
End the Ukraine War

Energy wealth and time invested in war is idiotic. Stationing NATO forces in Ukraine begs for WW 3.

Super-intelligent ai chips will let cruise missiles and smart bombs with wings seek targets of opportunity. Silent electric military vehicle platforms, solar powered and solid state battery'd will search and destroy. AI cruise missiles with high IQ can host anti-missile remorra defense fish that detach and intercept shorad, lorad and himad. Peace is so much better than war. Why so many want a downgrade to international economic health is a mystery to me.

Freeze the lines of combat contact in place asap and create a 5 mile free trade, tariff free international zone dmz and repeal sanctions. War is not intelligent.

Since Vietnam there were 2.2 lb claymore mines. Great anti-personnel weapons that can know be placed on small electric solar power drones with artificial intelligence to silently hunt for troop concentrations to kill. This is not a major improvement in culture except for the culture of war.

Primitive societies had the option of freedom; one could wander off into the wilderness and eschew the tribe. More advanced societies such as that of ancient Sumer may have used privation, yet I would guess that enslavement was what kept people in line as well as the brevity of life. If one were to go back to the 10th millennium B.C. civilization of Göbekli Tepe I would think that positive rewards and being sycophants of power attracted people. There was security in stable food supply and defense against more unorganized people when working to build those great structures. Looking way ahead I would think society will be bifurcated with insiders sold out to technology becoming whatever biological and hardware entities the world power deems right and dissidents that exit the society to live with the freedom of primitives someplace amongst the stars.

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