
Will Trump Outlaw Conversion Therapy?

California outlawed conversion therapy for minors concerning homo and/or elective queer surgical changes to soft tissue anatomy. So the question arises of a possible Trump tit for tat banning conversion therapy for gas car owners thinking of swapping their gas engine and transmission for an electric engine

  When future archeologists examine the Bruce Jenner skeleton they will see the bones of a robust adult male. Future forensic auto mechanics will see an electric or gas motor, quite unlike soft tissue anatomy changes in gender conversions that disappear when the flesh is gone-perhaps cleaned by carnivores.

  Banning conversion therapy might halt truck owners with beds able to fit a 4×8 sheet of plywood in and close the tailgate from moving to electric after having decided against it. 

Some say California is a treasonous state flooding the nation with foreigners illegally to provide cheap labor for Democrats and subvert democracy ruled by citizens.  It would be a paradox if President Trump decides to ban conversion therapy to electric engines as California has regarding human anatomy.


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