death, so why use it if one likes effective thought? I would guess that it can be used as a stimulus to remain alive when that isn’t easy.

They Don't Believe in Life After Death yet...

 Some to be certain would die to find out. Others trusting physics and the conservation of information (Shannon entropy) believe a mind and its information must be eternal- even outlasting the Higgs Field and grand reunification to singularity or a cold dead universe/multiverse. Still others trust in God…for all things created by God as spirit logically always exist for God regardless of material configurations of the temporal.


The Von Biden Plan to Build a New Iron Curtain for Europe

 Democrat Party President Joe Biden is building the new Iron Country dividing the economies of east and west in order to prosecute a violent proxy war with Russia over Ukraine. His policy to fail to recognize legitimate historical Russian claims to the Crimea and Ukraine and to annex it onto Europe and N.A.T.O. at best will lead to a lasting adverse relationship with Russia and a situation for Europe comparable to that of North and South Korea. I experienced nearly a half century of cold war from youth and am of the opinion that swingy, corrupt and virtually insane Democrat Party preferences to restart it are exceptionally harmful to U.S. National security, to a unified world economic order and to efforts to restore the human caused world environmental decay with global heating. President Biden is incompetent and dangerous. He is even more so because Democrats seem willing to re-elect him and continue the war with Russia via Ukraine.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have intelligent, skillful, competent, productive leadership in the White House for a change? Leadership that brings peace now, restores the environment so far as he or she can, creates full employment, reduces public debt as is basically smarter than the average Democrat?

All that is required to end the conflict in Ukraine is for POTUS to recognize Russian ownership of the Crimea and the areas of far Eastern Ukraine that border Russia. European security is not enhanced with creation of a permanent state of hostility even if the conflict ends up as ‘successfully’ as the Korean war. European fear of Russia seems to flow from the political top down; Russia was never an economic threat to Europe with its comparatively small population and economy. With a free enterprise based economy Russia had let in a plethora of western corporations to do business before that changed with 8 years of the Obama administration and the election of Joe Biden to the White House.

Russian leadership wanted peace and prosperity shared with the west. President Putin has shown interest in repairing environmental damages globally. He was a partner in the war against terrorism. He also had to rebuild his nation from the ground up bureaucratically, forming a tax policy (and the war may help with that) and a military modeled on that of the U.S. volunteer force. His final task was to restore historical Russian lands and reverse the ignominious theft by Bill Clinton and that last leader of Communist Russia of historically Russian property in Ukraine. He Baltic Republics, Poland and England were never a part of the reconquista plan and desire for Russia. Russians aren’t stupid and they never sought World War Three or to conquer historically free nations of Western Europe. To pretend anything else in order to support the Ukraine war with Russia is dishonest, cowardly or incompetent to the point of insanity.

President Biden has built up a monster of a political situation for the United States that could melt like winter snow if Donald Trump is re-elected to the Presidency. Yet Democrats hate the idea of Russia owning Ukraine and will attack Mr. Trump and the Republican Party with as much hatred as they have for Russia; they absolutely do not want peace and a renormalized world economy that isn’t divided for some reason. Maybe Europe taking natural gas deliver from Russia rather than the U.S.A. was reason enough to foment political relations leading to Russia’s decision to go to war rather than trust Joe Biden. Now Europe gets natural gas from the United States and elsewhere. Perhaps the prospect of arms sales for war for a few generations was enticing enough to throw away peace and bury the key in a location more hidden than Golem’s ring of power. That ring of war should have been destroyed, not the ring of peace that should be in existence today, and could with righteous leadership with the fearful leadership of political runts taken out of the game.


Shem, Ham and Japheth; Jericho and Göbekli Tepe

 I wanted to write something about the world’s first known city and the world’s first known temple site. Each were built within the Fertile Crescent following roughly an arc between Cairo and Babylon via Turkey south of the Atlas Mountains. Each date to about 10,000 B.C.

That era around 10,000 B.C. was a pivotal time in human history. The great Wisconsin Ice Age had nearly ended. Ocean water levels had risen 200 feet and would reach the high water mark about 8500 B.C. (until recent times of course with human caused atmospheric heating melting even more glacial ice and sending sea level up a little but higher though nothing so dramatic as before). The paleolithic era had nearly concluded having begun about 350,000 B.C. Mankind had not yet invented pottery yet would by 6500 B.C.

Göbekli Tepe is a great male-dominated hunter-gather society with great permanent stone temples decorated with animal carvings. It existed between 10,000 and 8500 B.C. The stone carvings were ritually buried on occasion. The final group of carvings are of humans. That is notable. Not only was hunting becoming less good with so many animals being killed, a son of Noah may have reached the pagan site and persuaded them to become followers of God rather than votaries of dumb animals even though they provided food and were important.

It is not as silly of an idea as it seems. Agriculture had not yet been invented yet was in the process. People were beginning to cultivate wild grain and animals were being domesticated for food and as tools (wolves into dogs). Adam and Eve may have s[pent their time in Eden sometime before 10,000 B.C. in a present desert region of the Saudi Peninsula or even in the Sahara during the ice age when each were far different than today. Adequate water existed then and the climate was milder. Having been tested by God they were cast out into the world; Eden literally disappeared with the end of the Wisconsin. Just as the land bridge named Berengia between Russia and Alaska disappeared by 8500 B.C. beneath the waters of the Bering Sea, the sea level Rose in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea burying any proton-human settlements along the shores. Adam and Eve may have lived alone or found a small group of people to live with along the Persian Gulf shore. It is probable that a first worldly city began there perhaps as early as 12 to 14,000 years before Christ. It was supposedly an industrious yet wicked and sinful people that God became discouraged with regarding their human nature. If they were living some were on a land-spit of the Euphrates river below the present sea level and if there was a flood arising up the Tigris-Euphrates from some burst of dammed up glacial meltwater during a rainstorm last forty days and nights the entire world of Noah’s experience may have been submerged and the mud dwelling destroyed.

There were evidently other humans existing in the world while the Adam and Eve experiment was being conducted. Maybe they were a test case to determine if humans created in perfect conditions could ever be worth a damn- who can say for sure? They failed and were moved out from Utopia to work for a living and give birth to short-lived kids (eventually) that could live for ever as they could have possibly if not for being found to be disobedient. It is possible that Genesis is itself a kind of history sketch of the natural history provided by God to the world in a kind of abstract summary given to inform humanity of general parameters until they were smart or learned enough to understand that.

Noah may have known the farming trade and given his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth the knowledge of farming and vine-keeping. They were sent out into the world to mix with a pre-existing population apparently. Earlier Cain who killed his brother Abel was cast out yet protected by a mark warning others not to kill him. He journeyed east of Eden, and perhaps north to the area of the fertile Crescent that gave rise to settlements like Göbekli Tepe and several others by 800 B.C.; city sites given names like Tel Caramel, Abu Huraya, Jerf El Ahmar, Karahan Tepe, Urfa, Cayonu and Nevali Cori. Maybe Cain farther east and organized people in his own way and the sons of Noah reached the settlements like Göbekli Tepe and Jericho. They have have brought significant cultural changes as missionary priests although the continuity was lost over passing millennia.

Jericho was a great for the era farming community with a different kind of pagan focus on Earth Mud-mother neo-dieties- maybe a different son had a different effect on the locals than the hunting nomads of Göbekli Tepe. Maybe the locals of Jericho took the agriculture knowledge and threw out the part about God. The first tower known to history was built excavated in Jericho. It is perhaps 30 feet tall- a speaking pulpit for an interesting, informative, edifying son of Noah?

It as of course much later when Abraham was called from Sumer to travel out of Southern Mesopotamia to journey north- as late as 2000 B.C. So it is easy to understand the great amount of time that was passed between a possible place-time for Adam and Eve during the middle of the end of the Wisconsin 18,000- 12,000 B.C.) until the bronze age (3300 B.C. to 1200 B.C.) and the Iron Age when David and Solomon lived.

One may interpret the Bible and history in numerous ways because the reference object to words and time become rather vague with time. One might find the work of Saul Kripke in 'Naming and Necessity’ add W.V.O. Quine in ‘Ontological Relativity and other Essays’ interesting and informative on the realist vs. nominalist nature of words and lexicons of language).


An Organization's Charter is Its Dogma or Purpose

 Dogma virtually is organizational structure. It is accepted 'truth', policy and purpose. Cadre are programmed politically and act upon the policy without thinking. It happens in government a lot. There is serial and ossified praxis and organizational purpose- aka 'dogma', is also praxis. One has the dogma of Wal-mart if employed by them, or of the Democrat Party, Communist or Anarchist parties with their agenda. If working for an oil corporation one may be an unbeliever in global warming. If a Nazi one is a holocaust denier etc. Even secret organizations have dogma; the Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones and the Cult of Bullwinkle at the Moose Lodge.

Is dogma the cause of conflict? Sartre might have associated dogma with ossified praxis. That is the implicit nature of social organization; structure entails operating form and parameters. Saddam Hussein was a tyrant like Hobbes' leviathan. Hard to remove yet he needed to be gone. The Iraq war was deplorable in several respects. GW Bush said reconstruction would cost 50 billion and the actual cost was trillions. Radical Muslims and werewolves made the war after the war go on for years. 50,000 Iraqis were perishing under UN sanctions before the war and that needed to end. So it was either war or let Hussein go Scot free.

A sociology 101 course reveals some of the structural differences in social organization; for instance, the differences between patriarchal and matriarchal societies. Even so the concentration of wealth renders democracy somewhat moot, as plutonomy develops. Meanwhile mass media manipulates masses for the benefit of the rich, while national religious extremism in underdeveloped societies is a form of populism that rivals political power of elites. Palestine tends toward a patriarchy under organized crime more so than national democracy. The world is far more f'd up than is commonly realized, and Joe Biden does not remember being Vice President according to Special Counsel Hur.


Paradigms of Generative A.I. in Creative Design

 Generative A.I, - A.I. systems intended to generate things on the basis of large learning models, are said to be a disruptive technology. I am not sure that people realize how much so. I took a look at a street in a small town; the cars parked the electrical fixtures, the homes and commercial buildings etc. and in a way it was like viewing a scene from an old movie. I had the feeling that everything would change in not such a great amount of time.

Of course being an optimist over time I was disappointed at the rate of change of the nation. There were a lot of changes since the 1970s yet they were generally logical anticipated rather than things that were improved through public design of public lands and resources or federal programs. Generative A.I. may become a large factor in finding optimal or most efficient designs of things in physics, transportation etc. Given sufficient learning should generative A.I. be able to invent the most efficient electric car design with awareness of the costs of available natural resources? Shouldn't it be able to design materials for repaving streets so they can absorb and convert solar photons to electrons and provide free public electricity for electric automobiles.

Black generative AI- those covert systems with governors or censors built in, may be able to design biological and chemical weapons for everyone or even improved explosive designs. Apparently generative A.I. is a two-edged razor that society must use carefully lest it cut itself.

Göbekli Tepe was in a way the first permanent settlement of humanity that remains in existence. Built around the year 11,000 B.C... It was a religious center and development of grain for agriculture advanced in the area. Religion drew humanity together and they built fine structures to support that. A city that was more secular started in Jericho just a little later, although it too dates to nearly 11,000 B.C. Technology advanced slowly.

Compared to the great length of time before the creation of permanent human cities when hunting tools were the main tech for hunter-gatherers the time of the Neolithic and its development of modest building methods (such as one of the first towers at Jericho) was fast. When the age of Neolithic B ended around 6000 B.C. there followed a period of nearly 2500 years of decline and waste at Jericho. It is not impossible in human history for civilization or settlements to experience decline or destruction.

Many citizens don't believe that caution or good judgment is necessary for political choices to be made. Many today are fatalists, reflect on joss or various eschatological scenarios in places of pessimism, or worship centers and in reading fiction. It is possible to wonder who is minding the store. Even more people are global warming deniers or would take up the cross again as soon as they are done fighting for water rights. Atheists believing in nothing would have visions of a utopia for homosexuals and democrats of all varieties under kosher scientific supervision, loosely defined, as an application of Magna Carta with political power given unto parliament without need for a written constitution binding leaders to the past as if they were Gullivers ensnared.

Generative AI may change that criterion. Hayek believed that public lands and investment was a socialist-communist kind of things in support of totalitarianism. He wanted to let private enterprise own and run about everything with the belief that it would find the optimal configuration of business and perhaps even political configurations. During the Cold War version 1 people tended to go overboard and fail to understand that the empirical world; the environment, is the common heritage of mankind and it cannot readily be privatized without peril to the future of human life on this planet so far from anywhere else livable. 

Perhaps generative A.I. applied to inventing, physics, chemistry and biological technology will be insinuated into the midst of a recovering ecosphere. A.I. might even help find environmental solutions,  sustainable development paradigms or optimal scenarios for desalinating seawater with evaporation canals covered for condensation collection A next-gen political economy should provide the basic physical sustenance needs of every soul alive while yet creating a renaissance of spiritual and intellectual values and creativity on this world and beyond.

Mr. Trump and the Retainer Paid to a Journalist

 So far as I have learned Donald Trump is on trial for 34 counts of paying a journalist not to publish bad news about him. Trump's attor...