
Hume's Guillotine; Moral Systems and God

The ought-is paradigm of Hume was largely developed to illustrate the basis of moral systems. He didn’t prefer the inference of natural law nor those inducted with reason (like Kant’s moral imperative). He wasn’t addressing the issue of divine command or revelation that is not promulgated by human faculties.

Humanity is corrupt and cannot create a perfect moral system. God is perfect and omniscient and it is remarkable hubris to imply that he would require moral correction or that there is any sort of ought in regard to I AM.

One could use an is ought phase transition paradigm for the singularity, big bang and inflation changing what is to an ought within space-time continua of an eternal now.

Hume believed sentiment was the basis of human morality, and as morality is a description of what rules or procedures of human conduct that are normative Hume’s paradigm is not inconsistent as a formalization of sentiment for normative conduct.

Cicero’s ‘On Natural Law’ expressed a different approach to moral norms yet it to is not inconsistent with sentiment adjusted inter culturally for different historical and environmental challenges prompting variations in response.

Hume was somewhat of a linguistic philosopher centuries before the existed. He thought he could disprove cause and effect with analysis of propositions. Rather he did not comprehend the analytic synthetic distinction or clearly understand the relationship between words and objects. Because he sought to jettison causal relationships the effort to negate is-ought relationships follows.

Not that I would say that one can find is ought relationships outside of physics. If something is out of place in a quantum configuration and ought to be somewhere else there must be a force acting up on it or it has hidden properties. On the other hand when one structures synthetic propositions with analytically valid propositions one hasn't proven anything about the world.

Natural law may exist yet they need be discovered with observation instead of analytic propositions. Divine commands and revelation transcends any paradigms of analytic and synthetic propositions since they are from the Author of Reality. Some would not accept that status plainly.

What is the nature of natural law embedded in physics pertaining to human morality? That would need to be discovered scientifically. When Hume jettison causality he hadn't knowledge of the singularity and inflation of a universal continuum. Physicists ordinarily write about T=0 at singularity to the present on the premise that a progression and arrow in space-time exists. T=2 follows T=1. One can know that certain changes occur in time as subsequent because of prior structures. That continuum is one of causality although like the increase of positive integers there is an order. One can know what follows at select positions. With quantum entanglement one can know the status of remote quanta given the value of proximal quanta when observed. One shouldn't let language structures eclipse knowledge of real structures and causality where a continuum of valid selection and ordinarily is.

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