
Fast Upgrades in A.I. Tech

A.I. is improving and applied quickly. AI is moving toward super-intelligence. Its use in flying small, silent drones with claymore mines to hunt opfor will occur maybe next month when AI chips and instructions are produced. Fighters in Ukraine might like field testing to occur on a computer instead of in the real world.  With writing I believe it’s how you use it. AI is a very adaptable tool that can be employed like an artist’s apprentice’s work. Maybe it will change Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ in a new edition to make life on Earth more lethal before WW. 3 brings super AI varieties to be the sole survivors (didn’t I see a movie with that theme?).

I will say that using AI for writing doesn’t work for me for reasons other than AI not being fit. In fact keeping my writing more human perhaps may differentiate it later from ubiquitous AI works. Maybe some humans will prefer human works over AI.

AI can generate excellent scientific writing. Super AI is supposed to be able to actually invent things. As it is programmer biases show up a lot. Writing needs to have a political correctness about it that may not allow realistic dialogue.

I wonder how school students will avoid turning in perfect English papers someday without really understanding basic grammar and construction because AI does everything for them. Will writing even be something anyone does, or be like hand written letters that just the old remember?

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