Showing posts with label homo sapiens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homo sapiens. Show all posts


History Realizing Itself Through War

 Western Europe has often look to the east for ripe new resources to plunder. Often the effort doesn't end peacefully. Baku has been a target as of course was the Ukraine.

  Human history in some respect extends all the way back to 1.75 million years ago when Germans homo heidelbergensis used stone axes. Apparently the Heidelbergians where the parents of Neandethals and died out circa 200,000 B.C. Violence was a way of life.

Several neo-human migrations left Africa and returned in some cases perhaps when climate changed. With stone axes making rafts was possible to travel rivers though scant evidence of such remains. About all of the ancestor version perished after full homo sapiens left Africa. The modern homo sapiens dispersed all over the Eastern hemisphere by 200,000 B.C. However all modern humans appear genetically to be descended from a group that left Africa for Riyadh Saudi Arabia circa 55,000 B.C. Plainly that provides enough time for some sort of civilization to be constructed along the Persian Gulf shore and drowned by a catastrophic flood as the Wisconsin Ice Age was winding down and the Younger Dryas period approached.

One wonders about the dispersion of early humans around the Middle East. Some lived in caves on Mt. Carmel, Israel as early as 500,000 B.C. at Nahal Me'arot/Wadi el-Mughara . Human dwellings in permanent construction beyond the caves and non-durable huts began only about 25,000 years ago. There is an example of one on the South shore of the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps the latter were descendants of the 55,000 B.C. troop in Exodus from Africa with all earlier humans being decimated by blood borne pathogens they had no immunity too.

It is obvious how history repeats itself not just from ignorance, it has other causes such as geography, climate and things people need for living. Eden is now believed to have been in Saudi Arabia and the expulsion, perhaps from climate change, took them to lower Mesopotamia. Survivors of the apocalyptic flood may have dispersed around the Levant founding nations with new technology learned in the inundated mud brick civilization.

There are numerous upgrades to permanent human constructions beginning around 14,000 B.C. in the Mid-east, There is a first tower built at Jericho at 11,000 B.C. that may have been a pulpit or a stone miniature replica of a great tower in the lost Persian Gulf shore civilization that may be as much as 500 feet below sea level today.

The European west keeps finding excuses not to recognize Russian security needs in Ukraine or its historical right to Eastern Ukraine beyond the Dnepro River. It continues to find a reason for war and that is a shame since people die, yet t reflects badly on the nature of human character and its inability to live peacefully or allocate resources in the most productive and efficient way possible.

Humanity dispersed logical out of Europe and may have reached North America via Berengia as far back as 50,000 B.C. A site along the Savannah River may have stone tool artifacts of cutting tools from that era. Very likely though people reached America from Eurasia by 25,000 B.C. The new wave of out of Africa arrivals in 55,000 B.C. settled the entire planet. 

In Alaska they may have taken two routes. One along the shore with the sea level much lower and land along the dry continental shelf easier to cross. If they already at stone axes they could have chopped logs and made rafts for river crossing, as perhaps humans used to float up Northward flowing Siberian Rivers where they found themselves frozen in from along the Arctic littoral and decided to migrate East following the sun to Berengia and America.

Some Druze genes have been found in North American aboriginals along the Atlantic coast of North America. Druze today live in Lebanon yet they may have ventured elsewhere as was customary for homo sapiens. Athapaskan natives settled the interior from Alaska to Arizona becoming the Apache. Arriving in North America they could have followed the Yukon River when iced up. The River turns south after crossing in to Canada. Logical. Follow the sun/

War of conquest for the west looking toward Ukraine is an habitual vice. Yet it disregards the lessons of the gradualist approach of modern Chinese economics to maximize the efficient allocation of resources. With one world economy the matter of who owns Ukraine's natural resources isn't nearly as meaningful as how integrated the resources are in the world's free market system so they might be efficiently used. Stop the war and becoming effective in sharing the free market.

Mind is Under-Appreciated

 Robert Laughlin, a winner of a Nobel in physics published a book named 'A Different Universe; Reinventing Physic from the Bottom Up...