Showing posts with label politics philosophy war Ukraine Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics philosophy war Ukraine Russia. Show all posts


Poland Wants its Own Nukes to Attack Russia as Needed

 European leaders are swelling up to rearm better than ever in their history. That generally leads to general wars. The dynamics of power lead imbecilic leaders to bring the world to ruin in their quest for glory, promotion of fear in the populace aided and abetted by a supportive media. Russia of course is the perceptible threat enabling European rearmament to an unprecedented scale. Poland with nuclear weapons- imagine that.

That raises the question of what if at some point when Russia has achieved its reconquista of enough historically Russian owned land in Ukraine that was given to western puppets by Western leadership carpet-baggers at the end of the Cold War 1.0 when the reemerging Russia was weak as a kitten militarily and the west under Bill Clinton had irrational exuberance; what if the Russian stop their advance, declare victory and dig in defensively to defend their position? Would or could European war mongers accept that position and quit their extreme military build up?

Building more nuclear weapons and larger armies to increase international safety appears suspiciously like a retarded idiot savant President’s idea about security gained from reading a history book in elementary school thirty years ago that was written 70 years ago.

Since European leaders of the far west tend toward support of war on Russia until all an apropos belligerent attitude demanding the return of war with Russia until all Russian held or annexed areas are restored to the comedian–in-chief’s control, doesn’t that mean that a gradual upgrade to World War Three is inevitable and unavoidable? Wouldn’t it be cheaper and less time consuming to simply roll out the weapons of mass destruction presently since I for one hate suspense and even suspense movies?

Maybe they are hoping for a miraculous intervention to roll back Russia to borders acceptable to Europeans desirous of all of Ukraine. Maybe they have not an inkling of such a thing and believe they can frighten Russia to into retreat, or alternatively that Russia will just battle with conventional weapons soldiers foregoing nukes, chemical and biological weapons because of retaliation by Poland, France and England? At least they would be lft with nuclear weapons after their glorious victory over Russia and have a credible deterrent to possible German or Russian aggression in the future.


Guarantee Ukraine Security with Peace

 European and Ukrainian security will be guaranteed with peace and renormailzed economic relations and development rather than continued adversarial relations. To draw down the knife fight both sides need put away the blades.

Deng Xiaoping compared the process of Chinese economic development to "crossing the river by feeling the stones". Developing peace is a comparable process that requires people to take an affirmative first step and continue walking across the water though they can't see what is below.

Peace between superpowers is based to a certain extent on trust. Like the value of the dollar based on nothing more than the faith and credit of the United States rather than gold or some other material, peace can only be as strong as trust and respect for other nations. One need put effort into building peace and renormalizing relations between Europe, Russia and the United States directly.

At the super-power level trust needs to be the deterrent to war. When each side can obliterate each other there is no value in engaging in battle at a conventional scale that easily can get beyond control resulting in the end of human civilization. Clemenceau wanted to guarantee the peace for ending World War One, and it wasn't, and World War Two grew to fruition. That paradigm is however anachronistic. There is no Maginot Line that will prevent World War Three.


Trump May Defeat European Russophobia

The rapid progress with the Trump administration toward renormalizing relations with Russia and ending the Ukraine War occurs in an interesting historical paradigm that John Meirsheimer reviewed in a video.

Some have nominated former Assistant Sect. Of State Victoria Nuland for the designer of Joe Biden Ukraine policy yet I think that is an inadequate place to lay the blame. Bureaucrats may be a focal point or catch basin for social forces desiring policy directions yet they for-themselves couldn’t bring powerful disagreeing parties like the military industrial complex to support those or other policies they felt were counterproductive to profit although they might comply if required by the chief executive.

 Mr. Zelensky is used to having his way. Perhaps he bullied Joe Biden and Kamala Harris easily. His argument with Pres Trump and VP Vance did not go the way he wanted.

Others have reported that the reason for the meeting in DC of President Macron and P.M. Starmer were to hand off supervisory custody of President Zelensky to the C.I.A. Apparently France was given custody by outgoing President Biden in order to prevent the Trump administration C.I.A. from gaining access to information that might be deleterious for the members of the Biden administration.

Coca Cola is returning to Russian production.


The Problem With N.A.T.O.

 With 32 member nations N.A.T.O. is a very large military body. It can throw it’s power around such as in Ukraine, without concern for retaliation from nations it has sponsored war on. Recently met with the Zelinsky faction and guaranteed it would provide weapons and supplies to Ukraine at least until 2027. An undeclared war on Russia by the largest military alliance on Earth is a problem not only for Russia; it is a problem for the United States.

Zelinsky said the Rammstein accord will oppose the USA making Greenland part of America. He seems to want to make the U.S.A. an enemy of N.A.T.O. and to replace the U.S.A. after the U.S.A. quits the organization.

Russia never attacked a member of the alliance. N.A.T.O. leadership decided that it did not support any Russian claim to Ukraine or pre-emptive Russian move to defrappe its military activities in Ukraine and continued it membership build up to intimidate and threaten Russia. With plutocratic control of the press and western governance; governance bone-headed enough to believe that Ukraine war can be profitable for the west 

So instead of seeking a peaceful resolution to end the conflict and restore normal relations with Russia continued to escalate  even allowing attacks directly on Russia with N.A.T.O. weapons including missiles. Russia has yet to retaliate because it probably doesn’t ant to expand the war that would swiftly lead to a nuclear exchange.  N.A.T.O. leadership has arrogated the right to attack any nation that draws its ire despite that nation not having attacked a N.A.T.O. member nation. That is an expansion of the N.A.T.O. charter.

American Presidents that are Democrats may be sycophants of the new N.A.T.O. doctrine, or even leaders to be an 800 lb guerrilla throwing its weight around as the world’s anarchist.  Besides the United States the individual N.A.T.O. members wouldn’t have taken a belligerent stance with Russia over Ukraine. Yet as a military commune N.A.T.O. is a Don Corleone exerting its influence in a way that presets a threat even to the United States should it have strong dissension against a N.A.T.O action. There needs to be a better way to reinforce world peace and security than the N.A.T.O. alliance; once that conserves the sovereignty of the United States in foreign and domestic policy.


Science at War on Russian Orthodoxy

Biden is at war with Russia; lots of scientific support for that in technology. Some Catholics have been in a cold war with Orthodox Christians forever and now it’s escalated to a hot war to expand Polish Catholicism and German Lutheranism East. There is the additional prize of valuable land and minerals. Europe is atheist and scientific while Russia has reverted to Orthodoxy from atheistic socialism. So maybe science is at war with Orthodox Christians for a while.

DARPA probably supplied the new electronic warfare tech that stops Russian drones from attacking us and German tanks advancing in the Kursk region toward Moscow- so Russia reverted to using helicopters instead of using swedish at-4s on flying drones to hit tanks from just beyond the EW effective range. It’s complex.

Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies Like India and China

  I read of the history of the Soviet Union in a college course. In my opinion Marxism-Leninism was a revolutionary philosophy best suited f...