Showing posts with label ecological economics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ecological economics. Show all posts


A Revolution for Ukraine

Ukraine’s infrastructure destruction could be a blessing if political leadership makes it so. Usually a revolution is required to destroy the old economic infrastructure and rebuild it on new principles. The people of the world need a new political economy founded on principles of ecological economic sustainability. Usually revolution is required for such change and that often brings the devastation of physical infrastructure through civil war. Europe and western leadership have already accomplished devastating Ukraine and destroying the economic infrastructure because they would not share Ukraine with Russia. Maybe given another try at complete economic change in Ukraine they can do better.

Revolution sometimes is the only way to accomplish political change. Revolutions over history have been generally vague about what would be accomplished following a successful political revolt. Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital are a case in point of failing to provide a realistic template for what the new theoretical state would be like. Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 Presidential primary platform of  Green and Blue New Deals was estimated to cost 70 trillion dollars to actualize by the broadcast media, and the public had little or no awareness of what it entailed; it was another blank check approach to governance.

Unlike revolutions of the past a revolution to bring about sustainable economics would require a completely comprehensive plan to actualize after the revolt brought new leadership into power. With the complexity of ecological economics exceeding the present knowledge of this generation of politicians and most of the public, the prospects for bring a successful revolution to ripen are vanishingly rare. Not only would the military element be nearly impossible to accomplish in the modern era of surveillance state with omnipresent observation of the citizens and their communication since revolutionaries would be extirpated a priori, the requirements for a comprehensive ecological economic makeover of the political economy mean that the construction of the plan would require a large number of  experts and could not be done in secret. Overt revolutionary planning in public social media would be a novel revolutionary criterion. 

Usually following a revolution in the devastated landscape that may exist humans would self-organize reconstruction in accordance with their prior knowledge and history of political economy. In other words they would be clueless about ecological economic principles and would rebuild the old maladapted political economy.

Since 2014 the United States has spent more than 250 billion dollars to prop up Kiev with military support. There was additional spending that wasn’t directly military. That is a lot of money and all that is has accomplished has been bringing Ukraine to a state of ruin with trillions required for a complete rebuild. That raises the possibility of rebuilding Ukraine with an entirely new economic infrastructure founded on ecological economic scientific principles in order to accomplish a sustainable economy.  Ukraine is a wonderful, representative devastated nation suitable for rebuilding with a completely new ecological economic criterion of sustainability yet unfortunately even European politicians are entirely devoid of ideas on the topic or of a desire to accomplish it.

President Zelensky has said Ukraine only received $100 from the U.S.A. The missing billions highlights the problem with corruption globally accentuated by the low quality of media reporting and spin that is ordinary. In that caustic social environment money and economic perfidy are the rule rather than the exception. The media has tended toward normalizing political snafu to benefit themselves.

Ukraine has achieved the prefect post-revolutionary devastation useful for starting a new economic infrastructure. Usually anarchy immediately follows revolutions if there isn’t a very strong, authoritarian power taking control. Ukraine existing in a somewhat mildly pretentious independence might be amenable to experimenting for the globe as a region with a new political economy of ecological sustainability. The Eu should be planning for that kind of state and perhaps share with Russia an ecological economic modality that could encompass the Easter Ukraine that is effectively Russia. Conventional trade could pass through Ukraine and vital mining operations exist yet there should be a radical makeover innovating and insinuating complete ecosphere sustainability into the next economic infrastructure.,other%2C%20primarily%20humanitarian%2C%20purposes

"Congress appropriated $174.2 billion through the five Ukraine supplemental appropriation acts enacted FY 2022 through FY 2024, of which $163.6 billion was allocated for OAR and the Ukraine response, and $10.6 billion was allocated for other, primarily humanitarian, purposes."-quote from Ukraine Oversight


A Sustainable Political Economy Isn't Stopped By Selfish Genes

I wouldn't blame the trashing of the ecosphere on politically incorrect genes. That's a way of shifting responsibility for political ineptitude. The problem is in evolution of history and the emergent differentials of education and political economy globally.

Especially with specialization occupationally and individual alienation from a simple relationship to the environment in urban life mankind has a no one is in charge problem in addition to the majority not being generalist and scientifically informed. The inertia of technology in economics drives everything forward at a frenetic pace; the whole phenomenon is greater than the individual parts. Individually almost no one has the power or knowledge of how to change the whole human economic structure toward an ecological economic refoundation of sustainability. Even more challenging is the task of discovering how to implement a new political economy without harming anyone.

The pace of technical progress is itself disruptive. Reality imposes it's own demands. One must be wary of corruption that would repress philosophical development of understanding actual problems challenging the political economy.
 AI took another great leap forward today as a Chinese company named Deep Seek said it can produce for 6 million dollars deep learning models that investors are spending billions on. That sent AI stocks downward 300 points.

Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies Like India and China

  I read of the history of the Soviet Union in a college course. In my opinion Marxism-Leninism was a revolutionary philosophy best suited f...