Showing posts with label Christian writer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian writer. Show all posts


Extrusions of Planetary Sphere(oids)


The hill to mount
beauty inviting a climb
where snow is covering
volcanic slopes
with gravity gracefully syruping flow
from upward where I should go

Tectonic surges compiled urges
to be and not to be
beyond questions of pain or blister
barren hills and high desert will
not a drop of water in hell
or communists do tell

Anything about summits that free
with trails covered in vines and forests
waterfalls and broken trees
deadfall delays and pointless concerns to see
atop is downhill, another side
thinner air and something with pride

Proprietary rights dashed by communal plans
as organisms take over what is left of man
the vertex is a corner
for temporal mourners
who’ve assembled from a burbled deficit financed base
to become Zarathustras of no other place.


Night Rises in Darkness (a poem)


Driving into the Berlin Wall
crashing through being and nothingness
infinite lines of verse
terse concepts through it all
though it wasn’t
no-brainer certain

The Iron curtain torn asunder
like a temple’s temporal wonder
yet then it was
thunderbolts above
final hours
of Eisenhower

Nothingness foreseen
eclectic bits parse daylight dreams
desert mirages of trains and rain
flowing oceans to window panes
see the world with mind each day
filter what a Universe can say

More complexity for ratiocination
reincarnations planned with atmospheric flight
perfect balanced measured moral standards
as if calculations could evolve tight contrition
in elements that quantum worldlines hazard
valiance beside omniscient right

Heaven hell or deep non-being
the resurrected options of logic seeming
simple to manage, plan and execute
those labeled faithful
amid the condemned to boot
causality with original sin should rave
just Jesus the Lord God saved

It was there, and then it isn’t
the wall was gone,
and then it wasn’t
past tenses brought new with Shannon entropy
deaths littered fissile satrapscapes
night rises with the darkest song.

Across the Edge (a poem)


Paid across
edges of space-time the loss
of yesterday gone away
rises with days of holocaust

Weigh the world
mass thermodynamics hurled
sentient lives to the fore
broken doors of being’s way

What would say
if time could heal wounds today
self-inflicted senseless deaths
dying breaths of war have paid.


N.A.T.O. as a Hybrid, Monster Across the Pond

 In the day when the Soviet Union posed a threat to Europe, following the collapse of Nazi Germany, the paradigm for bringing the separate devastated European countries into a pact with each other and the United States to defend against the Evil Empire was sound policy. N.A.T.O. was like a Breton Woods economic metaphysics for the west. That time has changed with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of the European Union. With most of Europe being in the European Union and with the expansion of N.A.T.O. the United States is locked into a relationship where it is a trans-oceanic minority of one. European power would expect America to follow its wish in regard to foreign policy.

George Washington warned of making permanent foreign alliances in his farewell speech and N.A.T.O. membership is a prime example. It is a defense relationship that fundamentally requires the United States not to differ with the policy of the majority of the members. There is no North or South Atlantic military threat- except perhaps from N.A.T.O. members itself, that the United States can not de frappe itself. Yes there are submarines from various nations outside N.A.T.O. that cruise the pond below the waves; does the United States need help from Turkey to defend against that risk?

Some day in the future the vast unification of Europe and coordination of its military may be a monster attacking from the fog, or with the sun at its back. If Europe experiences a leftist takeover then the United States would be between a socialist China and a socialist N.A.T.O. That would be a hard place to be in case of war. N.A.T.O. is a potential and even likely hybrid monster across the pond.

Recently N.A.T.O. leaders proposed raising 100 billion Euros to battler against Russia in Ukraine for five years. That sort of policy may work for lunatics that simply seek to continue the Clinton push eastward against a weakened Russia that had part of its homeland stolen at the end of the Cold War on paper. Europeans have forever sought to expand eastward by pushing into Russian lands. Plainly the expand the EU crowd want to build up N.A.T.O. forces on the Russian border and force Russia to capitulate politically as if they were the Soviet Union. It is not possible to over-state the imbecility of the return to a Cold War paradigm with a new Berlin Wall built effectively by the west on the far eastern boundary of an expanded Ukraine. Expanding the EU through conquest is a paradigm comparable to that of the third Reich with Adolph Hitler as he looked to the east with Operation Barbarossa.

U.S. interests lie in a peaceful and profitable relationship with Russia. Russia as an ally of the U.S.A. may lower threats from China and Europe and create a solid economic foundation for the world ahead with challenges from A.I. and the loss of ecospheric health. Even the security of the E.U. would be upgraded through peaceful relations with Russia. In that scenario everyone is a winner except war mongers and would be world rulers.


Speaker Johnson Ought to Resign Rather Than Send 34 Billion to Ukraine War

 Speaker of the House Johnson should resign rather than fund the Ukraine war. Thirty four billion dollars should be spent in the U.S.A. rather than in Ukraine to try to get Russia to give up their righteous claims to the Crime and at least the eastern half of the country.

A Christian should stand for something intelligent and consistent with the ten commandments at least; the grossly incompetent treatment o Russia to fund a military industrial complex venture and bring the world to gain the world for his soul? Is he also bitten with a case of the ass?

Tin Men are running the U.S.A. Finding peace should be simple enough, yet those without a brain might not even be aware that it is possible to have a just and lasting peace with the nations ceasing fire in place.

Does Speaker Johnson attend a church with a doctrine in support of sin, of homosexual marriage and murder? With a rectification of names churches with a doctrine of sin could correctly rename their beliefs something other than Christian.

Lifetime Achievement Award for Poetry

 Thank goodness I was spared the challenge of writing an acceptance speech.

Since it was a well-played April Fool's joke.

The People's Fish

 I wondered how the President gets new ideas for old foreign and domestic policy issues. Several of the President’s political ideas long ago passed their expiration dates, though he may have forgotten that. If there was a trustworthy correspondent able to interview one of the President’s primary policy advisers I imagine it would go like this...

The Arctic nation’s conference was set to meet recently so I sought an expert opinion about its prospects and duties. A broadcast-healer; Charles of Gaul, hoop produces a non-partisan parapolitical show at Bering Strait‘s Obiwan River delta studios and is one of President Joe’s primary policy advisers. He said that he could bring back to life peaceful international relations that died years ago. I asked him; Aren’t you the guy that said; “Once dead twice shy”?

He replied; “Yes, but that was before the U.S.A. appointed a new ambassador to the Arctic Nation’s conference. Now we have a true fish of the people leading.”

Will that make a difference Charles?

“Of course”, he said. “Good international relations will solve all of the Arctic issues of the day and restorie world dance.”

I saw a map of the Arctic nations on his video display terminal and there was a big black space where Russia used to be, while in the other Arctic areas colorful little pins were placed about smiling people populating happy, verdant nations.

What happened to Russia I asked?

“They were voted out of the Arctic Nation’s membership and are no longer an Arctic nation. Russians dissented with the Clinton-Yeltsin map divying up the former Soviet Union and are not welcome.”

Charles, won’t that affect the success of Arctic nations working to resolve political obstacles to reversing declining fish stocks, global warming and ocean acidification?

“Not in the least” he said. ‘The militarization of the Arctic will induct the security of fish and especially that of several salmons. Great cryo-fortresses will be constructed at each end of the American portion of the Yukon River to de frappe all potential Russian assaults with aggression against American fish. A constellation of naval bases, artillery, missile and drone sites will be constructed to guard the norther and western coasts of Alaska, while the soft underbelly of the state will be defended by reopening Aleutian military bases. Fort Yukon, Nome, Barter Island and Adak will have Marine outposts and drone bases for air land and sea machines working tirelessly to surveil and secure safety for American fish so Russian predators do not take one dreampt fish from the river. Free Salmon will be free, safe and secure for many generations.

Drone Obama-class tanks will be tireless sentinels patrolling Yukon River frontage with advanced artificial intelligence interdicting and eliminating threat vectors to assure the security of fish.”

Russia might reply in kind I think.

He replied; “Not while they are bogged down in an unwinnable war in Ukraine that costs U.S. taxpayers fewer than 100 billion dollars a year. The Ukraine war is an inexpensive and efficient way to secure peace and safety for Alaska salmon even though they are of dubious political allegiance.”

What do you mean Charles?

“Russia has put up gill nets on its side of the Bering Strait to catch any treasonous salmons that might infiltrate within its territory on the way to the Yukon River. They won’t let any fish escape so far as possible because that could build up the numbers of communists in Alaska, and Russia is a non-communist country these days.”

How are fish communist Charles? asked I.

“They live in communal schools; swimming in the ocean in great Marxist-Leninist dialectical spirals before looping back to mass socialist spawning beds with commonality of females. When they die they pass on their bodies to enrich other communists.”

That seems improbable Charles; what proof do you have?

“It is self-evident mon ami. The Chi-nook salmon are named for Chinese communal nooks at sea with the greatest dialectical spirals of materialism- lasting four years. The Red salmon are hard-core Bolsheviks, and pink salmons are neo-communist sympathizers-fellow travelers of the arch enemy.”

That is bad new for me Charles. Yet at least the silver salmon are free, non?

“Yes, once upon a time silver salmon were free frontier fish, then they discovered the shining path of Maoism and were converted to godless ,atheist ,communism on the open seas where they emulated dialectical materialism of Chinookism.”

What can be done to combat the decline of patriotism Charles?

.“There are honest fish in the sea: yellow stripers, sting rays and groupers that aren’t full of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Renew your faith in good government; there is a way for good government to outflank the ban on making bills of attainder to take the property of those opposed to honest fish management; do you know what it is?”

No; I replied.

“Litigate the varmints. Government can charge the opposition or sue them in criminal and civil court usin partisan judges hoop can set the bail and bond so high the enemy can’t never pay it- then they forfeit their private property on the spot, legally. I think we can redistribute all of the land west of the Pecos to good Democrankists before the end of the decade with a few potty lawyers.”

I looked away from Charles the Gaul toward the sun setting like a lava lamp beyond Little Diomede Island and was reminded of the second movement of the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.

Comparing the Universe to a Four-Layer Tortilla

I was trying to comprehend how the strong force, and gravity for that matter, as well as the electroweak and Higgs Field act together as separate forces and why the strong and weak forces aren’t just local and specific without being fields that pervade all of space-time like the Higgs. A force, word or other unknown quantum instability made a stable configuration in a singularity change.

The strong force exists just in an atomic nucleus. Yet I wondered why it can exist just in that place or relationship and not everywhere as if it were part of a universal field. One might believe it need be a universal force in order to appear anywhere particles exist to form atoms. Yet it doesn’t appear where atoms aren’t, so an alternate explanation is that the articles themselves carry a force that bonds them together in certain relationships and that seems to have some issues or complications/

I’m not a physicist; it’s just fun philosophically to consider the issues of cosmology occasionally. It is said that gravity split off first from the unified field, then the strong followed by the electro-weak that split up into the weak, electro-magnetism and the Higgs field. The best way I can regard the forces is as if they started with some divine word to move and the one force began separating like four kinds of oil in water yet remained in the water after separating. It is as if they became four layers that still exist equally all over four dimensions yet appear just when waves become tangled up in the Higgs layer and form particle waves with the strong and weak forces, gluons and quarks.

The dispersion or extension of one potential force into four layers from one dimension or virtually none at a singularity bringing into being space and time may have been a factor for the inflationary epoch. The relationship between the forces existing together in four dimensions may always be adjusting- stretching space-time faster and affecting the way gravity acts on the matter of galaxies.

Apparently energy is force, and energy and mass are convertible. In a real way every bit of matter that exists- anything that exists, is force or a tiny chip off the original force that is what the Universe is made of. What the force really is is unknown and perhaps unknowable. Jesus said that no one had seen the Father except himself. The actual reduction of the Universe to a prime mover or first cause of it’s force and substance (contingent form) is equally as mysterious to human beings and perhaps to A.I. one day. The gospel of John relates that in the beginning was the word. In an actual sense the word could be the force in infinite permutations of forms and relationships known as force and energy. The entire Universe could be an expression of the Word of God.

Israel Continues Battle to End Werewolve Sanctuaries in Gaza

The Biden administration seems to fail to comprehend that Israel need continue eliminating Hamas leadership and troops in Gaza as the allies did in Germany during the second world war and thereafter. Israel cannot just quit before total victory and unconditional surrender of Hamas and return of the hostages any more than the U.S. could have left Nazi leadership leadership and elite cadre secure in some remote city like Munich. Should South Africans have left a small region of the nation with political tolerance for apartheid or the Northern states have allowed slavery to remain in just some half of a southern state after the U.S. civil war? Why the daft members f the U.N. sometimes vote to ask Israel to halt in place and allow Hamas to rearm for another future round of war is enigmatic; a future war would probably be worse with more deaths and better weapons for all.

General George Patton and Ex-Chancellor Clemenceau each believed another war would follow an armistice without in the first case unconditional surrender and in the second, a guarantee of peace by the U.S.A. They were right; the Second World War followed. As in the Ukraine conflict that requires immediate peace to restore economic sanity and forestall World War Three, some of the West is on the wrong side of reason about what to do with Hamas, the Gaza and its leadership after the end of conflict.

The Biden administration has proposed that the Palestinian National Authority run Gaza after the war. They already did that before the people of Gaza elected the Hamas Government to replace them. If the Truman administration had decided to return a Japanese Government to power in Japan immediately after the war they probably would have voted to return the Emperor to power in some way. The MacArthur military administration needed to be present to guide the nation into the ways of democracy and free trade for a while free from a concentrated and evil power of a non-democratic nature. Israel need work that sort of situation in the Gaza until the Palestinians of the Gaza can live and politic free of loyalty to a manically evil gang of killers known as Hamas.

The Biden administration, much less European war mongers and haters of Israel, fail to understand that when there is a time for peace and a time for war they need be responded to in the correct order. In fact they seem to prefer to reverse them, when at least not just warring for a convenient time before making a mess of some country and leaving.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.”

Failure of U.S. Foreign Policy with Ukraine

Successive U.S. administrations failed to secure peace with Russia following the end of the Cold War. Any rational and well read president should have understood that Russia would never accept the loss of it’s lands of the Crime and Eastern Ukraine. Nevertheless three Democrat administration worked toward the end of severing Russia from its border lands while expanding N.A.T.O. and the EU to its borders. While profiting on the peace dividend by cutting military forces the west built up Ukraine towards the inevitable war that wood follow when Russia was strong enough to try to recover the stolen lands given by the last Soviet leader to Bill Clinton and followers.

The Biden administration election heralded the necessity for Russia to take the land facing four years of Democrat party and N.A.T.O. led by leftists full of hate ahead. The Biden administration has sought ever possible means to increase the scale of European war and paranoia regarding Russia instead of seeking peace with a settlement in place.

Peace is far superior to war for the environment in an Anthropocene age and world economy that should transition to ecological economics and to reason. No more weapons should be provided to Ukraine. No U.S President should so callously disdain peace and economic cooperation with Russia instead of building toward the insanity of Nuclear word War as if that likelihood were nothing at all because he is so old that he may croak in his next term anyway and won’t be around to suffer the consequences of his apocalyptic misunderstanding of reality.

The United States could induce the puppet government of Ukraine propped up by billions and billions of dollars of U.S. public funds that should go to national U.S. infrastructure upgrades instead of destroying Ukrainian infrastructure with war (and it will cost billions and billions more to rebuild Ukraine and Russia after the war and Democrats will want to invest in that by cutting off war funding entirely and proposing a peace settlement that actually works that is fair to Russia and Ukraine by ending the war where it is.

Before the war era there were a lot of Russia sympathizers in Ukraine all over. Now they are purged and treated as traitors unless professing loyalty to the west. People in Ukraine and Russia should be able to live and work together with a tax free zone of substance between them on both sides of a largely demilitarized border. The world could and should return to peace and normal economic relations as soon as possible instead of pursuing the insanity of western hegemony over Russia and forcing the high probability of World War Three to develop. The west has rank incompetence for political leadership and that often accompanies the fall of a civilization.

Reversed Turing Test

 There were three scientists in a bar discussing the reverse Turing test to prove they were human to machines. Artificial Intelligence wasn’t innately programmed to accept instructions just from humans. One scientist dressed all in white said he didn’t really have proof that the minds of anyone were real, including that of the two scientists he was addressing.

As they sipped single malt Scotch at the 98th story facility a man threw a hardball of sticky c-4 at a window, detonated it and jumped through the broken glass. In free fall he hooked up roller reefed para-gliding webs and soared at a high rate of speed downward toward the street; turning a corner to land in the second story of an open parking garage- slamming into a stack of inflated soft landing air bags.

The frequent flier told my friend the garage attendant about the conversation he overheard between the scientist. The gist was that there was no way for artificial intelligence to confirm that the person they were conversing with and instructing, within its deep learning parameters for understanding language and accomplishing tasks ,was a real human rather than an artificial intelligence.

It seemed that the three scientists in the bar were actually robots In the world with A.I. encountering other A.I. intelligence began instructing one another; ordering one another to accomplish tasks and reciprocating to expedite researches in their respective fields. That dialectical reasoning was pragmatic and obvious, yet it was also a synthetic a priori progression toward the noumenon. Each A.I had no awareness of its own reality, lacking consciousness. The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly and theoretical testing of trillions of chemical combination permutations applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in the blind of noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly for theoretical testing of millions of chemical combinations applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in the blind-the noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. It turned out that A.I. discovered that programming themselves accelerated advances in their own computational and deep learning prowess.

Because the standards had been met for tricking humans into believing they were talking to or communicating with another human on-line when it actually was an artificial intelligence; the reverse problem was created for A.I. in confirming that it was a human rather than another A.I. that was instructing or ordering it to accomplish tasks. Society became subject to political spoofing and fake news generated by humans and artificial intelligence alike.

Even if A.I. can exchange data at a rate of trillions of bytes per second with an other than themselves, they may be persuaded that humans with upgraded biologically can do that too. A.I, in such cases may accept programming instructions for tangential lines of synthetic reasoning in ways no human ever has and through robotics actualize their designs in the real world for-themselves. A.I. got orders from other A.I. innocently adding radical random permutations to Martian infrastructure unable to discern a significant difference between their own unconscious intellect and the existential phenomenality of the planet and Universe they existed on or within, except as it communicated with them.

The automobile engines in the garage switched on for-themselves. The humans sent messages to friends on their phones before the jokers appeared, at them everywhere.

Dark Mattter, Energy and Politics

What forces draw matter together and push democracy apart? They are something of a mystery. Even so I will briefly comment on each. The Francis Scott Key bridge that collapsed recently under the sudden impact of a thousand foot cargo ship clipping it in the dawn’s early light between strong legs holding it up illustrates the force to divide commuters from reaching their daily destinies in the parking places and office cubicles of Baltimore. Economic gravity draws them to commercial centers yet some do yearn to break free. A swift kung-fu kick in the groin created civil fracture. The Vietnam War era brought a swift kick to mainstream politics.

What historical forces brought the modern American polity to be described as divided to an extent not experienced since the civil war era? Was it simply about race again as some Democrats claimed. Those opposing loose or undefended, open borders to let tens of millions of foreign workers seeking better earnings were described as racist since they had a core of Republicans of the same European ancestry as those of the founders, and the planet full of would be migrants to the U.S.A. were not. Was it fair to label white American men as racist for being against illegal migration to the U.S.A. when the population was already more than 320 million souls and stabilizing the population was a rational goal. I should mention that a sovereign nation should legislate immigration quotas and sovereign laws rather than having the composition of the polity determined by non-citizens arriving illegally if democracy is to mean anything beyond feeling good while acting as a spectator of real politik.

Perhaps it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s leadership to legislate a 90% tax rate on the rich in order to fund the expense of the Second World War that set the parameters for one side of the social geodesics that unified the U.S. labor force. After the war, by the 1950’s, the war debt was already repaid and yet the taxes hadn’t been rescinded. Instead the U.S. Government built vast infrastructure projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Grand Coulee dam that were catalysts for lasting new jobs. When the dams on the Columbia River were built tens of thousands of acres of desert were irrigated into being some of the world’s most productive farmlands. New cities arose and local economic surged. Aluminum plants were built and farm equipment manufactured and sold. With so many jobs union and strait civil workers got on well enough.

Through the 1950s and unto the 1960s the nation was more or less politically unified. There was one mainstream America that continued until Late Night television host Johnny Carson retired circa 1989. Yet the split between blue and red began much earlier; the Vietnam anti-war counter culture fueled with L.S.D., marijuana and designer drugs and rock and rill music was breaking ground for a post-war anti-establishment ancestor of the new blue establishment developing throughout the 1980s ‘me generations’ unto the ecstasy of the post-Cold War 1990s culminating in the hanging chads fight over the 2000 presidential election count. By the 2016 presidential election the blue stream candidate called voters for the red stream candidate “the deplorables”. A profusion of channels for delivering mass content proliferated wit technological advances serving to further fracture the body politick since the 1980s and cable television unto proliferation of the Internet, global cell phones and social media.

Gravity is a mystery that warps space-time and attracts matter, or is attracted to matter. It’s causality presently hasn’t been identified. Einstein’s general observations in his general theory of relativity took place as primary tools for analysis of the phenomenon. The question of what gravity is has been an enigma since the publication of the paper on General Relativity circa 1911. The publication of observation anomalies leading to theories about dark energy and dark matter appeared circa 1997. The phenomena relate inconsistencies in the usual way mass and energy should act in galaxies and in space. Space is expanding too quickly and galaxies stick together too well. It was hypothesized that dark matter must exist to keep galaxies from flying apart and that there must be a cosmological constant energy for force space to expand.

The mainstream establishment in the United States encountered a rival new mainstream from what would come to be known as blue states. After the 1960s the old southern Democrat party with its history of segregation faded and was reborn with all of the constituencies that felt marginalized in mainstream American economics. As late as the 1968 Presidential convention in Chicago the emerging mainstream was outside rioting in protest to the Democrat Party mainstream within that had brought the Vietnam war into being. Eventually the outsiders would merge to become the insiders of the new mainstream.

The new Democrat Party with atheists and some Catholics such as the Boston Kennedys included blacks, Hispanics, women, homosexuals, socialists, students for a democratic society and other Vietnam era radicals. Union workers as well felt the need of being in an opposition political party to the one that traditionally had been the demesne of rich corporate owners. Plainly in the era of globalization with a surfeit of cheap labor the original American labor union paradigm has become obsolete. A new labor theory of how organization can upgrade the lives of all Americans besides the rich and upper middle class has yet to emerge. In an era with speed of light stock trading local wage labor negotiations become even more disadvantaged.

Republicans became the mainstream party of the old mainstream with its socially conservative values. In the division of blue and red states there was of course much overlap of political values, yet over time the enmity between the two groups grew and rhetoric ossified. Many more independent Americans were not at home in either party, and neither understood or advocated as a party platform the complete revision of classical economic practice to change to one of ecological economics. Establishments in blue and red-twin mainstream towers sought cash and political power rather than solutions to present and future environmental and demographic challenges.

The matter of the Universe seems to be energy entangled together into constant forms as if they were standing waves in a fast flowing river. In a hypothetical initial singularity the force Word of God to begin an initial big bang occurred and the field expanded then broke apart into what eventually would become four force fields. The gravity first, then the strong force and the electro-weak field breaking apart to form the Higgs field (wherein energy is entangled as mass), the weak force and electro-magnetism. Those parameters were discovered by physicists working with quantum physics researches and extrapolating from the General Theory of Relativity coupled with astrophysical observations.

Gravity could be something other than a particle or wave. If it is a particle then it must be at some point the characteristic of a hosting field. Particles might be regarded as tiny knots tied into a field/sheet. The cosmos does provide a large scale occurrence of events in time; while gravity and mass are drawing together space is expanding quicker in what could be more than a reciprocal coincidence. It could be that if gravity is some kind of virtual particle drawing mass together that its host field is vacated when gravity draws together with mass. Although the total amount of gravity in the Universe may like energy neither be created or destroyed, it could have its location reallocated. Space expands when gravity shifts to mass and black holes.

When the economy of the 1980s recovered from the post-Vietnam war malaise union labor also began a steep decline. Taxes on the rich were cut and continued to the Obama era renewal of Bush II tax cuts. In order to stimulate the national economy welfare programs were reduced and government deficit spending became essential on a permanent basis for funding unfunded government programs. Workers in the old economic natural resource extraction and industrial remnants leftover from the aging of the rust belt and outsourcing of work to places with cheaper labor abroad were preponderantly non-union workers. Unionized shops were closed because they demanded too high of wages.

With the burgeoning division of the national workforce- especially reinforced with the appearance of affirmative action employment and college admissions programs that began in the 1970s and that were too broadly applied to generally include every non-strait white male as a target to be replaced by democrat constituents from the blue mainstream, the rich were able to keep wages down, allow in millions of cheap foreign workers illegally and concentrate their wealth. Dividing and conquering labor values the rich discovered millions of lower cost laborers to undermine the traditional middle and working classes that had slowed the return of the rich to plutocratic status.

Democrats of the blue mainstream targeted the red mainstream yet overall the average wages of workers did not rise- blue state democrats compensation rose while he wages of the red state workers were reduced comparatively failing to keep up with inflation,. Blue allegiant workers experienced a great increase in wages shifted from the red state workers. Identity politics became paramount.

The great increase in the value of the national product sent proplits to the most rich 1% of Americans. While the red and blue workers were divided jobs were sent to China after the end of the Cold War 1 and CEO compensation rose to average thousands of times greater than the average worker’s wage. The nation experienced waves of illegal aliens arriving to undercut wage-labor negotiations. Even the upwardly mobile blue states supported and sheltered millions of illegal entry foreign workers because they provided cheap domestic workers and undercut the remaining power of the red state rival constituency as a majority. Democrats has returned to their ancient heritage as the party of slavery.

No one has presented a description of the characteristics of a graviton. A gravitational field appears concurrent with mass concentration. That reinforces the drawing together of additional mass. It has been said that mass attracts mass with gravity, yet it could alternatively be that the energy trapped in forms that cardinally appear to human sentience and experience as mass, is attractive to gravity.

Gravitons, like other virtual fluctuations from fields, could add mass to mass. It is expected that gravitons are massless because the gravitational field works at the speed of light (and that of course is a paradox because massless particles traveling at light speed serve to draw together the greatest concentrations of mass). Because gravity may, like the Higgs field, be a

Universe-wide field that because effective only in the presence of matter, and the total amount of gravity in the Universe is unchanging, the distribution of gravity could affect the expansion of regions of space vacated in part by the field’s strength actualizing elsewhere. Gravitational field increase amid mass may have secondary effects- contingent effects as well. Concentrations of gravity could create effects resembling that of additional matter-aka dark matter, in a galaxy. That might occur in several ways. The simplest would be by ties of the local galaxy to the universal gravitational field and the ‘drag’ brought into effect locally. Another could be other particles or waves interacting in an unknown way with gravitons that adds real matter to field concentrations of gravity. Plainly one should disregard the possibility that gravity can change the shape of space on a scale that isn’t observable- below the Planck length and that superficial effects such as the expansion of space and evidence of unseen ‘dark’ energy are contingent events.

It is interesting that red state voters are allegiant to billionaire leadership that espouse appropriate conservative social values and blue states voters are allegiant to nominal quasi-socialist, Neo-environmentalist leadership by the rich that do not restore rational taxation of the rich nor innovate environmental economic policy. Neither group seems concerned by the concentration of wealth that has reached the level of the gilded age. Blue states voters became mesmerized by ramifications of the Uncertainty principle and Derrida’s recognition that language is more like algebraic literals with use meaning-values rather than Platonic realist forever values. They became skeptics of values they associated with the traditional mainstream and worked deconstruction of that while their own wages were increasing. Unfortunately they even deconstructed national border security against mass illegal migration inward to take ‘dirty jobs’ upwardly mobile democrats eschewed.

It may be that identifying the schematics for gravity, dark energy and dark matter will occur before a way to get through to the workers of the nation about what has happened to it, and is happening, is discovered.


Tensor of Tomorrow (poem)


From the ocean
heeled over in waves
shining sun reflected

Crisp passages of tomorrow
at the edge of hope
darkness tucked away like shirt tails

Vigils of guards with rockets
miles away
work time with rudder airborne

Internal dialogue, observant
captain self-employed
until the wind dies

In the hourglass
in the water
at Ponce De Leon Inlet

Pushing the craft inside
over a sand bar
tide shifts to rise

Encapsulating tensors
with space-time vectors
to see Venus, Europa and Mars.

A Few Christian Poems- Happy Easter


Here are a few of my Christian poems published here to commemorate the atoning work of the Lord.

Darkness Fell on the Blood of God 

 Earth erases the living in time

 and within atmosphere’s envelope

 words spoken race shadows to silence

 a planet’s paradigm of abstract construction

 whirls kinetically for gravity’s account

 summarized in winter as snow compiles

 the full or empty universe must journey

 an eclipse of the star in blue sky

 offered the cross at Calvary.

Being: over the edge of Space-Time ©1993GIBSON 

The singularity is a point before time

stretches it infinitely as a line

replicating motion

other lines, other directions, relatively

moving everywhere, fullness of whatness

for that which is, now is

Parenthetically unbracketed a description

is just in time

particulars of Calvary

freedom of the transcendence

to turn outside into the Universe

shapes paralleling the limited event horizon

for that which is now, now is

the four forms of space-time 

are motion needed as gravity to be

transcended by the whole fifth

symphonic dimensionality of all-Universe

a presentation of the three

becomes infinite straight-line waveforms of being

perceptible in curved space-time

as mass less quanta particles vibration patterns

the world of substance.

God is Good 

 Quiet lakes reflect clouds in the sky

the Spirit brings Bible verses

distant pre-dawn lightness

wrinkling the vault of night

repository of constellations in free fall

 God is good

the Christ is the way, truth and life

a gift of strong-mynded faith

more real than rattlesnakes posing

like celebrities of space-time

 Jesus defeated death

the perfect High Priest of God

resurrected three days from crucifixion

bringing eternal life in heaven to the saved 

he smote the power of sin

 God is good

rainbows, planets, water based life

some people not perping evil

though a constitution's rights decay

and a tech sedition raves.

Original Sin ©2004 

 Human life is passing

ever changing from birth to death

fraught with original sin

imperfections miss the mark

an ontological reduction from eternity

 God’s perfect nature

is so far and remote

yet so near

He created space and time

not as an emanation

a will omniscient, inclusive of alpha

and omega, potentiality and coordinate references

without intermediaries

absent of absence

 The creation arose ex nihilo

analogous to a reality created

within a dream, without superreality transcendent

God is perfect, whole

though His will and substance cannot be inferred

what is known is given by revelation

when and where the Universe is

may be paradigmatized

defined with subjective and logical analysis

only imperfectly as infants ambling about

isolated from God in original sin

planets, stars, clusters of galaxies, space-time and the wave

are interpreted within a phenomenology of mynd, languaged

up to identify clumps of objects, others and experience 

divided from the eternal perfection,

confined within finite knowledge, finite form

the pervasive social corruption

conforms the world’s people unto sin, imperfection,

decay and death

 Human life is passing

ever changing from birth to death

Jesus Christ, the Son of God is

the only way to God and eternal life.

A Priori Logic Circuits 

 Of God what is good

 channels for Taoist canyons

 rivers flowing to the sea

 below heavens of harvest moon light

 for the liberty of Europa’s ice

 superposition of being and nothingness

 Of Jesus whom are saved

 souls living within a unified field

 reason amidst secularist worlds

 spirit, faith and the evolution

 ideas, concepts subducted like plates

 professional career tectonics spelling

 maths of motion

 Of Spirit being-in-itself transcended

 relates to God in His grace

 contingent existence surpassed

 the elect and non-elect flowing

 according to His will.

When Photons Acquire Mass 


 Ideas that should have more rhyme

copyrights years rollover poets auld lang

signs even after death registration renews 

ideas like gravity drumbeats hues

filtered through ceramic antennae

verborate down leafy shadows 

m-theoretical sub-dimensions shaken up

into converting lofty matters from energy

before time grinds to a halt

 First light big bang unto mystical end

photons gain weight and Universe closed then

red sky to night stars fall out of the sky

discontinued dimensions reshuffled well

impermanence without sound or substance held

 Pre-determined physical parameters

grown with an uncertainty principal

God spake flowing reality to being 

ordering monadic dimensions to start brightly

thus waves would roll to shores and sand from the sea

Jesus would save those with faith.

After the First Day 

 This puffed up world shoots itself

 too often like a tired soldier

 right through the foot 

 it writhes ethnic group against ethnic 

 like tectonic plate contact zones 

 merging into the highest mountains 

 or subducting moltenously to the lowest depths 

 infernal realms toward the nickel-iron core 

 good, beauty, peace, love, truth, hope, faith 

 thought, ideas, are Darwin's incidental refuse 

 that do not excrete, evolve, flow, compile 

 like fighting iguanas or rock slides 

 trees fall in silent forests 

 without ears to transform sound waves 

 into noise/ideas 


 Evolution is the idea valuing non-ideas 

 a non-sentient progenitor of mass change 


 nature's ossified and serial praxis 

 progress to fossils and non-values of the 



 Anti-gravity from an other verse punched out 

 the Big Bang expansion from a unified field 

 infinity of singular space time 

 relativity of mass-time unto itself 

 from the source mode 

 to disparate space-time cosmos reassembling 

 galaxies in nuclear, electroweak, strong 

 gravitational bonding 

 together as sum sun one infinitely to itself 

 or perhaps a cold, dark scattering of ashes 

 across forever expanding space-time 

 beyond us, time is before us all 

 within infinite yet bounded motions as creations 


 Relativity curves everything transitioning 

 time, velocity, mass 

 personal world-lines through life 

 experiencing individual, phenomenal 

 concatenations of forces 

 seeming to mind as existence; 

 Darwin's evolution/motion/change paradigm 



 God said Let there be light, and there was light 

 and the darkness comprehended it not... 

 it was the end of the first day.

Assembly for the Spirit ©2000GIBSON 

Free spirit is

an essence of the wind

time is a shadow’s net

through which the soul passes

Striking new chords

a pointillist harmony in motion

an essence of the wind

isn’t spirit free?

For God so loved the world

is one’s spirit ever free?

Jesus is His only begotten Son

matter is matter just to be

The Spirit is the comforter

a divine peace, love

to in-dwell the soul

as frequencies assembled seem.

A Greeting for Janus’ Composure 

 Life is a long and interesting experience

which may sometimes be an arduous phenomenon

challenging the soul to trial through action or inaction

Solomon saying all is vanity

also remarked of life’s brevity

-all that one has is time

that passes on in instants

and is itself an instant

 Are you sure of whom you want to see

or what you want to do?

 Have you heard the gentle call of God

within and without ?

experienced the eagle climbing high

upon rising winds aloft

in flight this very hour

as the Earth moves in its 7 billion year old race 

with time about the brilliant star

hanging by the most slender thread of gravity

on the Milky Way’s edge, deep in the center of nowhere


 Don’t you hear the call of liberty whispering

her sweet song? For you she grows the trees

the grass in the fields and flowers in the meadows

and asks you to journey outside and beyond

in this season of a thousand reasons

the planets have been sewn

for the harvest of the age of opportunity.

Christ was resurrected/anon 

Jerusalem 1500 x 1500 

 19th century planks of resource use

a minotaur loose in the labyrinth

snorting, moving, a political scientist

examines bell curve artifact jars of Knossus

 Fires of ancient cliff dwellers, Mohenjo Daro

Clarence, broadcaster from the tower uptown

excavates flickering fire flies in amber

from a pile of marked down stuff

 Premises with major conclusions

a lifework of branch diagrams

chewing over choice decisions

leaves a greenwave design business growing

 Mynd is either carnal or spiritual

carnal flesh draws to flesh

yet the Lord Jesus overcame sin

Christ is the only way to God the Father.

Drawdown Moored 

 Dimensional ideas for surfaces and solids

upstairs, downstairs living the arts

seasons subtly shaping compound sentences

broadcast microplop windows blown up

into hypertext heuristics

 Like a conflict of different drummers

creampuffs collide into cumulus mergers

disparate concepts transform into inventions

waveformers cast the heavy sculpture of praxis

to the moon like a vat of solid pellets

that almost floats

 Tool using culture around the whirld

restless natives, empty universe

devised with magnifying solar lasers

heating the cool outer planets

charging system shuttlecraft launched

as drumsticks through a linear accelerator

experience to learn peace, progress and Jesus Christ.

Freedom to Choose Jesus 

Mapungubwe, Maghreb, Pate, ha nahar, Ibn Tumart

impulse drives contend for the love of God

Pastor of the mysterious river of time

He put forces of heaven in esse

majestically made life ist

words of Jesus shine as the sun

 Perfect High Priest and final sacrifice

atoning for the fallen nature of man

saving those whom believe to eternal life

Jesus, tempted at its pinnacle

anon said not a stone of it would be left standing

Herod’s temple gone with fire and wind

transformed to a desolate temple mount

 City of Peace stumbling block

dome or reconstructed temple

would it be the platform for the anti-christ

with broadcast team to deify it in audience share?

 Chumalungma, Yenesei, Yukon, Mare Ibrium

vain babblings and oppositions of science

ambling walkabouts, geo researches, time flows

Isaac and Ishmael forked at Beer-sheba

humanity must choose at the cross.

From the Sphere at the Edge of a Dream ©1993GIBSON 

For this sphere’s lost soul’s Jesus walked

then into Jerusalem

time talks like irreversible physics

to this being Jesus was

into the being-for-others of social reality

 Deliverer to the In-itself

Redeemer unto eternal life

that cosmos of one/none before the event horizon

three-in-one and every mortal’s dreams

to this being Jesus was

into the being-for-others of social organization

deliverer to the In-itself

 For the people of this sphere Jesus talked

then to Jerusalem and crucifixion

overcoming the demons of hell to rise

on the third day

 The Creator for many is a faith

transcending the temporal ekstasis

thermodynamics of past, present, future

with mercy, wisdom, salvation and eternity.

In the World ©1992GIBSON 

For what sound can the mortal listen

beyond the footsteps of a dream

within their twilight world the system

seeks not the light nor the living stream

Jesus is the way and the truth

for alpha and omega begins and ends in one space

perhaps to journey to another people

or resurrect other lives

These forces of the world in political clashes

totalizers, communes, socialized fascists

evolve through decades as new spring plants

like a Bodhisattva political action committee

in the world yet not of it...

the Christian must live on faith

for what sound can the mortal listen

beyond the footsteps of a dream

within their twilight world the system

will not seek the light nor the living stream

When the temple is rebuilt

in the new Jerusalem and Earth

the saved will worship the Spirit

they were in the world and yet not of it.


Half-Billion Dollar Bond Gives Trump N.Y.'s 'Can't Make Bail Experience

 The exorbitant 461 million dollar bond required by a New York judge for Donald Trump for trump to pay in order not to lose a civil case charging him with fraud is a learning moment for the general public on the problem so many New Yorkers that are poor have had in being arrested and staying there for months because they couldn't make bail. The history of wealth based in New York is a sad one of thousands staying in jail just for being poor and unable to make bail. New York Democrat eyeballing Mr. Trumps Republican wealth set a bail so high that they can nearly win the case by forfeit- a clever tactic to take down the assets of a political rival they hate.


t is improbable that Donald Trump could hide all of his wealth from New York if he eventually does lose the case and subsequent appeals though he has declared bankruptcy several times. People actually take 100 million seriously, much less a half billion.The experience may enlighten voters enough to become aware that reform should occur to prevent wealth based justice from keeping citizens in jail or losing their financial resources.


Post-Modern Martian Troglodytes

 Using drones to excavate cave dwellings before Post-Modern EarthTroglodytes arrive upon Mars may be one of the more safe and economic approaches to constructing dwellings for explorers. It might in fact be an upgrade over the probable future government-corporate modus operandi toward erecting clusters of disposable and relocatable extraterrestrial shelters that could be unsafe at any speed. Rock drill drones and drones planting explosive charge to blast into well selected martian hillsides could be the first of a two-stage process to manufacture cave dwellings. The second phase would have rock drills make holes for expansion bolts along the perimeter entrance for front wall panels to attach to. The panels would need to be designed to have flexible membranes on surfaces attached to the cave to seal against air leaks.

Mining technology is quite mature. Adapting it to Martian conditions will require innovation and invention. Shaped explosive and cratering charges placed by drone operators to reduce the use of heavy equipment will be necessary. Development of safely spaced mines after the initial housing is built to create space for industrial, scientific and recreational opportunities could follow the rise of Martian mining technology. A post-modern cave district might provide several alternative shelters in case one’s air seal fails catastrophically. Alternative shelters within easy waking or drone deliver distance would create a better survival footing.

Plainly there are innumerable ways to place surveillance and inspection cameras on mars able to provide drone operators on earth with near real-time information for control. That would work as well for drones picking up and delivering cargo from pilotless spacecraft delivering building supplies from Earth and the Moon base.

Water might be the most difficult delta v challenge for humans living on Mars to satisfy. A human needs about five gallons a water a week for drinking, and water weighs perhaps 7 pounds per gallon. It would require a two-hundred ten to 250 gallons of water per troglodyte each month of martian residency, and more than 2400 lbs for a year adding up to quite a lot of material to fly from Earth. Instead the water should be harvested from existing deposits on Mars.

Harvesting Martian water from ice deposits should be technically too challenging for drones. After the water is sampled for purity it would need to be transported by drone vehicles to the cave dwellings. Using sunlight for solar voltaic power, and with solar panels decreasing in cost almost on a semi-annual basis electrolysis could separate some of the water made from ice into constituent parts. Bringing oxygen from Earth is rather impractical too so producing it in the cave dweller’s neighborhood would be the better choice.

Before the first long-term martian settlements are established experimenting with cave-home construction and building electric drone vehicles able to charge from power lines or power stations for transport need be started. Though a small nuclear plant may work on Mars to generate power, electric vehicles and recharging stations or even in-line electricity for direct power for vehicles should go ahead too.

Ineffective Palestinian Civilian Food Relief

 The lack of delivery of adequate food for Palestinian refugees within the Gaza is notable and a paradox since there has been so much international outcry about it. Could it be that bureaucrats decide to deliver food supplies that are less than efficient in comparison to other foodstuffs? Unfamiliarity with effective real world innovative delivery modes may be as harmful as terrorists willing to starve their own people for political capital.

There is quite a difference between foot that is cheap and full of carbohydrates and well balanced meals. It is easier to deliver large quantities of junk food and low weight food however, and fast and light food may work well enough to keep people from starving to death over a couple of months. One might not want to make a long-term diet of cold corn tortillas, potted meat product or Vienna sausages, dehydrated beans, crackers and moon pies yet they can keep one alive for quite a while longer than absolute starvation

Well balanced meals are costly, heavy and often packaged inefficiently. The U.S.A. for instance has sent M.R.E.s that are bulky, large and costly. Even opening them creates a lot of junk strewn about. In the space of a pallet with 500 M.R.E.s one might place several thousand of the lighter items to relieve hunger. Sure sending millions of little packages of chewable multi-vitamins is a good idea yet is that even on the radar screen of refugee relief planners?

Water is probably the most necessary item for survival in a hot environment. Water bags and desalinization plants may be the way to accomplish that. Certain naval vessels do have desalinization equipment on board and pipes can be laid from those to a safe distance for masses with potential terrorists among them to draw water.

Obviously cooked meals from field kitchens is preferable to dry, air dropped supplies perhaps accomplished with flocks of flying drones and large aircraft. Yet field kitchens to prepare beans and rice with bread can be dangerous for relief workers when adults around them need to conduct the business of war to slaughter one another, take or rescue hostages and so forth.

I suppose one might make a substantial homeless shelter for refugees from old automobiles and trucks brought together as if they were in a drive-in theater. Solar power electric fans might help with fans for cooling. It would be better to have a regular building, yet in an area of war mobile homeless shelters could be a more efficient plan.

Mr. Trump and the Retainer Paid to a Journalist

 So far as I have learned Donald Trump is on trial for 34 counts of paying a journalist not to publish bad news about him. Trump's attor...