
Mars Exploration and Earth Eco-recovery together

N.A.S.A. has just .2% of the federal budget. They are underfunded if anything.  It’s about 30 billion a year. The money sent to Ukraine for weapons is 174 billion comparatively. No one in either major party knows what ecological economics is. Getting the private sector to change its way of doing business to the degree that the Earth would be in recovery environmentally is nearly impossible. James Lovelock and Jacque Cousteau each believed the world would sustain human life just for 200 years more. It’s hard to predict the future yet exploration has tended to make more resources available for humanity. They just don’t know how to use them conservatively.

The federal budget for 2023 was more than 6 trillion dollars. Space programs are quite underfunded when one considers their value. There are weather satellites, GPS satellites, programs to track asteroids that might hit Earth, missions to study the ☀️ and inform the world of solar events that can effect Earth systems. Studying other planets and stars helps scientists understand Earth heating and cooling. Actually there is a Coursera course that lets one design their own solar system, planet and feedback loops. The greenhouse effect structure is actually fairly complex. Some of the heat from the sun hits the earth and the bounces back into the atmosphere and down to Earth again. It is important to study other worlds to understand volcanism and more.
 Space is also a contested area and is part of the high frontier of military completion. Spy satellites and space based weapons components are now part of the political economy. Humanity is corrupted by original sin, greed, I security, pettiness and would rather he does than cooperative as a matter of course. President Biden forgot what environment remedies exist if he ever knew any who h is doubtful, and Kamala Harris didn't concern herself with it either.

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