Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts


When Scientists Attack Christianity

 Everyone is learning. Honest inquires aren’t stupid. Science means knowledge. Materials science has a lot of investments and is monetarily rewarding and protected and defended like any vested business. It is those scientists and minions, that full of themselves, venture unscientific opinions or crackpot opinions regarding philosophical and spiritual affairs beyond their ken. Some scientists have the problem of being experts in one field they feel themselves authorities to extend their beneficence over all realms, making themselves seem like arrogant idiots.

I like science a lot having grown up in an era where Linus Pauling, Albert Einstein, Watson and Crick et al were making ground breaking discoveries routinely and/or their ideas like special and general relativity were being popularized. Yet the anti-Christian crowd of the post-deconstruction era have poisoned the atmosphere of the public toward a Godless lifestyle they hold dear. There is no question that they have created a civil divide that is lasting.

Scientific knowledge is itself challenging to keep up with. New expensive hardware brings new insights and opportunities to test theories. I like cosmology and computer science and have little time for biology. Long ago I was quite interested in it and all fields reading such scientific publications that were easily available in libraries and over the counter like Scientific American (before it was bought by the Dutch). I watched Attenborough’s Life in Earth series when it was new in the early 80s yet by then I had learned of evolution at least 20 years before. I am also Christian and learned a lot about Biblical composition and history. Philosophical history and linguistic, analytic philosophy and logic reading let me more readily understand how the indeterminacy of translation applies in all fields. W.V.O. Quine left a book that was a series of Tarner Lectures named ‘Ontological Relativity’ wherein he explained that different ontology exists for various languages and fields each with their own unique and untranslatable lexicon. Knowing that word means have different values in different lexicon or a different ontology as a set of meanings, concepts and ideas lets one assemble meanings from the Bible better. Even deictic references such as occur with Urartu/Ararat, geology and the prehistorical researches and discoveries supporting the Bible and prehistorical and early human settlements such as the 10th millennium B.C. Gobeki Tepe in Anatolia may be combined with historical climate change for increased understanding.

It is quantum mechanics today that lets one better understand the nature of reality. It is a paradoxical key to enter the realm of uncertainty and a Higgs Field entangling massless two-dimensional wave fluctuation that observed appear as particles. Philosophical considerations of the nature of mind and object, as well as language reveal that physicalism also known as materialism or matter is founded almost upon nothing with a very mysterious foundation premise of a field made of the unknowable presently without time except within itself as it is manifest. Time is then a relative condition of location in the space-time field.

Nothing is stupid except to make assertions about noumenon or operative noumena (i.e. extra-terrestrials cannot exist in this Universe) that cannot be supported. That applies to atheist assertions regarding God. Christians know what they believe and why. It is a faith after all and one that all the scientists that fit on the metaphorical head of a pin in a star trek transporter room when shrunk and on the way to some place beyond the Universe because it has no distance scale when not enmeshed in it, could controvert.

When Scientists Attack Christianity

 Everyone is learning. Honest inquires aren’t stupid. Science means knowledge. Materials science has a lot of investments and is monetarily ...