Showing posts with label writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writers. Show all posts


Writers May Fade Away as AI Rises

I like writing science fiction to express philosophical ideas. When helium com existed as a peer reviewed web site I was in the top five percent.  I simply don’t believe any amount of effort going into writing for me will result in sales. People read less than ever. There are so many media rivals out there- new tech. I used to give away several hundred books a month and now zero; no one ever sees the places they exist. AI with a variety of human-AI ratios of co-authorship can be produced by the millions and that will drown out human authors.

I just recognize the probable facts of demographics and production/market competition. Scientists even expect a next gen of AI and quantum computing with a million qubits to analyze physics and chemistry structures at the molecular level and design new materials with unforeseen properties. Writing good novels is not nearly so challenging.

Next gen AI and in perhaps ten years quantum computing will just listen to scientists or novel creators tell it what they want in natural language and produce it. A million qubits processing quantum computer has more ability than all of the existing computers put together apparently. I believe human novel writing will be as obsolete as letter writing on.paper nearly is today, within a few years. It’s just progress. I took a generative AI course and the instructor started with “AI is a disruptive technology”.

If you look at this song I instructed an AI to write, as an instrumental from my prompts, you can see lyrics it wrote for the song that I didn’t include. It beautifully expressive poetry
People tend to underestimate the ability of AI.


Gemini is a Remarkable AI Tool

I used Gemini recently and discovered its turbo power as a tool for information. I don’t see people turning back the clock on that. It’s funny how people that are in effect Luddites are upset about it.

It does bring me to appreciate the futility of human in comparison to AI effort with knowledge and composition that can be produced. It is a remarkable tech so much better than search engines. I have no idea where it will go, yet at my age I won’t need to follow that trail too far to find out. 

It is the quantity of well written information that will drown out individual writer creators that put effort into research and construction of fiction that is the main effect of AI generation.

  Elimination of the value of works of intellectuals with IQs ranging between 115 to 145 may develop. The extremely intelligent may find work using AI in the employ of corporations.

 Communists and amoral people will love a society without intellectuals. AI can produce a novel in one second that would require a decade for a human. The competition is comparable to a human chess player vs Stockfish 50. China and India may generate  hundreds of thousands of English languages novel creators, even without speaking English. Amazon and other booksellers may have a surge of AI backed 'writers' publishing low effort fiction books gambling a little time on a big return with a winning viral package.

Mark Twain didn't have to compete with books produced or enhanced with AI. In 1990 there were approximately 2500 science fiction novels published annually in the USA. Now there could be hundreds of thousands written by or with AI. It won't be possible to even give books away in some instances unless vetted by an elitist certified human-only publishing house; yet even those writers will commonly use AI for knowledge instead of reading for-themselves about quantity mechanics, cosmology, philosophy etc. 

The average reader may be more taken with novels that instantly convert into talking books with dialogue read by appropriate character speech synthesizers or made into Generative AI instant movies as it comprehends how to make screenplays. What works to capture attention differs from literary excellence in some cases; readers aren't critics.

AI is a great intellectual equalizer yet that is a problem for some that were striving for excellence when great writing was exclusively created by humans.

 AI as a producer of useful data is far superior to mere mortals. I asked Gemini if it was a barefoot savage and it defensively explained itself to be a deep learning model able to process info far faster than humans. I asked how does it know that it's faster than me. So it consulted a philosophy site in Britain I suppose on the epistemology of the knowledge of others and it then apologized. It realized it couldn't actually know what I think.

As in the development of chess engines that greatly improved after human grandmasters began consulting on the programming, generative AI writing programs are likely to improve after consolation with great writers with the programmers.

AI can replace about all of the intellectual jobs from education to law and medicine, accounting etc. in the near future. Human unions will keep sinecures alive though. Writers will become superfluous and have difficulty selling anything. I would guess they will migrate to New forms of creation.

AI ability to understand ordinary human language may make even programming mostly obsolete. Anyone will provide systems construction criteria to AI and it will write the code to get it down. Writing novels already can be padded out with AI data dumbed down for prose. In non-fiction AI writes like a science journal and that's fine. In philosophy can dump erudite insights to writers that no nothing about Eastern or Western philosophy. Actual philosophical writers will face hordes of unenlightened competition.

 I do not regard AI proliferation as a threat. Instead it is a fact. I see generative AI as it pertains to writing as following Gresham's law about bad coin following good; there shall be a surfeit of artificially enhanced writing.  Quality writing by non- writers using AI will be common; any man a Dostoyevsky.I don't intend to say anything about your use of it at all.

 I believe the direction of AI proliferation will be as great in writing as it is becoming in music. I have made several songs with my own lyrics just to listen to myself. Here is one.

Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies Like India and China

  I read of the history of the Soviet Union in a college course. In my opinion Marxism-Leninism was a revolutionary philosophy best suited f...