Showing posts with label EVs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EVs. Show all posts


Trump D.O.T. Should Be All-in Support for Domestic Solar Panel and EV Manufacture

China presently has a slight lead over the U.S.A. in producing electric vehicles. In 2024 the U.S. manufactured about 8.3 million EVs and China approximately 9 million in 2023. I am not counting hybrid electric vehicles. The EV market for the U.S. in 2025 is anticipated to be worth more than $100 billion dollars. Since EV sales in the U.S. in 2024 was just 1.3 million, the rest may be for export.

EVs have much lower maintenance costs than electric vehicles. In August 2023 there were just 3300 certified EV repair techs in the United States and about 83,000 more are needed each year for the next decade. More than half of the fossil fuel auto repair ships can service electric vehicles however. The trouble with repairs is that safety with high voltage is de rigeur and that requires training.. There is a lack of EV training standards, and that should be fixed. Instead of going to a computer coding college some might want to attend an EV Repair Business College, if they exist in your area.

EV batteries may work 15 or 20 years yet the cost of replacing a battery runs 5 to 10,000 dollars. Lithium ion batteries may be replaced this year by solid state batteries that are more efficient and weigh less in addition to keeping a charge better in very cold weather. They may be recharged in a fraction of the time of lithium ion batteries.

This is not a very good time for the Trump administration to be throwing turbulence into the U.S. EV market, if he is. The majority of the world population capable of affording to by a car will prefer electric vehicles that can be recharged for free with sunshine. Learning to retrofit EVs with failing lithium batteries with newer, cheaper solid state batteries should be on the Department of Transportation’s to do list. Cutting back on exhaust emissions from gas fueled clunkers in the second and third world is meaningful in the effort to reduce the acceleration of global warming. Though the Trump administration may not believe it, the world ocean temperature is rising half a degree fahrenheit each decade.

A fundamental change is occurring in transportation to systems that have not air pollution capability and support home production of fuel at low cost. The U.S. auto industry cannot well profit seeking to be bottom feeders limiting themselves to selling internal combustion engine powered vehicles to people that believe it patriotic to give money for gas to big oil corporations, and further, that global atmospheric heating is a deceit.

Japan is driving forward to develop perovskite solar panels that are cheaper, more pliable and better than present solar panels. The Trump administration should also support development of the domestic development of perovskite solar panels because of the likelihood of their wide-spread use in the building industry in the 2030s; everyone likes to keep change in their pockets that would go to pay for corporate power.

Zelensky May Offer Comedian's Cease Fire Tormorrow

Starmer and Zelensky may announce a comedic cease fire for propaganda purposes tomorrow wherein Russia and Ukraine stop all air, sea and ene...