Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts


On Christology

 Christology is not a simple subject. Even so I would say that making categories a,b,c, regarding what comprises a human or “a complete human” are not very satisfactory, much less applied to Christ. One can make a set of word to comprise a definition and invalidate that criteria with formal logical examination. One might define the parameters for an ostrich and if it includes fins then the criterion is wrong. One never gets anything more than words that are logically consistent with the criterion you built. Words are different than objects.

There is the additional problem of words as definite articles compounded, with those words individually difficult to define through reductionist procedures. One has trouble defining a spirit, a mind etc. especially as contingent objects. The divine nature and character cannot be defined exhaustively for that is not an object of human knowledge. How the Spirit of God indwells Christ as a human is not something that can definitely be known. neither is it simple to define what a soul is or how it is constructed; it could just be information or a record that God keeps of the data of a human life. If programmers can know the data that makes a program or an AI and recover it if hardware breaks down I am sure that God can do better than the best quantum computer would ever be able to do in order to capture the entirety of information that makes a human being, soul etc. what it is.

At end one can say that Christ was fully human and God. He is The Son and is Spirit as are the Father and the Holy Spirit. As a human physically he knew God the Father. One cannot satisfy the criterion of defining the proportions or composition of Jesus in regard to the other two members of the Triune God through physical means.


Christianity, Evolution and Digital Universes

There are numerous paradigms concerning cosmology, epistemology and belief that transcend others sometimes. If mass is two dimensional massless particles entangled in the Higgs field and space-time is entirely relative embedded in the timeless field hosting the Higgs it is like a holographic Universe hosted in  a virtual reality box. That changes assumptions about evolution and physicality more toward Bishop Berkeley's side. God could create reality in any sort of order in that regard and it would all be true and consistent with the Bible.

Interpreting the Bible and terminology from ancient meanings to modern can lead to misunderstandings. Was Eden near Iraq and was the timeline beginning in the neolithic one that continued from a lost first civilization submerged under the Persian Gulf because of sea level rise withe the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age  Though my ideas about the topic continues to improve with time here is a recent(free) book I wrote on the subject.


Ancient Heresies Return Each Generation

Jesus refers to the Father and the Holy Spirit numerous times. Why do people want to revisit ancient heresy like the Aryan doctrine or monophysitism today? Is it a lack of education? Did people never learn  the Nicene Creed?

Shaff's history of the Christian Church written in the late 1800s is excellent and free to download online. There is lots of good scholarship online for free these days. Here is a site with the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament

Put Zelensky and Starmer on the No Fly List

 British P.M. Starmer and Ukrainian President Zelensky are each harmful to U.S. interests and security and should not be allowed travel to t...