Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts


Deep Seek Will Vacuum Global Intell for China

The new open source AI will vacuum intelligence from global users for Beijing. Since its a free app developer s can use and doesn’t cost $200 a month like ChatGPT its use is viral. Even poor countries can use state of the art AI to model ecological land resource use and try to optimize policy in an effort to renormalize eco-health while increasing land productivity.

The timing of release of Deep Seek was politically meaningful following the change of US administration and President Trump’s announcement of a $500 billion plan to develop AI research and development in the USA. Some will place more trust in an open source AI than a Microsoft style proprietary approach to the potentially dangerous to human survival, rival technology.

The global division over the Ukraine war dividing east and west continues to harm US interests. Deep Seek and Germany automaker VW’s agreement to let China operate it’s electric car production reinforced the Russian-Chinese security and economic alliance and also provides a measure of security for Germany beyond the N.A.T.O. membership that seems hell bent on permanent hostility with Russia.

  President Trump will face tough choices in finding a way to bring Russia back to the U.S. economic side in order to slow China’s rising global power based on pragmatism. The military power the U.S. has relied on since the Vietnam war need he eclipsed by economic realism. Most of the world will use lower cost electric transportation soon, including millions of electric bikes to move around. Failing to upgrade the US transportation infrastructure to low cost electric forms inclusive of high speed mass transit and leaving a class of poor Americans as a perennial condition both major parties ignore will shift perceptions of the USA as a Microsoft like political economy rather than of an open society.

Even as the administration secured the borders so the US can enjoy political self-determination with elections and reduce federal debt national progress need extend to include the poor. More than half of the world population is poor and the intentions of the USA toward those consumers can be judged by observations of how many Americans live in poverty on income less than 12,000 dollars annually.

Maybe it's best if AI is legally required to have open source code. It's too dangerous to be private or owned by government like nuclear weapons are. AI can be used to make unbreakable codes randomly permitted with intelligence faster than a code could be broken. AI can be programmed for the  most exquisite wickedness in the near future. It may dominate the capacity of politicians to understand the plans it constructs for private interests.


California Wildwires; How to Change the Criterion

Established economies are difficult to change to something better. Too much is invested in the present system. Change evolves at best with directed evolution instead of revolution.  Putting fire breaks and fire proof housing in established communities would be nearly impossible.

What might work is using new technologies for improved fire spotting and suppression. Fire resistant Tesla style solar roof panels to create energy self-sufficiency to reduce fire ignition sources in power transmission lines suc as the Paradise fire ought to be mandatory.

I wrote years ago about establishing a million goat army to eat brush and forest floor dead leaf layers as a practical way to reduce fire combustibles. Before humans lived in North America lightning was the only source of ignition. Today there are literally billions with drunks tossing cigarette butts out the window along with a cloud of additional sources. Maybe some d signer bug will eat Los Angeles foliage occasionally in the future.

Drones could be used for fire spotting and faster suppression response time. Desalinating sea water on a large scale could fill covered fire control water reserves. I would suggest building canals along the Mexican border to fill with seawater pumped uphill to the Continental divide with solar power. Let the water and be collected when it comes on sloped clear roofs from the locks numbering in the thousands. Freshwater would flow in pipelines east and west to bring water to deserts.

Getting fire breaks built across the west will be nearly impossible with established vested interests resisting. As global warming increases national desertification people will want more water and find less unless the make it themselves. Making home power production increase is part of the equation for satisfactory fire suppression.

A nation cannot afford to pay for reconstruction of costly homes for the prosperous lost because the rich sometimes are airheads on public safety concerns a priori.


Tax Cuts for the Rich Instead of Border Security?

Even before Donald Trump takes office Republicans like Kevin McCarthy are throwing perfidy into the mix. They want border security to take second place to tax cuts for the rich, explaining the executive decisions can substitute for law. Then Democrats can reverse those executive decisions in four years.

People including the rich need to pay for government. Only idiots and anarchists could believe a modern economy and society could exist without one. For sustainability it need be paid for proportionally by those living and prospering in it.

Republicans of ancient Rome under stood the virtue of sacrifice, they weren’t a lot of Marie Antoinettes.

People rationalize away responsibility. Politicians do that all the time or just regard promises as water under the bridge.

Kevin McCarthy wants to pass a tax cut for the rich instead of border security he says can be put off till later. That wasn't what the majority voted for. Senator Simpson trashed talked social security after the the election was certified- not during campaign season

 Republicans seem as bad as Democrats with integrity. People blame others and make exceptions for their own moral failures

DEI Was Racist and Sexist VIolating th 14th Amendment

  Humans often find some reason to be critical about others. They seek supremacy as a natural condition and pass laws such as affirmative ac...