Showing posts with label morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morality. Show all posts


What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything moral to believe in besides that which they construct. As a result personal egoism is then an acceptable moral standard, as well as The Prince and evolution criteria for survival and advancement of the most cunning liars when that works. That is there is nothing implicitly wrong with deceit for atheists have transitioned to the beyond good and evil judgmentalism.

That is what is meant when people say that atheists have no morality.

I believe that moral norms need to be socially pervasive to be considered morality. Moral norms are values for a society. If the actions are simply those of individuals and accountability by retribution then there isn’t any morality present. In the absence of standard morality where everyone acts according to their own will and retribution by others is the way things are morality doesn’t exist. Consider the difference between standard-industry wide plug in jacks for computer chargers and one where every manufacturer has their own sizes and shapes; one cannot then say that a standard value exists or the size and shape of the jacks is a moral standard so they all fit interchangebly. Moral behavior is just another category of things.

I once took a coursera course from Yale on moralities of everyday life. The course was left oriented to a certain extent and they found that the ethics and morals of atheist Democrats is quite different from that of conservatives. Actually there are even regional differences. Keep in mind the first commandment though mentioned by Jesus in Matthew. ““Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matt 22:37–39).

Zelensky May Offer Comedian's Cease Fire Tormorrow

Starmer and Zelensky may announce a comedic cease fire for propaganda purposes tomorrow wherein Russia and Ukraine stop all air, sea and ene...