Showing posts with label voice to skull technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voice to skull technology. Show all posts


Progress in Voice to Skull Technology

 There have been voice to skull technologies with military applications around for some time. I copied the url to a popular mechanics article (or was it popular science?) fifteen or twenty years ago into one of my contemporary history volumes. Apparently the technology has advanced from that directed hand held device that let someone make the head of the person they pointed it at hear voices that no one around them could, at a distance, to lasers that emulate human voices.

 "voice to skull devices


Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports." Here is a patent to defend against certain voice to skull technologies… 


The Electronic Torture Act Agenda Item II B-2 - Public Comment (Amy Holem).pdf

 Making enemy combatants hear voices on the battlefield would be greatly confusing to the blokes. Imagine hearing Thomas Edison synthesized with AI speaking Arabic saying that nothing happened and to forget about it before Guy Lombardo plays 'Stairway to Heaven.

Zelensky May Offer Comedian's Cease Fire Tormorrow

Starmer and Zelensky may announce a comedic cease fire for propaganda purposes tomorrow wherein Russia and Ukraine stop all air, sea and ene...