
A Patriot Keeping His Nation Together Breaks No Laws

Donald Trump faces many challenges from foreign and domestic enemies. He apparently said; "He Who Saves His Country Doesn’t Violate Any Law". Europeans are organizing against America these days- Zelensky is trying to form a European army as if he were Hitler turning N.A.T.O. into his own force without the USA. Europeans have resumed their pre WW2 expansionist belligerence and militancy seeking conflict with Russia and isolating America economically. Democrats are putty in European hands. Trump seeks secure borders and peace with Russia.

A great relationship with Russia is necessary to keep them at least neutral instead of joking de facto with China in a super-state leading BRIC nations in global competition with US. Democrats fundamentally are clueless on conserving national interests and have zero interest in a sustainable federal budget.

Patriots keeping a nation together-Trump, George Washington or Abraham Lincoln sometimes work in a sphere where social realty places demands that cannot be met with legal arguments. For that matter international boundary disputes and circumstances for understanding require more than legal or paper empowerment for stability. Historical circumstances and the will of a people will overpower laws made by an oppressive, incompetent or obsolete power sometimes. A paper pyric victory over a temporarily vulnerable power can lead to war.

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