
Nature Gets Rid of "Things That Do Not Work"?

Nihilism only takes the broken and 'non-working'? Things that exist necessarily work, even corruption? Forever evolving is a natural selection removing just things that don't work from existence? Plate tectonics is getting rid of the Pacific Ocean because it doesn't work and expanding the Atlantic because it does?

The Twin Towers didn't work so nature removed them? Cities destroyed in war didn't work? Peace doesn't work so wars end the terrible decay. Planets shattered by asteroid collisions didn't work, and stars that blast as supernovas just cleanse a galactic parsec of things that don't work? At least Pacific Palisades homes burned in the wildfires were known not to have worked? 

Destruction is recognized by some as creative cleansing. At Auschwitz the gas chambers were for those that did not work as well? German guards walked in under the sign that said 'Work makes you free'. They saw improvement in destroying things that do not work as if they were abortionists ridding the world of fetuses that do not work.

So many things exist and change form, like mountains that became beach sand. Every change and process of being is part of a continuum. Humans alone can choose to work against entropy and for a time prevent destruction. 'Do not go gently into that good night  Rage against the dying of the light' (Dylan Thomas).

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