Showing posts with label Non-locality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Non-locality. Show all posts


The Way of Non-Locality (a poem)


Steps seemed to yield the way
forward toward time
a shadow now
at play

Lines layered higher the day
scrolling somehow rolling on
dimensions’ juxtaposed box locked
in time

Non-local letters never did end
dimension’s toolbox clocked and sought
some rhymes of meaning
a thought to send.

Ultra-determinist probabilities refine
patterned observations scattered
like semiotic signs
tripped slipping through sequences

A letter here
and there compiling
a universe revealing
quanta’s optimal stay.


Physicalism and Non-locality

Physical just means made of stuff; fermions and bosons mostly. People are made of fermions though they aren’t fermions themselves. Fermions have angular momentum and people usually don’t.

Even if some properties of quanta aren’t determined unless observed, the matter of the universe in large clumps of mass is an entangled phenomenon in the Higgs. Still things are made of stuff even if it’s 2-dimensional massless particles waves entangled to seem like three dimensions.

I wonder if the idea of non-locality is overrated when it is applied to everything and everywhere. A wave function needs to be in a finite area or it’s value will return as 0. There is an allowable infinite number of dimensions in Hilbert Space yet even that might require a specific number for a wave function collapse to return a non- zero value.

I read a book by Zellinger long ago on the quantum teleportation experiments in Zurich, Zi believe it was, underneath a river. A good scientist. Philosophically though I don’t think that non-locality invalidates physicalism. Instead the 2022 Physics Nobel experiments show that some elements of quanta exist in a non-collapsed, undetermined state. It could also mean that a great many alternate field events could fit a particular observed position in an entangled system. 

That makes sense because everything is part of that larger Higgs field and meta-Higgs field system or phenomenon comprising the Universe. The cloud of quantum unknowing perhaps created with the unified field appearance and inflaton works faster than light still, and that is remarkable for one wonders, since the universe might be just 92 billion light years in diameter, where that faster than light cloud of 2 dimensional particles has travelled, what if anything constrains it, why it contains non,-local information ties, and if it is bound by relativity and space-time orbiting outside and through it like a ghost.

The standard meter Kripke used as an example of the existence of contingent a priori truths in Naming and Necessity is a paradigm that’s interesting not just because philosophers and physicists have used it to illustrate the criterion of space-time changes of objects in the general and special theories. The parameters are perhaps useful points for considering quantum valence intervals.

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