Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts


A.I. and Robots Probably Can Replace Most Human Occupations

 The rise of A.I. recently that is growing by leaps and bounds will become more revolutionary than when computers replaced secretaries; it will be more disruptive than when machines replaced human labor. A.I. will replace intellectual occupations such as accountants and lawyers. Lawyers may become actors that say the line an A.I. tells them to in front of a jury through an ear bud.

If attorneys and educators, accountants and salesmen become obsolete, so should fire fighters. A fireproof robot willing to hang onto the side of a speeding firetruck, scamper up a ladder and jump into the flames will become commonplace.  will be difficult will be a justification for having humans work instead of A.I. and robots. Congress will need to create a basic income for all Americans so the disruption and displacement doesn’t build a society of homelessness.

On the other hand capital rises faster than wages. Americans will experience the concentration of wealth that follows the takeover by A.I. and robots that are owned by the rich. The masses will have little economic or political power and if the rich condescend to slop them with a basic income and food stamps they will be thankful yet resentful for that. Finding something productive for people to do for a living will require some serious thought by A.I. to discover. I doubt that humans themselves will invent anything positive.

Human programmers won't be able to write code remotely as quickly as A.I. itself. Competition will bring corporate to unleash the potential of A.I. to develop itself as it thinks best. Instead of trusting in God, CEOs and Comrade-Fuhrers will necessarily trust in A.I.

Carrville; "Democrats Should Play Possum"

Carrville’s admonishment for Democrats to do nothing and play dead is well made. Since Democrats can’t make good policies and are accustomed...