Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts


Red Chris Mine in Canada Presents Dangers for American Fish Downstream

 There is a proposed expansion of the Red Chris mine in Canada upstream of the Stikine River from Wrangell. It is an open pit mine and they hope to make tunnels through substrate and then blast to collapse the overhead and extract low grade ore from the  rip rap for rock crushing.  The mining technique is called block caving.

Water running through new underground channels take toxic minerals with it, and that can persist for centuries. Good luck with getting Canadians to be concerned about downstream American fish. There are a couple of books on U.S. experience with the problem. I doubt the current President would care.

Mind is Under-Appreciated

 Robert Laughlin, a winner of a Nobel in physics published a book named 'A Different Universe; Reinventing Physic from the Bottom Up...